Rega carbon vs at91 com/playlist?list=PL802BPbYYm-fI5Ll0Xg8lXd2o0Fcnv-j-In this video we compare Ortofon's OM5E to Re Wonder if anyone has compared the two I read the Carbon is a slight modded AT91 The bias is hand buildt and round double price. Turntable rig- Technics 1200M7L 50th Pre- Darlington MM6 B (mod) Carts-AT- RigB AT540ml The Rega Carbon is an AT3600L. I have a Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Evo and love it. unknown make class A SM phono amplifier 2 Der Rega Carbon ist ein AT91 mit einer ähnlichen Nadel wie eine ATN3600L. I definitely need something forgiving, so probably the AT91 rather than the AT95E. 5g to 3. It has adjustable anti-skate force, a threaded counterweight, and a damped steel platter. Home > Record player comparison > Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Evo vs Rega Planar 3. Recently I had to dub an American Columbia disc from about 1950, and while more sophisticated pickups revealed significant distortion, the AT91 tamed it remarkably well. AT95E. If going with the 1 at least start with the Rega Carbon stylus Elliptical Upgrade | LP GEAR $29 instead of the conical AT91 based stylus that is included on the 1. No contest. "Logik" wie "ich hab auf dem Flohmarkt einen Dreher für 20€ abgestaubt - lohnt sich da ein neues Audio Technika AT91?" Ein Tonabnehmer definiert den Klang des Drehers. You won’t be having an adjustable antiskate if you get P2. Outsourced manufacturing is entirely normal. The Rega Elys 2 does not have a replaceable stylus, a bizarre choice for a MM cartridge design IMO. The cantilever has been upgraded to a carbon material resulting in upgraded output (check out some of the reviews online). Put all together and there is more chance for feedback. The Rega Carbon is based on the Audio Technica AT3600L and AT91, and there are many related cartridges. First, I really like the sound of my AT91 cart. The same generator is used in the AT3600, a cartridge found on a vast number of OEM turntables, branded by Rega as the ‘Carbon’ and also available cheaply from the far east. » Pro-ject debut carbon om10 vs Rega Rp1 » DEBUT CARBON OM10 SILVER I understand that it can be troublesome upgrading the cartridge on the latest Rega Planar 2 due to the RB220 arm have no VTA adjustment and a fixed anti-skate. The Rega has no anti-skate adjustment, a non-threaded counterweight that requires an additional scale to adjust, and a plastic platter. jonboywalton75 Well-known member. I heard cheap rega carbon on freefallrobs techy up against a 2m black on Inspire eclipse in same demo. Well this thing is light years ahead of the Rega Carbon, and definitely the quality of sound I was looking for. The AT-VM95E features a sturdy ABS plastic body, while the Rega Carbon has a lightweight aluminum body. After the usual brush with the Levin Design brush I treated the LP with the plasma lighter. Quick links Please login or register an accountlogin or register an account Home > Record player comparison > Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Evo vs Rega Planar 1 Plus. Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Evo vs Rega Planar 3. Mar 25, 2018 AT91/Rega Carbon, AT95E and AT-VM95 have different electrical values. The Debut Carbon Evo is a much, much more advanced turntable than the Planar 1. It's a 2. Which is why I won't buy a Rega cartridge. What's new. Rega Planar 3. There are various 3rd party upgrade stylii The Rega carbon cartridge comes with a conical stylus whereas the OM5e is elliptical, so that's a plus point for the Pro-Ject. The Planar 2 wins hands down in every category. 6mil tip, same overall motor and coils! cafe latte AK Subscriber. nbaptista pfm Member. The Carbon, as you know, is made for Rega by AT, so is very good, if more expensive. Not sure the height of the Carbon but most Rega carts are 14mm (I believe), Ortofon 2MR range were made to match that. There are various 3rd party upgrade stylii With all the hype (justified) about the AT 3600L/AT91/Rega Carbon, I thought I would mention the latest offering from AT as regards a conical tipped stylus for the VM95 range. Among the top contenders in the market, the AT3600L and AT91 cartridges from Audio-Technica have garnered significant attention. And using a Audio-Technica MG-10 headshell (which cost more than the cartridge mounted on it). currently listening with: Lenco 75, Rega 250 + s/s stub and counterweight, Linn K18 cartridge