Ubitx volume control so try the experiment at mid range - as you go to higher bands you will The document provides instructions for operating an Arduino-based software defined radio called the uBiTX v6. The v4 main board is the new board shipping from HF Signals from around the beginning of June 2018. So effectively this is an automatic RF attenuation circuit to provide AGC functionality for the uBITX. The +ve end should go to pin1 and the -ve The board allows connections for optional Reverse Polarity (series Schottky diode), a switch on the volume control (or separate power switch) and the switched DC output to whatever item is being powered. The uBITX runs without an RF gain control and was optimised for a decently high overload point. This was directly coupled to the LM386 audio amp’s volume control. In reality, transformers and other forms of isolation don’t necessarily always work. Replacing the final resistor(R253) in the low pass filter with a 0 BITX QSO DAY: Every Sunday This was directly coupled to the LM386 audio amp’s volume control. The output power in CW mode can now be controlled finely by shifting the 45MHz clock slightly along the slope of the Xtal filter. So fewer people complain of overload but AGC is a common wish list item. It faults on: reverse voltage; over power; Don Cantrell ND6T has posted details of how to add a simple RF Gain Control mod to the uBITx on his website. The board allows connections for optional Reverse Polarity (series Schottky diode), a switch on the volume control (or separate power switch) and the switched DC output The output power in CW mode can now be controlled finely by shifting the 45MHz clock slightly along the slope of the Xtal filter. It works from 3 MHz to 30 MHz, with up to 10 watts on SSB and CW with a very sensitive receiver. However, a working solution from ND6T in April 2018 offered a much larger dynamic range, and has been widely adopted by constructors. 056 MHz as a starting point. Email ubitx. low end), and was “surprised” by a VERY loud noise Buy several so you have spares in the junk box. The uBitx is a two layer board, the bottom side is mostly ground plane. Posted on August 3, 2018 August 3, 2018. 5mm jacks and describes the main Attach the knobs to the Tuning Encoder and the volume control. The problem was that the sidetone would work for “dits” satisfactorily, but the sidetone for a “dash” would vanish after an initial blip The difference in signal strength between key-up and key-down as seen on a control receiver is from way below S0 to S9+20dB or so, giving a dynamic range of over 70dB (indicative value in light of the basic test method). Categories Computer interface, uBitx News Tags computer, KK6ISP Post navigation. you may want to incorporate a trimmer potentiometer between VOL -H and pin 6 of U1 similar to the primary volume control to set the auxillary Joe says this works amazingly well and mounts on the rear of the volume pot as indicated below (ignore the 0. The photo below should clarify how Joe built this circuit on the rear of the volume control. This will be featured in his ATU that is expected to b be documented shortly. By using a signal source before the control then we can use the constant fixed gain of the receiver as a good Don Cantrell ND6T has posted details of how to add a simple RF Gain Control mod to the uBITx on his website. Vince has loaded (after some angst) the KD8CEC firmware, and has the rig interfaced with Ham Radio Deluxe (in both directions). It faults on: reverse voltage; over power; So effectively this is an automatic RF attenuation circuit to provide AGC functionality for the uBITX. Ashhar Farhan VU2ESE, designer of the uBITx recommends replacing R253 (a resistor) with a 0. In effect, an automatic volume control. Reference. Port Expander Wire up the Volume Control; Wire up a paddle and straight key; Load up a sketch on your Raduino; Get support when you need it; Fix. Using 4 of flat The µBITX is a general coverage HF SSB/CW transceiver kit with features you NEED for operating ease, convenience and versatility. Olivier has connected his uBitx to a homebrew converter (using an NE612) (see schematic attached) and PA0RDT’s mini whip just to see what he could find on the VLF bands. 5mm Audio Out jack and turn the volume up about half way. Note that pin 7 of U1 (the TDA2822) is connected to the wiper (centre connector) on the volume control. The combined volume control and on/off switch is functional (in most cases) but because of the small shaft diameter it can be difficult to source a knob. I have to reconnect to the 3. At a minimum, the following items are required to make the transceiver functional: the uBITx kitset; a 12v regulated power supply capable of delivering please note with no AGC, one must manually adjust the volume control. Perhaps just build “ugly style” or “Manhatten style” on copper clad circuit board, that way The screen capture above from his win10 laptop controlling the AtomicPi with ubuntu controlling his V4 uBITX running WSJTX and completing a JT8 QSO. It The LDR is connected in parallel with the volume control. It is supplied as a completely pre-populated and tested circuit board by the manufacturer (trading as HF Signals). Almost any potentiometer, from 1 Kilohm to 5 Kilohm, can be used to add an RF Gain control. 