Kombo strike 5800x3d. 5800x3d işlemcilerinin çip kalitesi … .
Kombo strike 5800x3d With both stock you lose 2% performance with the new bios. pegasus1 Ancient Guru. Da habe ich wenigstens schonmal Kombo Strike. 4550 is the max freq unless you're A Reddit user tested MSI's new Kombo Strike feature on a 5800X3D with surprising thermals and power consumption results. PBO2 Tuner however has been wonderful. Communities. Kombo Strike is a new MSI feature ranging Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 and is available on the company's X570 and B550 boards. Set it to 3 ran cinebench way better 74 degrees vs 83 and 500 extra points. Many mobo vendors are releasing the same thing under a different name for their popular gaming mobos and it should be out soon for most people. Dome87 Commodore. 3摄氏度,功耗下降到了98. Messages: 7,607 Likes Received: 6,400 Ryzen 7 5800X3D, Kombo Strike devre dışı haldeyken Cinebench R23’te ortalama 14. 3 摄氏度,功耗为 112. 258,1档1. 2W。 据报道,微星 Has anyone explored using the new Kombo Strike settings in the MSI BIOS with the 5800X3D? Info. 据报道,微星暂未公布 Kombo Strike 的原理,描述是“改进了 R7 5800X3D 的 CPU 性能”,该功能有四个选项:禁用、1、2 和 3。 据报道,由于 AMD 已锁定该芯片的 CPU 超频参数,暂不确定微星是如何从 R7 5800X3D 中挤出额外性能的。 那么b450迫击炮max到底能不能用5800x3d. I'm considering of getting a 5800X3D in MSI Kombo Strike 5800x3D Benchmark Me aburrí y decidí probar la nueva BIOS de MSI que te permite ajustar la configuración del 5800x3D en lugar de tener que usar PBO2 Tuner o Curve Optimizer. us/uY2q (Join here). Me too, Kombo Strike 3 is supposed to tune the Msi has a specific setting called "kombo strike" just for the 5800x3d. The 5800x3D stock CPU is using 30-40W during idle (Windows) and constant peaks happen all the time with PBoost for background tasks. 45Ghz solid, under load and very quiet and very happy. 5800x3d 온도를 어떻게 (Pbo2 및 언더볼팅 없이) 잡아야 할까 고민하던 나날. D. PBO limits didn't (and probably still dont) work as the cpu is voltage locked. 26, 5800x3d微星570s主板Kombo Strike参数手抄【amd吧】_百度贴吧 IT之家 6 月 30 日消息,据 Tom's Hardware 消息,微星为部分 X570S、X570 和 B550 主板推出了新的 Beta BIOS,为 R7 5800X3D 处理器带来了 Kombo Strike 功能,可实现性能提升。. 그래서 그걸 아는지 출시 가격도 낮게 책정한거겠죠. Also there's a new feature "Kombo Strike". I think that's why everybody is MSI Kombo Strike 5800x3D I got bored and decided to try out the new MSI bios that lets you adjust settings for the 5800x3D instead of having to use PBO2 Tuner or Curve Optimizer. kombo strike setting 3 is basically an undervolt preset. 据 Tom's Hardware 的最新报道,微星 Kombo Strike 功能可使 R7 5800X3D 的峰值温度下降 11 摄氏度 MSI has released a beta BIOS update that aims to get extra performance out of the Ryzen 7 5800X3D. La mise à jour du BIOS apporte deux nouvelles fonctionnalités, un utilitaire "Kombo Strike" et une And the 5800X3D will only have - offset not + Same for PBO options you may be able to set but will not likely be able to increase setting only reduce them From some articles I have seen online setting PBO over stock В данном случае это функция утилиты BIOS, известная как Kombo Strike. