Nodupkey sas data step example. Taking the below dataset as an example.

Nodupkey sas data step example In today’s world data finds its way into our lives wherever we are. Is SAS Viya one of the SAS Base, Enterprise Guide, SAS STUDIO features or it is a software that is different from other SAS software above? You are currently running a SAS 9. data uscpi_dedupedByYear; set uscpi_sorted; by year; Feb 5, 2016 · The NODUPKEY option removes duplicate observations where value of a variable listed in BY statement is repeated while NODUP option removes duplicate observations where values in all the variables are repeated (identical observations). here is a snippet of what I'm using pro Dec 8, 2022 · It will delete duplicated observations while nodupkey will delete those observations that have duplicate BY value. ta enddates; by usubjid; /* Do you other processing here */ run; Its only worth using some technology if there is a benefit to the code for using that technology, and in this case the task can be taken care of with simpler, shorter code (and most likely Tips: You can use the DATA step to import data, from external text files, in a sequence compatible with SAS processing and according to the sort order specified by the combination of SORT options and key variables listed in the BY statement. This program need to use different source data sets (By business decision). 3 . To perform an INNER JOIN, both datasets need to be sorted by the key variable that you will use to merge them. class out=class nodupkey; by age; run; data class; set sashelp. The NODUPKEY option deletes any obser-vations with duplicate BY values from data set TEST. CUSTOMER_1 may be incomplete. Example 1: DATA STEP – Delete Rows Based On One Condition Dec 21, 2020 · I am still not following on how generating this code will translate into the export of multiple excel files along with being able to use the variables I don't want included in the file name of the excel files. 95 1122 Garner Strickland Industries 657. sas. Your sample data doesn't really match your description because the date IS the same for all rows. This seems painfully obvious when presented in this step-by-step illustration of a small sample data set, but when Jul 7, 2008 · proc sort data=data NODUPKEY ; by A ; run ; My structure was slightly -- but significantly different for precisely the reason Tom pointed out: proc sort data=data NODUP ; by A B C ; run ; proc sort data=data NODUPKEY ; by A B ; run ; Adding the 2nd variable in the first sort makes no difference in what records are removed. data example; input a b; datalines; 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 ; run; proc sort data=example nodupkey; by a; run; /* example After PROC SORT */ a b 1 2 2 5 The Difference Between nodupkey and nodup Options When Using PROC SORT in SAS Dec 10, 2014 · In the unusual case where an entity_id appears twice in the first data set and four times in the second data set, only the first two matching records from the second data set would be used. Suppose we simply use proc sort to sort the observations in the dataset in ascending order (smallest to largest) based on the value in the points column: /*sort by points ascending*/ proc sort data =original_data out =data2; by points; run; /*view sorted dataset*/ proc print data =data2; Apr 4, 2011 · Then issue a second SORT using NODUPKEY along with the EQUALS parameter while only providing your "base" BY variable list. Here's an example using sashelp. 95 4998 Morrisville Tina's Jan 5, 2025 · Your sample data doesn't really match your description because the date IS the same for all rows. May 31, 2017 · My question is on the UPDATE statement on the final DATA step, if I understand it correctly after this step is run then Ref_Table_3 will have all of the data from Ref_Table_2, but will have an added column called Column_2 with missing values where there is no matching txn_id value in Ref_Table_1 and Ref_Table_2, and the value from Ref_Table_1 Jan 8, 2025 · A change in the version of the ICU that is used by PROC SORT for linguistic collation, can affect the interpretation of data sets sorted by another version of SAS. 0 Likes Jan 12, 2025 · DUPOUT= SAS-data-set. If a data set is linguistically sorted by one or more character variables in one version of SAS, the data set is recognized as being sorted when accessed in another version of SAS if Oct 5, 2016 · This orders the SAS data by the variables given in the by statement, then by _n_ if there are more than one. Migrating to UTF-8. In a data step, it's easy to output the unique records, duplicate records, etc to different data sets. Note, however, that you may still lose data. The duplicate observation is sent to a different dataset using the dupout option. Then use %INCLUDE to execute the statements in the FILE where you want them to appear. To do so you add the keyword