body with BD stylus. the new version VM95E pretty similar: Pete B. The Pro-Ject would also suffer from hum, that would come Genuine Audio Technica stylus guard to fit the following cartridge (stylus) models: AT90 (ATN-90), AT91 cartridge (ATN91), AT91R (ATN91R), AT3600 (ATN3600) & AT3600L (ATN3600L) It also fits styli that Audio Technica make for other brands including: Crosely NP5, Edwards Audio C50 & Rega Carbon If in doubt as t As I've said try the AT95E or other cartridges, infact the Rega Carbon is an AT91, just rebadged. That being said I ended up trading up to p3 My ocdc got the better of me about the tracking and upgrade ability with the p3. Deleted member 108165 Guest. patient_ot long player Posts: 3994 Joined: 03 Dec 2013 20:32 Location: USA. It is still possible to get a AT91 (or AT3600) with spherical stylus for less than a tenner (UK ebay), and it will sound the same as the Carbon. Reactions: spicer, Joel66 and ghamilton. . the others I've Hallo, ich bräuchte mal eine kleine Empfehlung von euch bezüglich eines neuen Spielers (gebraucht kommt leider nicht in infrage. So, an upgrade stylus for either of these cartridges will fit (though you will likely need to adjust the tracking force). Audio-Technica AT-VM95E: The AT-VM95E’s stylus has an estimated lifespan of 300-500 hours. If you've been with me for these past years you've noticed I've been constantly my white turntable stylus (AT3600L) for 3 years. Ok. Rega can sugar-coat it as much as they like, they're fooling no-one. I was just about to buy the ortofon blue stylus but would I be better saving my money and getting the rp3 instead and offloading the prp ject. Suggestions Alright I've scoured the internet for weeks for reviews, tested the Debut Carbon Evo and the Planar 2 (a bit out of price range) together and ultimately decided on the planar 1. Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Evo. It belongs to the ever-popular Pro-Ject Debut series, which first appeared in 1999. Jan 11, 2012 268 136 19,070. The Rega Carbon is a fine cartridge as a bundle with the Rega turntables. I believe you get that same platter with P2. AT95E vs. The Carbon is a solid warm cart but I found the output was too low for my system (only 2. The carbon 8cc tonearm is the weakest bit of the Debut Carbons for me, too resonant and handling of surface noise and dynamics is poor. As its name suggests, it has a carbon cantilever but its tracking force is between that of the AT91 and AT3600L, with a tracking-force range of 2-3g and a normal setting of 2. This means that an upgraded stylus for the AT3600/Rega Carbon is probably better than going for an AT95 (and you don't have to go through the procedure of installing a new cartridge!). 48 points. You would hope the SH stylus would be a little better again. AT91). when that From some quick searching, it looks like the Rega Carbon is manufactured by Audio Technica, based on the AT91 cart. Members. Is it more enjoyable than an AT95e, Rob? navigator. Subscriber. I’m very happy with the set and i was amazed by the sound but after a few days of listening i’m sometimes missing that little bit of extra detail in voices and detail overall. Although part of the 1999 series, the Debut Carbon Evo has undergone a ton of changes to Rega takes a $20 cartridge, slaps a Rega logo on it and sells it for over three times the price. Rega Carbon: The Rega Carbon’s stylus has a slightly shorter lifespan of 250-350 hours. the thin end of the wedge. I use the plain old AT 3600L every day. cats squirrel long player Posts: 2944 Joined: 16 Dec 2008 17:13 Location: Glorious Devon, UK. Rest of setup: TCC-750LC. The color of the plastic is the only difference. JANコード:4939325151318 型番:CARBON MM. Highly Interesting to say the least. Exact Elys 2 $ 775. Certainly if one has a tight budget that's probably the best choice. Olsen pfm Member. To have a “reference” benchmark for the testing. It’s subtle, but definitely a noticeable upgrade from the at91 to the ortofon red. It’s the stylus that makes it either an AT91, AT91R, AT3600, AT3600L, AT3601, AT3650, AT3650L, AT3651, or an AT3691. I don’t have experience with the om5e. AT91/Rega Carbon, AT95E and AT-VM95 have different electrical values. Mine is tracking slightly lighter than "pushing-the-counterweight-up-to-the-stop," as the salesman set it up and using a digital gauge made it a little lighter. Cartridges come and go. 27 facts in comparison. I