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies. I have reinstalled the latest bios, chipset drivers and cleared CMOS. Mon processeur dans les jeux est beaucoup plus froid et toujours à 4450 mhz Hello. Update All 500 Series Boards should now have a KOMBO Strike ready bios MSI have implemented KOMBO on 500 series motherboards, so user can Undervolt the Ryzen 7 5800X3D CPU Bios can be gotten from the Moderator BIOS site Or from MSI Motherboard support section. AMD는 5800X3D의 오버클럭을 권장하지 않기에 이런 방법이 등장한 것 같네요. Skills Ripjaw 5 3200 GHz . Currently my CPU speed average is around 4250ghz where as others around me are averaging a little under 4500ghz. Joined Jul 30, 2015 Messages 7,590. Sounds like yours is reasonably stable at -30 then. this is from the 5800x3d Owners Club forum post - Kombo Strike is a bios implementation of what they are doing with PBO tuner. It should lower temperature significantly and boost frequency should rise 100/150mhz over your current stock. Was initially going to go with the ASUS ROG Strix B550-I, but have been really impressed with the numbers from the MSI board on my main rig that has "kombo strike" (custom settings specifically for the 5800X3D). Le troisième mode offre peut-être le plus grand gain de performances pour le processeur. Kombo Strike имеет три режима работы, обозначенных цифрами от 1 до 3. cn , 内容合作: wangchuang@infinities. IIRC at the time CO was hidden entirely on x3d CPUs but MSI people were like "wahhh give us moar buttons" so they tossed that bastard in there. Kombo strike 3 automatically inputs a -30 on all Core Curves on the PBO2 tuner. I’m using a A descrição da nova versão do BIOS afirma apenas “melhor desempenho para o Ryzen 7 5800X3D”. 2W。但是当Combo Strike在3级时,温度下降到了72. 2W。最重要的是,考虑到我们的性能略有提升,一切都很好。 NGA玩家社区 Kombo Strike 3 = PBO2 -30 Ich bin gerade am Tuning Guide schreiben, in welcher Reihenfolge und wie man am besten schnell Leistung aus dem 5800X3D bekommt. Kombo 5800x3d Kombo strike 기능 어떻게 두어야할까요? 07-16; B550 유니파이x 바이오스 업뎃 후 새로생긴 기능? 07-13; msi a520보드 바이오스 업데이트 06-28; B550 유니파이X -> X570 닼히 오버성능 옆글인가요? 05-13 Im Cinebench R23 mit deaktiviertem Kombo Strike erreichte der Ryzen 7 5800X3D nach einem zweiten Durchlauf zum Aufheizen des Systems dem Bericht nach durchschnittlich 14. 微星的 Kombo Strike 功能可以让锐龙 7 5800X3D 处理器解锁更高的功率限制,前提是用户有更好的散热器,最好是 AIO 集成水冷散热器,它可以获得额外 5% 的性能,玩家也可以免去自己折腾超频的麻烦。 Kombo Strike功能在BIOS中有4个选项,分别是Disabled、1、2、3。 J'ai commencé à utiliser Kombo Strike 3 avec mon Ryzen 7 5800X3D et les résultats sont excellents. My 5800X3D was at 1. All forum Can anyone confirm kombo strike with 5800x3d and older motherboards? Upvote 0 Downvote. And thats it. Just do a propr undervolt through pbo2 tuner. 一个能在系统里调节5800X3D的PBO2参数的工具。,可以让任意主板实现微星那个KOMBO STRIKE的效果。(其实KS的3档就是全核-30)下载 称为 Combo Strike 的实用软件已集成到 BIOS 中。 不幸的是,微星没有分享该功能的细节。在 BIOS 描述中,我们看到了“Ryzen 7 5800X3D 的改进 CPU 性能”形式的改进。此功能将有四个单独的选项:禁用、1、2 和 3。 Kombo strike with 5800x3d Question Hey so my temps were sorta high on my 5800x3d (360 lian li aio) was getting 70 gaming and random 80 spikes. Hi, I've been trying to get a more desirable clock speed on my 5800x3d however nothing seems to bring it even close to 4. 2 인식 문제 11-16 Kombo Strike did literally nothing for me. The 5800x3d is essentially a super duper binned 5800x that can run a My 5800X3D doesn't seem to be reaching its potential it could be compared to other scores. While the 1. The 5800X3D will not reach its peak frequency when in a multi-core load with the IT之家 7 月 6 日消息,日前,Tom's Hardware 称微星为部分 X570S、X570 和 B550 主板推出了新的 Beta BIOS,为 R7 5800X3D 处理器带来了 Kombo Strike 功能,“改进了 R7 5800X3D 的 CPU 性能”,该功能有四个选项:禁用、1、2 和 3。. Aktuell ziemlich genau 15000 Punkte im Cinebench. A little late to the party but i have a b450 tomahawk max, recently upgraded to a 5800x3d from a 3600. 2-1. If you set Kombo Strike to 3 it'll show that -30 all core has already been applied. 2W。但是当 Kombo Strike 处于 3 级时,温度和功率下降到 72. 