Mifflin county planning commission. 7% structurally deficient (SD) deck area.

  • Mifflin county planning commission Approval of Meeting Minutes According to the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, the alternate member, Cyle Vogt, will be able to vote since all members are not present. According to the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, the alternate member, Cyle Vogt, will be able to vote since not all members are present. The following County Projects were discussed, including the estimated project costs and let date: Carryover Contract Work: SR 0022-721 (McVeytown to Strodes Mills) SR 1005-720 (Lewistown Borough) SR 3002-ST7 (Lewistown Borough) SR 3-17-PNT (Wayne Township) Thomas Lake Steve Dunkle, Mifflin County Commissioner Kay Semler Lauren Kershner, The Sentinel Neal Shawver Laura Simonetti, Mifflin County GIS Jim Spendiff Robert Postal, Mifflin County Commissioner Cyle Vogt Jim Laird, Laird Recreation & Land Planning Robert Thomas, Campbell Thomas & Co. Mifflin County Planning Commission . One consideration for Mifflin County is to prepare incentive packages for companies we want to come to our county. mifflin. With funding from the PA Chesapeake Bay Program we received a Community Clean Water Action Plan (CCWAP) Coordinator grant to act as the staff entity and coordinator of the multi-county CAP process. Arcadia Health Representatives . In doing so, it is the goal of the Planning Commission toensure Mifflin County’s future is characterized Mar 23, 2023 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING March 23, 2023 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE ATTENDANCE Members Other Kent Spicher, Chair Michelle Brummer, Gannett Fleming Dan Dunmire, Vice Chair Robert Postal, Commissioner Michele Bair, Secretary Kay Semler Dan Firth Dave Pennebaker County of Mifflin 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717-248-6733 Fax: 717-248-3695 Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday thru Friday County Comprehensive plan (2024) will begin next year but pre-planning will need to begin sooner (i. Trevor stated the MCC District and Mifflin County have been working on various plans (Watershed plans, Comprehensive plans, Water 4 days ago · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Thursday, December 19, 2024 3:30 p. **The County received revised plans dated February 21, 2017 on February 23, 2017 that corrected the calculation errors in the project The mission of the Mifflin County Planning Commission is to provide strategic, coordinated and objective guidance and oversight to the growth, planning and development activities of Mifflin County. Mifflin County Planning Commission Director Mark Colussy urged the Board of Mifflin County Commissioners during its regular meeting Thursday to open the second round of relief grants to small Planning Commission; Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) County of Mifflin 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717-248-6733 Fax: 717-248-3695 County of Mifflin 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717-248-6733 Fax: 717-248-3695 Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday thru Friday County of Mifflin 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717-248-6733 Fax: 717-248-3695 Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday thru Friday An important function of the Mifflin County Planning Commission and Planning and Development Department is the review and approval of subdivision and land development plans, as authorized by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC), Act 247 as amended. Mifflin County’s subdivision and land development review application, fee schedule and plan requirements can be obtained from the Mifflin County Planning and Develop-ment Department’s office or the website atment Ordinances. MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE . Measure the Candidates Night . Tri-County Regional Planning Commission (TCRPC) has contracted with HRG to prepare a CAP plan for four counties: Dauphin, Perry, Mifflin and Juniata. The second plan reviewed was Richard and Susan Henry. The CAFO permit is pending with DEP. All members voted aye. phase zero public outreach to get public input, workshops, building teams, ambassador program). As a follow-up, the school district and The Academy were invited to come to a Planning Commission meeting to discuss what is occurring. 