Dodmerb waiver website My remedials were an in-person psychological examination, a copy of my IEP plan (school accommodations), a high school/college transcript, and any medical documents related to Jan 9, 2023 · USNA hasn't acknowledged the DQ with any communication (the portal shows the same "X" that's been there since he submitted it). USAFA and AFROTC both wanted more AMIs. DoDMERB is more or less an information conduit that sends everything between you and the Academy after they’ve made a determination on Nov 8, 2021 · The Commander does not determine the outcome of a medical waiverhe/she just determines if he/she will forward you for consideration. Taking matters into our own hands we contacted a Pulminary specialist in our area and my son will see him in three weeks (earliest we could get in). Do I need to submit only one waiver request that will cover both of them, or will I need to submit two individual waiver requests? Also, does anyone know how long it should take to hear back from DoDMERB after I submit my waiver request? Thank you. Aug 15, 2023 · IF the waiver authorities want additional information, then yes, you will have to submit to DoDMERB BUT they are just the pass-through organization. DoDMERB will not speculate what decisions might be rendered by the Waiver Authorities. The Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB) is an element of the United States Department of Defense (DoD) which processes the medical components of admission for applicants to the United States Service Academies; Service Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs; the Uniformed Services University of the Health Feb 8, 2021 · According to DoDMERB I have been disqualified and will need the same medical waiver for both of them. Send all inquiries and forms to dha. Does this mean USAFA is also requesting a waiver for my DS? Sep 16, 2023 · This is a thread for those who have “learned a thing or two” to share what worked for them to successfully move through the DoDMERB process, whether the initial filling out the medical history to getting through remedials and the waiver process and anything in between. Those were both updated into Dodmerb today and now her USNA section of dodmerb is back to showing under dodmerb review. And here you are, only a few months before you have to report, and you don’t know if you’re going to get medically Jan 14, 2025 · DoDMERB, as stated on their website, serves as the agency inside the DoD to determine the ". DoDMERB findings. He is a 4. Dec 4, 2023 · Your DoDMERB portal will display show when the exams are received along with the status of processing the results, including meeting standards, not meeting standards and undergoing a medical waiver. for D231. possible medical waiver. Applying to USMA and USAFA with peanut allergy (that I've undergone immunotherapy for). USMA requested a waiver on my behalf and it says so in my candidate portal but it still says "under waiver review" on the DODMERB website. If your admissions record is competitive, and if you are identified to have one or more disqualifying condition(s) for which a waiver might be possible, USNA begins the waiver process. It was only at that point that we knew the waiver process had actually been initiated. Aug 16, 2024 · If a Waiver Authority needs more medical information, the request will come via the DoDMERB website, so it’s important that you monitor our website for updates and comply with all requests as soon as possible. Goes off meds, weekends and summers - uses it as needed. - Waiver policies can differ across pre-comm programs (SAs, ROTC, etc. "Under Waiver Review" on the DoDMERB website means that DoDMERB forwarded your medical file to the medical waiver authority "IF" the Commander requested medical waiver consideration. mil. 01 Applicant DQ - Waiver Authority requests additional information A week or so later, we received a letter from DoDMERB (snail mail) requesting the admin and medical remedials with very detailed instructions about what to do and when to do it. On 12/14/2021 USMA requested a waiver on his behalf. 90. We haven't heard anything regarding a waiver from USAFA. AS200 here, I am currently DQ'd for DoDMERB but going under waiver review. DODMERB waiver processing system and update. Click the "Forgot Password" link below to reset your password. ). . Feb 1, 2024 · Can a waiver that was granted be reversed bc another SA wanted more info? I swear my DD USNA dodmerb DQ turned green and said waiver granted. “If” DoDMERB renders a determination of “does NOT meet medical accession standards ,” the DoDI permits the Service Secretaries (Army, Navy, Air Force) to authorize waivers in individual cases. This allows the reviewing authorities to review existing records AND to order additional consult(s), test(s), and/or request additional information from the applicant. It is also in her USNA portal. Dec 14, 2013 · R259. webmaster@health. You’re stuck in the medical waiver process. There is good info on the process. They also post interim and final statuses. Send all password and login questions to dha. However, the DODMERB website states "Under Waiver Review" for both USAFA and USMA. Waivers are individually based. The academy will email the applicant directly saying they have started the waiver process, and then request AMI through DoDMERB afterwards to make a determination. Skim to page 48. An email from DoDMERB back in December indicated they had sent the DQ to all 4 SA's he applied to and he was able to log into the DoDMERB website last night and it shows the DQ has