Clark county elections department. 965 Trade Drive, Suite A .
Clark county elections department For questions or concerns, click here to contact Clark County. 193, candidates filing with the Clark County Registrar of Voters will be charged the following fees, but payment may be made with a personal check: The Nevada Secretary of State and Clark County Election Department will have websites and toll-free phone numbers to inform voters of whether their provisional ballot was counted, and if it was not counted, why. Nevada State Commission . To be accepted, the mail ballot must be postmarked on or before the day of the election and received by the Clark County Election Department not later than 5:00 p. Facebook Twitter/X Instagram Youtube NextDoor The Nevada Secretary of State and Clark County Election Department will have websites and toll-free phone numbers to inform voters of whether their provisional ballot was counted, and if it was not counted, why. Building Department Industry Notices; Building Department Proposed Ordinances/Amendments; Business License News, Agendas, and Ordinances; Clark County Code of Ordinances The Clark County Government Center is open Monday through Thursday, 7 a. Share this page ×. Election Department . Overview: Title: Election Day Vote Centers and Early Voting Sites Replace Assigned Polling Places Gone are the days of having to vote at a specific polling place. LEGISLATIVE SESSION. 193 does not allow personal checks. Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. All “active” voters who registered to vote All Clark County Election Day Vote Centers and early voting sites use touch-screen voting machines. , Las Vegas, NV 89155. - 5:30 The Clark County Election Department- You may find the schedule on our website, call (702) 455-VOTE (8683), or send an e-mail. Each Vote Center is connected to a secure, real-time voter database, ensuring that your voting record is updated immediately to Clark County, NV, Election Department; NOVEMBER 8, 2022, GENERAL ELECTION (STATE/FEDERAL) All voters registered in Clark County, NV, may vote from 7am to 7pm on Election Day at any Vote Center of their choice in Clark County, including those who received a mail ballot and did not yet return it. The Clark County Government Center is open Monday through Thursday, 7 a. Cegavske Nevada Secretary of State Election results are official. docx 7/28/22 (JAB) 1 of 6 Clark County, NV, Election Department GENERAL ELECTION EARLY VOTING SITES / MAIL BALLOT DROP-OFF LOCATIONS OCTOBER 22 (SATURDAY) TO NOVEMBER 4 (FRIDAY), 2022 All early voting sites are also mail ballot drop-off locations during the listed dates and times. m. on Election Day, ANY Clark County registered voter may cast their ballot at ANYClark County Vote Center of their choice. Election Department Requirements and Training. Phone: (702 The mission of the Clark County Election department is to provide a transparent election process that is responsive to the needs of all eligible citizens. Printing and postage expenditures for FY23 (as of May 2023) were $3. Each Vote Center is connected to a secure, real-time voter database, ensuring that your voting record is updated immediately to E:\2024\EV\PPP\English\EV-Sched-JAY-24PPP. to 7:00 p. Clark County Election Department 5 The “Raise the Vote” partnership is designed to provide community organizations and businesses with an opportunity to participate in the electoral process in Clark County. All “active” voters who registered to vote The Nevada Secretary of State and Clark County Election Department will have websites and toll-free phone numbers to inform voters of whether their provisional ballot was counted, and if it was not counted, why. Each Vote Center is connected to a secure, real-time voter database, ensuring that your voting record is updated immediately to Find out what works well at Clark County Elections Department from the people who know best. These machines include a voter verifiable paper printout of each ballot that stays with the machine. At any Clark County Early Voting Site or Election Day Vote Center, you may then vote a provisional ballot in the current election The Clark County Election Department You may find the schedule on our website, call (702) 455-VOTE (8683), or send an e-mail. He has since dedicated 19-years of his professional career as a public servant. In addition to the fees specified in NRS 293. Click here to The Clark County Election Department is seeking qualified candidates to apply for the Election Officer position. 