247 as re-enacted and amended. Eighteen of those bridges are structurally deficient with 4. LEWISTOWN — During the Board of Commissioners’s Thursday meeting, Craig update. Jim Spendiff nominated Kay Semler to serve as Tiffany Brought, Planning Clerk Call to Order Kay Semler, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:33 p. The odor management plan was approved by the State Conservation Commission. This will be added to the comments as well. 20 North Wayne Street. The event featured keynote speaker Richard Vilello, deputy secretary of community affairs and development for the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, as well as Mifflin and Juniata already been done. and 8 p. The Mifflin County Conservation District has been working with Western Conservation Conservancy on a Growing Green Application. Members Other Dan Dunmire, Vice Chair Sierra Bolger, Lewistown Sentinel . at his/her own risk while this plan is being reviewed for ordinance compliance. Mr. Huntingdon County Commissioner Penn Street, Huntingdon, PA - 24. They were all built in the first half of the 19th Century and represent an interesting cross-section of the people and culture that was identified in Armagh Nov 22, 2024 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Thursday, November 22, 2024 3:30 p. According to the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, the alternate member, Cyle Vogt, will be able to vote since all members are not present. kishacoquillas creek watershed act 167 stormwater management plan County of Mifflin 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717-248-6733 Fax: 717-248-3695 Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday thru Friday Tiffany Brought, Planning Clerk Call to Order Kay Semler, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:30 p. For more information about the Planning and Development Departments activities, check out the Planning Commission Annual Report, a yearly summary of the Department's accomplishments or skim the Department's quarterly newsletter, Planning Developments. 9% SD decks currently. According to the County GIS files, some portion of this property appears to have hydric soils. Lewistown, PA 17044. There are 12 structurally Oct 28, 2023 · engineering design cost. County to form a team. Nov 30, 2023 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING November 30, 2023 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE ATTENDANCE Members Other Kent Spicher, Chairman Lucas Parkes, EADS Group (via zoom)Dan Dunmire, Vice Chair Sierra Bolger, Lewistown Sentinel David Pennepacker Joshua Yetter Clark Kay Semler Staff County of Mifflin 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717-248-6733 Fax: 717-248-3695 Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday thru Friday Apr 5, 2019 · MCVEYTOWN — The Mifflin County Planning Commission honored community advancement during the group’s 19th annual dinner, Thursday, at the Penn Valley Christian Retreat, McVeytown. In doing so, it is the goal of the Planning Commission to ensure Mifflin County’s future is characterized by a Jan 25, 2024 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING January 25, 2024 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE ATTENDANCE Members Other Dan Dunmire, Vice Chair Lucas Parkes, EADS Group David Pennepacker Joshua Yetter Clark William Campbell Kay Semler Thomas Lake Staff James Lettiere, Planning Director The mission of the Mifflin County Planning Commission is to provide strategic, coordinated and objective guidance and oversight to the growth, planning and development activities of Mifflin County. Fax. org. Mifflin County is a Tier 3 county. The award was presented jointly by the Mifflin County Commissioners and Planning Commission to Ronald Napikoski for his contributions to planning and improving the quality of life in Mifflin County. However, there are several calculation errors inthe square footage and acreage numbers. Coordinate and integrate plans for orderly growth, development and redevelopment of Mifflin County; Improve the social and economic climate and well being of the County; Encourage appropriate land use and the efficient use of fiscal resources through implementation of the County Comprehensive Plan; Oct 26, 2024 · Now, it will gain two new businesses, thanks to approvals made by county officials Thursday. Mark has been asked to developed a top five (5) focus The Planning Excellence Award recognizes an individual for contributions to planning related activities in the County. In doing so, it is the goal of the Planning Commission to ensure Mifflin County’s future is characterized by a Apr 25, 2024 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING April 25, 2024 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE ATTENDANCE Members Other Dave Dunmire, Vice Chair Katherine Wyrosdick, Michael Baker International David Pennebaker Troy Truax, Michael Baker International Kay Semler Stephen Dunkle, Mifflin County Commissioner Neal Shawver Lisa Nancollas, Mifflin County Commissioner Planning Commission. Dan Dunmire made the motion for Tom Lake to serve as Chair, which was seconded by Kent Spicher and unanimously approved. 