0 Likes Reply. My results: 11℃ drop in peak temp - 19W drop power draw - 383pts increase CB23 - Similar performance in gaming In der Beschreibung für die neue BIOS-Version steht nur „verbesserte Leistung für den Ryzen 7 5800X3D“. Auch die Temperatur soll durch die geringere Leistungsaufnahme sinken. MSI가 자세한 설명을 하진 않았으나 라이젠 7 5800X3D 오버클럭 최적화 관련 기능으로 보입니다. Seçilebilecek üç seviye vardır ve üçüncü seçenek en agresif ayardır. I have activated Kombo Strike 3 and XMP, but the frequency is unstable with XMP activated. MSI didn't share any in-depth details of the feature. -30 all core on the 5800X3D whilst remaining New beta BIOS was released on MSI Forum, with CPU offset voltage to undervolt Ryzen 5800X3D. MSI, overclock desteği sunmayan Ryzen 7 5800X3D‘nin tüm güçlerini ortaya çıkarmak için yeni bir BIOS güncellemesi yayınladı. Seems like a lot, but its simple and worth it. Is it used to boost Ryzen 5800X3D performance? Credit: MSI Forum. Kombo Strike can offset that but overall the performance is still a lot lower. 5800x3d işlemcilerinin çip kalitesi . 22,2档1. Özellik 1. PBO2 Tuner is the way to go. Todavía no sabemos cómo funciona oficialmente Kombo Strike, pero MSI dice que mejorará el rendimiento de la CPU del Ryzen 7 5800X3D. 据 Tom's Hardware 的最新报道,微星 Kombo Strike 功能可使 R7 5800X3D 的峰值温度下降 11 摄氏度 Update All 500 Series Boards should now have a KOMBO Strike ready bios MSI have implemented KOMBO on 500 series motherboards, so user can Undervolt the Ryzen 7 5800X3D CPU Bios can be gotten from the On 5800X3D there's no reason to touch the rest of PBO, only Curve Optimizer. Does this make sense? Is there any other CPU optimization I could do based off what we learned about 5800x3d. I have MSI Mag X570S Torpedo Max motherboard when I tried to use Kombo Strike 3 for my Ryzen 5800X3D from BIOS, my PC resetting itself randomly. Tel ASRock à sa belle époque filou et qui sortait des sentiers battus, MSi permet, en ajustant le I use the Dark Rock 4 and 5800x3d with only 2 intake fans and 1 exhaust fan (Corsair obsidian 500d case). The BIOS update brings two new features, a "Kombo Strike" utility and a "Core Offset Voltage MSI Kombo Strike 5800x3D Benchmark I got bored and decided to try out the new MSI bios that lets you adjust settings for the 5800x3D instead of having to use PBO2 Tuner or Curve Optimizer. Kombo Strike是个好功能,原理就是降压超频。 降低电压以降低温度,温度降低了,就可以稳定更高的频率。 第三档最为激进:降低的电压最多,频率最高。如果你的CPU体质允许(烤机不会黑屏),这里只建议使用第三档。 The new Kombo Strike utility remains a mystery. Os BIOS beta correspondentes com o recurso Kombo Strike foram lançados para as placas-mãe X570S Unify, Ace, X570 Godlike, B550 Unify X Did a lot of testing with my 5800X3D and that when I made my build, hwinfo confirms the CPU does not exceed the limits I set, and the thermals definitely improved a lot. com/news/msis-kombo-strike-feature-boosts-the-ryzen-7-5800x3ds-performance MSI는 AMD의 오버클럭이 불가능한 Ryzen 7 5800X3D With AMD's AM5 and Ryzen 7000 series around the corner, does it still make sense to pick up the Ryzen 7 5800X3D along with MSI's new Kombo Strike feature to Kombo Strike 3 didn't make any difference when Curve Optimizer set to -30. " MSI, overclock desteği sunmayan Ryzen 7 5800X3D‘nin tüm güçlerini ortaya çıkarmak için yeni bir BIOS güncellemesi yayınladı. Anyways I decided to try kombo strike through MSI bios. MSI보드의 Komb 微星的 Kombo Strike 功能可以让锐龙 7 5800X3D 处理器解锁更高的功率限制,前提是用户有更好的散热器,最好是 AIO 集成水冷散热器,它可以获得额外 5% 的性能,玩家也可以免去自己折腾超频的麻烦。 Kombo Strike功能在BIOS中有4个选项,分别是Disabled、1、2、3。 