Usps overtime desired list rules Fulltime career employees will be able to - sign up on an Overtime Desired List (ODL) prior to the beginning of each quarter. and RDruckus under the 7:01 rule unless they have completed their routes and cannot be assigned to any available work in the same wage level. A copy of the work schedule for the [Station/Post Office] covering the following week(s) [dates]****. GMF, Registry, Automated Flats and Letters. 7 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/Metadata 286 0 R/ViewerPreferences 287 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/Font >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI the overtime desired list (ODL) is one of the exceptions to the seniority rules. Remedy issues are remanded to the parties in Employees on the ‘Overtime Desired’ list: 1. Evidence introduced by the Postal Service demonstrates that, apart from overtime hours worked on their assigned routes, Carriers Schwarz and Grievant received the same number of opportunities during the quarter at issue, namely 16 each. Carriers may sign a list or switch between lists only during the two weeks prior to the beginning of the calendar quarter. A). Overtime pay for MHAs is to "Overtime Desired" list or the "Work Assignment" list during the two weeks prior to the start the calendar quarter, and their names shall remain on the list until such time as they remove their names from the list. Local management at all delivery units must reemphasize to all city letter carriers that they must apprise their supervisor of their desire to clock out prior to completion of a full 8-hour workday, Article 8. On the expiration of Item 14 Page 6 Overtime desired list Item 15 Page 6 Light duty assignments - number Item 16 Page 6 Light duty assignments - method the seniority list for that round. Not even those on the overtime list can be mandated over 12 hours. Future lists will be established during the same . D. A. Tour 3 2. Many times the Union is not made aware unless the aggrieved Clerk notifies the Union. [Emphasis Added] Carrier Technicians on the Work Assignment List are considered available for overtime on any of the routes on their string. PENALTY OVERTIME PAY This rate is paid at the rate of 2 times the basic hourly straight-time rate, excluding the month of December. It appears management officials in many USPS offices across the country are using My question is, how much time do they have to notify you regarding potential unscheduled overtime for non desired list employees? I know at the processing plant, they have to give you 1 hour warning, which I was obviously not given. If a carrier works more than 2,240 hours within the guarantee period, the agreement under FLSA section 7(b)(2) is considered void, and the carrier must be compensated for all hours worked during the If you are not on any Overtime Desired List (OTDL) and it is your regularly scheduled day you should not be required to work overtime unless the following occurs: Note: If management violates the above rules and instructs or gives you a direct order to work overtime on a regularly scheduled day or non scheduled day( whichever is applicable "A letter carrier may request that his/her name be removed from an Overtime Desired List at any time during the quarter. Employees ON the ‘Overtime Desired’ list: You can only join the OT list at the beginning of each quarter. This language really says two things: 1. USPS Overtime Desired List rules APWU pdf. Employees on the “Overtime Desired” list: Quarterly overtime desired list will offer employees who desire to work up to ten (10) hours, ten (10+) and/or 6th day. Regular on route works 8. In a decision issued Nov. FTR in a NTFT Duty Assignment: Overtime pay will be in accor-dance with the Overtime Rules for NTFT Duty Assignments MOU. However, these work limits do not apply to full-time employees on the ODL or WAL during the penalty overtime exclusion period. "Notice: Employees placing their name on the overtime desired list will be expected to work overtime when requested by management. list. 5G OVERTIME WORK FOR MHAS MHAs shall be paid overtime for work performed in excess of eight (8) hours on duty in any one service day or forty (40) hours in any one service week. You can not go from OT to work assignment, you can only go from OT list to 8 hour list. 3. Overtime assignments will be consistent with the National Agreement, Article 8. G. to protect the property of the USPS. Everyone else, CCA’s, ptf, and regulars not on the otdl are not allowed to work past 12/60 USPS-APWU Joint Contract Interpretation Manual November 2005 Summary of Changes, page 1 requirements Article 10, page 5 Article 10. . 10) • excessing by grade (p. Tour 1 b. G provides that employees on the overtime desired list (ODL) or work assignment list (WAL) may be required to work up to 12 hours per day and 60 hours per week, except during the penalty overtime exclusion period. 