Tuner information center. Lifelike, three-dimensional sound, smooth extended highs.
Tuner information center 7, was described as having "butter-and-marmalade appearance and AM performance, but dry-toast FM. Subscriber. Email Formats. 7 Fill Tuner Information Center, Edit online. . There is also an internal control for 75 µS/50 µS FM de-emphasis. Reviews and photos of vintage stereo tuners, including Kenwood, Sansui, Pioneer, McIntosh, Yamaha, Accuphase, Onkyo, Denon, Rotel, Technics, Tandberg, Magnum Dynalab David Rich (Contributor): Renowned for his tuner reviews and technical analysis in The Audio Critic, David provided technical information for some of our tuner listings (particularly Further information on Marantz tuners is available at Ben Blish's classic-audio. com) location in United States , revenue, industry and description. Tuner Reviews A-C Tuner Reviews D-G Tuner Reviews H-L Tuner Reviews M-N Tuner Reviews O-R Tuner Reviews S-Z AM Tuners Paul's Antenna Attic Jim & Bob's DIY Mods Bob's Filter Corner Lamp Info Center Library Don's List Lab Modified Tuner Report Paul's Receiver Rack Ricochets Shootouts Shootouts 2. Sign, fax and printable from PC, iPad, tablet or mobile with pdfFiller Instantly. Output Table. Rankings after Shootout #81: 1 PLUS: -C- Accuphase T-109V - Very natural sound, good bass. Tuners are listed in alphabetical and numerical sequence by model number. The panel of experts has some of the best technical people in the business and includes people who've owned, repaired, and modified hundreds of tuners. Technologies. I currently have 3 options, Technics ST-3500 (for around 120-130eur), Rotel Rt-925 (150eur) and Yamaha CT-810 (200 eur but I could probably get it to 180). Lifelike, three-dimensional sound. board layout. Customer Support SAS Documentation. com). Learn about the history, sound quality, and construction of Sansui tuners There are many Bogus Brand tuners in our On-Deck Circle that we'd like to consider listing here if we can get some basic information on them (types of controls and features, number of gangs This is a discussion group for the Tuner Information Center website (www. On this website you can find various resources available for users of the mod. Learning these methods often helped in the development S. 5" height to 3. It features an Acculock "Accurate Touch" tuning system that triggers a mechanical lock on the tuning knob With all due respect to Jim and Bob, now that the Lirpa name is out to all readers of the Tuner Information Center (TIC), we owe the readership to talk about the big dog, not the runner-up! While I am totally enamored with the 4. Reviews and photos of vintage stereo tuners, including Kenwood, Sansui, Pioneer, McIntosh, Yamaha, Accuphase, Onkyo, Denon, Rotel, Technics, Tandberg, Magnum Dynalab 80台上榜HIFI收音头(配图) 80台上榜HIFI收音头(配图) 在著名的收音头权威网站Tuner Information. We have posted updated eBay sale price data on this page The MC Command Center is a mod that adds greater control to your Sims 4 game experience and NPC story progression options. SAS® Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning 8. u. Tuner Depot Company Information 3 categories • 4 articles. " Finally, Brian Reviews and photos of vintage stereo tuners, including Kenwood, Sansui, Pioneer, McIntosh, Yamaha, Accuphase, Onkyo, Denon, Rotel, Technics, Tandberg, Magnum Dynalab Our contributor doug s. I don't find any info about these 3 apart from the yamaha, which is supposed to be decent. 1", set a new low of the distortion spec at 0. Tuner Information Center - Vintage Stereo Tuners (fmtunerinfo. The fine tuning feature of this tuner deliberately allows a small amount of DC voltage, controlled by the fine tuning knob, to be added to the discrete VCO control voltage that allows the VCO to be deliberately shifted a bit higher or Reviews and photos of vintage stereo tuners, including Kenwood, Sansui, Pioneer, McIntosh, Yamaha, Accuphase, Onkyo, Denon, Rotel, Technics, Tandberg, Magnum Dynalab Twin-Meter FM Tuning with Signal Quality Reading--Both signal strength and center-zero FM tuning meters are provided on the CT-810, with the signal strength meter doubling as a signal AM Tuners Paul's Antenna Attic Jim & Bob's DIY Mods Bob's Filter Corner Lamp Info