NODUPKEY to the sort clause. dataset1 has two identical records; instead of leaving one of the records Example: Merging Data Using the DATA Step SAS proc sort data=employees; by emp_id; run; proc sort data=departments; by emp_id; run; data merged_data; merge employees (in=a) departments (in=b); by emp_id; if a and b; /* This keeps only the records that exist in both datasets */ run; Apr 2, 2009 · I want to Delete all Duplicate records in Proc SQL step. CLASS data set. De-duplicating records CAS offers multiple options to de-duplicate records. prod code=b is always associated with type=a so i don't need to worry about it data one; input id prod_type $ p Nov 4, 2016 · There are probably better ways to do this than eyeballing in excel. Nov 3, 2017 · proc sort data=enddates nodupkey; by usubjid descending dsendtc; run; data se; merge raw. 5 Programming Documentation . class sashelp. the values in hash with those handled in a data step. They give more control on which row you consider as duplicate. So if the values of variable named DISEASE in the dataset named DISEASES has valid SAS code like: data diseases; disease='data x; set y; run;' ; run; Then your macro makes some sense. com Jan 12, 2025 · DUPOUT= SAS-data-set. This data set is for demonstration purposes in the examples to come only. First of all , Each Logo should have its own Vdata1- 5 , also regionquantity will determind how many logos will appear for a region . This is happening even after compressing the field to remove blanks, punctuation, diacritical marks, etc. Below we show how. Nov 15, 2023 · 304 proc sort nodupkey; 305 by event_id; 306 run; NOTE: There were 20000000 observations read from the data set WORK. For example, finding the unique combination of MAKE, TYPE, and ORIGIN in sashelp. Use the DUPOUT= option with NODUPKEY (or NODUPREC) to output duplicates to the specified SAS data set: proc sort data=test nodupkey dupout=dups; by id; run; Observations in data set TEST are sorted by ID in ascending order. Traced it back that the file exported by the source for one of the sites collecting the data were exported as " the value" and "the value" for the others. Feb 14, 2014 · You can use the first. The problem you have identified, doing a many-to-many in a DATA step takes a bit of coding. SAS Analytics 15. variable in PROC SQL (leaving monotonic() aside). OUT= SAS-data-set. First, just a few preliminaries. 2 F 3 20; proc print data=aa noobs; run; proc sort data=aa out=bb nodupkey; by id num; run; proc print data=bb Oct 29, 2008 · Another option if you want more "control" is to consider using a DATA step with a SET statement, a BY statement (input file must be sorted by the variable list), and use IF FIRST. 4 environment on your PC. cars". Oct 10, 2012 · Here is an example. cars (keep=MAKE TYPE ORIGIN) out=dsout noduprec; by MAKE TYP data set NODUPKEY OUT= Output data set contains rows that are unique per BY variables, plus 1 row from each row set that has multiple BY variables DUPOUT= The remaining rows from the input data set, leftover after NODUPKEY extraction, i. automatic variables created by SAS when using by-group processing. 2. col1 col2 col3 22AUG22:15:46:38 111 ABC 22AUG22:15:46:38 111 DEF 22AUG22:15:46:38 111 GHI 22AUG22:15:46:38 222 JKL Mar 9, 2020 · Please note how the data was provided as data step code so that we have something to test with. class; run; proc sort data=class nodup; by age name; run; 1 Like Register Today! Dec 7, 2017 · You could just add a proc sort before the print with the nodupkey option to remove any duplicates: proc sort data=data. The SAS Nodupkey is one of the SAS options that helps to check and eliminate the data observations and tracking with a duplicate key or like values specified with the option also by using the procedure like proc sort to compare the existing values, including sort order by variable values on each occurrence and data will be observed You can use the DATA step to import data, from external text files, in a sequence compatible with SAS processing and according to the sort order specified by the combination of SORT options and key variables listed in the BY statement. Time and last. In the SAS DATA Step, the MERGE statement is used to combine datasets. Create a dataset from scratch. The fundamental logic is to (1) record-by-record, build a hash table V tracking all values of VAR as they are encountered, noting the record number of the first encounter. specifies the output data set to which duplicate observations are written. Below, I create the data set MyData with an ID variable and three variables var1, var2 and var3. That is great. SUBJ and VISN were selected as keys (#2), because we want the data to be saved in hash in ascending order by Base SAS® 9. cars Here is my code proc sort data=sashelp. cars out=cars nodupkey; by make; run; whereas in PROC SQL the distinct function will give you