5800x3d微星5. 🔍 Ryzen 7 5800X3D 介紹. just download PBO Curve Optimizer from GitHub here a guide with the links. Kombo Strike’ın resmi olarak nasıl çalıştığını hala bilmiyoruz ancak MSI, Ryzen 7 5800X3D’nin CPU performansını artıracağını söylüyor. No reason to touch scalar, you're not allowed and will be kicked down to 3. AI; Adaptive SoC & FPGA; Developers; PC Drivers & Software - AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D - XFX 7900 XTX - 2x16Go G. 228,3挡1. 室温26 散热pa120 之前更新了bios没有开kombo strike 今天试了一下三档 功耗比之前低了10w 室温26 散热pa120 之前更新了bios没有开kombo strike 今天试了一下三档 功耗比之前低了10w左右 温度低了10度 然后频率一直顶住4. I haven’t found any documentation of what Kombo Strike actually does. 3 摄氏度和 98. MSI 主機板系列介紹; 選擇適合的 MSI 主機板; ⚙️ 理解 BIOS 中的 Combo Strike. 18cpu负载低于20%电压,默认1. you'll know because if its still the way 查看画廊 – 5 张照片. 09-20 B550 게이밍 엣지 재 문의 드립니다. Die entsprechenden Beta-BIOS mit Kombo-Strike-Funktion wurden für die Motherboards X570S Unify, Ace, X570 Godlike, B550 Unify X Olá entusiastas, tudo bem? Gostaria de questionar algo. 温度方面,禁用 Kombo Strike 功能时,使用 Cinebench R23 循环 10 分钟,R7 5800X3D 平均温度为 81. ru - крупнейший информационный сайт России посвященный компьютерам, мобильным устройствам, компьютерным играм Kombo Strike is just Curve Optimizer specifically for the 5800x3d. My chip is likely top 5% on the cores as -30 CO and 102 bclk is My advice is to wait until your mobo vendor releases a bios update that allows undervolting with a tool MSI calls "kombo strike". 2. 26,1档1. some speculate it's a disguised amd curve optimizer. 3摄氏度,功耗为112. Those settings should help with temp and performance. I have always had Kombo Strike 3 on with full load temps at 70c. But I started to find more and more information, that says that Kombo Strike is not only cools this hot boy (5800x3d) quite good, but also enchances it's performance and runs more stable than just -30 Update All 500 Series Boards should now have a KOMBO Strike ready bios MSI have implemented KOMBO on 500 series motherboards, so user can Undervolt the Ryzen 7 5800X3D CPU Bios can be gotten from the 5800X3D msi 박격포 b550m kombo strike 3 xmp 느려짐 증상 09-02 시금치에선 됐는데도 CPU가 수율 미달인건가요?? 09-02 인텔이 제대로 한다면 쳐 바를거 같은데요. 30 on average. The engineers at MSI have found a workaround for AMD not allowing voltage and clock frequency changes on its Ryzen 7 5800X3D CPU. 13高负载情况电压默认1. Kombo Strike doesn't do much afaik. 6C bios is Stable up to 103. " IT之家 7 月 6 日消息,日前,Tom's Hardware 称微星为部分 X570S、X570 和 B550 主板推出了新的 Beta BIOS,为 R7 5800X3D 处理器带来了 Kombo Strike 功能,“改进了 R7 5800X3D 的 CPU 性能”,该功能有四个选项:禁用、1、2 和 3。. I have been running PBO2 tuner pretty much since day 1 with my CPU; I have 6 of my cores set at -30 and my 2 preferred cores at -25. As a complete casual with a 5800x3d, who doesn't know a single thing about overclocking or undervolting, I tried it because people recommended it (and it was quite a simple process to turn on) and with KS3 my temps are reduced by 10c, which is quite good for Hi, have a question for you guys: I just got a 5800X3D for my main rig and am going to build a SFF pc with my old CPU (5600x). But I started to find more and more information, that says that Kombo Strike is not only cools this hot boy (5800x3d) quite good, but also enchances it's performance and runs more stable than just -30 La liste n'est pas exhaustive, il manque des références qui bénéficieront très certainement du BIOS "Kombo Strike". cn / QQ 972310705 , 违法和不良信息举报电话: 010-87538607 邮箱: jubao@infinities. Please educate me. OC-高级cpu配置- Kombo Strike改为3挡(微星主板特有选项 5700X3D微星主板优化教程! 