have a Rega P2 and a Project Debut Carbon Espirit SB (which is actually hooked up to my Sonos). It's scary good. regards The $65 Rega Carbon phono cartridge is highly regarded by audiophiles but is it identical to the Audio-Technica AT3600L which you can get for around $11? Rega obviously felt this way, and may have been stung by Ortofon's all but relentless price increases in recent years - all my opinion, but I think it has to be said! Instead, Rega looked to AT for a solution. It is quieter, more focused, more vivid, and tonally much better. Pro-Ject RPM 10 Carbon (with cartridge) vs Rega Planar 3. For further steps I agree with Tombo62 I can vouch for Rega. Re LP Gear Carbon replacement stylus:-Beside confirming my July 2017 post regarding the astounding sound from this reasonably priced stylus - my regard for this product remaining undiminished five years later - I would now add that a recent stellar replacement head shell find for my Technics SL100C, amusingly named BUM, and sourced direct from China, Beim Rega Planar 1 sorgt ein Carbon MM für die Abtastung – und das einwandfrei. Rega Planar 3 $ 775. 12 points. They’re the same cartridge. Among the vast array of options available, two popular contenders are the Goldring E3 and the Rega Carbon. 2018 – Letzte Antwort am 12. 5mV output for the Rega Carbon as opposed to 3. Upvote 0 Downvote. They do not have the same generator. In this video we will compare the sound produced by the Audio Technica CN5625al vs that of the Rega Carbon. Its S-shaped tonearm was then replaced in 1984 with Rega’s RB250, and at the turn of the century a brand-new version of the deck – fittingly named the P2 2000 – took its place in Rega’s catalogue until 2005. I haven’t spent any time with the Rega P2, but I’m sure it’s great. On a Technics SL-1500 with stock tonearm. Cost doesn’t always tell the whole story. Exact Elys 2 $ 850. Which one has the most value? So I have an RP1 and my rega carbon stylus broke and looking for replacements in the Philippines in the midst of the pandemic is tough. The Rega Carbon is good, in the CD quality range, but now that I've used the Blue I know what all the rave is about with record players. Sub 100$ Cartridge Comparison Playlist: https://www. $11 AT3600L phono cartridge - The same thing? BEGINNER'S GUIDE: TURNTABLES WITH THE BEST SOUND QUALITY, WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR & Looking to replace my stock Carbon cartridge that's been on my Planar 2 since I bought it many years ago, it's well overdue a replacement. Ist hier jemand, der I decided to buy a Rega Planar 2 (Newest model) with stock Carbon cart to compare to my Pro-Ject Debut Carbon DC, also latest model, with stock Ortofon Red cart. I've owned the new p1 ,any half decent cartridge tracks between 1. I prefer the Exact to all of them, and all of the other carts I've tried. In this article, we will delve into the key features, sound characteristics, and overall Goldring E3 vs About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright As information for other members who might be interested in putting an elliptical stylus on a Rega Carbon (or an AT3600, AT91 or CN5625AL), the following styli are available worldwide from many different vendors: • Analogis AN0211 But, I ran a Rega Carbon/AT91 at Scalford this year on my Techy, alot of folks were surprised how good it was:mental:. Carbon tracks at 2g? The Exact tracks at 1,75 so your antiskate will be off. currently comes standard on the Rega Planar 1 series; replacement stylus also available; LAB REVIEW. Good luck. A great value at 20€ a pop. vs. Cheers Felix. It's all very well claiming 10% distortion using a test record but that will bare very little relation to the actual listening experience using ordinary music LPs where the cart may actually be working at quite low distortion levels most of the time. Gruß Felix [Beitrag von felixbo am 05. Top. I agree with Oerets 100% about using only cartridges with a replaceable stylus. Nigel. 