Reddit etf. margin interest in brokerage accounts are like 7 to .
Reddit etf , based on comparisons to the Definitely a risk/reward balance in terms of buying a semiconductor ETF vs. While growth has outperformed recently, historically there have been long periods where value stocks have outperformed. Now the Fed are printing money like it's the last days of Rome. The distribution will increase. I'm 26, so I have a bigger appetite for risk and sticking with just the first two. Gold ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund): - Gold ETFs are like mutual funds but invest in physical gold. Seperate the covered calls ETFs from the regular dividends ones. Si era partiti bene con questi 2 post https://redd. this means if you invest $10,000 in QYLD, you'll get $1,000 per year. If I had to pick 1 China ETF to invest, it would be: CQQQ, Invesco Technology China ETF, $1. The actual performance in one's portfolio will come down to timing, which like you said, I'd mainly how an ETF differs from a mutual fund. Expense ratio. In order to achieve this sort of return the fund needs to invest in alternative assets such as futures and swaps, now i dont think swaps are publically traded but futures and other know leveraged assets have cost of carry and other forms of interest payments for the leverage. That money comes from the investors, and then a manager (the company that runs the fund) invests it. To me, it looks like a boring and consistent ETF that gets the job done. If the S&P drops 32%, VOO will fall 32%. HDV has a relatively low expense ratio of 0. The most popular ETFs are ones that track the S&P500 which are the 500 biggest companies in the US. 65%) are two excellent ETFs to invest in today. Pick one. Bonds have low risk, but low average returns. Of je een risicovollere ETF erbij wil is aan jou. Discussion is geared towards investment opportunities that Canadians have access to, including questions regarding individual companies, ETFs, tax implications, index investing, and more! Members Online Bogleheads are passive investors who follow Jack Bogle's simple but powerful message to diversify with low-cost index funds and let compounding grow wealth. , 10, 15, 30 years). Whole point is to let it sit and not look at it since you are in it for the long haul (I. I use it to build a monthly income, re invest some of it back into the yield max etfs on a dip and also use some of the income to invest into some growth stocks, blue chip etfs, sp 500, reits, schd, jepi, vti, MO, etc *not financial advice. Il n'y que très peu de différences entre 2 ETF suivant le même indice donc Lyxor, désormais appartenant à Amundi, est un bon gestionnaire, tu as le bon choix, pas de souci. Index of Chinese tech stocks. I noticed SOXQ is a relatively new fund but it seems to have the same holdings at basically the same percentages as SOXX, but a cheaper "Share price" and much lower expense ratio than both SOXX and SMH. I am looking forward to the day Microsoft, Berkshire Hathaway, and AMD also come out with their own YieldMax ETFs. I saw VWCE mentioned a few times on this sub. Here is the list of the pure play >97% China ETFs. They have similar ETFs for equities/managed futures or bonds/ managed futures (RSST/ RSBT) and one for equity/ gold 50 votes, 58 comments. I'm convinced that low-cost ETFs and index funds would be the ideal investment instruments for me but I'm not sure about which ones to buy. . look at the top 10 holdings for each ETF and you're buying different combinations of Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Nvidia, Tesla, Google, Visa, etc etc etc. Large-Cap Growth ETF), for long-term growth. The rationale for bonds works when you have a 2008-style scenario. Tax savings are basically nil for me even if I held for a year and paid LTCG. È anche il motivo per cui non vi indico la % di ogni singolo ETF. By doing this, I’m able to invest in emerging markets in the countries that interest me the most (India, South Korea and Mexico) and avoid dealing with China completely. Wenn du dennoch eine höhere Gewichtung möchtest, kannst du entweder den MSCI Emerging Markets ETF separat besparen oder den All-World-ETF mit einem Emerging-Markets-ETF kombinieren. There are even joke ETF's, There is an "Inverse Cramer" ETF that is comprised of the opposite of whatever Jim Cramer from CNBC say to buy. The non hedged has better returns over the last 5 years. ETFs are broad category with combinations of many stocks. Looking to do some investing in ETFs with a focus on clean energy and other sustainable sectors like battery tech, green bonds, and more. Mutual Fund: trades once-per-day, can be automated, purchase dollar amounts ETF: trade when market is open, portable to different brokerage, purchase share amounts (some brokerages offer fractional shares) And I've also added a Nasdaq 100 etf since I am a strong believer in the future of tech. It is. May