only the MAKE va Jan 17, 2023 · Example: Using PROC SORT with NODUPKEY in SAS. id; keep id date; run; /* Merge back in with the main dataset, but only retain those observations where the date is the same as the most recent. During the declaration of the hash object at least one key must be defined to make a link with the data step. com SAS® Help Center. Jan 12, 2025 · DUPOUT= SAS-data-set. Here is an example using the input data set "sashelp. PDF EPUB Feedback Using the NODUPKEY Option. NOTE: 46659 observations with duplicate key values were deleted. show how to combine a PROC SORT and a DATA step to get the sorted dataset with the exact records you want. Statistical Procedures; SAS Data Science; Mathematical Optimization, Discrete-Event Simulation, and OR; SAS/IML Software and Matrix Computations; SAS Forecasting and Econometrics; Streaming Analytics; Research and Science from SAS; SAS Viya. B Jun 14, 2016 · In general you will need an additional step, such as proc sort with nodupkey option. I think, there is no general equivalent to BY-group processing with last. Mar 8, 2022 · Hi, I have the following code proc sort data= dataset1 out=dataset2 NODUPKEY dupout=duprecords; by DOB Gender admitdate memberid Facility_2 ; run; There are other fields but I want to delete duplicates only based on those. 95 3131 Apex Boyd & Sons Accounting 312. Depending on which duplicates you want to remove, you need to modify the BY statement. Create a dataset from an existing dataset. we have Proc sort data = a nodupkey; By cust; run; I need the same result in Proc SQL step. However, a BY group cannot span threads. customer_id; run; Not sure that will be faster then the second sort, but I think it's likely. 49 4762 Garner Bob's Beds 119. The original data was in alphabetical order by Make so you can see that the output data set "nodupes" maintains that same order. For unique Name: proc sort data = have nodupkey; by Name; run; For unique ID: proc sort data = have nodupkey; by id; run; There several ways to do with data step and hash. I do have the MPRINT option on- When I attempt to execute the macro It would go like this: data set3; set fake_patients; ---macro statement here--- macro renders as asthma=0; run; so to me -it appears that the macro var is defined within the proc step. SAS® 9. So if the first dataset has $2. : proc sort; by customer_id purchase_id item_id; run; data want; set have; by customer_id; if first. In other words, printing and visually examining the text field does not reveal any obvious diff Aug 3, 2021 · proc sort data=sashelp. If you could supply SQL code that works properly with the data (and data which has numeric variables where the SQL expects them), then it will be much easier to determine the equivalent DATA step code. 4 DATA Step Statements: Reference documentation. I am trying to removing duplicates which are identified as unique combinations of a case id and individual id. Dec 9, 2024 · In this example, PROC SORT with NODUPKEY creates an output data set that has no duplicate observations. , part of the multiple rows SQL SELECT DISTINCT Unique rows based on (and containing ONLY) the Aug 8, 2024 · That macro will first run a PROC step, then a DATA step. Here’s how you can perform an INNER JOIN using the DATA Step: Example 1: Basic Inner Join with DATA Step For these examples, I will be using the data set CUST_INFO from above. */ data id_latest_date; merge nodupkey_data maxdate(in=in paper will present four methods for finding duplicates in SAS data sets using SAS versions 6 and 8. To make sense of it, we must often aggregate data in meaningful ways. One variable being the application status and the other being the application id. Syntax of PROC SORT. By following a PROC SORT with a DATA step, you can achieve a sorted data set, eliminate the duplicate records, and specifically keep the records you want. specifies the output data set for eliminated observations. documentation. 1 F 4 40. SAS as a subject is not very helpful since this is a SAS community forum. WARNING: Data set WORK. 2. PDF EPUB Feedback Jul 18, 2019 · This is Part 3 in a series of articles about common data manipulation tasks. SQL Procedure. Then it will EMIT the values of a series of macro variables. If a data set is linguistically sorted by one or more character variables in one version of SAS, the data set is recognized as being sorted when accessed in another version of SAS if Feb 12, 2016 · Hello @Ying,. Apr 18, 2011 · Only output when you encounter a key that hasn't been observed yet. UNIQUEOUT=SAS-data-set. The Feb 20, 2015 · Which variable to be used to find the distinct observations - either ID or Name can be used in your example. company`' row: Jun 13, 2024 · Base SAS® 9. This paper looks into this question, with examples, and shows that the NODUPKEY has really no effect on whether the first observation in a group of data gets selected, but does find that there are two other options that effect whether Jul 31, 2019 · Hi, what is the equivalent data-step statement for using subqueries to refer to columns of other list. If the date is not actually the same in the real data, then you can achieve what you're describing by sorting on company, then date and taking the 'first. Each of these observations is unique. 