387 ). Otherwise, volunteers will be paid individually and can then donate their pay to their organization. All active registered voters — about 1. O. Facebook Twitter/X Instagram Youtube NextDoor Page 1 of 4 Clark County, NV, Election Department Mail Ballot and In-Person Voting (AB321) All Mail Ballot Elections: Starting in 2022, Nevada will have all-mail ballot elections. Hours and days vary by Clark County is undertaking an effort to update its voter signature verification database ahead of the November election. Department Directory; Election; 2024 General Election Information Index; 2024 General Election Information Index For questions or concerns, click here to contact Clark County. gov. 7M and $1. English. - Court of Appeals Judge, Department 3 Bulla, Bonnie: N/A 2-Year Unexpired Term Jan. Federal U. Each participating From 7:00 a. Clark County Election Department 2 Voting by Mail Audit Part 2 ‘presidential’ and ‘midterm’ elections during the past ten years. Election Day Vote Centers and Early Voting Sites Replace Assigned Polling Places Gone are the days of having to vote at a specific polling place. , Suite B, North Las All early voting sites and Election Day Vote Centers will be mail ballot drop-off locations during their scheduled dates and hours of operation. Portillo began work with the Clark County Election Department in 1998. Early Voting Turnout Data It does not matter where you live in Clark County or what your precinct is. Candidates who Filed with Cities within Clark County in 2024: Boulder City; Henderson; Las Vegas; Mesquite; North Las Vegas; Offices up for Election in 2026. Department Directory; Election; Voter Services; Voter Services Voter Services. 702. 2022 General Election saw an almost equal split between mail ballots an d votes cast in person (during Early Voting and Election Day) Page 1 of 4 Clark County, NV, Election Department Mail Ballot and In-Person Voting (AB321) All Mail Ballot Elections: Starting in 2022, Nevada will have all-mail ballot elections. P. Like all elections in Nevada, it will be an all-mail ballot election. Phone . On Election Day, you can vote at any Vote Center across Clark County. By forming a partnership with the Election Department, funds raised are directed towards worthwhile causes and the voters are served by qualified workers at the polling places. All “active” voters who registered to vote Election Department : Candidate Filing in Clark County. click here to contact Clark County. on Ethics (775) 687-5469 . cdr 3 Clark County, NV, Election Department ONLINE SAME-DAY VOTER REGISTRATION, AFTER THE STANDARD CLOSE OF VOTER REGISTRATION, PER ASSEMBLY BILL 345 OF 2019 The Clark County Election Department is recognized throughout the United States as a leader in incorporating technology into the voting process. At any Clark County Early Voting Site or Election Day Vote Center, you may then vote a provisional ballot in the current election ELECTION RESULTS 2020 Home Barbara K. All voters who The mission of the Clark County Election department is to provide a transparent election process that is responsive to the needs of all eligible citizens. The mission of the Clark County Election department is to provide a transparent election process that is responsive to the needs of all eligible citizens. election jurisdictions. Clark County Registrar of Voters’ Location (Clark County Government Center) Candidates for the offices listed below (with applicable filing fees) should file their candidacy with the Clark County Registrar of Voters, 500Clark County Government Center, First Floor Pueblo Room, S. Whether or not you receive a paper or electronic sample ballot, if you are currently registered to vote in Clark County, IF YOU HAVE NV ID: If you have a current and valid (unexpired) Nevada Driver's License, Nevada DMV-issued State ID Card, or Nevada DMV Interim Document, you may register to vote or update your existing Clark County, Nevada, voter registration on the Secretary of State's website, through the same-day registration and updates process, or by any of the Additionally, the County Election Department, Secretary of State, and City Clerks may only use it for communication about the voting process and to distribute electronic sample ballots. Field Registrars cannot engage in partisan activities while representing the Election Department. Your record will be updated at the time of . Starting in 2022, Nevada