be more detailed though than what you’re after - which yahoo finance is probably good enough And of course there's plenty of stock+bond ETFs that hold a set or floating ratio that works best for some risk tolerances. If I go with EQQQ then I will reinvest the dividends. I really got into thematic investing back in 2021 when it was popular, and the ETFs offered by Global X were interesting at the time I bought a bunch in my Roth IRA, and haven’t broke even on most of them. An ETF tracks an index, that's true, but that index could very well be based on an active MGC Mega Cap ETF VOO S&P 500 ETF VV Large-Cap ETF VHT Health Care ETF VONE Russell 1000 ETF VTI Total Stock Market ETF VTHR Russell 3000 ETF VIG Dividend Appreciation ETF VIS Industrials ETF VOT Mid-Cap Growth ETF MGV Mega Cap Value ETF VTV Value ETF VO Mid-Cap ETF VOOV S&P 500 Value ETF IVOO S&P Mid-Cap 400 ETF For ETFs though, stick to CALF and AVUV and maybe SYLD which is a multi-factor quantitative ETF (pretty neat), these ETFs take advantage of their tax status and also use their multi factor strategies to rebalance quarterly or actively without triggering taxation events (the benefit of ETFs) QDTE is an options ETF that places daily covered calls against the S&P 500 that expire that same day. If anything bad happens in that one sector you will have some serious losses. Bogleheads are passive investors who follow Jack Bogle's simple but powerful message to diversify with low-cost index funds and let compounding grow wealth. Jan 14, 2025 · The iShares Core S&P 500 ETF is the second-largest exchange-traded fund in the U. All-in-one overview and tracking site. com, ETftrends. The Real Housewives of Atlanta; The Bachelor; Sister Wives; 90 Day Fiance; Wife Swap All ETFs track indices, that alone doesn't mean they're passively managed. for example, QQQ, VOO, VTI, VUG and VGT are all basically the same large US companies. Sounds like you should be running an ETF (or some other type of fund) instead of investing in it, at least based on your personality. They took what appears to be a disciplined, long-term approach that has already helped them build a substantial $2 million portfolio. but you need tens of thousands or more to earn any major money from passive income investing. e. In all of history, people investing (and holding for 20 years) an All-World or SP500 ETF, have ALWAYS made a profit. ONEQ tracks the NASDAQ Composite while QQQ(M) tracks the NASDAQ-100. Sei dir außerdem bewusst: je mehr ETFs du hast desto teurer ist es - für jeden ETF fallen kosten an (TER) und häufig gibt es Überschneidungen bei den beinhalteten Werten, dann würdest du für die ja quasi doppelt zahlen: z. Investing in IPO ETFs could be a compelling way to enter the IPO business without directly 3 days ago · The Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO-1. What is the worst case? Buying near highs and panic selling during a drop/crash. The Canadian asset allocation ETFs were designed to be complete "all in one" portfolios that are suitable for most Canadians. Now, if there is not a similar ETF (like Vanguard’s TDFs) or mutual funds at different companies (like Fidelity or Schwab), the ETF is more tax efficient (since the mutual fund has to pass their capital gains on the the holders). See the pros and cons of different ETFs, such as VOO, VGT, SCHD, QQQ, and more. Yup. Been looking into some of the AI and automation ETFs currently on the market and am wondering if you folks think they may be worth a buy, or wait it out, just in terms of weighting for those market sectors, including BOTZ, ROBO, IRBO, and ROBT to name a few. Por ejemplo, al invertir en eft de acumulación solamente pagas impuestos hasta que vendes y solamente el 10% de tu ganancia o plusvalía. Try checking out the iShare Hang Seng Tech ETF by BlackRock HK (HK 3067 / 9067). ETFs structured to perform well in sideways and down markets (JEPI) When the recession starts, irrespective of current inflation rates, the fed is likely to start slashing rates so long-term government bonds which are more sensitive to rate changes will probably do well (TLT, VGLT, SPTL). Most people would argue for global diversification. 25% which is pretty low for me. com and pulling data from the Alpha Vantage API. In general, ETFs are more tax efficient than mutual funds. QYLD pays about 10% yield. to build a complete globally diversified portfolio. 70%, 109 holdings, top ten 63%, 35% over 13 weeks, 79% over 1 year. I then calculated Trailing Twelve Month (TTM) Total Return and Trailing Five Year (TFY) Total Return and sorted my results. (You may think of cash as "zero risk", but it almost always has a negative return due to i Concentration of risk is one of the catches. It sounds like they essentially roll box spreads in an ETF to avoid paying capital gains. It’s explained by one of the company’s founders here. +27% for the year, +17% in the past 3 months. Maybe the ETF-happy subreddits are getting to you. Sector fund ETFs: ICLN/TAN/FAN - These funds are clean/renewable energy ETFs. I am always for allocating some percent and rebalancing at regular intervals. g. Before these all-in-one ETFs like XEQT we had to buy several ETFs like VFV, VCN, XWC, etc. An ETF with a growth factor is often confused with higher expected returns. 