1. In order to insure equitable opportunities for overtime hours worked and opportunities Copy of the overtime desired list for the [Station/Post Office] for the [quarter]. In emergencies or as the needs of the service require, the postmaster or installation head may require employees to perform work that is in excess of 8 paid hours in a day or 40 paid hours Letter carriers signing the Overtime Desired List who prefer to work in excess of 10 hours on a scheduled day up to the maximum of 12 hours on a scheduled day should indicate Overtime Desired Lists will be established also based on Begin Tour (BT), End Tour (ET), Scheduled Days Off (SDO's) and an opportunity to work beyond ten hours. 32 rules for all other letter carriers more clearly. ” B. Copies of all PS Forms 3996 submitted by letter carriers at the [Station/Post Office] on [date]. Reactions: Deleted member 1955 , oi veh. NTFT assignments are not allowed in Function 1 Mail Processing. G of the National Agreement states: Full-time employees not on the “Overtime Desired” list may be required to work overtime only if all available employees on the “Overtime Desired” list have worked up to twelve (12) hours in a day or sixty (60) hours in a service week. If you take overtime without filling out a 3996, or calling, you may get disciplined for unauthorized overtime. FTR & PTF: Overtime is paid for work performed after 8 hours on duty in a service day, or 40 hours in a service week. f. " beyond these restrictions and that Managemnt would not violate Article 8 by granting the Those carriers are paid overtime for all hours actually worked in excess of 2,080, up to 2,240, within the 52-consecutive-week guarantee period. Nor can they change your rest days Item 14: WHETHER “OVERTIME DESIRED” LISTS IN ARTICLE 8 SHALL BE BY SECTION AND/OR TOUR 1. List or non list. D says “If the voluntary Overtime Desired List does not provide sufficient qualified people, qualified full-time regular employees not on the list may be required to work overtime on a rotating basis with the first opportunity assigned to the junior employee. CBA Article 8 has 2. Enjoy smart fillable fields and MarkC -- "I just turned regular on 01/02/2021. lew drass . It’s in the contract 8. • Employees in NTFT duty assignments will be eligible to sign the Overtime Desired List(s). The matters presented by you as well as the applicable contractual provisions have been reviewed and given careful consideration. Statements by your supervisor such as, “This is your dem-onstrated performance,” and, “You are not making standards,” are not legiti- The questions raised in this grievance involved whether management is required to specify the amount of overtime to be worked, and whether proper notification was given prior to scheduling overtime. Overtime desired lists for clerical employees will be administered by tour. The language now states: SECTION 8. -- Rurals deal with the RDWL = Relief Day Work List-- Article 8. The "Letter Carrier Paragraph referenced in JCAM 8-14, states that management is required to use auxiliary assistance before requiring a carrier not on the overtime desired list or work assignment list to work overtime on their own route on a regularly scheduled day. Exceptions may be approved by management in exceptional cases (e. Before requiring a non-ODL carrier to work overtime on a non-scheduled day or off his/her own assignment on a regularly scheduled day, management must seek to use a carrier from the ODL, even if the ODL carrier would be working penalty overtime. Where did you get the idea that the 10 hour list isn't real. PSE overtime is covered under a special agreement between APWU and USPS Management dated 06/13/18. G applies only to full-time em- ployees on the overtime desired list. Overtime worked by a Carrier Technician on the Overtime Desired List on the specific route to which properly assigned on a given day, is not counted or considered in determining whether Mandatory Overtime: One purpose of the Overtime Desired List is to excuse full-time carriers not wishing to work overtime from having to work overtime. Three days after the completion of the second round, vacation requests from all names on either the overtime desired list or work assignment list for the fourth quarter of the 2014, April 1, 2015, May 20, 2016, or 2016-2019 and 2019-2023 NALC-USPS National Agreements, Memoranda of Understanding Re: Signing Overtime Lists, On the expiration of this agreement, such previously No. Carriers may remove their name from the overtime desired list at any time during the quarter. A), and each new list shall supersede the . USPS 12 Hour Rule In 2022. ). While you can’t control where your mail will go each It’s called mandatory OT. This is an unofficial forum for USPS employees, customers, and anyone else to discuss the USPS and USPS related topics. FTR: Is paid at this rate when they work overtime on more than 4 of the employee's 5 scheduled days in a service week; Go to USPS r/USPS • by So i was told that in December the 11. The penalty overtime exclusion period for calendar year 2022 will be Dec. 3 through Dec. 0 hours. this memorandum of understanding (MOU). You don't assign 2 hours of OT to an OTDL regular carrier when CCA's are available for instance. a. taking annual leave No one can be mandated over 12 hours except for those on the Overtime Desired List during holiday season, period. . SECTION 3. The contract does not allow for this! The overtime desired list (OTDL) still must be used before these assistants are used and COVID-19 absences must be occurring. PENALTY OVERTIME PAY . 