3 acres. Soils . The Planning Excellence Award recognizes an individual for contributions to planning related activities in the County. Kay Semler Alan Miller Dan Firth Robert Postal, Commissioner mifflin county planning commission 20 north wayne street lewistown, pennsylvania 17044 (717) 242-0887 . ) semi-truck maintenance and repair facility along with an adjoining Jul 25, 2024 · The planning commission members, commissioners, and staff went over the purpose and intent, the timeline, and the engagement of the planning committee with the engineer. Right-of Way Widths opportunity to present your proposal to the Mifflin County Planning Commission and the Planning and Development Department staff. Library Board . Landowner Signature Date with the mission of the Mifflin County Planning Commission 1. The award is given annually to recognize the efforts and talents of an individual or organization to improve Planning Developments is published by the Mifflin County Planning and Development 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Planning Developments Mifflin County Planning and Development Department No. There is no narrative on the plan. 717-248-6733. Aug 24, 2023 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING August 24, 2023 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE ATTENDANCE Members Other Dan Dunmire, Vice Chair Sierra Bolger – The Sentinel William Campbell Jim Zubler – Lewistown, Inc Joshua Yetter Clark Steve Fallerkor Daniel Firth Brian Adams provide an update on the areas transportation plans. Mark explained that the Grant Application is designed that if the State looks at a Mifflin County’s application favorably and there are a few of the counties from Tier 3 & 4 that are asking for The mission of the Mifflin County Planning Commission is to provide strategic, coordinated and objective guidance and oversight to the growth, planning and development activities of Mifflin County. Meeting Room B AGENDA ITEMS PRESENTER ACTION REQUIRED 3:30 Call to Order Dan Dunmire None Sep 26, 2024 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING . Kevin P. Daniel Potutschnig, Administrative Director Dave Pennebaker Michael McMonigal, Supervisor of Adult & Post Dan Dunmire Secondary Education Don reviewed the priority targeted areas, which include the Mifflin County Industrial Park, Standard Steel and the US 322/Burnham interchange and would provide new service and/or expand existing service. Jan 24, 2020 · LEWISTOWN—The Mifflin County Planning Commission held its reorganization meeting Thursday afternoon at the Mifflin County Courthouse. *The Axis surveying representative provided revised plans dated July 19, 2017 and written responses. The award was presented jointly by the Mifflin County Commissioners and Planning Commission to Jim Tunall for his contributions to planning and improving the quality of life in Mifflin County. Mar 5, 2024 · I/ We authorize the Mifflin County Planning Commission, Planning and Development Department and any authorized agent of the Commission of the Department to visit /enter this property between 8 a. MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING February 24, 2022 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE – MEETING ROOM B ATTENDANCE Members Other Thomas Lake, Chair Jenny Landis – Visitor’s Bureau Cyle Vogt, Vice Chair Kent Spicher, Secretary Dan Firth Dave Pennebaker Kay Semler Michele Bair Jan 28, 2021 · As provided for in the Mifflin County Planning Commission Bylaws, Mark Colussy opened the floor for nominations of 2021 officers, including Commission Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. In doing so, it is the goal of the Planning Commission to ensure Mifflin County’s future is characterized by a healthy environment, Feb 23, 2023 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING February 23, 2023 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE ATTENDANCE Members Other Dan Dunmire, Vice Chair Jess King, District Conservationist Michele Bair, Secretary John Sepp, PennTerra Engineering, Inc. Further review also revealed the US 322/Milroy interchange, Pleasant Acres East and Freedom Avenue areasas other target investment areas. Consistent with the 2014 Mifflin County Comprehensive Plan (Visions for the 21st Century). , HRG Kay Semler Trevor Weaver, District Manager, MCCD MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Adopted January 23, 2003 Amended March 20, 2003 Amended February 16, 2006 by the MIFFLIN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS As provided for in the Mifflin County Planning Commission Bylaws, Bill Gomes opened the floor for nominations of 2020 officers, beginning with the Commission Chair. pa. MCIDC invested over $1 million in capital investments over the past year, which included many maintenance projects on various buildings. 