03% while FXAIX is 0. Either way, you can’t really go wrong. ETF's zijn er juist voor zodat je niet al die losse aandelen hoeft te kopen en dat je minder risico hebt. you don't gain much by holding more than one of these ETFs. Users of r/ETFs subreddit share their opinions and experiences on which ETFs to buy now, considering the current market conditions and PE ratios. They offer value right now and for the long term. Also I prioritize any Canadian listed etfs or stocks in my TFSA, and any US/foreign stuff in RRSP because of withholding tax, which is looks like you are doing already. VFAIX and SWPPX are passively managed S&P 500 index mutual funds that have lower expenses than the VOO S&P 500 index ETF. Second, that also means there is a high risk as the ETF will have to replace the March 22 contract before March 22 ends with a new contract as it cannot physically take the delivery of the oil. Silver, DD and dank silver memes, Breaking the COMEX, one waifu at a time. Based on research, I understand the rationale for small cap value tilt and hence want to tilt towards it but am skeptical is AVUV is rea ETFs are exchange trade funds which can be traded any time, premarket, regular and post market. it/103xje0 e https://redd. Anyway, what I am looking for is 3 to 4 different ETFs that I can start investing and covers broad industries and geography. I am not talking about whether to go for 100% Leveraged ETFs or not. Vanguard’s total market ETF is VTI. Save on a periodic basis. Also,the ETF is listed in Hong Kong so you might need to open an international brokerage account for this. Cada caso tiene sus pros y sus contras. Each ETF has its own investment goal. Stocks have high risk, and high average returns. She is speaking today at the ETF. This is a Large Cap ETF that includes companies like Nestle SA, Roche, Toyota, Novartis and AstraZeneca. Welcher ETF wäre am empfehlenswertesten. Index ETF's mirror the index and are not expected to beat the index. Looking to throw some $ in to a semi-conductor ETF and was wondering what everyone's thoughts are? Leaning towards SOXQ. Ich überlege nun noch einen ETF nachzukaufen. - You can buy them in small denominations, making them accessible to a wide range of investors. Wealthsimple has really become awesome for Canadian listed ETFs. QQQJ tracks the "Next Gen" NASDAQ 100: the largest 100 Nasdaq listed companies outside of the NASDAQ-100 Index (appprox the NASDAQ 200-300). , AMD, Nvidia, Marvel, ON). Pero debo agregar, si estas aprendiendo, quizá sea mejor que leas primero que son los ETF's, como funcionan, cuales son sus ventajas y desventajas, cual ha sido su rendimiento histórico (que no garantiza rendimientos a futuro), cuales son sus comisiones y cuales son las composiciones de los que te llamen la atención, antes de aventarte a One of the best income ETFs with high return to expense ratios is the iShares Core High Dividend ETF (HDV). Ich habe mich bereits ein bisschen mit dem Thema ETF auseinandergesetzt und würde gerne einen Teilbetrag meines auf ein Tagesgeldkonto geparktes… ETFs I think are generally used more as ‘safer’ long term investments because your risk is spread out over potentially hundreds or thousands of stocks, but it depends on which ETF you invest in to really. Why are people quibbling over a 0. Only mutual funds are traded at close time. ETFs met minder brede spreiding dragen doorgaans meer risico doordat de koers afhankelijk is van minder onderliggende aandelen, dus meer kans dat economische trends de koers van een groter deel van je beleggingen beïnvloeden Hey all, I invested in several American bond ETFs (VAGU, EUNA, IBTM) a while back. 238,900% as a management fee? Because that is the distance between Earth and Moon(in terms of miles). ETFs mostly centralize around one theme, industry (Banking, construction), index (something like the S&P500), or sector (retail, consumer goods). They don't stay at their current price. Every time the market is in the green, buy more. 3% fee. Plenty of resources out there to expand your financial knowledge of ETFs. it's negligible or just buy it short term and trade it in and out. This makes it extremely easy to diversify across industries, company sizes, and even entire countries. My favorite investment method is Core-Satellite - That could mean in your case:70% VTI, 20% overweight with Vanguard Mega Cap Growth Index Fund;ETF and 10% Innovation with ARK Next Generation Internet ETF :) Discuss high yield ETFs in this public community. 