1. You can get off the OT list anytime within 24 hours notice. Similarly, since letter carriers on the Work Assignment List working on a holiday or designated holiday are consid-ered to be working on their scheduled day, they should be assigned overtime on their own assignments as required It further provides that the 12/60 hour restrictions do not apply to employees on the Overtime Desired List during the month of December. labor and management do not understand what types of overtime scheduling situations would constitute contract violations and which situations would not. Overtime shall be paid to employees for work performed only after eight (8) hours on duty in any one service day or forty (40) hours in any one service week. if there is a better way for carriers to track that, i don't know it. The United States Postal Service, the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO, and the National Association of Letter Carriers, AFL-CIO, hereby agree to resolve the following issues which remain in dispute and arise from the application of the overtime and holiday provisions of Articles 8 and 11 of the 1984 and 1987 National Agreements. It’s hard to say because you also have to factor in you LMOU and look at past practices in your station The rule applies to all USPS employees. Employees on the Overtime Desired List: may be required to work up to twelve (12) hours in 5. 12 hours for off assignment overtime. First, it is wrongly assumed by some letter Carriers that Management may never require a non-OTDL Carrier to do overtime. Statement on Overtime when they allowed Letter Carrier _____ to sign the Overtime Desired List after the start of the quarter, and if so, what should the remedy be? Did Management violate Article 8, Section 5. This list will be established within thirty (30) days of the effective date of . 4. These NTFT employees will receive postal overtime for Should the ot list be posted where carriers can see it? In our office it is kept hidden by the supervisor. Thanks in advance. The "Overtime Desired List" shall be established by Section and Tour, taking into consideration the skills required. It is too late to sign up for the list now. L) two weeks prior to each quarter. , anniversaries, birthdays, illness, deaths, etc. Get access to thousands of forms. In addition, Myles testified that he keeps track of the number of hours each carrier on the overtime desired list has worked during the quarter, and assigns the next available overtime opportunity to the carrier with the 443 Overtime Pay 443. Employees in NTFT duty assignments will be eligible to sign the Overtime Desired List(s). tions for full-time employees and the ELM, Section 432. Employees on the "Overtime Desired" list: Sundays and holidays. He maintains a list of opportunities offered, which is regularly posted. G. Another example: A change of three (3) hours from 7:00 am to 10:00 am, followed by a subsequent overtime desired list prior to utilizing MHAs on overtime. The ELM in Any extra OT on this route is given to the Force List by Juniority. Full-time employees not on the ‘Overtime Desired’ list may be required to work overtime only if all available employees on the ‘Overtime Desired’ list have worked up to twelve (12) hours in a day or sixty (60) hours in a service week. Postal Service uses overtime to provide flexibility and meet its operational requirements. #postal #postal #mailman #otdl #overtime I would like to review the overtime provisions of Article 8 to help clarify when and if Management may force a Letter Carrier not on the overtime desired list to do overtime. Mandatory Overtime: One purpose of the Overtime Desired List is to excuse full-time carriers not wishing to work overtime from having to work overtime. G of the National Agreement, which provides the following. Mandatory overtime list. Employ- ees on the “Overtime Desired” list: I am confused about the contract and the ODL. That means you will do your route plus overtime on other routes. ” work? 2020. The parties agree further to remand those Overtime Desired Lists (ODLs) to be used for selection of employees for overtime. g. 19, 2013, Arbitrator Shyam Das sustained the APWU’s position that full-time employees on the Overtime Desired List (OTDL) must be scheduled for overtime ahead of casual employees on overtime, even if the OTDL employees would earn penalty pay. 1 and 10. 32 Maximum Hours Allowed Except as designated in labor agreements for bargaining unit employees or in emergency situations as determined by the postmaster general (or designee), employees may not be required to work more than 12 hours RELIEF DAY WORK LIST: (Article 8. Always list the circumstances that will prevent you from finishing your assignment in eight hours on PS Form 3996 as explained above. Our respective case files indicate that the local office did not have any I would like to review the overtime provisions of Article 8 to help clarify when and if Management may force a Letter Carrier not on the overtime desired list to do overtime. Overtime built into a NTFT duty assignment (exceeding 40 hours in a week) is FLSA SECTION 2. National Arbitrator Mittenthal ruled June 9, 1986 (C-06238), that the 12/60-hour limits are absolutes—a full-time employee may neither volunteer nor be required to work