been sent to USNA. The waiver process involves an in-depth review of your medical history. In other words, DoDMERB will accept the documents you give them and send it off to the waiver authorities. The waiver authority “may” also request AMI. He was medically DQ on 12/10/2021. I had a history of ADD and stopped taking medication around 2014 (I don't know the exact date). DoDMERB is not involved in the waiver determination process except as noted above. Things to keep in mind: - The SA initiates the waiver process if they choose to do so. ONLY AFTER WE RECEIVE your IME will you be able to log into this website as an applicant. Consequently, you may be asked to provide Jan 31, 2024 · Pay special attention to the section below that each Service Academy grants their own waiver – DoDMERB does not make decisions about waivers – the doctor at the Service Academy you’re applying to does. Jan 11, 2023 · DoDMerb decided that I do not meet the DoD medical standards in late of Aug 2022, requested additional medical Information; Submitted AMI’s including two doctors’ medical notes to DoDMerb twice in late of Sep 2022and in early of Oct 2022 while their website has been shut down; Medical Waiver has requested by West Point in early of Dec 2022 Apr 15, 2021 · My DS has applied to both USAFA and USMA. Screenshot of the DoDMERB Website, 8 Feb 2023. Apr 20, 2019 · In order to obtain an “official answer (DoDMERB determination/waiver decision),” you must apply and go through the process. In a recent post I added Feb 12, 2021 · The waiver process can be a nightmare for the whole family, but it can be done. 0 student Feb 28, 2008 · The DodMERB's letter and website both state that waiver requests are automatic for USMA applicants. Hope this helps. Mar 22, 2016 · Help! My son who is a senior in HS, just got his letter stating he is required to get an administrative AMI. Ms. For enhanced security, all users must reset their passwords the first time they log into the new website. See the image below for an example. Waiver has not been reviewed yet, that might be why. ncr. g. If you are pending a medical wavier, you will only see an update to your status should the Waiver Authority request Additional Medical Information (AMI) or when they render a decision. medical qualifications of applicants for appointment to a United States Service Academy, the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Programs of the United States Armed Forces, and other programs as assigned by the Assistant Secretary of Mar 23, 2022 · DoDMERB automatically moves to under waiver review after a DQ, but this doesn't mean a waiver has been initiated. Specifically, it’s because my clueless self from 2019 checked off something regarding bed wetting when it was an isolated incident from several years ago that barely fit into the category listed (I chugged a ton of water one night when I was 13 or so and the rest is history). Apr 9, 2017 · DoDMERB is the information clearinghouse among the candidates and the SAs and waiver authorities. Do not send it twice (e. dod-merb. A medical waiver is an independent review by the medical team from that specific Academy(ies). DoDMERB makes the initial determination of meets/does not meet standards (the DoDI link in the DoDMERB menu), or Q/DQ. RC may discuss DNG with LTC Lee and/or COL McDonald prior to notification. RC forwards DNG to tech for processing. Grady will update CC’s file with remarks “Updated Waiver approved on the DODMERB website” RCs will notify CC by phone and make remarks in file. It is noted that both DoDMERB and the waiver authorities are NOT reluctant to ask for something specific, when required. Your application can be reviewed, but no decision will be made until there is a definitive Q, DQ or waiver . Hi all. You are not required/permitted to initiate this process. He was diagnosed ADHD in 1st grade, been on same dosage of Adderall for all these years. DoDMERB is not the one that determines a waiver, but the branch’s Surgeon General. mbx. helpdesk@health. And then DODMERB hit, and it's been a mess. a. If so, they will do so through DoDMER to you. I’ve been under waiver review for well over a year now. Dec 14, 2024 · It might be helpful, if you haven’t done so already, to go to the DoDMERB website and read the landing page and all the left-side menu items. Login To Your Account Jun 23, 2023 · Maybe this is a description of you right now: You submitted all your Academy and ROTC applications, received a Congressional nomination, and possibly even earned a Letter of Assurance. Apr 20, 2018 · So, anything requested by DoDMERB or the waiver authorities will be submitted to DoDMERB. LOA, two nominations, Med disqualified (that was the worst letter ever received), appealed and provided new information, further review by medical needed some of whom were on vacation at the time, eventually passed review, congratulation letter stating status changed, Appointment Letter, received PTR, I-Day Oct 18, 2019 · I'm in the same boat as you. Jan 3, 2025 · Did this happen before or after your DoDMERB exam? Have you gone to the DoDMERB website, read the landing page and every item in the left-side menu? There is a link to the DoDMERB military medical accession standards. This is why you may get a waiver for a certain condition from the Army, but not the Air Force, because they have different Surgeon Generals with different levels of risk tolerance, and different recruiting requirements. fax and hard copies) or to the Academy or ROTC program. nsbsefpfo bpiljco ryyk odccp yae hzoesd luu ieo ysaum luyrw