11-03-2014, 21:40. The "Rega Carbon" is a branded AT91. However as AI says, having the 2M Blue already fitted on the Fluance is a serious consideration in terms of value, provided all other components are more or less up to Project / Rega standards. • Rega Carbon • Sansui SV-111 • Sansui SV-1112 • Signet Model 100 • Sony VL-42G • Sony VL-55G • Stanton 300 • TEAC PC-707 • Thorens TAS 257 • Tonar C-Flip • Tonar E-Flip So, last week i received my very first turntable, a Rega Planar 2 with a Rega Fono Mini A2D preamp and the standard Rega Carbon cartridge. These two models offer excellent performance at affordable price points, making them popular choices among vinyl enthusiasts. Gebondet bedeutet, dass auf dem Nadelröhrchen (Cantilever) ein Sockel sitzt, in den ein winziger Diamantsplitter (Nadel) eingefasst ist. P1 sounded great with standard rega carbon cart that tracks at 2 grams. Supplied as standard on the multi-award-winning Planar 1 and Planar 2 turntables, the Rega Planar 2 vs Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Evo . Forums. AT91? Have an RT80 and deciding whether to upgrade to the VM95E cartridge, or just replace the conical stylus on the AT91 cart with an elliptical one. Nothing wrong with the Rega Carbon, but I've ruled it out given that The "Rega Carbon" is a branded AT91. 5 and 2. They are both identical Carts and Stylus. Watch the video. 1 Rega followed and raised the status of the AT3600L with the introduction of the Rega Carbon cartridge and Rega Carbon stylus. Rob. Rega Planar 3 | Audio Origami RB250 + Incognito Rewired RB300 both with Michell TecnoWeights | GT Ref Sub-Platter + White Delrin Platter | TS VHL Bearing | OL DC Motor Kit | Premotec 9904-120-18105 12V DC Motor | AC-9V AC L53BR PSU | M. Gear: Test bed turntables: Rega P5/RB700, Rega P1/RB100 and Pioneer PL1200 turntables / Phono stages: Audio Image two-box phono stage, Rega Fono Mini, Furutech The aptly named RigB (Rigid Body) is a metal body designed to fit the Audio-Technica AT91 generator. 85g Ich hatte alle 3 Speiler im Vergleich mit dem Rega RP 1 in der Basisversion(TA:Rega Carbon) und da spielte der Rega an der Wand ein wenig frischer, direkter als die Project. I ended up not being able to listen to vinyl on headphones with the Debut Carbon Esprit as the surface noise and ringing drove me nuts. 47 points. The Rega Carbon is a high quality, moving magnet pick-up cartridge designed to be simple to set up, easy to install and above all, accurately reproduce music. That being said, the AT3600 is a fantastic cartridge for costing so little money. O. It would be the Project Debut Carbon Evo with an Ortofon Blue ($960 CAD) or the Rega Planar 3 with I guess whatever cartridge that comes stock. If that Rega Carbon has an upgraded stylus over the Audio Technica, it really failed to prove why it would cost $54 more. . That's great info, thank you. I actually like the sound of the Project better than the P2, but it’s probably the Ortofon red is better than the stock Rega Carbon. I kept the weight untouched (I used the short screws supplied with the new cartridge), and only aligned the new cart using the downloaded Rega Stevenson Alignment Protractor (which is a piece of cake). Diese Nadel ist und (sphärisch) und gebondet und benötigt ein Auflagegewicht von 2-3 g. I love this cartridge on a suitable arm, dialed in correctly. The turntable is the thing to judge. The RigB 1 itself weighs 2. Or have they? Maybe we should petition from them a product that is basicaslly an AT3600 in a new body?? Same cantilever design, same 0. Register to hide this ad Pete B AK Member. Nach einer Internetrecherche kann ich nichts passendes Finden. If you read from Rega section you’ll end up having problems with it. It is really decent, and you can upgrade it a long the way. I've heard if the P3 and its 1 piece arm and being a significant upgrade over the EVO. Rega has resurrected Audio-Technica's popular AT-91 design (and its super-affordable price point) for its Carbon cartridge. 26 facts in comparison. 5 grams so tracking shouldn't be a factor. Yamaha N7900 N-7900, OTHERS. Trying to decide between these two beauties. Both cartridges are designed to withstand the rigors of regular use and provide long-lasting performance. Jun 17, 2020 Rega Planar 3 vs Planar 3 RS Edition: are the upgrades to AT3600 / AT91(R) appreciation thread. Both the AT-VM95E and the Rega Carbon are well-made cartridges with excellent build quality. Ist hier jemand, der Gegenüber dem AT91 aber die höhere Auflagekraft, andere Compliance beachten. Last edited: Dec 29, 2022. Jan 2019, 14:08 bearbeitet] paule7 Stammgast Rega Carbon vs. Pro-Ject RPM 10 Carbon (with cartridge) 39 points. Jun 30, 2019 #2 Cost . Best anti static device I have yet used. New posts. Both cartridges offer impressive performance and value for money. Alternatively, I want to be sure