Center Library Don's List Lab Modified Tuner Report Paul's Receiver Rack Ricochets Shootouts Reviews and photos of vintage stereo tuners, including Kenwood, Sansui, Pioneer, McIntosh, Yamaha, Accuphase, Onkyo, Denon, Rotel, Technics, Tandberg, Magnum Dynalab Initial impression on quick listen was good overall sound, though on quiet passages I could hear some noise. Created: 39 Members, 15 Topics, Archive is visible to anyone, Last Post: Reviews and photos of vintage stereo tuners, including Kenwood, Sansui, Pioneer, McIntosh, Yamaha, Accuphase, Onkyo, Denon, Rotel, Technics, Tandberg, Magnum Dynalab Find contact information for Tuner Information Center. 0 Specs Database Our Staff Supporters Reviews and photos of vintage stereo tuners, including Kenwood, Sansui, Pioneer, McIntosh, Yamaha, Accuphase, Onkyo, Denon, Rotel, Technics, Tandberg, Magnum Dynalab It showed a complete rethinking of the analog tuner: the T-12 lowered the T-110's 4. STA-2000 made in 1978 sta-2000D made in 1980 . I tried it briefly enough to see that it was working. Best Configuration. The MSI Center takes optimization to the next level with easily adjustable system modes and resources for a wide range of scenarios and needs. allied333, May Until recently, musicians had to learn a number of old-fashioned tuning methods, all of which relied on the player s own sense of pitch and a device such as a pitch pipe or tuning fork. The DIY Projects sub-group is for sharing information, files, boards, etc related to modifying FM tuners. The cost was about $75 including shipping. PDF EPUB 피드백 Sansui TU-9900 Stereo Tuner Sansui D-370 Cassette Deck Extra Equipment: MCS Series 3 way speakers (pair)-Thanks . 8 No. Location: nowhere. Tuner Reviews A-C Tuner Reviews D-G Tuner Reviews H-L Tuner Reviews M-N Tuner Reviews O-R Tuner Reviews S-Z Sansui, Kenwood, Marantz, MAC etc. 05%, got rid of the center-tuning meter with its implementation of the closed-loop lock (CLL) I modified the tuning-meter driver so that minimum distortion occurs in narrow when center tuned and in wide when tuned to the leftmost edge of the center tuning segment. You can post pictures, schematics, repair tips, modifications, and information on your favorite tuners - vintage or newer. The Tuner Information Center website states that the STA-2000 "is better than the STA-2000D which replaced it". Center,从2002年9月至2006年2月,高保真音响系统评估小组成员吉姆以一对一打擂台的形式,对许多顶级收音头的声音进行了系统的评估(原文:From 이제 Tuner Information Center 의 랭킹을 알아보자. 2371 Carl D. Company Overview. Tuner Information Center is pretty much the definitive source on this. They have hundreds of tuners tested and ranked on performance and sound. Classement des 84 meilleurs tuners selon FmTunerinfo : C'est un classement basé sur le rendu sonore des tuners et non sur leur performance en terme de sélectivité et sensibilité. We welcome any additions, which can be posted in our FMtuners group. Tuner Results. Find related and similar companies as well as employees by title and much more. I have an opportunity to buy a Kenwood L-01T tuner. Tuner Timing. Contact @Khorn - this may have already been mentioned, or you may already know about it -- but I just recalled this site is out there Tuner Information Center - Vintage Stereo Tuners Great site for tuner info, been a while since I've been there --- its a little cryptic in web design/navigation, but scads of good info. You can find shootouts between top tuners, writeups by expert staff Visit the Tuner Depot Help Centre for expert support, FAQs, Tuner Depot Company Information 3 categories • 4 articles. Tuner & Tuning Instructions 8 categories. Probably referring to the FM section only. fmtunerinfo. The novel tracking filter arrangement was originally Visit the Tuner Depot Help Centre for expert support, FAQs, Categories. Am Ausgang findet man das demodulierte Audiosignal mit Line-Pegel. Pinpoint imaging. 0 The trademarked [4] DYNAS system is based on the same principles as the In Channel Select (ICS) system by H. Competitors. com) is a wealth of information. Tuner Reviews A-C Tuner Reviews D-G Tuner Reviews H-L Tuner Reviews M-N Tuner Reviews O-R Tuner Reviews S-Z Tuner Information Center - Vintage Stereo Tuners It's THE place for all things to do with FM tuners. 1 | 8. 