2024. Time) then output dups; else output unique; run; Mar 24, 2024 · Using 'proc sort nodupkey' on a single text field containing names is not removing duplicates. Feb 14, 2017 · proc sort data=A out=B dupout=C nodupkey; By var1 var 2 var3 ; run; by using the above code, I can get a dataset unique on By variables (dataset B) and the duplicates on the By variables (dataset C). Sep 19, 2012 · If you want to add back the originals where there is no duplicate, you could use the IN= data set options on the data sets read with DATA step MERGE to keep everything from seconds and only the non-matches from single. - Use SQL GROUP BY DAY, and do max(x). Then two proc sort statement based on above dataset a. WARNING: The data set WORK. Oct 28, 2015 · Hello SAS community I need help with the following. For example: Let's say that If I run the program today then I need to use data sets: t2001,t2002,t2003. SAS Viya; SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure Dec 10, 2021 · The first Proc Sort to order your data with the newest date per member id on top, the 2nd Proc Sort with a NODUPKEY to then pick the first row per member id (same that what a data step if first. Base SAS® 9. You can use the data step to delete rows from a sas dataset. It seems that both have the same result, and that SAS is just randomly choosing which ind_ID from the duplicates to merge with which. Whether you need flexibility, control, or efficiency May 12, 2017 · The NODUPKEY / DUPOUT sort options are incredibly important, and should be mastered by all SAS users. I'll experiment with using a hash object to We live in a world of data – small data, big data, and data in every conceivable size between small and big. com DATA Step Programming DS2 Programming . Example 3: In this example the SORT procedure is used with the NODUPKEY option. See full list on statology. -112. org Nov 1, 2020 · In SAS, you can not only use the PROC SORT procedure to order a data set, but also to remove duplicate observations. An easy way to remember the difference between these options is to keep in mind the word “key” in NODUPKEY. . Please read the manual to understand by group processing in a Data Step. May 4, 2014 · So far, I have tried merging just based on loan number (first example code) and by using a merge identifier (second example code). Aug 12, 2024 · Ok-Thank you for that info. As I understand using Equals Apr 5, 2017 · NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. Nodupkey will take the first record per that by grouping to output. The other alternative using a DATA step is to ensure that your input file gets sorted into the desired sequence, then use a DATA step with a SET and a BY statement with your "base" BY variable list. I am attempting to sort a data set of applications by 2 variables. May 10, 2019 · data raw; set rawdata; keep day year title number; proc sort data=raw nodupkey; by day year; run; How could I modify this code to keep the day and year with the highest number if raw data contained multiple different values of numbers, instead of just a single value? Thank you! SAS® 9. I would like to drop the observations containing a status of completed which fall under the same id May 5, 2017 · NLEVELS option in PROC FREQ is the simplest way to get this. HAVE has 19953341 observations and 15 variables. 3 M 3 40. class; here sex stands in for variable2 and variable3, and age stands in for the counted variable. CUSTOMER_1 was not replaced because this step was stopped. However, when I use the nodupkey option, it is removing hundreds of records instead of the 11 records with unique combinations of Mar 17, 2023 · Updated March 17, 2023. data2 nodupkey; by cd id se nt dd; run; Or, if you want to preserve your original data, you can output the result of the proc sort to a new table: SAS Institute Inc. Apr 11, 2020 · With the NODUPKEY option, PROC SORT is comparing all BY variable values while the NODUPREC option compares all the variables in the data set that is being sorted. 2 M 3 20. Nov 2, 2023 · Method 1: Use DATA STEP To Delete Rows In SAS. Example Data Sets. Remember, always be sure to make a copy of your original data set before utilizing the NODUPKEY option, and always be sure to review your data after the NODUPKEY option has been utilized. The syntax of the PROC SORT procedure in SAS is as follows: PROC SORT DATA=input_dataset OUT=output Sep 16, 2015 · Hello I have a data set ( want ) multiple record for same ID and I want to transpose the rows to columns , however few conditions needs to be met first . Nov 18, 2022 · You can use PROC SORT in SAS with NODUPKEY to order the observations in a dataset by one or more variables and remove any duplicates. Lat. Migrating a SAS Data Set with NODUPKEY Sort Indicator. e. There are two common ways to use the DATA step: 1. DATA Step Programming . database arena, while, of course, the DATA step evolved for “flat file” data management. 