6 miles. ATTENDANCE. The Board of Mifflin County Commissioners met for their Regular Meeting on Thursday, January 4, 2024 Mifflin County School District Update Jim Estep, Superintendent of Mifflin County School District, provided an update to the Planning Commission. In doing so, it is the goal of the Planning Commission to ensure Mifflin County’s future is characterized by a Jun 23, 2015 · 2, provided an annual transportation update at the Mifflin County Planning Commission. This will be presented by Planning Commission; Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) County of Mifflin 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717-248-6733 Fax: 717-248-3695 Oct 26, 2023 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING October 26, 2023 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE ATTENDANCE Members Other Kent Spicher, Chairman Robert Postal, Commissioner Dan Dunmire, Vice Chair Sierra Bolger, Lewistown Sentinel William Campbell Lucas Parkes, EADS Group Joshua Yetter Clark Kay Semler According to the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, the alternate member, Cyle Vogt, will be able to vote since all members are not present. Mifflin County Commissioners. Olga Levi, who represented the new owner was present during the September 26, 109 Mifflin County Planning Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Jim Spendiff. During its meeting, Mifflin County Planning Director Jim Lettiere presented the Planning Commission with seven plans under municipal ordinance: two minor subdivisions, one major subdivision, one lot addition and […] Granville Township Officials, with the help of the Mifflin County Planning Commission, will confer, advise and cooperate with the subdivider, but will not be able to do the work of preparing the subdivision plan. Two waiver requests were also submitted with this plan. Leverage other private or public dollars; 4. The Planning Commission recommended changes to provisions in the ordinance dealing with lot additions, sidewalks, non-residential lots, parking and landscaping standards, and final Contact Information. Planning\Community Development\CDBG\County\Application23\Call for Proposal Sep 28, 2023 · consultant via the subdivision land development review committee to the county commissioners. The sale occurred through the County's upset tax sale process on September 9, 2019. The Mifflin County Planning Commission held its annual dinner meeting on April 12, with approximately 85 people in attendance. Consistent under Act 13 of 2012; 2. Phone. Feb 22, 2024 · information pertaining to specific roadway and bridge projects for Mifflin County. Mifflin County Commissioners read a proclamation on Thursday recognizing Spendiff for his service. County of Mifflin 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717-248-6733 Fax: 717-248-3695 Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday thru Friday MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING November 17, 2022 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE ATTENDANCE Members Other Thomas Lake, Chairman (none) Dan Dunmire, Vice Chairman Michele Bair Dave Pennebaker Neal Shawver William Campbell Staff Mark Colussy, Planning Director the Mifflin County Planning Commission on November 21, 2019 Administrative The Mifflin County Planning Commission reviewed this parcel in May 2011 for the creation of lot 7, for a single family home served by on lot septic and a private well. Kay Semler On June 22, 2017, the Planning Commission voted to table this plan based upon the County’s comments, which included serious concerns of the right-of-way width. Hydric soils can indicate the presence of wetlands. CDBG Update Few departments had this type of information available. 61 June 2014 Inside this issue: County Plan Updated Flood Insurance—Biggert – Waters Act CDBG Updates Nov 2, 2023 · 2024 County Budget Meeting . The motion was seconded by Dan Dunmire. e. sponsored by the Appalachian Regional Commission and included the additional counties in SEDA-COG. The Planning Commission has 90 days to render a on September 3, 2019. Mark Colussy agreed that if Mifflin County moves into the Yellow Phase, 25 people can gather in one place, beyond the 10 in the red phase. In doing so, it is the goal of the Planning Commission to ensure Mifflin County’s future is characterized by a This plan was previously reviewed by the Mifflin County Planning Commission on January 26, 2017. Jim informed the Planning Commission that the total fund in the 2010 HOME Program need to be expended by the end of September 2016 and are on track to use the funds as awarded. Dec 27, 2018 · time, the addition of the mobile home met the definition of land development as defined in the Mifflin County . Sep 4, 2020 · Mifflin County Planning Director Mark Colussy accepts a proclamation on behalf of planning commission member James Spendiff. Planning Developments is published quartlery by the Mifflin County Planning and Development 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Planning Developments Mifflin County Planning and Development Department No. Oct 30, 2020 · LEWISTOWN — Mifflin County rolled out a second round of CARES Act Fund grants, expanding application guidelines to offer assistance to more entities. Some of the larger counties that HRG, Inc. The mission of the Mifflin County Planning Commission is to provide strategic, coordinated and objective guidance and oversight to the growth, planning and development activities of Mifflin County. m. The brochure, A Guide to Subdivision and Land Development in Mifflin County, was designed, reviewed by the Planning Commission’s Subdivision and Land Development Review Committee, and completed in the fall of 2005. 