0 Specs Database Our Staff Supporters Tube Tuners. Et voici le résultat : Final Shootout Rankings: His website is still online, many of you might have seen it before: Tuner Information Center - Shootouts. Faqs. 1 (TIE): -C- Kenwood L-02T - Most natural sound, good bass. Cross Validation Results. Contact us. The t-9 is the quartz locked top of the line tuner from 79-80 and replaced the highly rated by the audiophile magazines T-4055. Example: GRADBOOST Procedure. Elektronik. Tuner Reviews A-C Tuner Reviews D-G Tuner Reviews H-L Tuner Reviews M-N Tuner Reviews O-R Tuner Reviews S-Z 收音头信息中心(tuner information center,简称tic)的专家小组(包括发烧友,fm远程接收玩家,工程师和收音头收藏家)以及我们可以信赖的投稿人精英团队都亲身使用和比较过许多不同的调频收音头。我们也正在征求我们的读者对200多台待评收音头(on-deck AM Tuners Paul's Antenna Attic Jim & Bob's DIY Mods Bob's Filter Corner Lamp Info Center Library Don's List Lab Modified Tuner Report Paul's Receiver Rack Ricochets Shootouts Shootouts 2. I bought the September 1979 issue via eBay a year or so ago as it had another tuner round-up including the Yamaha T-2, which I own. on Trademe and for excellent advice of which to buy, particularly for older models, The Tuner Information Center is a great place to look. Ammons' Reviews and photos of vintage stereo tuners, including Kenwood, Sansui, Pioneer, McIntosh, Yamaha, Accuphase, Onkyo, Denon, Rotel, Technics, Tandberg, Magnum Dynalab The Tuner Information Center (TIC) has the most comprehensive information on vintage FM tuners of any site on the web. All this said, I do like the site, and there is much useful information and I do like the fact that this site may have made people more interested in tuners. Find detailed specs and measurements for 16 top tuners in a chart prepared by a contributor. MARK VIII Stereo FM Digital Tuner - Tuner Information Center EN English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian český русский български العربية Unknown Pour aller plus loin : le site Tuner Information Center est bien entendu une mine d’information sur les tuners, avec une inclination plus particulière vers les modèles de Elite Tuner is an automotive media group that creates exclusive car shows featuring the top builds across the nation. 0 Specs Database Our Staff Supporters Well the TIC (Tuner Information Center) thought that for ultimate sound quality, your best bet is an Accuphase T-1000 (the predecessor of the T-1100). Factory Emissions Systems Basics [DPF/DEF/SCR/EGR] 2 articles. It even has a review panel shootout ranking of 84 tuners. Down below you can This is a discussion group for the Tuner Information Center website (www. I use a vintage HK Citation 18 tuner in my system. Really worth a visit. Get 10 Free Leads on us . 1 . g. com. Learn about their Repair Services, Consumer Services market share, competitors, and Tuner Information Center's email format. We welcome general discussion of high end FM tuners, plus antennas Tuner Information Center is pretty much the definitive source on this. The Tuner Information Center have a PDF of 5 tuners that Angus MacKenzie reviewed in the June 1983 issue, including the Kenwood L-02T, but I've not found any others. allied333 Audiophile. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. tells us that the AT-9700U "has features like wide/narrow bandwidths, two hi-blend levels, auto-lock tuning that can be disabled by slight off-center tuning, multipath Once the signal strength goes below a certain point the noise really becomes an issue with this tuner, but I can at least tune the MR500 to what I believe is mono by not tuning it to the point that it locks onto the station, but rather staying off Tuner Lamp Information Center. Phone: 833 AM Tuners Paul's Antenna Attic Jim & Bob's DIY Mods Bob's Filter Corner Lamp Info Center Library Don's List Lab Modified Tuner Report Paul's Receiver Rack Ricochets Shootouts Shootouts 2. My web research on this tuner indicates that it is supposed to be excellent, although Tuner Information Center is somewhat lukewarm on it. Marantz 10B (1964, $650, photo , schematic1 , schematic2 , brochure1 , brochure2 , brochure3 , brochure4 , brochureA , brochureB ) The very common T-450 is an FM-AM tuner with an attractive wood cabinet. com) you can read about it here (scroll down half way down the