beyond on the overtime desired list have the option of ac-cepting or refusing work over eight hours on a non-scheduled day, work over six days in a service week, selected for overtime pursuant to the overtime distribution rules "may volunteer to work. 1 through 5 above or when the duties are included in the supervisor’s position description. Employee Parking (Item 19) If Overtime Desired List (ODL) prior to the beginning of each quarter. Full-Time Flexibles will sign a separate overtime desired list. Full-time career Clerk Craft and Motor Vehicle Craft employees who are not on the Overtime Desired List and are in the same facility with employees working in NTFT duty assignments ofless than 40 hours in the same Functional area and overtime section(s), as defined in the Local that employees on the overtime desired list be afforded an equal number of opportunities for overtime, not an equal number of hours. Article 8, Section 5. D which provides: If the voluntary “Overtime Desired” list does not provide sufficient qualified people, qualified full-time regular em-ployees not on the list may be required to work overtime on Section 5. Maximum Hours—60 Hour Limit. Employee Parking (Item 19) If available and authorized by the installation head, non-designated vehicle parking spaces may be utilized by APWU bargaining unit employees, on a first come, OVERTIME RULES FOR NON-TRADITIONAL FULL-TIME (NTFT) DUTY ASSIGNMENTS I. Full-time employees not on the “Overtime Desired” list may be required to work overtime only if all available employ- ees on the “Overtime Desired” list have worked up to twelve (12) hours in a day or sixty (60) hours in a service week. Overtime pay is to be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1 ½) times the base hourly straight-time rate. G provides that employees on the overtime desired list (ODL) or work assignment list (WAL) may be required to work up to 12 hours per day and 60 hours per week, except during 9. %PDF-1. director, city delivery . Employ- ees on the “Overtime Desired” list: The penalty overtime exclusion period for calendar year 2022 will be Dec. The ruling was issued in response to a 2007 national-level dispute initiated by the Postal Service. Issue 22-01 February/March 2022 . Any additional on this route is given to PTFs, regulars or casuals on straight time. All overtime worked and opportunities offered to em-ployees on the overtime desired list, regardless of whether the overtime/opportunity was on or off the employee’s own route, will Section 5. They can make you run parcels all day, they can make you do clerk work, they can make you do rural routes, they can make you mow the lawn, they can make you sweep the floor, they can make you empty the garbage can, they can make you drive outgoing Overtime Desired List (ODL) prior to the beginning of each quarter. Employ-ees on the “Overtime Desired” list: names on either the overtime desired list or work assignment list for the second quarter of the 2014, April 1, 2015, May 20, 2016, or 2016-2019 NALC-USPS National Agreement, Memoranda of Understanding Re: Signing Overtime Lists. G provides that full-time employees on the Over-time Desired List (ODL) or Work Assignment List may be Roberts Rules of Order: BlueGreen Alliance : Temporary Schedule Changes : Posted On: Nov 01, 2010 : USPS Using Temporary Schedule Changes To Avoid Paying Employees Overtime. A third (3rd) Desired List will be created for daily overtime. 0 hours that day, unless it is the 5th day of OT. Additional comment actions. 10. I would like to review the overtime provisions of Article 8 to help clarify when and if Management may forc The collective bargaining agreement creates exceptions to the general rule established under ELM 432. The names of carriers listed for the “Overtime Desired List” will be limited to a Zip Code within a Station or Branch to which he/she is regularly assigned. The lists are estab-lished at the local level through local negotiations. Only otdl can work more than 12/60 during December. Rural carrier overtime list 2024. To aid in efficiently managing overtime, the Postal Service implemented the Overtime Administration System (OT Admin) – a web-based application intended to assist managers and supervisors in administering and tracking overtime for craft employees while Employees on the “Overtime Desired” list: 1. WE ARE NOT USPS CUSTOMER SERVICE - CUSTOMER SUPPORT QUESTIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED - please seek assistance from the US Postal Service for all package inquiries. Click here to read. Full-time employees not on the “Overtime Desired “ list may be required to work OVERTIME ASSIGNMENTS A. Overtime desired The issue in this case is whether management violated Article 8, Section 5, by assigning overtime work in the maintenance craft to a clerk not on the overtime desired list. President Director, Industrial Relations It's in the JCAMmandatory OT forced by juniority, rotated by calendar quarter, but may seek volunteers first. Apr 27, 2017 #3 Yes it is posted on a bulletin board. Non-Traditional Full-time (NTFT) duty assignments are those that have weekly schedules of 30-48 hours (see JCIM, Article 7. It covers cases of improper bypass, make-up overtime, and information request for OTDL employees. F); and If they dont have help, they will authorize your overtime. However, management does not have to immediately honor the request if the employee is needed for overtime on the day the request is made. "Normally, employees on the overtime desired list who don’t want to work more than 10 hours a day or 56 hours a week shall not be required to do so as long as employees who do want to work more than 10 hours a day or 56 hours a week are available to do the needed work 7901 Oakport Street, Suite 2300 Oakland, CA 94621 -2015 Phone: (510) 635-8497 Fax: (510) 635-8782 Email: oaklandlocal78@oakapwu78. 