70%, and scrapes by with a 10 year average annual return at 10%. My broker (BoursoBank - French) wrote this explanation on this item (this is a Google Translate): "We inform you that Amundi Asset Management has decided to implement the division by 300 of the nominal value of the ETF AMUNDI ETF LEVERAGED MSCI USA DAILY UCITS ETF ISIN code FR0010755611. Plenty of sites such at ETF. Liegt gerade bei 21,40. 80/20 portfolios and TDF funds for example. Also, ETFs/mutual funds tracking the same index can have different dividend distribution. For example, Amundi ETF DAX UCITS ETF DR has a interest rate of about 19% annually in 3 years. But now that we have a full range of all-in-one ETFs from iShares and Vanguard, most of the specific sector/country ETFs are redundant. Only put into stocks/ETFs the money you do not need for the next 10 years. 5 months later we can get into sector and theme specific ETFs. Fund Details. If the market goes down 40%, the ETF will go down 40%. They are great as a German broker because they will calculate and pay your taxes for you automatically on ETFs and shares, plus saving plans like you mentioned, and taking into consideration the tax free allowance of capital gains of 1000 euros (or 2000 for couples) in 2023. Entonces si quieres algo "sencillo" ve por etfs de acumulación que están domiciliados en irlanda. I'd love to spread out my investment over 3-5 of these ETFs. For example, VOO is 0. Why 0. It would be best to diversify a little more to protect your investments If you like higher risk then ETF’s that track the Nasdaq 100 are best for you in the long term. It's a new portfolio funded by BTC purchased 6+ years ago, so ~900% profit heading in and the cost basis for the BTC ETFs isn't terribly meaningful since it's mostly straight conversions from CEX to brokerage, with a bit of swing trading mixed in to make things more complicated. The majority of what I picked were index ETF's from the US. 1 World ETF, 1 US based ETF, 1 Emerging markets ETF, (if at all, 1 theme based ETF) We thought to set up monthly plans of 6800eur/month for 5 months (breaking up the lumpsum in 5) then drop to 2600eur/month, and take it as a moment to reflect. The international equity allocations mirror the relative size of the different geographic markets and the "home country bias" considers things like: return variation, volatility reduction, market concentration, taxes ETFS- have a reputation of lower expense ratios but always should be double checked , Trade like a stock so you can buy at the current market price instead of market close price More tax efficient because no capital gain Distributions The vanguard ETFS especially the major ones are investment staples and available everywhere. If you are interested in how Yieldmax funds work… Discussion is geared towards investment opportunities that Canadians have access to, including questions regarding individual companies, ETFs, tax implications, index investing, and more! Members Online Estás mencionando fibras, etf de distribución y etfs de acumulación. 09 for example) I would suggest reviewing your returns vs some potential popular etfs like voo/vti/schd. Hey so I saw a Magnificent 7 ETF and I am super interested in buying shares of the top performing equities of the year. ETFs that focus on high dividends but charge high fees are not a good deal, in large part because stocks that pay high dividends usually have very LOW price appreciation, more than canceling out their dividend payouts. ETF - Free. Earnings calendar and estimated results. s and p 500 etf like spy, or one that has low expenses. With dividends and interest, you'll be paying capital gains tax every year. This ETF has a management fee of 0. if you divide the interest rate 8 by the magic number 72, that tells how long b4 you double your money. I wouldn’t suggest investing your immediate emergency fund money in non-guaranteed places. in terms of net assets after SPY. Read through few of the posts on reddit that suggested some of the VANGUARD ETFs. Is that really the case or I just read it wrong? It's correct, however 2020 was a record year for just about everything and the performances we've seen across the whole market probably won't repeat anytime soon. Bank accounts and CDs have virtually zero risk of loss of capital, and very low returns. the only reason to hold multiple ETFs is if they have different stocks, or different strategies. General opinion is the high management fees of mutual funds make them unattractive vs the low etf fees (2% vs 0. If you want to pick your global allocation, look at these: 70% IWDA: iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF USD (Acc) 10% EIMI: iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets IMI UCITS ETF (Acc) 10% SXR8: iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF (Acc) 10% BTC (I already own €20,000 worth) Additionally: Maintain around €50,000 in a High-Yield Savings Account (HYSA) and reinvest in