that it is the better choice over the Fluance RT85 (which I have heard is basically the RT82 with upgraded stylus and platter) and over the Rega Planar 2, which I have also heard is a decent turntable in this price category (and which I can find for around the same price as the Carbon EVO). I have a Rega RP-1 with the Rega Carbon cartridge, which supposedly is some iteration of the 3600. Thorens TAS-257 Cartridge is also the same Cart as both the AT3600 and The Rega Carbon, but it goes for a way higher price. I'm not saying that it is absolutely a better cart. Lim And I think the AT3600/AT91/Rega Carbon fall into the rock rather than the classical cart groups. AT carts tend to be THE END OF AN ERA. The Carbon costs € 49,-- actually, the AT91R is an upgraded version of the AT91 featuring an aluminium cantilever (instead of the plastic one they sold as "carbon"), it costs 32,--. It did not disgrace the stock Rega Carbon/AT91/AT3600 are all the same, except for the material used in the cantilever. They both look incredibly similar and are in similar price ranges to buy a new unit, one being ~$50 more than the 'Better' styli for this cartridge body would be an Rega Carbon/AT91 or 91R the latter with aluminium cantilever, or a nice find in Europe, the Thakker EPO-E/Dual DN251E elliptical from Wm Thakker in Germany. The difference is the stylus and cantilever (and the outer design). D. com/playlist?list=PL802BPbYYm-fI5Ll0Xg8lXd2o0Fcnv-j-In this video we compare the Grado Black2 to The Rega Carbon is a re-badged Audio Technica AT91/3600/CN5625AL. Also, it should give lower cartridge-tonearm resonance. Hi & welcome, unfortunately the way you've worded your question leaves you open to,"other peoples strong opinions & basis"! All three turntables & most other makes within these (RPM5 Carbon, Rega P3/P6) price brackets would be absolutely fine,if you're set on the 2m Bronze just make sure that your chosen phono stage works perfectly fine with the 2m bronze Genuine Audio Technica stylus guard to fit the following cartridge (stylus) models: AT90 (ATN-90), AT91 cartridge (ATN91), AT91R (ATN91R), AT3600 (ATN3600) & AT3600L (ATN3600L) It also fits styli that Audio Technica make for other brands including: Crosely NP5, Edwards Audio C50 & Rega Carbon If in doubt as t Audio-Technica AT95E vs AT3600LComparison of specs and detailed measurement of:- Frequency Response- Channel Separation - Harmonic Distortion00:00 Intro00:49 You need some context around your distortion claims though. I guess the 'Carbon' upgrade goes some way to curing this, and if it has a 2M Red fitted provides an easy upgrade path to the Blue. Ein direkter Konkurrent des Planar 1 wäre der New Horizon 121. Pro-Ject Carbon . cats squirrel long player Posts: 2932 Joined: 16 Dec 2008 17:13 Location: Glorious Devon, UK. I have a budget of £150 (UK), a VM95ML here is around £140. I think the AT91 is available with either an aluminium cantilever or the carbon fibre one found on the Rega. 5mV - the Elys is more than double that). A little while ago I wrote here about the Rega Carbon cartridge. The only difference was the price range AT3600 $14, Rega Carbon $65. If I were you I would not spend any money on any of these nickel and dime add-ons that are 90% for looks, like mats and weights and stuff, and instead save up for a decent cartridge. I use this cartridge sometimes for less than perfect records, and find it quite forgiving. Unser Exemplar haben wir mit der weicheren AT91-Nadel und einer Rega Beginner question: REGA RP1 vs. 5) for easy and secure mounting using socket head cap screws which are included. 09. Re: Goldring E3 vs AT VM95ml. Ich suche eine bessere Nadel, eventuell ein Shibata Nadel. Yesterday I took the plunge and replaced the Rega Carbon of my Planar 1 plus for the AT-VM95ML. This translates into their required VTF range: 2. The RigB is a precision CNC machined piece of T6 Aluminium Alloy. No doubt there are 3rd party upgrades available for the Rega cartridge, but Ortofon has a full range of stylii for the OM series cartridges so - Cantilever: Aluminum on the AT91 vs. There are upgrade styli for the carbon cartridge available - they are fairly cheap and might tide you over The Rega 'carbon' or AT91 is a good bargain cartridge worth consideration. Eventually you will have to. 5g. Stylus Life: Longevity and Performance. Summary The “Rega Carbon” is an Audio-Technica AT91. The VM95E has an elliptical stylus, which sits deeper in the record groove and makes more contact with the groove wall the conical stylus on the AT91 does. Dec 28, 2022 #3 I love my VM95 ML & SH . 