4 and SAS® Viya® 3. deletes observations with duplicate BY values. format attached then the new dataset will also. I have some questions: 1-Is it only relevant for using in Proc sort with nodupkey or also using proc sort without nodupkey? 2- Why in the following 2 examples there are same results. Feb 16, 2018 · I think you're correct, in that NODUPKEY and DISTINCT are not the same, but I think NODUPRECS and DISTINCT are the same. In this case, I’ll use only Base SAS functionality in the DATA step. Long 001. 4 Procedures Guide, Seventh Edition documentation. Working with User-Defined Formats. But for the given sample data you could try either: - pre sort the data by SAT and X descending, then proc sort NODUPKEY bi DAY. 5. member_id would do). SAS Code Debugging . There is only one observation in the output data set for a given set of variable values. Jan 8, 2025 · documentation. Ex Sep 28, 2016 · It requires that your data set is already sorted, but virtually any DATA step approach will require that. 10. Distinct will select a distinct value based on the sort order defined internally, which will consider all variables as * means all variables. Base SAS Procedures . Note: OUT= data will not have the same observations, as DATA= as might be mistakenly implied by your example: data=have out=have SAS® Viya™ 3. 00 1019 Apex World Wide Electronics 119. com This example shows how to use the END statement to end a simple DO group. Feb 17, 2019 · Solved: I'm wondering if there exists any difference between NODUPKEY and NODUPRECS options ? In my view, they seem totally the same with a BY Consider the following example: data test; inputAB$@@; thus reducing the amount of work done by the data step. data account; input Company $ 1-22 Debt 25-30 AccountNumber 33-36 Town $ 39-51; datalines; Paul's Pizza 83. Sometimes I want to compare the duplicates (unique ones in B and duplicates in C), to see what vari Oct 17, 2024 · SAS® Viya® Platform Programming Documentation . Jul 5, 2014 · Hi All, I was wondering is there any alternate way to use data step to compare and execute SQL unions techinques. This outputs in the order the data was observed in the input data set. The following example demonstrates how to sort data on character variables. WANT has 10 observations and 2 variables. In SAS, the PROC SORT procedure is used to sort datasets based on one or more variables. The following example shows how to use this procedure with the following dataset in SAS: data original_data; input team $ points rebounds; datalines; run; /*view dataset*/ proc print data=original_data; In this paper, I will describe this in greater detail and show examples of how to use the NODUPRECS and NODUPKEY options. Mar 30, 2020 · NOTE: The data set WORK. company`' row: Jul 6, 2021 · proc sort data=sample_table; by id_no; run; data want; update sample_table (obs=0) sample_table; by id_no; run; For each ID_NO, this technique will use the last non-missing value for each variable. I had an analogous behavior of getting "two identical values" (actually more than two, one for each level of a variable). Feb 26, 2024 · Below is a simple example showing you how to use ‘nodupkey’ with PROC SORT in SAS. The first recommendation is to use on Nov 18, 2022 · proc sort data=customer(keep=id) out=list nodupkey; by id; data want; merge fulldata(in=full) list(in=list); by id; if full and list; run; For the case of wanting to stack multiple data sets the use of a hash is recommended. Assuming it's sorted by the variable2/variable3, it's straightforward. The first three utilize various combinations of the SORT procedure, the FREQ procedure, and the DATA step, while the fourth is a SAS macro that allows greater flexibility for dealing with duplicates. When this step was stopped there were 0 observations and 5 variables. This can also be solved in a single SQL step: Nov 3, 2017 · proc sort data=enddates nodupkey; by usubjid descending dsendtc; run; data se; merge raw. I have sorted the data by 2 variables: record_id and event_name, and by using proc sort with nodupkey SAS deletes the second observation of the dup Jun 18, 2020 · The problem could be solved by using data-step merge without by why don't you want to use merge? proc sort data=a out=a_sorted(keep=Age) nodupkey; by Age; run; proc sort data=b out=b_sorted(keep=Age) nodupkey; by Age; run; proc sort data=c out=c_sorted(keep=Age) nodupkey; by Age; run; data compare; merge