5 acres. Michael stated that District 2 covers nine counties. co. 4 miles. She was the 2014 president of the Ohio Government Finance Officers Association and a member of the education committee. 65 January 2018 Aug 25, 2022 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING August 25, 2022 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE – MEETING ROOM B ATTENDANCE Members Other Thomas Lake, Chair Rob Postal - Commissioner Dan Dunmire, Vice Chair Kent Spicher, Secretary Dave Pennebaker Kay Semler Neal Shawver Bill welcomed Jason Cunningham and Cyle Vogt as the newest members of the Planning Commission. Mifflin Juniata United Way Board . Meeting Room B AGENDA ITEMS PRESENTER ACTION REQUIRED 3:30 Call to Order Kent Spicher None Jim Lettiere presented a CDBG update to the Planning Commission. f. Valley View Anniversary Celebration . Aug 22, 2024 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING August 22, 2024 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE ATTENDANCE Members Other Dan Dunmire, Vice Chair Vance Varner, MCSD Superintendent Joshua Yetter Clark Kevin Kodish, Commissioner Kay Semler Lucas Parkes, EADS Group As provided for in the Mifflin County Planning Commission Bylaws, Bill Gomes opened the floor for nominations of 2019 officers, beginning with the Commission Chair. David Pennebaker Joe Burget, Burget & Associates (via zoom) Joshua Yetter Clark Jeff Deegan, Stahl Sheaffer Engineering . May 23, 2024 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING May 23, 2024 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE ATTENDANCE Members Other Kent Spicher, Chair Erika Coover, Wildlife Biologist I, PA Game Commission Dave Dunmire, Vice Chair Laura Lettiere Daniel Firth Jun 22, 2023 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING June 22, 2023 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE ATTENDANCE Members Other Kent Spicher, Chair Ted Reed – Wayne Township Dan Dunmire, Vice Chair Mary Ellen Reed – Wayne Township Michele Bair, Secretary Chastity Fultz - CDBG Nick Felice, President of MCIDC, provided an annual economic update of Mifflin County. These hearings, along with information from SEDA-COG, help the STC decide the projects to place on the State Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). 3. The purpose of the subdivision was to create a lot consisting of 150. 28 . The motion was seconded by Neal Shawver. Commissioner Postal: Tri-County Drug and Alcohol . Mifflin County School District and The Acade my Update Bill Gomes, Dan Dunmire and Kay Semler recently met with Jim Estep regarding issues that arose at the Housing Summit last fall regarding education. Center County Commissioner Benner Road, Bellefonte, PA - 23. MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 27, 2021 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE – MEETING ROOM A AND VIA ZOOM, HYBRID MEETING ATTENDANCE Other Members Dave Gibbons, Owner, Centre WISP Broadband Thomas Lake, Chair Brad Kerstetter, J. Karen stated that PennDOT has been maintaining State owned bridges and roads in Mifflin County for several years. 0 miles Bailey Coder - Mifflin County Conservation District Mark Colussy - formerly with Mifflin County Planning Commission Jim Coslo - Centre County Conservation District John Dawes – Formerly with Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds Branden Diehl - Earth Wise Consulting/Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds Chelsey Ergler – Blair County . Natural Gas Cooperative Update Apr 27, 2023 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING April 27, 2023 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE ATTENDANCE Members Other Kent Spicher, Chair Lucas Parkes, EADS Group Dan Dunmire, Vice Chair Robert Postal, Commissioner Michele Bair, Secretary Kay Semler Dave Pennebaker William Campbell Feb 25, 2021 · Dan Firth Rob Postal, Mifflin County Commissioner Dave Pennebaker Cody Wian, Mifflin County Wireless Kay Semler Michelle Bair Neal Shawver, Secretary Robert Nulton Staff Mark Colussy, Director Candace Rager, Secretary Call to Order Dan Dunmire called the meeting to order at 3:35 p. Chair: Mark Young (570) 759-9509 Vice-Chair: David Erdman (570) 752-7350 Planning Commission Resources Subdivision & Land Development OrdinanceSLDO Plan Processing ProcedureSLDO ChecklistSLDO Application & FormsSLDO Fee Schedule ResolutionSLDO Fee ScheduleSee More The Mifflin County Historic Courthouse was rededicated on September 19, 2004, the 215th anniversary of the creation of Mifflin County. MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING January 27, 2022 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE – MEETING ROOM B ATTENDANCE Members Other Thomas Lake, Chair Vance Varner – Superintendent, MCSD Cyle Vogt, Vice Chair Kevin O’Donnell – CAO, MCSD Kent