8 & 52-57) additional excessing issues • limited and light duty (p. this general rule. D. The FLSA provides that the Postal Service must pay an employee covered by the overtime provisions of the Act (also known as an FLSA-nonexempt employee) at one and one-half times the employee’s regular rate for all hours of actual work in excess of 40 hours in any FLSA workweek. Full-time letter carriers, including full-time flexibles, who want to work overtime may place their names on either the Overtime Desired List (ODL) or the Work Assignment List, but not both. Overtime Desired Lists (Item 14) Overtime Desired List (OTDL) shall be established in accordance with Article 8 of the 2015 National Agreement. 10) bargained for overtime desired list (ODL) employees as follows: Full-time employees not on the “Overtime Desired list may be required to work overtime only if all available employees on the “Overtime Desired” list have worked up to twelve (12) hours in a day or sixty (60) hours in a service week. title: otdl form author: mena aziz created date: 20230607125329z • full-time carriers from the Overtime Desired List at the regular overtime rate These are done in sequence. For the purpose of the application of the overtime revisions, scheme study hours used by an employee pursuant to a voluntary bid are to be counted towards the daily For example if I start at 8am and im on the ODL overtime desired list what is the latest I should be allowed to work is it 8PM or 8:30PM? 432. If you want OT you put yourself on the overtime desired list (OTDL) and then OT is handed by seniority, any career MH must be given the opportunity before an MHA(non career), otherwise it's a grievance and the skipped MH will be paid anyway. 5 hour rule for CCAs no longer applies. G, “may be required to work up to twelve hours in a day. g. 5G OVERTIME WORK FOR MHAS My question is, how much time do they have to notify you regarding potential unscheduled overtime for non desired list employees? I know at the processing plant, they have to give you 1 hour warning, which I was obviously not given. When an opportunity exists for overtime for qualified and available full‐time employees, doing similar work in the work location where the employees regularly work, prior to utilizing a PSE in excess of eight (8) hours in a service day, such qualified and available full‐time employees on the Overtime Desired List will be selected to perform Jess -- "when does the overtime list come out for regulars?"-- Actually "overtime list" is more a city carrier term as in OTD List = Over Time Desired. Overtime Desired Lists will be maintained at each usps overtime desired list rules rating How to edit Nalc overtime desired list. 5 part-time employees or full-time employees who are not on the overtime desired list, all of whom are effectively limited to 111⁄2 By contract, a full-time regular that is not on the overtime desired list can only be mandated to work one of their days off and 10 hours on four out of the five regularly scheduled days. Overtime Desired Lists (Item 14) Overtime Desired List (OTDL) shall be established in accordance with Article 8 of the 2021 National Agreement. Employees may switch from one list to the other during the two weeks prior to the start of the calendar quarter, and the change will be effective beginning that new calendar I am confused about the contract and the ODL. : year: please print name; initial overtime list preference- sign and date . The Employer shall pay overtime to all full-time employees FLSA overtime and not subject to Article 8. They will work overtime based on the tour they are assigned when the overtime call is made consistent with the Article 8 overtime assignment provisions. However, if the Overtime Desired List does not provide sufficient qualified fulltime regulars for required overtime, Article 8. 1 Overtime Requirement. The second exception during December pertains to the daily and weekly work-hour limitations. Any help, and possible rules/regulations you could point me to would be super helpful, Thanks! overtime desired list ( parcel post ) office: q. Article 8, Sec-tion 5. ASF/APBS, Automated Flats a. This web page explains the rules and remedies for overtime desired list (OTDL) in the 1975 APWU contract. The relief day work list will be posted for a two-week period. October 28, 2010 by Lu Filed under: postal, postal employees, postal news, usps . You can track it on your own by keeping a record of actual hours worked. Overtime Desired Lists will be maintained at each section and tour according to Article 12. 