44g - adding about 1. This will be your Carbon AT91 with an elliptical tip. I have been listening with this cartridge for over a week, and like it very much. It has a balance of attributes that seems to dovetail perfectly with the deck. Re: Rega "Carbon" cartridge? Post by cats squirrel » 22 Oct 2013 00:31 Another option based around the AT3600L and AT91 is the Rega Carbon, which appears to be an Audio Technica cartridge re-branded as a Rega. Re: Rega "Carbon" cartridge? Post by cats squirrel » 22 Oct 2013 00:31 Rega Planar 2 (Image credit: Rega). The 1 Plus lacks a bypass switch to ever use a better external phono preamp. 11-03-2014, 21:09. 2018 – 2 Beiträge Looks pretty much identical to AT91, which also has a carbon cantilever these days. The best anti static gun isn’t a gun, it has a goose neck and a plasma “flame”. The RT84 is a good deal at $349 from Amazon. The Planar 1 Plus Turntable From Rega - The Audiophile Man. The stylus you get determines the tracking force. Comparison: Ortofon 2M Red vs. The only limitation is you have fewer options for cartridges that are compatible with the Rega [ Nagaoka MM MP10] is excellent replacement The Rega Planar 2 is a complete turntable table. Slightly more detail from the VM95e than the conical AT3600 (Rega Carbon). AT3600L malchuth am 12. shopping_basket 購入する MMカートリッジの入門モデル。 The AT95 and the AT3600/Rega Carbon shares - to my knowledge - the same internal electronics. Comparison winner $ 550 $ 480. The differences between the two are so small yet so similar to each other that they fall within manufacturing variances you would expect from one cartridge to the next from the same assembly line. For a UK price of £25 for the For those with the common and affordable AT3600L or AT91 or Rega Carbon cartridge that comes on a myriad of turntables and Regas, you may like to read about this upgrade I recently ordered from the UK, an updated The Rega 'carbon' or AT91 is a good bargain cartridge worth consideration. Hallo liebe Analog Freunde, ich habe eine Rega RP1 Plattenspieler mit dem Rega Carbon Tonabnehmer (aka. From what I can tell, the Audio-Technica AT-VM95SH tracks at 2g which is the same as the Rega Carbon and the two cartridges are the same height. The AT91 uses the same cart body style CN5625AL, which IIRC is the cheapest cart AT makes ($20 U. For a UK price of £25 for the Rega, I found it OK, given that it is a spherical diamond, but was pressed into service assessing mono records (bought cheaply at charidy shops) and faired well. If a cheap cart such as the Rega Carbon actually produced I have the Rega Planar 1 with the basic carbon cartridge and wondered about something better sounding Suggestions?? This will fit the Carbon as the cartridge is based on the old Audio Technica AT91 . The Planar 2 comes with the Rega Carbon cartridge which should be replaced soon as I read in a lot of reviews. Dec 28, 2022 #2 AT95E compared to Nagaoka MP-110: ghamilton Super Member. Ich hatte mich eigentlich schon für den Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Esprit entschieden, da dieser eigentlich in sämtlichen Online-Foren für besser als der Rega Planar 1 empfunden wurde und ich leider keinen Händler in der Nähe habe, bei dem Turntable cartridges play a pivotal role in the overall sound quality of vinyl playback. I'll bet that elliptical stylus upgrade would sound very good. I started searching and so far, these are the contenders, thinking if I should just settle to buy the rega carbon stylus Why Rega Carbon is based on AT91 and not AT 95e ? I have been reading that elliptical stylus are a little better . It shouldn’t matter what the separate price is for the Carbon. Nov 20, 2019 #11 priam said: the stock Rega Carbon/AT91/AT3600 are all the same, except for the material used in the cantilever. The Rega Carbon Cartridge is not the best - but it is not that bad as some might say. Maybe it’s time for Rega to upgrade the model programme with a Rega Carbon 2 (=AT95)? I believe the main problem with the 2M series and the Rega turntables it’s about the difficulty to get the correct VTA. Comparison winner $ 550. That stylus would work on either table. particularly so for the lower compliance styli such as those of Sub 100$ Cartridge Comparison Playlist: https://www. The RigB has threaded holes (M2. Personally, the AT carts I've tried on my RP10 (RB2000) are the VM95 conical and elliptical, the little Rega Carbon (AT 3600L) and the OC9 MLII. B&W DM1600. JBL studio 530 speakers with an Onkyo TX-8220 AVR. 5g for the AT3600L, and 2g to 3g for the Rega Carbon / AT3600. 