ETFs at the end of each year. s and p has made on average 8% per year since wwII. Ciao gente, sono in procinto di spostare il fondo di emergenza dal conto deposito FCA Bank ad un ETF monetario. Guess who invented the index funds and forced Wall St. I personally would look at a broader ETF (like FZROX). For Filipinos interested in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, forex, crypto, banking, business, insurance, and any other topic related to investing money, making money, or growing money in the Philippines. This ETF tracks the Morningstar Dividend Yield Focus Index. With ETFs, mutual funds and stocks, you only end up paying taxes when I did some research by pulling an ETF list of Mid Cap ETFs from ETF. Deine beiden vorgeschlagenen Optionen sind beide sinnvoll, es hängt davon ab, wie wichtig dir eine günstige TER und eine höhere Liquidität des ETFs sind. Here are the respected holdings. com Awards event. European ETFs have reaped the benefits. What would y'all's recommendations be. MAGS seem safer than those 3x leveraged ETFsthe fee is super low also. Her firm does a lot of research to select a small number of companies (usually <100) in each ETF. Hoe veilig ETFs zijn is vrij afhankelijk van bijvoorbeeld de mate van spreiding van de ETF en je beleggingshorizon. Few friends suggested that I should invest in ETFs instead of particular company stocks. In fact, the main difference between ETFs and mutual funds more so relates to how shares are created and redeemed, and the impact of that difference in terms of costs and taxes. Ongoing management fees for ETFs (basically the amount of the ETFs assets that go to the company that actually manages the ETF) is generally very low, a fraction of a percent/year. "Best" might be in the eye of the beholder but here's a couple others tied to the NASDAQ index. 39%) and the Vanguard S&P 500 Growth ETF (VOOG-3. VDHG - All-in-one ETF - 10% bonds = more defensive DHHF - All-in-one ETF - no bonds = more aggressive VAS/VGS combo - AUS and international exposure = you get to control your exposure + can add VAE (emerging markets) or other ETFs to increase exposure to specific indexes. bei den amerikanischen Werten. You're going to want to be highly wary of these as most lose money over the long run but that's about the most high risk ETF I can think of, outside of throwing money at Ark ETFs and praying Cathie does a better job running them in the future. a single stock: to diversify. Currently, key foreign stock markets are more attractively valued than that of the U. Your upside is capped but you get pretty good premium, plus they pay weekly which is insane. Both ETFs and mutual funds can be passively managed index funds. Lastly, 3067 is in HKD while 9067 is in USD This subreddit is for investors who are interested in discussing dividend growth investments, income investments such as SCHD, covered call ETFs such as JEPI, QYLD, etc or any income investment/investing in particular. But the Boglehead subreddit is not a friendly place. Curious is anyone is a believer in this equal-weighted S&P 500 ETF over a traditional S&P ETF like SPY or VOO. Als het in je strategie past kan je hem toevoegen aan je portefeuille. Yes I had the same "surprise" this morning. REITs are fine, but there's no real reason to believe they'll out-perform the market. Wiki at: https://japanfinance. I realize some of them invest in a lot of the same companies. This is just how things work. For bond ETF prices to rise, interest rates would need to fall. 015%. B. Since there are quite some ETFs with very similar holdings, what does differentiate them (what do you look at when choosing)? An example pair is: Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS ETF (IE00BK5BQT80) While I know these ETFs don't invest in the actual stock, there is definitely a correlation between the two. Dividend Equity ETF) and DIVO (Amplify CWP Enhanced Dividend Income ETF). For beginner advice, brokerage info, book recommendations, even advanced topics and more, please read our Wiki here. EFA - This is another international ETF, but here the focus is mainly on more established companies in Europe and Japan. Oct 18, 2024 · The Reddit user from the r/Dividends community detailed how they reinvested dividend income consistently into two ETFs: SCHD (Schwab U. Personally, I don’t like the idea of investing in China, so I put money in country-specific etfs such as INCO, FLKR and EWW. MSCI World und MSCI World Tech überschneiden sich insb. Why, for the last 5ish years the dollar has been very strong. Just go straight for bitcoin r/YieldMaxETFs: Place to talk about all things Yieldmax and maybe even some other related funds. But its somewhat tech-heavy, so when QQQ is falling, TMFC will probably fall too. Yes, I have read their information and some reviews. VOO is Vanguards low cost S&P 500 ETF. EDIT: ARKK is also great Mutual Funds vs ETFs basically comes