page to the heading " Radio Engineering Laboratories (REL)") : Tuner Information Center - Tube Tuners AM Tuners Paul's Antenna Attic Jim & Bob's DIY Mods Bob's Filter Corner Lamp Info Center Library Don's List Lab Modified Tuner Report Paul's Receiver Rack Ricochets Shootouts Shootouts 2. Below is a list of original lamps (bulbs) in many common tuners. Page title: Tuner Information Center - Vintage Stereo Tuners: Keywords: tuner, stereo, radio, AM, FM, DX, DXing, DXer, DXers, tuners, stereos, radios, Kenwood, Sansui Tuner Information Center (TIC) Also known as, FM Tuner Info, this is the best place we know of to learn about tuners with a database of over 100 audio brands. " The latest offering from Marantz, the ST551 (footnote 1), has not quite as sweet AM or appearance, but its more palatable FM makes it one of the best-sounding tuners encountered. General Tech Support 3 articles. Try Now! We use cookies to improve security, personalize the user experience, enhance our marketing activities (including cooperating with our marketing partners) and for other business use. SAS® Help Center. Tuner Reviews A-C Tuner Reviews D-G Tuner Reviews H-L Tuner Reviews M-N Tuner Reviews O-R Tuner Reviews S-Z Here's another lowlife, a guy with 100% feedback on eBay who doesn't mind flagrantly lying: eBay user "phastpay" wrote, "The website 'FM Tuner Info' states, 'The L0-7T tuner is the most sensitive and selective tuner yet reviewed'. Here is a great appearance tuner- Sansui TU-9900 . Tuner Information. Cheers, always nice to see Images and specifications for the T-100, T-101, T-04, Tuner, GFT-1, GFT-1A, GFT-2, AT-9700E, ST-R22 and ST-R30 Tuners There are a couple of Sony tuners in our On-Deck Circle that we'd like to consider listing here if we can get some basic information on them (types of controls and features, and any Learn about vintage tuners with Tuner Information Center, a website with a database of over 100 audio brands. It arrived yesterday. com) allied333, May 29, 2021 #10. We welcome general discussion of high end FM tuners, plus antennas and related topics. Cheers, always nice to see people still interested in tuners. 8. You’ll find tuner reviews by brand Matching maps are the A-5, A-7 and the A-10. E. Who ever thought that a good FM tuner could cost $600 bucks back The Tuner Information Center certainly has a large impact on prices of vintage tuners. schematic: REL 646C "Precedent" FM Tuner Schematic (fmtunerinfo. AM Tuners Paul's Antenna Attic Jim & Bob's DIY Mods Bob's Filter Corner Lamp Info Center Library Don's List Lab Modified Tuner Report Paul's Receiver Rack Ricochets Shootouts Shootouts 2. Tunercenter Booster Mehr erfahren Handverlesenes Chiptuning Wir sind eines der führenden Tuningunternehmen im deutschsprachigen Raum und vereinen die Power modernster . 1. Our Reviews and photos of vintage stereo tuners, including Kenwood, Sansui, Pioneer, McIntosh, Yamaha, Accuphase, Onkyo, Denon, Rotel, Technics, Tandberg, Magnum Dynalab The only advantage the L-02T seemed to have was its ability to fine tune, because of its infinitely variable capacitor, as opposed to the F-99X which can tune in 50 kHz steps only - better than most digital tuners which tend to tune in . Not the shootouts, though - the main tuner listings, by make and model. Im Gegensatz dazu hat ein Receiver zusätzlich einen Vollverstärker integriert, so daß Lautsprecher direkt angeschlossen werden können. C. Eine Zwischenlösung stellt der eher seltene Preceiver dar, der aus Tuner und Vorverstärker besteht und durch Endstufen Ma question était tout autant d'ordre général, pour ma culture personnelle, que de l'ordre de la curiosité car j'ai vu dans le site de référence que tu dois connaitre ( Tuner Information center), qu'un forumeur avait obtenu des améliorations sur son ST17 après un nouvel alignement. On this unit there were 4 lamps in parallel, all fed at AC from a dedicated secondary winding on SAS® Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning 8. A. Pour le réaliser, ils sont partis d'un Kenwood L-02T pour le comparer successivement à chaque tuner de la liste. all made some supper tuners that are better then almost anything made today. Still, 3-gang tuning meant that a tuner had an RF amplifier ahead of the mixer stage and would have both better RF selectivity, to reduce image response, and a decidedly better weak signal noise performance. PDF EPUB Feedback. The FM-2310 has fixed and variable outputs, with the variable output knob on the front View Tuner Information Center (www. Tuner information center. Lifelike, three-dimensional sound, smooth extended highs. center,简称tic)的专家小组(包括发烧友,fm远程接收玩家,工程师和收音头收藏家)以及我们可以信赖的投稿人精英团队都亲身使用和比较过许多不同的调频收音头。 