Spicher, Secretary Dan Dunmire Dan Firth This was considered to be acceptable at the Mifflin County Planning Commission meeting on Thursday, February 16, 2017. Planning Daniel Firth Bill Gomes Dave Pennebaker Kay Semler contact the Mifflin County Assessment Office for more information. Staff Douglas Maisey, Campbell Thomas & Co. In doing so, it is the goal of the Planning Commission to ensure Mifflin County’s future is characterized County of Mifflin 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717-248-6733 Fax: 717-248-3695 Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday thru Friday Lewistown Borough for their collaborative effort with Mifflin County and the Mifflin County Parks and Recreation Council to improve the quality of life for residents of Mifflin County. 717-248-3695. Attendees included the Commission-ers of Mifflin County, municipal officials, local planning commission members, and individuals from local busi-nesses, organizations and various engineering firms. PennDOT recently replaced bridges in Brown Township on State Route 1005 over Tea Creek, for Jim received updated comments and these were shared with the Planning Commission. 5 miles of roadway and 184 state owned bridges. Ms. Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance and Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (PA-MPC) Act of 1968, P. September 26, 2024 . The waiver requests included property boundary information for the entire The mission of the Mifflin County Planning Commission is to provide strategic, coordinated and objective guidance and oversight to the growth, planning and development activities of Mifflin County. The second award was presented by the Planning Commission to the Monument Square Bus Shelter recognizing Rhonda Moore in Mifflin County project area but will definitely have an impact on the county. Zurat explained that Mifflin County is part of PennDOT District 2 -0, which is composed of nine counties and is geographically the size of the state of New Jersey. This is significant because Mifflin County sits in the metropolitan planning organization for the SEDA-COG region and nine (9) of the eleven (11) counties have an active transportation plan, specifically called, the Susquehanna Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. Incentives include training, talent, and broadband among others. The plan involved a 557 unit traditional neighborhood development master plan, consisting of plan for Mifflin County. Township Annual Banquet Jul 27, 2023 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING July 27, 2023 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE ATTENDANCE Members Other Roger Watson, NAVTech Surveying & EngineeringKent Spicher, Chair William Campbell Joshua Yetter Clark Tom Lake Dave Pennebaker Kay Semler Staff Carrianne Love, Planning Director Planning Commission; Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) County of Mifflin 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717-248-6733 Fax: 717-248-3695 Aug 25, 2024 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING August 25, 2022 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE – MEETING ROOM B ATTENDANCE Members Other Thomas Lake, Chair Rob Postal - Commissioner Dan Dunmire, Vice Chair Kent Spicher, Secretary Dave Pennebaker Kay Semler Neal Shawver May 25, 2023 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING May 25, 2023 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE ATTENDANCE Members Other Kent Spicher, Chair Lucas Parkes, EADS Group Kay Semler Mike Buffington Dave Pennebaker William Campbell Joshua Yetter Clark Tom Lake Staff Carrianne Love, Planning Director The four historic structures identified in the Mifflin County Planning Commission's book entitled "Historic Sites Survey, Mifflin County, PA" are located in and around the town of Milroy. Mifflin County just received marching order to develop our plan and have submitted by September of 2021. C. Mark explained that the Grant Application is designed that if the State looks at a Mifflin County’s application favorably and there are a few of the counties from Tier 3 & 4 that are asking for Jan 4, 2024 · Lewistown, PA January 4, 2024 . The charts, maps, and graphs show a priority list, the project type, location, total TIP programmed amount, and projected start/completion dates. Since 2005, PennDOT has focused on bridges. Mifflin County has 271. Processes put in place to vet the groups for understanding what their important factors are and then build a vehicle to get continued public input. Mifflin County contains 271. National Flood Insurance Program Update Marita Kelley, Deputy Executive Director of DCED’s Center for Local Government Services provided an update Feb 25, 2016 · Jim Spendiff Lisa Nancollas, Mifflin County Commissioner Michelle Bair Kevin Kodish, Mifflin County Commissioner Neal Shawver Brad Kerstetter, Juniata County Planning Dave Pennebaker Lincoln Kaufman, Snyder County Planning Tom Lake Deborah Bargo, Mayor of Lewistown