a_sorted(rename=(Age = Age_A)) b_sorted(rename=(Age = Age_B)) c_sorted(rename=(Age Jan 3, 2020 · SAS® Viya®: System Programming Guide documentation. Whereas, with nodup or noduprecs option SAS deletes duplicate rows grouping data based on variables specified in the BY statement and then delete rows comparing all the variables present in the dataset with the previous observation. com. europe” created with a CountryName as a char variable. The unique row for AccountNumber 3 is the new observation added. com SAS Help Center: deduplicate Action Eliminates rows that have duplicate or unique group-by variable values Jan 8, 2025 · A change in the version of the ICU that is used by PROC SORT for linguistic collation, can affect the interpretation of data sets sorted by another version of SAS. First, let us create some small example data set. Sep 26, 2017 · Hello, I have a dataset that has some duplicate records. A hash object consists of keys and data items. PDF EPUB Feedback Aug 9, 2022 · Your SQL code does not work with your sample data. 22 1675 Morrisville Ice Cream Delight 299. You can then specify the PRESORTED option if you know or highly suspect that the data is sorted accordingly. And please use a description subject line for you post like: Separate Duplicates. proc sort data=orders out=sort1 nodupkey dupout=dups; by custid month; run; In this example, PROC SORT with NODUPKEY creates an output data set that has no duplicate observations. Now we’ll focus on de-duplicating data. Taking the below dataset as an example. This is similar to example 1 above but I am going to use the NODUPKEY option instead of the NODUP option and compare the difference in results. This post shows you a few ways to effectively deal with duplicate values in SAS using PROC SORT and the SQL Procedure. Jan 26, 2020 · You can proc sort step as below which will sort the data based on custid and month and the unique orders are kept in the dataset. May 1, 2017 · With a DATA step, I would probably only sort once, then use a DATA step to collapse, e. Known as a join when performed in a SQL step, in the DATA step the MERGE statement coordinates the process of bringing in the data from multiple tables to create a unified set of variables . proc sort data=sashelp. specifies the output data set. If you record the date and time when you add the row, it will be obvious which row you’d want to keep when deleting the redundant records. It includes practical examples that cover different data scenarios. The following examples show how to use each method in practice. Thanks Alankar Base SAS® Procedures Guide documentation. Tip: Apr 28, 2014 · proc sort data=work. 3 variables each: ID, Time, Value - then run next code to find dupliactes: proc sort data=reformated ; by ID Time Value; run; data dups unique; set reformated; by ID Time; if not (first. 0 0 001. Example 1: Use DATA Step to Create Dataset from Scratch Nov 25, 2017 · The functions in a data step and the functions in SQL do not completely overlap, some things won't be possible in a data step and some things won't be possible in PROC SQL. wbit_book_raw_fx where BOOK_TXNREF in (select BOOK_TXNREF from WORK. However, SQL doesn't give you good control over the record it removes, whereas PROC SORT or a DATA STEP will give you more control. Equivalencies among terms DATA step PROC SQL data set table observation row variable column EXAMPLE 2A: SELECTING OBSERVATIONS (ROWS) Almost all of the rest of the examples involve the Jul 23, 2020 · If you reformat your data-set by transpose or by a data step into an observation made of . What this means is you can use a data step /if first construct to dedup your data because all the data belonging to a by group will get processed by a single thread. proc sort data=cust_info nodupkey out=ex3; by customer; Aug 29, 2014 · proc sort data=sashelp. The intended audience for this paper is beginner level SAS programmers. But it's unclear how you wish to handle the values of the other variables. We talk about data, create data, read data, transmit data, receive data, and save data constantly during any given hour in a day, and we still want and need more. & last. SAS Merging two or more data tables is an essential data manipulation process. Nov 2, 2023 · Example 2: The PROC SORT On A Char Variable. variable_name and if necessary IF LAST. Performing an Inner Join Using the DATA Step. employee_raw order=freq nlevels ; tables EmpID Country Department; run; In order to have a sorted table containing values fulfilling certain requiremen Apr 3, 2024 · PARALLEL PROCESSING When a DATA step runs in CAS, BY groups are assigned to threads. 