5, OTDL, or LMOU scheduling rules. The U. PSE’s cannot sign the ODL, so they must be held to 8/day 40/week so long as the ODL isn’t maxed out. The only exception to this rule in the APWU National Agreement is for full-time employees on the overtime desired list who, in accordance with Article 8. “Work assignment” overtime was established by a memorandum of understanding dated May 28, 1985. Some Carriers wrongly assume that this would WE ARE NOT USPS CUSTOMER SERVICE - CUSTOMER SUPPORT QUESTIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED - please seek assistance from the US Postal Service for all package inquiries. USPS overtime desired list rules APWU. T. Our respective case files indicate that the local office did not have any of the four-hour rule, even though the more recent change was only for 3 hours. An ODL contains names of full-time regular employees who wish to work overtime. CFS 4 . The third (3rd) Overtime List will allow non-OTDL drivers an opportunity to sign up for overtime on that working day if the "operator" is available and USPS-APWU Joint Contract Interpretation Manual November 2005 Summary of Changes, page 1 requirements Article 10, page 5 Article 10. 2 – a new section regarding Overtime Desired List Article 8. When this list is followed correctly it leads to maximizing the carriers in order that I referenced above. This rate is paid at the rate of 2 times the basic hourly straight-time rate, excluding the month of Decembe r. 5. may be required to work up to twelve (12) hours in a day and sixty (60) hours in a service week (subject to payment of penalty overtime pay set forth in Section 4. However, if the Overtime Desired List does not provide sufficient qualified full-time regulars for required overtime, Article 8. After further review of this matter, we mutually agreed that no National interpretive issue is fairly presented in the particulars evidenced in this case. However, if the Overtime Desired List does not provide sufficient qualified full- time regulars for APWU represents more than 200,000 USPS employees and retirees, and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers. org Signing Overtime Lists. even if the ODL carrier would be working penalty overtime. 2 of the LMOU, except for those identified below which will be combined: 1. IF NEEDED, OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. Just look at 8-10 and 8-26 in the JCAM. A good strategy for City Carriers can be to make a habit of getting as far to the right in Overtime Desired List as possible. If a carrier works more than 2,240 hours within the guarantee period, the agreement under FLSA section 7(b)(2) is considered void, and the carrier must be compensated for all hours worked during the OVERTIME DESIRED LISTS 1. 9. your options to prevent becoming a 2080 problem are: joining the odl. Created Date: 3/8/2021 2:32:37 PM Full-time employees not on the “Overtime Desired list may be required to work overtime only if all available employees on the “Overtime Desired” list have worked up to twelve (12) hours in a day or sixty (60) hours in a service week. S. JCAM 8. B. They don’t have the right to change your work hours unless they comply with federal law, their own out-of-schedule premium rules and Article 8 contract restrictions. D If the voluntary “Overtime Desired” list does not provide sufficient qualified people, qualified full-time regular employees not on the list may be required to work overtime on a rotating basis with the first Letter carriers signing the Overtime Desired List who prefer to work in excess of 10 hours on a scheduled day up to the maximum of 12 hours on a scheduled day should indicate their preference on the list. Members Full-time regular letter carriers, including those on limited or light duty, may sign up for either the regular Overtime Desired List (10 or 12 hour) or the "work assignment" overtime, but not both. 32. The ODL or Overtime Desired List is if you want to work overtime. Unless you sign up for work assignment only at the beginning of the quarter, but dame rules apply to that if you only want 8 hours. General questions are welcomed. When the need arises for end of tour overtime, The issue in this case is whether management violated Article 8, Section 5, by assigning overtime work in the maintenance craft to a clerk not on the overtime desired list. Overtime worked by a Carrier Technician on the Overtime Desired List is counted in the consideration of the equitable distribution of overtime hours at the end of the quarter when: a) the overtime is not on a regu-larly scheduled day or b) the overtime is worked on any route in the delivery unit other than the specific route to 8. Background. Any OT on this route given to regulars is given to the T-6 until he works 10. Full-time employees not on the ‘Overtime Desired’ list may be required to work overtime only if all available employees on the ‘Overtime Desired’ list have worked up to twelve (12) For what it’s worth, just because there are no full-time regulars on the overtime desired list doesn’t mean they can’t work overtime, just means they would either have to volunteer or be mandated properly via the pecking order laid out in the contract. D If the voluntary “Overtime Desired” list does not provide suffi- cient qualified people, qualified full-time regular employees not on the list may be required to work overtime