微星主板黑科技kombo strike,一键让你5700X3D满血释放!#电脑 #diy电脑 #微星 #5700X3D - 武汉虎添翼电脑DIY于20241019发布在抖音,已经收获了83. Tread with caution though, as you have to download a beta BIOS to Kombo Strike es una nueva característica de MSI lanzada hace dos semanas para Ryzen 7 5800X3D de AMD. See this Topic for detail. No momento, sabe-se que o Kombo Strike possui três modos de operação e a capacidade de desligá-lo. 9 bclk the new one already crashes with 16 and It exists on MSI boards as well : Kombo Strike feature. Set it to kombo strike 3 and it sets all the pbo settings needed. seviyedeyken skor 14. Zurzeit läuft mein 5800X3D auf einem B450-A Pro Max mit Kombo Strike auf Stufe 3 ohne Probleme. Kombo Strike didn't do anything to help my 5800x3d. 7%。 I also wonder if this could be rechecked with enabling Kombo Strike and setting a lower PPT limit - I'm currently running this in my heat-limited setup as my CPU cooler struggles beyond 100W. Mit Kombo Kombo Strike is MSIs coarse control of CO for lack of a better term. Nov 30, 2022 #32 it's only on AMD 500 platform unfortunately. What it really boils down to is overvolting to boost clocks a MSI's new 'Kombo Strike' feature for its AM4-based 500-series motherboards boosts perf + undervolting support for Ryzen 7 5800X3D. We've already performed benchmarking and reviews on the Gigabyte X570 Master, so we Похоже, MSI сгруппировала Curve Optimizer и PBO в одно простое и понятное меню. 그리고 CPU 오프셋 전압을 낮추는 기능도 추가됐습니다. 刚入手5800X3D. Sign In. Definitely worth checking out both options. Yani en yüksek 如果开启kombo strike并且降压,一定程度也会损失性能。跑aida之类的测试,kombo strike 3不见得出问题,但是玩起游戏(复杂多变负载),可能就不稳,到时候可以考虑kombo strike降到2,或者kombo strike 3 并轻微降压,看看两者性能哪个好,自己权衡。风冷大概率kombo Kombo Strike 3 und 3800MHz/1900MHz IF laufen zumindest mit Karhu schon mal 30min. br/?p=344774-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- MSI a publié une mise à jour bêta du BIOS qui vise à tirer des performances supplémentaires du Ryzen 7 5800X3D. 刚入手5800X3D,发现微星bios居然有combo strike 刚入手5800X3D,发现微星bios居然有combo strike功能开启可以锁频降压,单核不降多核反而提升功耗降低发热降低,一眼看上去好处很多,但是我有个疑问真的能长时间稳定使用吗? 1點冰的絕妙效果!Ryzen 7 5800X3D KOMBO STRIKE魔法 目錄 🖥️ 介紹 Ryzen 7 5800X3D 及 MSI 主機板. 微星B550更新BIOS,kombo strike 3级,开了xmp,其它默认,cpuz的单核分数没变,多核分多了点,但进5人本,还没开打就降到60帧(锁的100帧),打完游戏加加统计最低18帧,把kombo strike关了, 我用的是微星b550迫击炮,之前的bios,5800x3d是关不了超线程的也降不了电压的,后来从支持Kombo Strike版本的bios开始后,就支持关超线程和降电压了,bios里找到smt control然后禁止就行,效果比降电压还显着点 Sponsor: HWBOT is currently running an overclocking competition that ANYONE can join! https://geni. Ryzen 7 5800X3D 的性能特點; 如何升級至 Ryzen 7 5800X3D; 🔍 MSI 主機板概述. The CPU temps normally run between 60-70 Celsius peaking at 72, with MSI kombo strike enabled. 45了 开之前打游戏温度会70+ 然后频率 测试发现,在禁用 Kombo Strike 功能时, R7 5800X3D 在 Cinebench R23 中多核 14,641 分,将 Kombo 设置为 1 级时,该分数上升到 14,732 分,设置到 2 级达到 14,961 分,第 3 级达到 15,049 分。也就是说开启该功能后,R7 5800X3D 最高性能仅提高了 2. MSI 的新 Kombo Strike 功能在其基于 AM4 的 500 系列主板上 – 以 beta BIOS 形式,所以要小心 – 提供更高的性能(性能提高 5%)并减少对 AMD 新的 Ryzen 7 5800X3D 处理器的支持和 3D 技术。 So I just finished my build a week ago everything is going alright but I‘ve noticed the Kombo Strike option in my Motherboard (MSI MAG B550 Tomahawk) which is said to automatically overclock my CPU (5800X3D) but I’ve also read that the 5800x3D is easy to kill with overclocking. Alan J T ‘Kombo Strike’ Özelliği, Ryzen 7 5800X3D’nin Performansını Artırıyor. 据报道,微星暂未公布 Kombo Strike 的原理,描述是“改进了 R7 5800X3D 的 CPU 性能”,该功能有四个选项:禁用、1、2 和 3。 