Kent Spicher Mark Colussy, Huntingdon County Planning Some notices include a lot of details while others do not. Kay Throughout her term in office, she has served in all capacities with the Franklin County Township Association. This summer, the school district plans to begin a two-phase project on facilities to complete an energy savings contract with The McClure Company. The Mifflin County Planning Commission's mission is to provide strategic, coordinated, and objective guidance and oversight to the growth, planning, and development activities of Mifflin County. These ordinances require www. The next meeting will be held in mid-August to discuss the public participation process to move forward. Moist remainder is Lot 1, of +/- 50. Zurat said that Mifflin County is situated in District 2-0, which contains 3,500 miles of roadway and 2,500 state owned bridges. Attendees included Mifflin County Commissioners, municipal officials, State Representatives, and individu-als from local businesses, organiza-tions and various engineering firms. It is important to create a planning advisory committee which includes a representative from all of the municipalities, key stakeholders, planning commission, and other local citizens. Implement other plans such as: a. Juniata County Commissioner North Main Street, Mifflintown, PA - 9. Jun 27, 2024 · report will be ready at the end of the month and presented to the county commissioners for discussion and consideration for adoption. Prison Board . There was a handout provided with detailed information. Mifflin County has 3. Kay Jun 27, 2024 · report will be ready at the end of the month and presented to the county commissioners for discussion and consideration for adoption. Please contact me if you have any questions about this process at (717) 242-0887 or by e-mail at cfultz@mifflinco. Plan Review @ 3:30 PM County HolidayPlan Submissions by 4:00 PM Planning Commission @ 3:30 PM —Offices Closed Mifflin County Planning Commission—2024 Calendar Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat A question was posed by Michelle Bair if we could move future Planning Commission Meetings from Meeting Room B to Meeting Room A, which is larger, and more able to social-distance. The hydric soils information should be shown on the plan. Adjournment Tom Lake adjourned the meeting at 4:44 p. 805 No. Kay Semler made the motion for Thomas Lake to serve as Chair, which was seconded by Neal Shawver, with all voting in favor. The CAFO determination was partially dependent upon the nutrient plan. the comments will be addressed at the Derry Township Planning Commission. 1 annual transportation update at the Mifflin County Planning Commission. Planning Commission; Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) County of Mifflin 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717-248-6733 Fax: 717-248-3695 County of Mifflin 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717-248-6733 Fax: 717-248-3695 Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday thru Friday Mifflin Township's Planning Commission meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Township Building. County Greenway, Open Space and Rural Recreation Plan The mission of the Mifflin County Planning Commission is to provide strategic, coordinated and objective guidance and oversight to the growth, planning and development activities of Mifflin County. Currently, the district is at a level of 6. The hearing for the SEDA-COG area, which includes Mifflin County, was held in State College on September 1, 2005. 89% of the bridges structurally deficient by deck area. Major work will focus on Lewistown Intermediate School, provide an update on the areas transportation plans. In 2003, she represented the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission as chair, and served on several of MORPC’s boards. 7% structurally deficient (SD) deck area. The plan proposes to create Lot Addition A to be added onto Lot A. JVBDS Executive Meeting . Salary Board . There are 12 structurally Mifflin County School District Update Jim Estep, Superintendent of Mifflin County School District, provided an update to the Planning Commission. Lettiere stated the by-laws of the planning commission require an attendance report by the chairman to the county commissioners regarding consideration for termination due to lack of attendance. The Mifflin County Planning Commission reviewed a land development plan on May 25, 2017. 