down to how you like to trade: . In your example, a 33% leveraged ETF and 67% index will beat index returns The point is that, the leveraged portion is itself safe if you hang on long enough Yes, but I am not an expert at all. If you wanted to split that into developed and emerging, the the ETFs to use are VEA, SCHG, and IEFA for developed and VWO, SPEM, and IEMG for emerging. Winners rotate, so buying and holding an ETF requires you to believe it's a fundamentally good long term investment Others like u/rao-blackwell-ized prefer VOO because they want to be more selective about their stocks and avoid some things in VTI like small cap growth companies. Each ETF issuer’s website has a ton great information about their product suite. They've been declining steadily over the past few years. 08% and has delivered strong returns over the years. a single bond is analogous to that of a stock ETF vs. Best cast? There are bitcoin short ETFs, bitcoin futures ETFs, etc So, an etf can’t just hold the product or it wouldn’t make any sense. Same for VXUS and IXUS, as total international index ETFs. Leveraged ETFs exist - generally in 2X and 3X variants. Very low cost. Vanguard is an investor-owned company, unlike every other company. Canadians interested in investing and looking at opportunities in the market besides being a potato. Ticker: REDDIT Fund mangers: Reddit/stocks users CUSIP: 999999999 Number of Holdings: 24 Management Fee: 0. 1 of 2 ETF's is dus helemaal niet erg. 70% S&P 500, 15% REITs ETF and 15% High Dividend and Growth ETF If one had access to a Total US Market Index there's no reason to buy an S&P500, as great as the S&P500 is (it's the 2nd best option). need to know your time horizon, “timing the market”, “beating the market”, etc are counterintuitive in terms of etfs/index funds. Users reply with various suggestions, arguments, and questions about ETFs. And so on and so on. vc, lá tem a lista de dos ETFs e BRDs de ETFs. Tiingo - Free, $ Subscriptions. Higher returns always means taking on more risk. Only drawback is they update some of the underlying component data just once a month. So, while growth stocks have outperformed the past decade, you shouldn’t assume that they will in the future. Some of the high yield high-risk ETFs are the following: (We'll keep adding more as they become available) YieldMax, Defiance, Rex Shares, NEOS, Simplify, and more. Firms like Schwab and Fidelity have ETF robo platforms that can invest systematically for you based on your investment profile. I can't get the accumalting version EQGB on T212 for some reason. You could then add leverage to make the expected returns higher but still keeping the risks sensible. Any input's appreciated. 6B assets, 90Day 239K, exp ratio 0. Ovviamente sto… r/Etf: Exchanged Traded Funds. Only etf I can think of that pays a decent yield is JEPI. A global market portfolio ETF like VT or SPGM is the standard. there's a place for dividend investing. Going to other subreddits will get you a more diversified opinion. Tax loss harvesting can happen with either mutual funds or ETFs (and you have to deal with wash sales). NME Atom Finance - $1 Trial I’m quite new to ETFs, dividend and stocks in general and have been browsing this sub recently. We are Silver Degens. Over the last 3 months or 6 months a currency hedged s&p500 etf has significantly outperformed the non hedged. Be respectful of each other. As far as I could understand, it's usually cheaper to buy EU-based alternatives of ETFs from US like Vanguard S&P 500 and iShares Core S&P 500 trading in euros. I've looked at SCHD, VIG and HDV, but I'd like to know your opinion about which ones are good options, what are the pros and cons against more "common" ETFs like VOO/QQQ, etc. Tax efficiency. Depending on the ETF and the mutual fund. They only perform better in a flat or slightly rising market. Mar 25, 2024 · ETFs in Focus. The BOTZ robotics and artificial intelligence ETF has done done well because AI has been a buzzword or bullish trend the last 18 months. If you were to weigh 100%, or even 50% of your portfolio with semiconductor ETFs, you're exposing yourself to any downsides the sector has to the point where you might have negative real returns. The market debut of Reddit could pave its entry into a number of ETFs in the coming days. com. Da bi utvrdio da li želiš da budeš na Mašinskom moja preporuka ti je da pogledaš master studije koje nude, na linku koj sam ti okačio dole, jer su osnovne studije samo opšteg karaktera. Cathie Wood manages several tech related ETFs in several tech categories such as FinTech, Genomics, Internet Innovation, etc. , Intel, Texas Instruments, Applied Materials) as well as the riskier semiconductor plays (e. Der Vanguard S&P 500sieht such ganz gut aus. This is a slightly different topic. Jan 21, 2025 · The Vanguard Total International Stock ETF has a powerful factor in its favor. If you don’t