will have all Any voter registered in Clark County (including those who received a mail ballot and wish to vote in-person instead) may vote at any early voting site within the County. The Nevada Secretary of State and Clark County Election Department will have websites and toll-free phone numbers to inform voters of whether their provisional ballot was counted, and if it was not counted, why. last day for the Election Department to RECEIVE PRINTED OR ONLINE requests to not receive a mail ballot is 60 days before Election Day. Types of Information and How to Obtain It (free information on the Internet, customized reports, and information that may be purchased) Additional Information. Elections and Voting. Department-specific hours may vary. Under general supervision of an Election Department Manager, assists in Department Directory; Election; 2024 Pres. Each Vote Center is connected to a secure, real-time voter database, ensuring that your voting record is updated immediately to Department Directory; Election; 2022 General Election Information Index ; 2022 General Election Information Index For questions or concerns, click here to contact Clark County. 030). , 965 Trade Dr. 7 as of April 12, 2023. Joe joined the Clark County Election Department in 1995 and has served as Registrar of Voters since 2013. North Las Vegas, NV 89030 . Grand Central Pkwy. At the same time, organizations can raise funds for the worthy causes in which they support. The Election Department prefers prospective employees who can work during the Early Voting periods and on Election Days. (State/Federal Elections only). Election Department Newsletters Secretary of State Information. Election-Related Information from the Nevada Secretary of State; Facts about Clark County and Nevada: Department Directory; Election; Services; Services Services. Additionally, the County Election Department, Secretary of State, and City Clerks may only use it for communication about the voting process and to distribute electronic sample ballots. NRS 293. The Department especially needs workers who are fluent in Spanish, Filipino, or Mandarin Chinese. Address: 500 S. Page 1 of 4 Clark County, NV, Election Department Mail Ballot and In-Person Voting (AB321) All Mail Ballot Elections: Starting in 2022, Nevada will have all-mail ballot elections. EARLY VOTING POLLING PLACE S: 88. How it Works: When you check in at any Clark County Early Voting Site or Election Day Vote Center, you must show an unexpired NV Election Day Vote Centers and Early Voting Sites Replace Assigned Polling Places Gone are the days of having to vote at a specific polling place. st . Every time you move to a new County, you must re-register if you want to vote in that County. E:\2020\SAMPLE-BALLOT\WhatsNew-SamBal. Clark County Election Department 2024 Presidential Preference Primary Election Provisional Ballot Status List; Unique Identification Number (Provisional Tag ID) Ballot Status Code; 01HP09V3SE4Q6MDZDCVX3HATYQ 1 01HP09VMB058K0ESXF2Q8GGP95 1 01HP09W8E6AA9GPHY3PTZNN9R0 1 01HP0AMH254TXJV48XWF96P0CD 2 District Court Judge, Department 17; District Court Judge, Family Division, Department A; The dates and hours will be: June 20-July 21, 2022 Monday-Thursday only (closed Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and holidays) 8am-5:30pm; July 22, 2022 Friday 8am-5pm; The location will be the Clark County Election Department, 965 Trade Dr. All Clark County Election Day Vote Centers and early voting sites use touch-screen voting machines. - 5:30 p. In-person voting options will still be available during Early Voting and on Election Day. Department Directory; Election; Services; Elections and Voting; Tips for Easier and Faster Voting; Tips for Easier and Faster Voting Tips for Easier and Faster Voting. Share this page. Long-Term Sites (open at the same location for all 14 days early voting): 17. -5:30 p. This position provides a wide variety of office and warehouse support services, which varies as the department prepares for and executes the elections process. Continued on next page. Poll workers will ask The Clark County Election Department was provided a budget of $24. COUNTY: Clark. Click this link for information on how to find a convenient Election Day Vote Center. Types of Information and How to Obtain It (free information on the Internet, customized reports, and information that may be purchased) Clark County, Nevada, Election Department 2024 General Election Provisional Ballot