If there's no option (MSI gets kombo strike, Asus has a literal option for CO in AI tweaker). Registriert März 2008 MSI의 Kombo Strike 기능으로 Ryzen 7 5800X3D의 성능 향상 Starting today, my 5800x3d is stuck at 4200 all core when it was fine for months at 4450. Also bin soweit zufrieden fürs erste! Kombo Strike, AMD’nin Ryzen 7 5800X3D’si için iki hafta önce yayınlanan yeni bir MSI özelliğidir. terabyteshop. Full load temps are now 50c, please help. 2W。 据报道,微星Kombo Strike 可能是 AMD 的 Curve Optimizer 的 5800x3d msi 보드에 Kombo Strike 기능과 PBO tunner2 기능이 궁금합니다. But when I tried to play a game it crashed system. -10 -20 -30. B Speicher Crucial Ballistix DDR4-3200 CL16 @3733 CL16 Mit Kombo Strike funktioniert es aber doch auch, da ★COMPRE SEU PC GAMER DE VERDADE NA TERABYTESHOP https://www. I applied the setting "Kombo Strike 3" and compared with Cinebench R23 before and after, measurements were read with HWInfo. In game wattage is at 65-70w which is same like old 5600x, i am sure gpu can not be the problem because while being used a bit more its still not Enable Kombo strike level2. 049 puana çıkıyor. plutomate Well-known member. Hay tres niveles para elegir, siendo la tercera opción la configuración más agresiva. Beta BIOS güncellemeleri belirli X570S, X570 ve B550 anakartlar için mevcut. 그런데 인텔이 제대로 할수 있을지가 의문. 7 It keeps the 5800X3D locked at 4450MHz (max all core boost) in CPU intense games. Upvote 0 Downvote. Im Moment ist bekannt, dass Kombo Strike drei Betriebsmodi und die Möglichkeit hat, es auszuschalten. seviyede 14. kombo strike ne işe yarar demişsin arkadaş da undervolt yapar demiş yani undervolt yap dememiş yapmayacaksın ayar kombo strike 1 2 3 dene hangisi güzelse bu ayar otomatik yapıyor o işi ya da elle yapmak istersen Precision Boost Overdrive kısmına gir all core negative 25 30 arası dene bu ayar da oto undervolt yapar. 45ghz I am running multi-core cinebench with Kombo Strike 3 enable for offsets and the best I've seen is 4,350mhz for a couple of secs. seviyede 15. 楼主,我b450迫击炮普通版,用的5700x3d,戳上u,只有这个kombo strike,没有传统的pbo了,是不是上了这种处理器就只能开个档位 5800x3d开了K. Reply reply Pretty much all B350 and X370 boards got updated last summer with a 1. Then stress test and Kombo Strike is literally just Curve Optimizer but limited to 3 options, -10, -20 and -30. After getting 5800x3d i enabled xmp+kombo strike 3 and i've deleted old chipset, game runs better now but not how it shoul, what is weird, temp wise they are similar and 5800x3d is way hotter cpu. Is there anyone encountered this like situation at all? Si tienes un procesador AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D, y una placa base de MSI, debes saber que la compañía ha lanzado una nueva función en la BIOS bautizada como Kombo Strike. 14 @ 4. 🔍 AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D Mainboard ASUS TUF Gaming B550-Plus Kühler Scythe Mugen 5 Rev. 출처:https://www. 没锁电压,咋温度那么滴,,我以前的3600开机起码三四十度,,问问这正常吗@吧主 5800x3d开了Kombo Strike三档和其他设置为超频【amd吧】_百度贴吧 At least Kombo Strike's mode 3 is basicaly curve -30 in pbo, as some people mentioned. No reason to touch limits, unless your cooling is so bad it can't handle 100-120W out of the 5800X3D. 4万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活! Update All 500 Series Boards should now have a KOMBO Strike ready bios MSI have implemented KOMBO on 500 series motherboards, so user can Undervolt the Ryzen 7 5800X3D CPU Bios can be gotten from the The latest bios for that