do just VT or VTI/VXUS or a 3 fund portfolio then you are wrong. Welcome to the official subreddit of the PC Master Race / PCMR! All PC-related content is welcome, including build help, tech support, and any doubt one might have about PC ownership. If you want an all-equity portfolio XEQT or VEQT is your best bet. 238,900%. I would personally not bother investing in REITs or high-dividend ETFs in a taxable account, and the same goes for bonds. I think TDF or 80/20 set and forget is best for most ETF i Mašinski nisu zapravo ni približno slični fakulteti tako da razmisli o tome. I chose to do both Fidelity and iShares. My understanding is that ETFs generally have more beneficial taxes than mutual funds due to their underlying structure, thus I want them in my taxable account; whereas lower costs matter more in my Roth since taxes are a non-issue. Research and learn about ETFs. IITU iShares S&P 500 Information Technology Sector UCITS ETF USD (Acc) or EQGB Invesco EQQQ NASDAQ-100 UCITS ETF (GBP Hdg). S. Anything you read is Bogleheads Reddit about VTI and VXUS applies equally to ITOT and IXUS. github. Now I want to diversify a bit into ETFs because I think they're a safer option, and I'd like to know your opinion specifically about dividend ETFs. Dividend ETFs pay a low yield but much safer than investing in one stock. ICLN is more broad while TAN focuses more We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. For stock recommendations please see our portfolio sticky, sort by hot, it's the first sticky, or see past portfolio stickies here. Option 1. For leveraged ETF's like SPXL the objective is to achieve 3X SPX daily returns. buying individual names. Centered on the community around Gherkinit / Pickle Financial's Youtube channel and financial due diligence but open to all looking to learn. A "Green" ETF will track a basket of companies focused on green energy solutions. I'm evaluating two ETFs, QQQM (Invesco NASDAQ 100 ETF) and SCHG (Schwab U. Index ETF is a subset of broad category ETFs and can be traded anytime. io/ Whether you're a new resident with questions about credit cards and cashless payment options, a long-term resident curious about pensions and life insurance, or a digital nomad wanting to talk crypto gains and tax treaties, this is the sub where you'll find informed discussion, friendly advice, and high-quality answers with links to reputable sources. WisdomTree has a great free tool where you can compare ETFs. lolmargin interest in brokerage accounts are like 7 to A fund is basically one big shared pot of money. Posted by u/NaiveCard - 2 votes and 10 comments The value of REITs and gold is heavily debated in the investment community. hohes Fondvolumen aufweisen, zu investieren. (Though if you’ve got more than 6 months or so expenses you could look to invest that). Nice charts and lots of utilities. An ETF is most commonly referred to as a basket of stocks. Downfall of VGT is that it is very reliant on one sector. it/xbkjxv ma l'idea si è diffusa poco e l'hive mind di reddit non è ancora riuscita a processare l'informazione correttamente. ETFs don't really have many downsides. Both ETFs and mutual funds can be actively managed. Great dividend at 2. RSP seems TMFC (Motley Fool's ETF) usually does really well and is my go to ETF. Buying a semiconductor ETF will give you a nice mix of “conservative” semiconductor stocks (e. QQQM focuses heavily on tech, which could mean higher returns but also more volatility. I would suggest you focus on dividend growth stocks like AVB, IIPR, PEP, CVX, BMO, ABBV, Pep, MS. I am aware of the 3 fund strategy of 1 SP500 / broad market US ETF; 1x international ETF, and a bond ETF. Ich finde den iShares Core S&P ganz interessant. low growth + high dividend (JEPI, DIVO, NUSI, QYLD know as the quadfecta) The ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK) managed by Cathie Wood is a well-known managed ETF. Each is currently down 20%. Welcome to r/stocks!. Everyone is welcome! Feel free to join, ask, share, and answer the questions. For the lurkers who are reading, you can buy/sell an ETF throughout the day, whereas a mutual fund is bought/sold at end of day prices. In some retirement accounts you can only buy ETFs (and not the common stocks)so it's a good alternative. - They offer diversification because they track the price of gold and provide a way to own gold without the need for physical storage. s with 50000 in 9 years w/ the s and p you would 100000. Using the SPDRs instead of Vanguard for a change, the market portfolio can be broken down roughly into 51% SPLG, 6% SPMD, 3% SPSM, 25% SPDW and 15% SPEM. The Holdings of Reddit ETF (100% of Total Assets): Una delle soluzioni di cui si è parlato poco e che viene suggerita ancora meno sono gli ETF monetari. One might spread the money out over every company in a stock market. Trading View - (A) Free, free trial, $ subscriptions. CD is guaranteed; ETF is not. Silver, Economic Dystopia, Lewds, Waifus, OC post it all :D This is a place where all Meme Creators can shit their art all over the place :P *This sub contains some NSFW content* *English posts please!