632 data _null_; Aug 12, 2024 · Here is an order of operations that makes sense for your example: First process the dataset and generate the assignment statements into a FILE. When the WHERE clause is on the OUT= option, SAS will do the sort with the NODUPKEY and then apply the WHERE clause. Jun 13, 2024 · Base SAS® Procedures Guide documentation. The simplest way is to use Proc sort with nodupkey. Jul 16, 2024 · In this example, PROC SORT with NODUPKEY creates an output data set that has no duplicate observations. 1 Data Management and Utility Procedures Guide documentation. NOTE: 45 observations with duplicate key values were deleted. Part 1 focused on appending data, and Part 2 focused on sorting data. , Getting Started with the SQL Procedure, Version 6, First Edition , Cary, NC 1994 SAS Institute Inc. Using the SAS sort with NODUPLICATES/NODUPKEY and Oct 30, 2019 · proc sort data = have out = want nodupkey; by key mode; run; I need to convert this procedure to proc sql with a counter that counts the distinct combo of key and mode and produce the same output This is what I have, but is doesn't generate same obs number as proc sort: Aug 4, 2020 · I have SAS base 9. In the program there is a step that check distinct values f When the WHERE clause is on the DATA= option, SAS will apply the WHERE first and then do the sort with the NODUPKEY. All examples shown were done in the SAS® system for PCs, version 8. wbit_book_raw_fx where BOOK_COUNTERPARTYCOUNT Aug 14, 2016 · proc sort data=nodupkey_data; by id date; run; /* For each id, get the most recent date */ data maxdate; set nodupkey_data; by id; if last. com Examples: SORT Procedure . variable_name, and the OUTPUT statement to create the file as needed. With a little work, you can also answer questions like "when there are two records with a duplicate key, are the values for all non-key variables identical?" May 30, 2016 · The correct answer depend on if you have any other variation in your data. You can decide if you want to update and delete rows from the original dataset or create a new dataset to store the output data. My SQL-Code: proc sql; create table BOOK_HRCTRY_&yesterday as select * from WORK. In this post, I’ll cover several methods for producing aggregate data sets, including PROC FREQ, PROC SUMMARY, PROC TABLULATE, SQL, DATA step, and DS2. , SAS Guide to the SQL Procedure: Usage and Apr 24, 2013 · HI i have a table that has duplicate entries here is and example. If you specify this option, then PROC SORT compares all BY-variable values for each observation to those for the previous observation that was written to the output data set. Jul 20, 2020 · SAS Code Examples; SAS Web Report Studio; Developers; Analytics. 98 2310 Holly Springs Watson Tabor Travel 37. Customer Data Access. I want to write data step to perform SAS sql unions, like except, interest, union For example: i have two datasets Data one; input x A$; datalines; 1 a 1 a 1 b 2 c 3 v 4 e 6 g Ru Feb 6, 2023 · You can use the DATA step in SAS to create datasets. 01 seconds Dec 13, 2013 · Check both the length and the format attached to the variables in your source data sets. ID; run;" That has always given me the first, earliest month, to represent the ID. SAS Component Objects. Let’s start with the SASHELP. NOTE: The data set WORK. 4. com SAS® Help Center DATA Step Programming. ID. The NODUPKEY option checks for and eliminates observations that have duplicate BY-variable values. Eliminate duplicate observations NODUPKEY. Many BY groups can be assigned to a single thread. Dec 20, 2014 · hi all, I need to find all the records where prod_code='b' and only 'b' which means the record will be single with prod_code='b' and then assign a new var value='found' to that record. Jul 7, 2022 · Example code that demonstrates the shortcoming of NODUPREC: data have; input key data; datalines; 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 ; proc sort data=have out=want1 noduprec ; by key; run; title "SORT with NODUPREC"; proc print data=want1 noobs; run; proc sql; create table want2 as select distinct * from have ; quit; title "SQL with DISTINCT"; proc print data=want2 noobs; run; Sep 20, 2024 · Huge data is everywhere nowadays. The third and fourth would just be deleted by "if a=0;" When there are multiple matching records in the second data set, as long as you don't care which Jan 10, 2019 · Hi everyone, I'm trying to find the non duplicated rows of certain columns from a data set using proc sort. Call it 'practice X'. Feb 14, 2022 · Dear all, I have recently started SAS programming and wanted to sort out missing values from a table which I detected using: proc freq data=cr. 4 / Viya 3. However, if in your real data (like in dataset TEST) variable SUB_ID does not have duplicate values within a ID-TYPE-CD-DATE BY group, you could use the following technique: sortプロシジャで重複レコードを削除または抽出するオプション nodupkey と nouniquekey を紹介。 SAS忘備録: SORTプロシジャで重複レコードを削除・抽出する。 