1uf capacitor to get the sidetone to work properly if you are encountering issues with it (mostly on a v5 uBITx). An S-meter sensor taken off the input to the volume control could be captured on the A7 analogue line and software could be used to display The board allows connections for optional Reverse Polarity (series Schottky diode), a switch on the volume control (or separate power switch) and the switched DC output to whatever item is being powered. . Port Expander Vic WA4THRI always enjoy seeing how others have built their BitX’s and has pointed out ideas that others might find useful: 1. It faults on: reverse voltage; over power; Source the audio feed from the volume control output and wire up the stereo jack or speaker to the output of the module. Posted on January 27 Dave N4LKN has developed a potentiometer controlled version of his original zener power control. For example I go from 14W max to between 1. If you have an audio taper pot (logarithmic pot), that’s even better. This circuit prevents bad things from Most BITX automatic gain control schemes use the audio output to apply control of the input of the audio power amplifier. The pin diodes (MA27B) are available at RF Wire up the Volume Control; Wire up a paddle and straight key; Load up a sketch on your Raduino; Fred W4JLE writes that he has just discovered the NEXTION display and he has begun using it on his BitX. I2C control gives you 16 more 5V digital I/O ports and uses an Adafruit Library for simple control. Use a small srewdriver to tighten the mounting screws on the side of the knobs for proper grip on the the spindles. An initial report from Mike (callsign not known) of distorted audio on a v4 main circuit board was tracked down to the audio amplifier. The v5 uBITx has an LM386 for the audio amplifier stage. Stability has been mostly solved by going with Si5351 and Si570 digitally controlled local oscillators in modern HF receiver designs. Maximum output (in excess of 10w PEP) is achieved on 80m, while output on 10m can be as low as 1w PEP. Next Post Next External speaker Don Cantrell ND6T has posted details of how to add a simple RF Gain Control mod to the uBITx on his website. Replacing your TDA2822 with an LM386 using a DIL socket adapter The TDA2822 and LM386 are not pin compatible, but it is possible to make an adapter to plug into the TDA2822 DIL socket (using two further DIL sockets). Posted on December 22, 2018 March 11, 2019. Reference 1 Reference 2 Ashhar Farhan VU2ESE, designer of the uBITx recommends replacing R253 (a resistor) with a 0. you may not hear band noise at the minimum setting of the volume control. It makes the PCB a little longer, but still fits into uBitx Radio PCB. By using a signal source before the control then we can use the constant fixed gain of the receiver as a good These were his first uBitx contacts with other uBitx and bitx40 rigs. Philip G7JUR suggests connecting a 10 microFarad capacitor to the LM386. The +ve end should go to pin1 and the -ve Joe says this works amazingly well and mounts on the rear of the volume pot as indicated below (ignore the 0. This circuit prevents bad things from happening by shutting down the radio before any damage is done. Source the audio feed from the volume control output and wire up the stereo jack or speaker to the output of the module. There has been discussion recently about how to even up the power output of the uBITx across bands. Search for: Search Important Links. Gain Control (1) Harmonics, spurs and IMD (33) Keypad (2) Linear amp (26) Mic audio (19) S Meter (6) The MAX is for the 16 Added I/O pins on the end of the PCB. I need help regarding configuration in MacBook for ubitx to Wire up the Volume Control; Wire up a paddle and straight key; Load up a sketch on your Raduino; Get support when you need it; Fix. With the addition of a transistor driver for an additional relay and one additional potentiometer you can now have a tune button that will tune your rig with lower power output. Bill Schmidt, K9HZ has designed a fool-proof control circuit for the uBITx for power control. Spectral purity; Many of these may be in the “boat anchor” category, but updating to a uBITx brings new life to an old favourite! Finally, you may want to consider a Pelican-style case (such as those Wire up the Volume Control; Wire up a paddle and straight key; Load up a sketch on your Raduino; Lex PH2LB wrote to uBITx. The +ve end should go to pin1 and the -ve Ashhar Farhan VU2ESE observes that ALC is just one way of controlling output power from a linear amplifier stage and that an easier approach is to do it in software. Posted on March 2, 2018 March 2, 2018. Spectral purity; Many of these may be in the “boat anchor” category, but updating to a uBITx brings new life to an old favourite! Finally, you may want to consider a Pelican-style case (such as those This was directly coupled to the LM386 audio amp’s volume control. Most BITX automatic gain control schemes use the audio output to apply control of the input of the audio power amplifier. Many constructors have replaced this potentiometer with a standard 1/4″ or 6mm potentiometer along with a separate switch (which can be located on front or back panels). You can use any 10K logarithmic pot (Type A10K). The new software provides a Colour Touch Display Controller with a no menu approach to control your ubitx . When you cut the ubitx supplied analog and digital wire bundles to the recommended 8 inches, you end up with enough left over that you can make all the other front panel connections with using the left over wire. Nikos, SV1IYF, sent Nigel his settings, and they may be useful for others who want to recalibrate roughly to get going: Gain Control (1) Harmonics, spurs The board allows connections for optional Reverse Polarity (series Schottky diode), a switch on the volume control (or separate power switch) and the switched DC output to whatever item is being powered. Points connected to the volume control are in parallel with existing wiring. Email us. The original TDA2822 of the uBitx has a gain of 40dB, so you may want to try adding a cap between LM386 pins 1 and 8 if you need more gain there. Previous Post Previous Audio Pop Fix. 055-11. It summarizes the front panel controls including volume knob, tuning knob, touch screen, 3. The Nano is connected to the ubitx via i2c. Replacing the final resistor(R253) in the low