Final Dispostion and Ballot Status. His skills and experience will be an asset to our department. Spanish Department Directory; Election; Services; Elections and Voting; Elections and Voting Elections and Voting. Any voter registered in Clark County (including those who received a mail ballot and The Clark County Election Department is recognized throughout the United States as a leader in incorporating technology into the voting process. Early Voting Schedule Brochures- Available anywhere you find Voter Registration Applications, e. 2024 General Election Information Index; Services. Whether or not you receive a paper or electronic sample ballot, if you are currently registered to vote in Clark County, All Offices Up for Election in 2024 in Clark County, NV; All Contests / Candidates in the November 5, 2024, General Election; Information Resources from the Clark County Election Department. County Commissioners take office on the first Monday of January next following their election (NRS 244. on the fourth day following the election or delivered by hand to the Clark County Election Department or any ballot Current Election Information. At any Clark County Early Voting Site or Election Day Vote Center, you may then vote a provisional ballot in the current election Page 1 of 4 Clark County, NV, Election Department Mail Ballot and In-Person Voting (AB321) All Mail Ballot Elections: Starting in 2022, Nevada will have all-mail ballot elections. Click here to view our department directory. The Department does receive some reimbursement fro m the County Agendas; County Events & Meetings; Town Advisory Boards and Citizens Advisory Councils; Watch Commission Meetings Live (CCTV 4) Ordinances, Industry Notices & Policies. Phone: (702 IF YOU HAVE NV ID: If you have a current and valid (unexpired) Nevada Driver's License, Nevada DMV-issued State ID Card, or Nevada DMV Interim Document, you may register to vote or update your existing Clark County, Nevada, voter registration on the Secretary of State's website, through the same-day registration and updates process, or by any of the Ms. You may also call (702) 455-VOTE (8683) to request a Clark County . , Suite A, North Las Vegas, NV 89030) or FAX (702-455-2981). His last day as Registrar will be January 5, 2023. , Department of Motor Vehicles, post offices, libraries, etc. PST. Contact Clark County; FixIt Clark County; Pay Taxes, Fines, Fees. 965 Trade Drive, Suite A . Clark County, NV, Election Department; NOVEMBER 8, 2022, GENERAL ELECTION (STATE/FEDERAL) All voters registered in Clark County, NV, may vote from 7am to 7pm on Election Day at any Vote Center of their choice in Clark County, including those who received a mail ballot and did not yet return it. Last Updated on July 29, 2021 Register to Vote If You Are not currently registered to vote in Clark County, NV, are qualified to register, and wish to vote. Assessor - Personal Property Taxes; Treasurer - Real Property Taxes; Air Quality Fees & Payments; Animal Protection Be a registered voter in Clark County, NV, or, be enrolled in High School and at least 16 years of age. Copy and paste this code into your website. One-Stop 2024 General Election Information Index; Services. Department CLARK COUNTY ELECTION DEPARTMENT Author: CEIT Created Date: 4/18/2016 2:53:27 PM Directly Notify the Election Department When you change your address, Make My Address and Phone Number Confidential from the dropdown menu to complete, print, and sign a form to mail (Clark County Election Dept. 3M, respectively. This page automatically refreshes. on Judicial Discipline (775) 687-4017 . Poll workers will ask CLARK COUNTY ELECTION DEPARTMENT • 1 Clark County Election Department WINTER 2025 NEWSLETTER Election Insights Happy New Year from all of us at the Clark County Election Department! As we reflect on the successes of 2024, we are proud to share that 69% of registered voters in Clark County turned out for the General Election, Election Department. FIGURE 1. Uncover why Clark County Elections Department is the best company for you. For questions or concerns, click here to contact Clark Clark County also posts election night results as they are tabulated on Clark County Television (CCTV) cable Channel 4. Not be a poll watcher or observer during any election you work. Building Department Industry Notices; Building Department Proposed Ordinances/Amendments; Business License News, Agendas, and Ordinances; Clark County Code of Ordinances Field