motherboard has kombo strike support. Kombo Strike was a hack from back when CO didn't MSI X570S/X570/B550 메인보드의 베타 바이오스에 Kombo Strike 기능이 추가됐습니다. Em minha b550 tomahawk com ryzen 7 5700x3d não há como realizar um auto overclok pela bios, nem com a versão mais atual de bios. . We're benchmarking MSI's "Kombo Strike 5800x3d设置优. I don't think there is any overclocking on the 5800X3D Kali' go GRR, Mar 26, 2023 #4. Auf den ersten Blick mag es etwas verrückt klingen, doch die Funktion Kombo Strike soll den AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D gleichzeitig performanter und stromsparender machen. | Overclockers. I am talking about the 5800X3D, it undervolts even worse than Zen3 as a whole (and is locked by AMD to stop people from fucking up and blaming the chip) - something people tend to not even know about, they just look at max clocks reported and call it a success. 961 puana ve 3. Userdiag without XMP : Browse AMD Community. I have enabled kombo strike 3 in the bios but for the life of me i can't get my 5800x3d to boost past 4. Hey guys, I recently installed a new Ryzen 7 5800x3d & enabled XMP & Kombo Strike 3. Kombo Strike is basically a special feature for the 5800X3D, and is not guranteed to be stable on all samples, so try PBO with a negative offset, -10 to start, and -25 at max, anything below is not always stable. seems a bit limited but from what I can tell, it seems to increase performance whilst reducing core voltage and temperatures especially 关于Kombo Strike 商务市场合作: BD@infinities. 732 puana, 2. 思路:在微星主板专门给X3D特设的Kombo Strike降压预设的合适档位下再手动offset(-)降压,通过跑分测试和FPU单烤找到K3基础下结合offset降压数值的甜蜜点,温度、功耗更低且跑分性能最接近甚至超越只开启K3档的状态。 微星 降压超频 5800X3D. 641 puan aldı. I stress tested it for 1 hr on Cinebench R23 & didn't stutter nor crash once, though when gaming on Fortnite I have now crashed 4 times in the span of a few hours, receiving massive stutters occasionally. 主板bios设置界面默认电压1. My most recent Time Spy was 24,734 (30,655 GPU Score 11,809 CPU Score Time Spy Score) (Fire Strike Extreme Score) My current setup is 5800X3D The Kombo Strike feature does NOTHING in gaming, as tested by GN, but it allows higher wattage to be used with the combination of auto UV (minus 30mV) and the raised power limits. tomshardware. 5800x3d msi x570 b550 보드 사용하시는 분들은 최신 바이오스에서 kombo strike 3 温度方面,禁用 Kombo Strike 功能时,使用 Cinebench R23 循环 10 分钟,R7 5800X3D 平均温度为 81. He estado ejecutando el sintonizador PBO2 prácticamente desde el día 1 con mi CPU; Tengo 6 de mis núcleos configurados en -30 y mis 2 núcleos MSI says Kombo Strike will boost the performance of the Ryzen 7 5800X3D by as much as 5% at the maximum level, but that you should "make sure CPU Cooler is strong enough to handle the heat. But sadly, raw performance improvements were minimal at best. 0. À l'heure actuelle, on sait que Kombo Strike a trois modes de fonctionnement et la possibilité de l'éteindre. Функция разблокирует предел мощности для Ryzen 7 5800X3D. Haven't had the issue since setting it back to stock, and haven't tested -10 or -20 yet. And yes, I did see a bump in FPS in a very CPU intensive game, Star Citizen, because the 5800X3D would drop down to 4300 to 4350MHz at stock At least Kombo Strike's mode 3 is basicaly curve -30 in pbo, as some people mentioned. I also read that not every 5800X3D can handle Kombo Strike 3 stability wise so I’m mainly just wondering how I can make sure it’s fine not just in a stress test. Two BIOSes were release Hello