on a rotating basis with the first opportunity assigned to If you're on the overtime desire list, then it changes from 2080 to 2240 to include the possibility of overtime. Management is authorized to select the employee at the lower PS pay level, on the appropriate Overtime Desired List, even though a more senior employee is at a higher level. “ I recently got off my overtime list, I know signing up for it is what I’m asking for but our regulars even the ODLs get sundays off, I have kids, I cherish my sundays with them, told them idc how many days off during the week I’ll work but sundays are mine, got told I had to work last Sunday and I got off it, hurts them more cause they any other full-time carriers not on the Overtime Desired List—They may only be required to work overtime under the provisions of Article 8. 30 (pay periods 26 of 2022 and 1 of 2023). Employees on the “Overtime Desired” list: The exception in Article 8. Subject to the penalty overtime exceptions discussed rules. Such negotiations should determine whether the overtime desired list will be by section or by tour. 5 pages of rules and the JCIM has 13 pages on OT rules. In some locations where overtime was reduced, the USPS started using temporary assistants in all crafts in lieu of overtime, even if there were not COVID-19 related absences. If a carrier is not on the Overtime Desired List (ODL) or has not signed up for Work Assignment overtime, management Requirements • Send the carrier home after working 60 hours • Entitled to pay for the remainder of their scheduled day • 11 ½ hours worked (CCA, the overtime desired list, the employer will seek to utilize auxiliary assistance, when available, rather than requiring the employee to work mandatory overtime. " manages the overtime desired list in his section. A 8-5 Pool and Relief (Clerk Craft) 8-6 Change of Tour/Work Location excessing rules . principles of excessing • advance notice (p. Does the overtime desired list apply to part-time regular or part-time flexible employees? OTDL, or LMOU scheduling rules? Response: No. While one would think every carrier could get to the right of their Overtime Desired List every day, it is actually possible to do so. D permits management to move off the list and require non-ODL carriers to work overtime on a rotating basis starting with the junior employee. A of the contract and also the USPS overtime desired list rules. Under Article 8 of the National Agree-ment, management is required to ensure that the overtime hours, as well as the opportunities to work overtime, are kept equitable among those carriers on the ODL. Tour 2 c. Full-time employees not on the “Overtime Desired” list may be required to work overtime only if all available employees on the “Overtime Desired” list have worked up to twelve (12) hours in a day or sixty (60) hours in a service week. The work-hour limitations for letter carriers on the overtime desired list (ODL) and work assignment list (WAL) are 12 hours per day and 60 hours per week, except during the to work beyond eight hours after the overtime desired list has been exhausted as required by Article 8, Section 5. Tour 3 3. D for contravention of Section 5. G Full-time employees not on the “Overtime Desired” list may be required to work overtime only if all available employees on the “Overtime Desired” list have worked up to twelve (12) hours in a day or sixty (60) hours in a service week. or being short of subs in the office, i no longer have a desire to sign R. Ill be out of probation by then and was curious if this was true because fuck working longer than 11. • The exception to requiring employees in NTFT duty assignments to work overtime will be that Holiday scheduling is accomplished under Article 11 and the LMOU pecking order. The exception to requiring employees in NTFT duty assignments to work overtime will be that Holiday scheduling is accomplished under Article 11 and the LMOU pecking order. "and wanted to sign up for the overtime desired list is that possible or do I have to wait for the next cycle?"-- Congratulations on making regular!! How long did it take? "and wanted to sign up for the overtime desired list is that possible or do I have to wait for the next cycle?" why you will need overtime or auxil-iary assistance on a given day. previous list. I thought if a regular is on the overtime desired list they need to be worked up to twelve hours a day (based on availability) before anyone that is not on the ODL can be worked past 8 hours. Overtime Desired List (ODL) prior to the beginning of each quarter. The United States Postal Service, the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO, and the National Association of Letter Carriers, AFL-CIO, hereby agree to resolve the following issues which remain in dispute and arise from the application of Full-time employees not on the “Overtime Desired list may be required to work overtime only if all available employees on the “Overtime Desired” list have worked up to twelve (12) hours in a day or sixty (60) hours in a service week. Create this form in 5 minutes! Use professional pre-built templates to fill in and sign documents online faster. 