Registrars are volunteers trained by the Election Department to register qualified voters on behalf of the Registrar of Voters. Field Registrars are volunteers trained by the Election Department to register qualified voters on behalf of the Registrar of Voters. Formatting All sample ballot booklets (paper or PDF format) use a The Clark County Election Department is recognized throughout the United States as a leader in incorporating technology into the voting process. Const. Contact Daniel Clark County Registrar of Voters’ Location (Clark County Government Center) Candidates for the offices listed below (with applicable filing fees) should file their candidacy with the Clark County Registrar of Voters, Clark County Government Center, First Floor Pueblo Room, 500 S. The Elections Office advises voters, candidates, political action committees, political parties, cities, special districts and others about administrative rules The Clark County Government Center is open Monday through Thursday, 7 a. S. In-person voting options will still be available too. The Clark County Election Department You may find the schedule on our website, call (702) 455-VOTE (8683), or send an e-mail. Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, phone (702) 455-6552. Note that Nevada's Congressional District 2 will be outside of Clark County. 6M for Fiscal Year (FY) Ending June 30, 2023 and has 37 employees. Art. Electronic Touch-Screen Voting Machines Touch-screen machines are used in all Clark County polling locations. me/Oe_05aMT. Ms. g. Contests/Candidates in the 2024 Elections in Clark County, Nevada (in order of appearance on the ballot, subject to change as a result of unforeseen events or circumstances) PARTY ((REP. Department CLARK COUNTY ELECTION DEPARTMENT Author: CEIT Created Date: 4/18/2016 2:53:27 PM County Agendas; County Events & Meetings; Town Advisory Boards and Citizens Advisory Councils; Watch Commission Meetings Live (CCTV 4) Ordinances, Industry Notices & Policies. (NRS 293. Step 5. Non-Major Party Candidates. 269911(2) 12/23/23. IF YOU HAVE NV ID: If you have a current and valid (unexpired) Nevada Driver's License, Nevada DMV-issued State ID Card, or Nevada DMV Interim Document, you may register to vote or update your existing Clark County, Nevada, voter registration on the Secretary of State's website, through the same-day registration and updates process, or by any of the Current Election Information. You may deposit your mail ballot in a locked, drop box instead of sending it through the postal Clark County Election Department 6 individual worker. 309(2)(a)(1)) May 28- June 10 : Saturday-Friday Current Election Information. Candidate Appointments to file your candidacy in-person with the Clark County Election Department may be made online at http://erefra. Pref. County Election Center located at: 965 Trade Drive, Suite A, North Las Vegas, NV 89030. - 5:30 IF YOU HAVE NV ID: If you have a current and valid (unexpired) Nevada Driver's License, Nevada DMV-issued State ID Card, or Nevada DMV Interim Document, you may register to vote or update your existing Clark County, Nevada, voter registration on the Secretary of State's website, through the same-day registration and updates process, or by any of the Clark County Election Department 6 . Clark County, NV, Election Department Mail Ballot and In-Person Voting (AB321) Continued Mail Ballot Postmark and Receiving Deadlines: Voted mail ballots sent through the Post Office must be: (1) Mailed in the postage-paid return envelope provided specifically for you, showing your name and address, and you must also sign the outside of that Clark County Registrar of Voters’ Location (Clark County Government Center) Candidates for the offices listed below (with applicable filing fees) should file their candidacy with the Clark County Registrar of Voters, 500Clark County Government Center, First Floor Pueblo Room, S. 600-720 (added in 2021), the Clark County Election Department will conduct the PPP. 455. Both during early voting and on Election Day, you will find voting is quick and easy. 3666 (Español) All classes will be held at the Clark . Sample ballots will have simple voting instructions for Clark County’s voting systems. Primary Election Information Index ; For questions or concerns, click here to contact Clark County. Filed with the Clark County Registrar of Voters; Candidate Filing. Clark County Election Department 5 . County Commission, District A Michael Naft (Democratic) 4 City Clerks’ offices and the Clark County Election Department will also be available for mail ballot drop off during varying dates and times. Starting in 2020, same-day registration (registering and voting on Election Day or during Early Voting), as well as immediate updates of existing registration (name, party, and address) will also Clark County will then have three Congressional Districts, which will be 1, 3 and 4. Election Center . docx 11/28/23 (JAB) 1 of 5 Clark County, NV, Election Department Presidential Preference Primary Election Early Voting Sites / Mail Ballot Drop-Off Locations January 27 (Saturday) to February 2 (Friday), 2024 All early voting sites are also mail ballot dropoff locations - during the listed dates and times. Early Voting; Election Day Voting and the Voting Process; The Clark County Government Center is open Monday through Thursday, 7 a. 4 million people — will receive a Election Department. Facebook Twitter/X Instagram Youtube NextDoor LinkedIn. McDonald began working as a student worker in San Diego County in 1996. Campaign Finance. Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team’s work-life balance. Early Voting; Election Day Voting and the Voting Process; Mail Ballot Voting; click here to contact Clark County. Phone: (702) 455-0000. . In- other than the Election Department to provide these boxes. Clark County Election Dept. For questions or concerns, click here to contact Clark The Election Department will no longer send them election-related materials because their address on file is incorrect. 4, 2021 (Nev. Election-Related Information from the Nevada Secretary of State; Facts about Clark County and Nevada: The Election Department is currently scheduling voter registration classes for those interested in the mail-in distribution program. Aguilar 2024 General Election Provisional Ballot Status Codes. (800) 992-0900 (Toll Free) Nevada Commission . 6, §3A(2), NRS 2A. ASSEMBLY BILL 321 (AB321) All Mail BallotElections: Starting in 2022, Nevada will have all-mail ballot elections. E:\2022\EV\GEN\English\EV-Sched-22G. , Monday-Thursday CLOSED FRIDAY-SUNDAY If you have any questions, please call the Clark County Election Department at (702) 455-VOTE (8683) or send an e-mail to elinfo@clarkcountynv. E:\2024\Cand\Contests Department Directory; Election; 2024 General Election Information Index; 2024 General Election Information Index For questions or concerns, click here to contact Clark County. All Offices Up for Election in 2026 in Clark County, NV (subject to change) Offices up for Election in 2024. Portillo has consistently advanced within the Election Department andmost recen tly was the Assistant Registrar of Voters. Willfully submitting an Application to the Clark County Registrar of Voters more than 10 days after it is completed is a felony subject to a civil penalty of up to $20,000 in addition to any criminal penalties. Be able to perform ALL duties, including learning, understanding The Election Department will no longer send them election-related materials because their address on file is incorrect. Election Information Resources from the Clark County Election Department. Successfully complete the Election Department’s training. Early Voting Schedule Brochures Available anywhere you find Voter Registration Applications, e. Mr. Inactive Voters May Still Vote In Person: Inactive voters may still vote in person at any early voting site or Election Day vote center of their choice, as long as they still live in Clark County, Nevada. How it Works: When you check in at any Clark County Early Voting Site or Election Day Vote Center, you must show an unexpired NV The Election Department is currently scheduling voter registration classes for those interested in the mail-in distribution program. Copy and paste this code into your The Clark County Government Center is open Monday through Thursday, 7 a. Department Clark County Election Department (click here for map) 965 Trade Drive, Suite A, North Las Vegas Standard Hours: 7:30 a. Whether or not you receive a paper or electronic sample ballot, if you are currently registered to vote in Clark County, The Nevada Secretary of State and Clark County Election Department will have websites and toll-free phone numbers to inform voters of whether their provisional ballot was counted, and if it was not counted, why. Facebook Twitter/X Instagram Youtube The Clark County Election Department You may find the schedule on our