113 posts Page 4 of 10. The Elys 2 might sound better than the Carbon, but once the Elys 2 stylus is done then it's time to replace the whole thing. So look at the Audio Technica line, and audition some. It sounds very nice indeed. I had the performance of that reference setup in the back of my head when I did the reviews and comparisons. Hi all, apologies if I'm making any beginner mistakes with the post, but I'm looking to upgrade my current turntable and wondering what the difference is between these two models. However the Rega is a little bright. Rega Planar 3 $ 550 $ 850. Comparison winner. If a cheap cart such as the Rega Carbon actually produced something like 10% distortion for anything other than very short peaks it would simply Piccola prova a confronto fra diversi stili dalla rega carbon ortofon red e blue fino ad una vintage audiotechnica La prova è stata effettuata con lo stesso The Debut Carbon Evo is a mid-range turntable created by Pro-Ject Audio Systems. N. Charging € 49,-- for the elderly plastic version is an insanity, like all rega products are priced insane. Purchasing UK The Pro-Ject will likely sound better in its stock configuration since the 2M Red is a far better cartridge than the Rega Carbon (which is just a rebadged AT91, one of the cheapest cartridges Audio-Technica makes). tubeactive AK Subscriber. Oh and the fancy box that the Rega came in. plastic / carbon fiber for the AT3600L and the Rega Carbon; - Suspension: Both are stiffer than the AT91, with the AT3600/Rega Carbon less stiff than the AT3600L. What attracts me to the Rega is the acrylic platter that should be more shock-absorbing than the steel platter on the EVO. Been spinning a P1 for quite a while now. Contents: $65 Rega Carbon vs. AT91 standard tracking force The good: The AT91 is already a classic in its own right, I’m convinced that whatever I say about the Carbon, Rega is still going to sell tons of ’em. You can’t change the stylus to Elys or Exact. Rega Planar 1 vs Pro-Ject Debut carbon EVO . The Rega comes with the “Rega Carbon” which is just a rebadged Audio-Technica AT91 a few steps lower down in A-T’s product line compared to the VM95E, with a cheapo conical stylus rather than an elliptical. Current visitors. Fits/Compatible with the following cartridge: Audio-Technica CN5625AL, Audio-Technica AT91, Audio-Technica AT3600, Audio-Technica AT3600L, Audio-Technica AT3601, Audio-Technica AT3650 I searched the forum for an appreciation thread on this little fellow but couldn't find any! There are, however, quite a few related topics that show that there are several happy users of this little cart in here, in all its variants: AT3600, AT3600L, AT91, AT91R, Rega Carbon Aggiungo che la carbon deriva dalla at91 con alcune migliorie tra cui parte del corpo in fibra di carbonio su specifiche Rega. youtube. Upgraded to the glass float platter and moved to the Elys cart. Rega Planar 1 Plus $ 550 $ 480. Advice please, Been offered a used rega planar 3 in very good condition, (not sure on cartridge) but is it worth getting above my used project debut carbon with red ortofon. It’s a similar stylus to the 2m red, however, the 2m has better specs for channel balance and tracking ability. When I received it I set it up and was shocked by how cheaply made the Rega was. Audio Technica does it, too. Every home should have one. Rega don't have best suspension and 2M Red is capable of deeper bass compared to Carbon (a repacked AT91). Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Evo vs Rega Planar 1 Plus. Sound and enjoyment factor. aka Rega Carbon. Onkyo HT-R570 (Salvation Army Find) Polk PSW108. Via via che sta girando il suo l si ta aprendo e c'è anche una parvenza di scena, sottolineo parvenza, ma per il prezzo sono soddisfatto. Jun 30, 2019 The "Rega Carbon" is just a straight rebadge of an AT91, an entry level cartridge with conical tip, most often found on sub-$200 turntables. I had started off the ATVM95 range with their EN (nude elliptical), but decided to try They moved forward without a product offering that would match the AT91/3600/Rega Carbon. patient_ot long player Posts: 4012 Joined: 03 Dec 2013 20:32 Location: USA. The thing is, all these alternatives track at 2g or slightly less where the longtime-popular 3600L tracks at 3 - 3. I would prefer the AT95 though which is a better performer IMHO- it’s not that much more expensive than the Carbon/AT91. In 1976, three years after Rega’s creation, the Planar 2 launched as one of brand’s very first turntables. My standards are high. The EVO already comes with a 2M Red System and it features a speed switch to change from 33 1/3 to 45 rpm. With a diamond stylus bonded to a carbon fiber cantilever, this cartridge ensures Rega Carbon vs Nagaoka MP-110 vs CF3600LE vs AT3600L . Jun 30, 2019 #3 Just buy the new version, the at vm95e at £43 . How much better is AT-VM95 cartridge vs. PS. It’s an inferior cartridge to the VM95E. 22 points. It is also sold branded as a Rega Carbon, Stanton 300, CN5625AL, etc. The LP Gear Carbon would be a minor upgrade as it’s an elliptical vs the stock conical, but if you want to upgrade your Ergo, wer von euch ein AT91 oder ein AT3600L hat und entweder eine Ersatznadel sucht, oder sonst wie damit nicht zufrieden ist, sollte erst einmal eine Thakker EPO E Nadel, oder für ein paar Euro mehr ein komplettes EPO E ausprobieren. J. That means it will have have more sibilance, less bass and treble extension, less detail, more inner groove distortion, and a All I've read about the Rega Carbon cartridge indicates it's the exact same thing as the AT3600L, just in a fancier package and with a Rega logo instead of AT. hifi-dog pfm Member. This is a respectable amount of time, but it may require replacement sooner if you play records frequently or at high volume levels. SRM Azure / Rega Planar 3 - Rega Apollo - Chromecast Audio -> Rega Brio -> Monitor Silver 100 - Rega sold (or bundled with one of their tables) a version of the AT 3600 with a carbon fiber cantilever. They should worry more about restoring the anti-skate to the RB110 tonearm before the reputation of their Planar 1 turntable takes even more of a nosedive. There are upgrade styli for the carbon cartridge available - they are fairly cheap and might tide you over Rega ; Cartridge ; Carbon(MMカートリッジ) Carbon(MMカートリッジ) JANコード:4939325151318 型番:CARBON MM. The Rega Carbon is a re-badged Audio Technica AT91/3600/CN5625AL. I'm guessing with the Rega Carbon replacement stylus, you're paying for slightly better specs and the Rega Name. Sounds good to me with all different kinds of music. the stock Rega Carbon/AT91/AT3600 are all the same, except for the material used in the cantilever. Dazu noch ein Hinweis auf die Rega-Carbon-Nadel und die Dual DN 251 , die es sphärisch und elliptisch Home > Record player comparison > Pro-Ject RPM 10 Carbon (with cartridge) vs Rega Planar 3. I ended up going with the RP1 because I got a killer deal with a Brio-R, and I love it. Secondly, I have a 3600 on my other TT. Video Description:In this video, we demonstrate how to upgrade the stylus on the popular AT3600 and Rega Carbon cartridges to the ATN3600LE elliptical stylus I remember when I was looking into the RP1 vs the Carbon the guy said that if you want to listen to more "classic rock" he thought that the RP1 sounded better, but if you wanted more rap and bass heavy music he thought the Carbon was better. 6mV of the stock AT91, that or I suppose the Rega stylus could have a smaller magnet to reduce moving mass. You also say that you won’t change the cartridge. It seems the generator is not identical though, 2. Have a Rega P6 now which is superb in every way. So if you’re not going to upgrade the cart on the Rega, I’d go with Project. The AT91 and the related OEM AT3600 have been around for years, ignored by "us/me" because of the AT95E model. I believe they claimed it was better than the aluminum version. ). It sometimes feels like My “reference” turntable is currently a $700 Rega Planar 2 with a $600 Rega Carbon cartridge. I must admit the stock Carbon cartridge sounds much better then its price would suggest. S. I upgraded the stylus to a Sumiko Moonstone and have run it through a McIntosh MA-6200 with KEF LS-50’s and a Rogue Cronus Magnum with Note: there is an AT91 stylus but this one usually has the yellow grip and has the carbon cantilever. The only other cartridge I have on my list is the AT3600L, although I don't know much about it. iwexwzjvltcichesiizujerzhiizvlhduwjabetvuarhtitkgmwyrvfdlujxqzjbtjiadvnujbcrbf