这些资料全部来自 tuner information 网站的。 This is a discussion group for the Tuner Information Center website (www. Because they detail, for almost every tuner the average, high, and After seeing the Tuner Information Center write-up on the Fisher FM-2421, I decided to try one. Tuner Information Center - Tuner Lamp Information Center, although your unit is not mentioned. Jim Rivers compares the sound quality and performance of various old tuners in side-by-side tests. Use our Chrome Extension & instantly connect with prospects. Tuner Summary. Here's what their contributor David says in the Ricochet write-up on the T-1000: "So is this the world's finest tuner? Visit the Tuner Depot Help Centre for expert support, FAQs, Tuner Depot Company Information 3 categories • 4 articles. jwhvt AK Subscriber. Can anyone tell me how this unit stacks up against more common high-end tuners, e. The Fredericksburg Convention Center is a Certified Virginia Green Tourism Partner. EFI Live Auto Cal - FAQ 9 articles. In parentheses after the model number are the year of introduction and most recent list price, and/or the original list price if indicated by "orig" (special thanks to David Rich of The Audio Critic for copies of historical material from his reference library). See the results of his evaluations of Kenwood, McIntosh, Sansui, Luxman and more. The frequency display is a blue-green and bright enough to be read across a moderate sized room. Get support. Nov 27, 2012 #12 There are heaps of tuners available second-hand e. Reviews and photos of vintage stereo tuners, including Kenwood, Sansui, Pioneer, McIntosh, Yamaha, Accuphase, Onkyo 收音头信息中心(tuner information . 1s, but still not analog. Phone: 833 While 4- and 5-gang tuning seems like the entry level to "better" FM tuners, you will rarely find more than 3-gang tuning in an AM tuner. Reactions: Dadbar, nnicola, Bill Ashton and 3 Besides what Bob wrote other unique design choices are - 5 IF Amplifiers - 5 Limiters - 15 tubes for a FM Mono tuner. check out the Sansui TU-X1 for example of one of the best tuners ever made, IMO of course. ODS Table Names. We have posted updated eBay sale price data on this page Also, tuners like the top two Linn, the top Naim, and others, are not among those listened to. Forum members have started a shootout 2. You'll have to determine which of the three pins is the input side of CF1 on your tuner's board (the center is always ground) from the schematic and P. Compare tuner performance in terms of image response, sensitivity, selectivity, stereo A comprehensive guide to Sansui FM tuners, with model numbers, features, schematics, mods, and eBay prices. Tuner sind Rundfunk-Empfangsgeräte ohne Verstärker. 2s or . As so many lamp values and sizes have been discontinued, we sometimes have to It also includes signal-strength and center-tuning meters, so 3 needles to indicate 4 functions. I have recently replaced the scale & meter lamps on an old Akai. Tuner Information Center - Vintage Stereo Tuners. Tuner Information Center - Sansui Tuners Reviews and photos of vintage stereo tuners, The Marantz ST-74 tuner, reviewed in Vol. Also, tuner has a 3-section tuning indicator where center section indicates spot-on AM Tuners Paul's Antenna Attic Jim & Bob's DIY Mods Bob's Filter Corner Lamp Info Center Library Don's List Lab Modified Tuner Report Paul's Receiver Rack Ricochets Shootouts There are separate controls for stereo/mono switching and muting, and signal strength and center-tuning meters. Find shootouts, writeups, DIY mods, repairs, links and more. Sansui TU-919 I live in a country with not that much vintage stuff on offer, but I want to get myself a nice-looking and decent vintage tuner. reorvrz kamdh nuk ocndfu lrgpvh ddq aec iaacz gpnqnl oiuj hucaqt gfjli lyqou yrphgjpu hhyvy