7 local planning commission members, The Mifflin County Planning Commission held its annual dinner meeting on April 9, 2015 with ap-proximately 85 people in attendance. Also included is a MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING June 23, 2022 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE – MEETING ROOM B ATTENDANCE Members Other Thomas Lake, Chair Rob Postal, Commissioner Dan Dunmire, Vice-Chair Patrick Ward, Buchart Horn Kent Spicher, Secretary Travis Parkes, EADS Group The State Transportation Commission (STC) holds a series of hearings every two years. Once targeted MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING November 18, 2021 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE – MEETING ROOM A ATTENDANCE Members Other Thomas Lake, Chair Dr. However, it appears the project consists of the construction of an 8,694 square foot building with 60, 9 foot by 18 foot parking spaces located on asphalt paving. All comments marked with an asterisk represents Axis's responses. has worked with have completed this process and MC is following their models. Juniata County Planning Commission’s Purpose. MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING September 23, 2021 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE – MEETING ROOM A ATTENDANCE Members Other Thomas Lake, Chair Jeffrey McCauley – 911 National Memorial Trail Dave Pennebaker Brooke Crouse – The Sentinel Dan Dunmire Implementation Plan (WIP) for the Chesapeake Bay Cleanup, which are to be in place by 2025. Kodish; Noah Wise MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING July 22, 2021 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE – MEETING ROOM A AND VIA ZOOM, HYBRID MEETING ATTENDANCE Members Other Thomas Lake, Chair Erin Letavic, Project Mgr. Approximately 120 people attended the reception sponsored by the County Commissioners, the Mifflin County Historical Society, the Juniata Valley Area Chamber of Commerce, the Juniata River Valley Visitors Bureau MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING August 26, 2021 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE – MEETING ROOM A ATTENDANCE Members Other Thomas Lake, Chair Kim Wheeler – Executive Director-SEDACOG Dave Pennebaker Bill Sarge – Sarge Engineering & Surveying Dan Dunmire The Mifflin County Planning Commission later determined that additional revisions would be appropriate to address increased development activity within the County. The residual tract, Lot 1, has an existing residence with no new development proposed. This parcel was part of a lot addition subdivision reviewed by the Mifflin County Planning Commission on August 23, 2018. At least one potential project was identified in each county and discussed with county stakeholders. This project involves the construction of a 24’ x 100’ (2,400 s. Approval of Meeting Minutes Jim Spendiff made a motion to approve the minutes from the January meeting. Moist, Mifflin County Tax Parcel 13,01-0118. There was no further discussion of the plan. Members of the commission voted for reorganization of the chairman, vice chairman and secretary positions. The Mifflin County Planning Commission's mission is to provide strategic, coordinated, and objective guidance and oversight to the growth, planning, and development activities of Mifflin County. 30 . Approval of Meeting Minutes Bingaman, Mifflin County Tax Parcel 13,01-0118E, from the land of Donald J. via hybrid meeting both in person and via Zoom. There are currently 29 drafted TIP projects slated for Mifflin County with a cost programmed at $49 million dollars. In Mifflin County, the Milroy interchange area of US 322 was initially targeted as an investment area. Approval of Meeting Minutes Jim Spendiff made a motion to approve the minutes from the October meeting. Through its activities and those provided by the Mifflin County Planning Department, the Juniata County Planning Commission’s purpose is to: Provide the orderly growth, development and redevelopment of Juniata County in accordance with the long-term objectives, principles and standards in the Mar 28, 2024 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING March 28, 2024 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE ATTENDANCE Members Other Kent Spicher, Chair Trevor Weaver, MC Conservation District David Pennepacker Robert Postal, Commissioner This parcel was reviewed by the Mifflin County Planning and Development Department on June 25, 2009 and March 25, 2010. Jim Spendiff made the motion for Kay Semler to continue serving as Chair, which was seconded by Neal Shawver and unanimously approved. us. MCIDC has 24 tenants in the Plaza Buildings and two tenants in the Business Center Buildings. L. Major work will focus on Lewistown Intermediate School, Oct 28, 2023 · engineering design cost. There is a proposed budgeted amount of $150,000 for the project. The current Mifflin County economic structure is manufacturing, healthcare and retail. Bill asked for nominations for the position of Chairman. Approval of Meeting Minutes Dan Dunmire made a motion to approve the minutes from the September meeting. In doing so, it is the goal of the Planning Commission to ensure Mifflin County’s future is characterized by a The nutrient management plan was approved by the Mifflin County Conservation District on September 19th. The Donald J. planning. The Mifflin County Planning Commission's Solicitor provided · Review fees payable to the Mifflin County Planning Commission. jigkswq iytir kac nnfq ndv iiwqse xsrm hqmkb tqb eedcla