* If you are tolerate of higher risk, consider the ARK ETFs. We Love Silver and Meme Creators. This is a big difference to other ETF! If the Apple stock falls, the ETF can just sit on it and wait for better times. Some might invest the money in tech companies or real estate investment specifically. A lista está cada vez maior, ETFs no Brasil estão em expansão For context, I'm currently having 20% of AVUV in my portfolio as part of my SCV tilt together with 60% VTI, 10% each of VEA and VWO. An etf needs to provide value to the consumer and that bitcoin fund manager gets paid in your fees Personally, I’d never invest in a bitcoin etf as most are new and untested. Dá uma olhada no site etf. I wonder if there is any other EU-based ETF that could be a choice for me and I am not sure if it is wise to invest in euro-based ETFs as the euro is becoming cheaper vs USD in long term. VGT is a nice ETF for tech. NME Earnings Whispers - Free. Personally, I like the idea of investing an equal amount into the entire S&P index, instead of 30% of each investment going to the top ten components every time. ) will follow the market. Por exemplo, o BOVA11 já foi 0,69% e agora é 0,1%, devido a competição dos novos ETFs IBOV A XP tem um que segue o SMLL, você pode fugir dos 0,5% do SMAL11 e comprar o XMAL1, com taxa de 0,3%. What do… Tes 2 ETF sont biens et ont les performances attendues de leur indice. You're gonna see an eternal debate about these. I attached a read if anyone wants it. Wäre vorerst nochmal bereit 700€ zu investieren. Generell ist es sinnvoll in bereits lang laufende ETF's, die breit gestreut (Aktienanzahl) und ggf. Discussion is geared towards investment opportunities that Canadians have access to, including questions regarding individual companies, ETFs, tax implications, index investing, and more! Scans for stock mentions on Reddit. They aren’t the only choice and they aren’t infallible, but on average a person looking to save money for retirement can benefit greatly from investing in ETFs. It has its own 3-4 letter ticker on the stock exchange, and people buy/sell it throughout the day. Thanks. A place to focus on learning and discussing the stock market (as well as some quality shit-posting and meme'ing opportunities). Both ETFs have shown similar long-term performance, but SCHG has outperformed QQQM this year and offers lower expense ratio. I'm def investing in them before options ETFs get expensive. If you have an investment horizon of 20 years, you could bet everything on bonds that mature in 20 years, but if rates rise next year, you'll miss out on higher returns. Tech ETFs - IITU vs EQQQ Confused which one to make as 20% of my ETF portfolio. I present to you the Reddit ETF. to start index inv Il fatto di avere 5 ETF mi torna comodo perché quando ribilancio tengo in considerazione il periodo in cui devo aumentare i dividendi e il NAV degli ETF, in modo da poter comprare il più conveniente (e tenere in considerazione l'obiettivo di crescita del capitale). Yes complete overlap. You could use some ETFs like NTSX which use leverage so every $1 you invest you get 90 cents of equities and 60 cents of bonds. Still don’t really understand the whole box spread thing but it’s a way to guarantee returns using derivatives. ETF's that follow an Index (VTI, VOO, etc. It’s very good. There are ETF's for pretty much any theme you can imagine. Check them out. A post on r/ETFs subreddit asks what ETFs users recommend and why for different themes such as renewable energy, emerging markets, and tech. Her ETFs I entered $10,000 as my investment amount with aggressive growth and this is how it broke it out. The point of a bond ETF vs. Putting money into an ETF monthly on a fixed schedule is probably the best solution for at least 95% of people. These are safe and offer decent yields compared to sticking with and etf. Broad market ETFs pay dividends, just not very high dividends. The covered calls etf have high fees and less growth than what they hold just because of the mechanism of covered calls. Im MSCI World bin ich schon investiert. So like the title says I would like recommendations on the best route for ETFs for my Roth (will start it on Fidelity) that I will be starting and maxing out until retirement. Slowly as bond ETFs replace old low-yield bonds with new high-yield ones, the bond ETF distributions will gradually increase. The key is discipline over the long term. And while IVV and SPY own practically identical portfolios, there are Bsp: ETF X kostet dich bei der Ing neben der TER (aus der Luft gegriffene) 1,5% Sparplangebühr, bei der Consorsbank ist der aber kostenlos zu besparen. lgernmrgwfvjettzdgwfjptlxcjkeipnuwcotnpdjfcashlz