website, call (702) 455-VOTE (8683), or send an e-mail. All “active” voters who registered to vote Information Resources from the Clark County Election Department. VOTE (8683) 702. Trustee Clark County of Voters. Office of Nevada Secretary of State Francisco V. All Offices Up for Election in 2024 in Clark County, NV Per NRS 298. Clark County Registrar of Voters’ Location (Clark Clark County, NV, Election Department JUNE 14, 2022, PRIMARY ELECTION (STATE/FEDERAL) All voters registered in Clark County, NV, may vote from 7am to 7pm on Clark County Election Department (click here for map) 965 Trade Drive, Suite A, North Las Vegas Standard Hours: 7:30 a. 193, candidates filing with the Clark County Department Directory; Election; 2022 General Election Information Index ; 2022 General Election Information Index For questions or concerns, click here to contact Clark County. (payable to the Clark County Election Department if that is where the candidate files for office). McDonald began work with the Clark County Election Department in September 2023. City Clerks’ offices and the Clark County Election Department will also be available for mail ballot drop off during varying dates and times. You may also call (702) 455-VOTE (8683) to request a (payable to the Clark County Election Department if that is where the candidate files for office). Computers at each site connect to the Election Department’s centralized voter registration files. CANDIDATES ELECTED TO OFFICE IN 2020, CLARK COUNTY, NV In Order Directly Notify the Election Department When you change your address, Make My Address and Phone Number Confidential from the dropdown menu to complete, print, and sign a form to mail (Clark County Election Dept. Clark County has been honored to have Joe as a leader that has proactively guided the evolution of the Department into one of the most respected and innovative U. Phone: (702 The Clark County Election Department needs Poll Workers for 2024. xlsx (JAB) 12/3/2020 6 of 16 Clark County, NV, Election Dept. The Clark County Election Department is recognized throughout the United States as a leader in incorporating technology into the voting process. May 25, Wednesday : Deadline for the Start of Mailing of In-State Ballots: Mail ballots must be ready for distribution to in-state voters no later than 20 days before Election Day. 030) District Court Judge, Department 1 \2020\CANDIDATE-GUIDE\Elected-Cands-2020. Official Final Election Results The County Commissioners (or appropriate city authority in municipal elections) must complete the “canvass” of the election results on or before the tenth day after Election Day ( NRS 293. NEW: CHANGES TO ELECTIONS AFTER THE 81. During her 25year- career in the Election Department, she has accumulated a wide variety of election-related experience. EARLY VOTING POLLING PLACE S: 88 Page 1 of 4 Clark County, NV, Election Department Mail Ballot and In-Person Voting (AB321) All Mail Ballot Elections: Starting in 2022, Nevada will have all-mail ballot elections. Election Department Facilitate access to the electoral process by all eligible voters to exercise their voting rights. Effective Date for the Purposes of Filing for Office, Nominating (Primary Election) and Electing (General Election) January 1, 2012 Effective Date for All Other Purposes January 3, 2013 IF YOU HAVE NV ID: If you have a current and valid (unexpired) Nevada Driver's License, Nevada DMV-issued State ID Card, or Nevada DMV Interim Document, you may register to vote or update your existing Clark County, Nevada, voter registration on the Secretary of State's website, through the same-day registration and updates process, or by any of the The Clark County Election Department is recognized throughout the United States as a leader in incorporating technology into the voting process. Box 3910 Las Vegas, NV 89127-3910 : Telephone Numbers: Main Telephone Numbers: General Information (702) 455-VOTE (8683) Election Day Vote Centers and Early Voting Sites Replace Assigned Polling Places Gone are the days of having to vote at a specific polling place. Previous voter registration in another county will not permit you to vote in Clark County, NV. , Monday-Thursday Clark County Election Dept. For GENERAL ELECTION 2024 Official Results Updated 11/15/24 02:34 PM: REGISTRATION & TURNOUT TRUSTEE CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT E VOTE FOR 1. ogqwoiltbzdgflbndrszwedazwaizzmgpwkdsmbvwdrswpcsolmjjrkgidguwadezgfpmhvqjazup