2. Any help, and possible rules/regulations you could point me to would be super helpful, Thanks! Nor can they schedule overtime (OT) willy-nilly without penalty. Full-time employees NOT on the ‘Overtime Desired’ list may be required to work overtime only if all available employees on the ‘Overtime Desired’ list have worked up to twelve (12) hours in a day or sixty (60) hours in a service week. FTR: Is paid at this rate when they work overtime on more than 4 of the employee's 5 scheduled days in a service week; OVERTIME PAY . 9) • relocation expenses (p. They may only be required to work overtime under the provisions of Article 8, Section 5. overtime desired list prior to utilizing MHAs on overtime. NALC overtime rules. Full-time employees not on the Overtime Desired List may be required to work overtime only if all available employees on the Overtime Desired List have worked up to twelve (12) hours in a day or sixty (60) hours in a service week. 10) • signing the overtime desired list (p. Full-time employees not on the "Overtime Desired" list may be required to work overtime only if all available employees on the Overtime Desired" list have worked up to twelve (12) hours in a day or sixty (60) hours in a service week. How to fill out and sign Usps work assignment rules online? Get your online template and fill it in using progressive features. H of the 2006 USPS/APWU National Agreement, which requires full-time employees on the overtime desired list (OTDL) to be given priority scheduling for overtime work over casual employees includes priority scheduling for penalty overtime prior to casuals doing overtime work. F. Overtime pay is paid at the rate of 1½ times the basic hourly straight-time rate. time periods as the relief day work list (Article 8. Each time the new relief day work list is established it Those carriers are paid overtime for all hours actually worked in excess of 2,080, up to 2,240, within the 52-consecutive-week guarantee period. Rules are different for the overtime desired list of course, but except for December, the 12/60 rule still apply. 5, “When needed, overtime work for regular full-time employees shall be scheduled among qualified employees doing similar work in the work location where the employee regularly works. PENALTY OVERTIME PAY lar carriers not on any overtime list. Employees on Overtime Work A. 5. A 8-5 Pool and Relief (Clerk Craft) 8-6 Change of Tour/Work Location let me simplify this so there's no confusion. rural lady New member. A) The relief day work list at each delivery unit shall be established twice during each guarantee period. Otherwise, the 12 hour rule is absolute. What are the rules, if any, related to when a PTF city carrier can be converted to regular? OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. of the National Agreement and the Joint Statement on Overtime when they allowed Letter Carrier _____ to change to a Many Post Offices are challenged to complete deliveries of routes/assignments while properly utilizing the overtime provisions of Article 8 of the collective bargaining agreement. This Memorandum is designed to eliminate these misunderstandings. B. 902 from the USPS is single column printing and twice 1. American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO Mark Dimondstein Vance Zimmerman . G provides that full-time employees on the Over-time Desired List (ODL) or Work Assignment List may be The parties agree that employees on "sectional" overtime desired lists as identified through Article 30 may not be used in other "sections" to avoid the payment of penalty pay. If you're a CCA, they can send you to do whatever for 12hrs a day 360 days a year. Unless your a regular and it's December. OVERTIME WORK A. Full-time regular letter carriers, including those on limited or light duty, may sign up for either the regular Overtime Desired List (10 or 12 hour) or the "work assignment" overtime, but not both. An exception to this rule can be found in Article 8, Section 5. In offices with less than 100 bargaining unit employees, supervisors are prohibited from performing bargaining unit work except as enumerated in Section 6. Whether or not an employee on limited or light duty is actually entitled to overtime depends upon his/her physical and/or mental limitations. Leave requests during the first and second rounds must be submitted for full weeks. D If the voluntary “Overtime Desired” list does not provide sufficientqualified people, qualified full-time regular employees not on thelist may be required to work overtime on a rotating basis with the firstopportunity assigned to the junior employee. Once all regulars on the OTDL have been called then MHAs can be forced to work OT. (See 444 for special provisions covering - City carriers have the OverTime Desired List which lets them work 12+ hours in a work day -- all year round -- while rural carriers just have the 3-weeks during the Christmas No-Overtime Period. Employees on the ‘Overtime Desired’ list: It's general USPS rules for all employees. We never see it again. While you can’t control where your mail OVERTIME DESIRED LISTS 1. In order to enforce the overtime rules, we must first make sure that management allows full-time regular Clerks to place their name on a quarterly overtime desired list (O. by. 8) • qualifications (p. Nor 5. pje sbby jkqxctd mcluqna xvznaph xjzz kuuddl antrz usydhh rivory