pass filter with a 0 Wire up the Volume Control; Wire up a paddle and straight key; Load up a sketch on your Raduino; Next Post Next Tune up instructions for the uBITx. The purchaser needs to assemble the board into an enclosure and wire up sockets, encoder and potentiometer and provide a power supply in order to get the transceiver working. A meter connected in series with the LED via a current limiting resistor becomes an effective S What is the uBITx? The µBitx is a HF (3-30MHz) all-band SSB and CW transceiver kit. Almost everyone places their tuning control to the right, but if you place the Raduino to the right you can easily update and play with the software by just plugging your computer into the USB port [EDITOR: With a penetration on the right Bill K9HZ has added a tune control to his circuit to even up output power across the bands. By using a signal source before the control then we can use the constant fixed gain of the receiver as a good Bill Schmidt, K9HZ has designed a fool-proof control circuit for the uBITx for power control. and potentiometers control the input voltage to the board, compression and noise gate. Wire up the Volume Control; Wire up a paddle and straight key; Load up a sketch on your Raduino; So he finally integrated the board into his ubitx v5. Kees Other sizes can also be made to work, but not all firmware works with the latest CEC uBITx firmware or the uBITx Manager Windows software. He says he can now listen to a weak signal without having to reach for the volume control when a strong signal comes on. Wire up the Volume Control; Wire up a paddle and straight key; Load up a sketch on your Raduino Others are quite happy to wire up a cable for USB control and another for the audio in/out. This circuit prevents bad things from The original drive control, RV1, would need to be removed and a few parts added, along with a digital pot (I2C control) in place of R3 below to form an attenuator in the RF path. Many constructors may wish to substitute the supplied potentiometer, because of its non-standard shaft size. Lack of any AGC (or even an RF gain control) The lack of an effective AGC has plagued all of the BITx kits over the years. A larger value cap (up to Run audio out from ubitx into PC/Mac/Linux audio in; Run spectrum analyzer and configure it to listen to the audio in; Turn up volume on ubitx until levels are reasonably high but not clipping in the spectrum analyzer; For the ubitx 5 (not the earlier versions), you will want to set the BFO somewhere around 11. This will make a nice addition to the transceiver. With some careful work it should be possible to design a small PCB that fits into the holes vacated by RV1, either vertically or horizontally. He put a trimmer on the output of the board, and potentiometers on the compression, and noise gates. He added high limit and lo limit resistors as illustrated in the circuit diagram below: He says, “I will be adding a simple accurate circuit add on to this to report voltage and current supplied to the output stage using 2 analog inputs to my Run audio out from ubitx into PC/Mac/Linux audio in; Run spectrum analyzer and configure it to listen to the audio in; Turn up volume on ubitx until levels are reasonably high but not clipping in the spectrum analyzer; For the ubitx 5 (not the earlier versions), you will want to set the BFO somewhere around 11. Three I2C address jumpers are provided so you can use other I2C modules. Replacing the final resistor(R253) in the low pass filter with a 0. The pin diodes (MA27B) are available at RF Parts Co. HF Signals Homepage Gain Control (1) Harmonics, spurs and IMD (33) Keypad (2) Linear amp (26) Mic audio (19) S Meter (6) So effectively this is an automatic RF attenuation circuit to provide AGC functionality for the uBITX. Perhaps just build “ugly style” or “Manhatten style” on copper clad circuit board, that way The board allows connections for optional Reverse Polarity (series Schottky diode), a switch on the volume control (or separate power switch) and the switched DC output to whatever item is being powered. As Kees notes, the uBITX is a great vehicle for modifying and improving. Pesky volume pot Geoff, G8BMI is cross-fertilising ideas across hobbies He has been assembling a uBITX, and found that the volume control has a 5mm shaft rather than the continuing the ubitx v5 build, the next step is installing a volume control Items required to assemble your uBITx. Gain Control (1) Harmonics, spurs and IMD (33) Keypad (2) Linear amp (26) Mic audio (19) S Meter (6) Wire up the Volume Control; Wire up a paddle and straight key; Load up a sketch on your Raduino; Nigel G4ZAL asked what people saw in KD8CEC’s UBITx Manager for their calibrations. 1 uF capacitor). net to tell us about a page on his website where he describes his uBitx (V3) mods. net. 5 and 2 watts by shifting the clock #1 frequency by 30Khz on the 20M band. More info can be found in the following locations: WEB: http ://vu2spf Joe says this works amazingly well and mounts on the rear of the volume pot as indicated below (ignore the 0. This depends upon the volume control setting and introduces considerable distortion on high level signals. ). This needs software that can control the ‘mic volume’. Dave somehow got the wiring backward on the volume control (hi end vs. 1uf capacitor fixes the problem. Don KM4UDX is thrilled to have remote control! If he had all of the uBITX functions on the screen, then the volume controls would be screen sliders allowing adjustment of all functions via the ” The yellow wire on the volume control does not have enough audio for my Signal Link to work with. A loud signal will require a quick response to turn down the volume control! Most constructors will see value in performing the AGC mod developed by ND6T.
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