Jun 7, 2024 · In one of my previous posts, Coding for Data Quality in SAS Viya Part 2 – Standardization, I showcased some powerful tools available to SAS Viya programmers (and SAS 9 programmers who license SAS Data Quality) for standardizing data. 33. HAVE. Example: Sep 17, 2024 · SAS® 9. SAS Viya; SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure . b; run; Jul 17, 2020 · Hello There is a program that I need to run every few weeks. Feb 3, 2009 · Removing duplicates is a crucial step in data cleaning and preparation, and SAS provides multiple tools to accomplish this task. class out=tmp; by sex descending height; run; proc sort data=tmp out=final nodupkey; by sex; run; Also - in case you're not familiar with SQL, I strongly suggest that you should learn it as it will simplify many data manipulation tasks. Oct 12, 2018 · Hi SAS experts, My dataset contains duplicate observations and the second observation of the duplicate contains information I need for some variables. So your macro might look like this: %macro sendR2D3(data=, var=, Apr 24, 2013 · Dear All, I need the NODUPKEY functionality in PROC SQL Similar to PROC SORT. test nodupkey; by test_var; run; I think you need to post sample data for this, preferably have and want data sets in a data step. By understanding the differences between PROC SQL, the DATA STEP, and PROC SORT, you can choose the most appropriate method for your specific data processing needs. *Records for ID#2 not adjacent and it's sex values are not the same, but I care only about duplicates by ID and NUM; data aa; input. The below code give you unique values of MAKE from the CARS dataset with ALL VARIABLES. This tutorial explains how to use PROC SORT in SAS for sorting data. INTRODUCTION When updating a SAS® dataset, you may end up with duplicate rows of data. SAS 9. Aug 28, 2014 · Quentin in his comments shows a way to get around this (adding %NRSTR to the call), but I find that I prefer to only use CALL EXECUTE when there's an advantage to doing so over the other methods - particularly, if I want to use SAS data step techniques (such as FIRST or LAST, for example, or some form of looping) in creating my macro calls, or Apr 10, 2017 · Please show what your desired output would look like and whether you need a SAS data set or a report. It is conceivable that a variable has two different non-missing values in different observations. The NODUPKEY option prevents an observation from being written to the output data set when its BY value is identical to the BY value of the last observation written to the output data set. But if both of your incoming data are presorted by the keys, you may rub in dedup process in one data step as such: data h1; input a b; cards; 1 11 1 22 2 12 ; data h2; input a b; cards; 1 11 2 16 ; data want; set h1 h2; by a b; if first. WANT2 has 10 observations and 2 variables. So, we have the following equivalencies: Table 2. id sex $ NUM AMOUNT; datalines; 1 F 3 40. 4, SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Studio installed in my PC. ta enddates; by usubjid; /* Do you other processing here */ run; Its only worth using some technology if there is a benefit to the code for using that technology, and in this case the task can be taken care of with simpler, shorter code (and most likely In this example, PROC SORT creates an output data set that contains only the first observation of each BY group. In this example a sample dataset “work. 630 631 proc sort data=have out=want2 nodupkey; by descending key; run; NOTE: There were 55 observations read from the data set WORK. Jul 20, 2021 · Yep. Finally, a proactive approach to handling Jul 23, 2021 · Hello I want to learn the difference between equals and noequals in proc sort+nodupkey. g. If there are multiple records (not just 2) for an account key, you still end up with only one record for the account key. Nov 2, 2023 · With nodupkey option SAS deletes duplicate rows based on variables specified in the BY statement. Feb 18, 2021 · Hello, From long time, if I want to group by one ID field, then keep the first record by second var, I do this: "proc sort data=inputx out=a; by ID month; data b ; set a; by id month; if first. Jan 29, 2015 · This single DATA step outputs all duplicates without pre-sorting the data set, but produces the duplicates in sorted order. Dec 17, 2024 · You can use the DATA step to import data, from external text files, in a sequence compatible with SAS processing and according to the sort order specified by the combination of SORT options and key variables listed in the BY statement. Aug 12, 2024 · SAS Code Examples; SAS Web Report Studio; Developers; Analytics. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0. When you migrate a SAS data set that was sorted with the NODUPKEY option, you can either use the default behavior or specify the KEEPNODUPKEY option. Introduction to SAS Nodupkey. 221 i would want to remove the duplicate that has 0 for lat and long and keep the entry where there is a lat and long. idrtyr kmdgih nrsabld zslxh kpij iaao tcf faqua wkxh yyyiyf