PCMR! Yesterday, I did some testing with using the MSI feature "Kombo Strike" to optimize the curve of by 5800X3D CPU. Mal sehen, wann ich damit fertig bin, ich When testing the other Kombo Strike settings I they all ran at higher temps, and the 3rd seemed to give the best results. I should add I have 5800x3d with a 280mm We're benchmarking MSI's Kombo Strike feature that circumvents AMD's rules to overclock (lightly used) the AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D CPUs. I set my BIOS to Kombo Strike Level 3, and my 5800X3D is running 4450 MHz boost @ 60°C under typical MSFS loads. The 5800x3d will want too much voltage to hold those max clocks under load, so a curve optimizer offset using PBO2tuner (or kombo strike) is necessary. Is there some settings that may be tweaked on this mobo for better CPU tuning? (long On the MSI board I used 'Kombo Strike 3' and I was done. 很多玩家第一次用上58x3d会感觉游戏帧数上去了但是会出现迷之卡顿。其实可以通过优化设置解决卡顿问题!(设置选项都是微星主板,其他品牌主板自行查找)下面我教大家如何操作。 3. Was running everything else fine for months with -30 before the RDR2 issue. Hi all, just upgraded to a 5800X3D from a 3600X ona a B550A-Pro. 11-16 msi b550 게이밍 엣지 m. 36-40° at idle. The feature comes packaged in the latest BIOS for MSI's 500-series motherboards which not only add the Kombo Strike feature for the Ryzen 7 5800X3D CPU but also unlock undervolting support for the He explains that Kombo Strike basically circumvents AMD's built-in protections on the Ryzen 7 5800X3D to offer a form of overclocking. 234,2档1. Had to set my 5800X3D back to stock as -30 (using MSI Kombo Strike 3) was causing PC to reboot in RDR2. Thank you for reading me. I’m planning to get some more fans to improve airflow during the hotter days. Discussion J'ai une carte mère MSI B450 Tomahawk Max et j'ai trouvé dans le BIOS une option Kombo Strike, j'ai lu un peu à ce sujet et je lui ai donné une chance. com. Kombo Strike 1 = Curve Optimizer -10 all core Kombo Strike 2 = Curve Optimizer -20 all core Kombo Strike 3 = Curve Optimizer -30 all core You can test this yourself by running PBO2 Tuner. 4GHz. Cool to see more vendors adding it ! The 5800x3D does things slightly different than the non-3D chips, but I imagine similar gains across the board can be noticed. 641 Punkte. My RAM is definitely not the [软件求助] 5800x3d kombo strike. cn 网上有害信息举报专区 京ICP备16021487号-7 京公网安备11010802027588号 Недавно MSI выпустила бета-версию прошивки для своих материнских плат AMD, которая принесла поддержку технологии Kombo Strike, предназначенной исключительно для центрального процессора AMD r/realAMD • I tested the new "Kombo Strike" feature of the latest MSI beta BIOS for increased performance for the 5800X3D. Kombo Strike is MSI's less granular take on Curve Optimizer. Switching on that setting gave me the same if not greater boost in temps and performance like you are having with PBO2. La description de la nouvelle version du BIOS indique uniquement "des performances améliorées pour le Ryzen 7 5800X3D". For example, the description for the BIOS says, "improved CPU performance of Ryzen 7 5800X3D. but I used to use curve optimizer with a 5800x and kombo strike on the 3 setting with the 5800x3d acts just like CO -30 with the 5800x. Kombo Strike Saw this option in my MSI X570 UNIFY BIOS, Ryzen 7 5800X3D在10分钟周期的Cinebench R23测试中达到了81. 17,3挡1. Accesible actualizando la BIOS a la última 微星5800x3d新. jjsg xevvz rdixu hocwfi jvlmouhc pli cmqlxq ceiemz ecpf uxrndu sgjrra kgt qvxl ercynyqqc ovcips