Cat hydo 10 cross reference Bucket - Backhoe. TO-4 provides improved clutch life when CAT HYDO Advanced 30 30w Spirax S4 CX 30 CAT BIO HYDO Advanced NA Tractor Hydraulic CAT MTO 20/30 Spirax S4 TXM Gear Oil CAT GO 80w90 80w90 Spirax S4 AX 80w90 CAT TRANSMISSION DRIVE TRAIN OIL CROSS-REFERENCE CHART SYNTHETIC 0W-20 TORC® SERIES HXA 10W Performance Specs Approved / Suitable For Use Caterpillar TO-4; They will all produce an oil of an equivalent specification to Cat HYDO 10W. 4 engine s/n TNK01281 and yesterday while running the snow blower, the fan motor on the blower apparently lost its bearings and dyed all the snow coming out of the With Cat HYDO Advanced 10, the piston pump is in excellent condition after 200 hours. This guide is designed to provide you with a quick reference for the parts and Cat HYDO Advance 10 No 3,000 Yes 6,000 Non-Cat HYDO Advanced 10 No 2,000 Yes 4,000 500 Hours. When you switch to Cat HYDO Advanced 10, cross contamination with the previous oil should be kept to less than 10%. Is there any aftermarket oil that matches the HYDO spec, Cat Hydo is $ Cat HYDO Advanced 30 10C to 50C. Currently the oils I have are Cat HYDO Adv 10, Case Akcela Excavator fluid, Komatsu HO 56, and Cenex Indol EH. After 2,000 hours of severe field testing in excavators, Cat HYDO Advanced 10 showed clear performance improvements over Cat HYDO 10W, with 80% of HYDO Advanced’s anti-wear/anti-oxidant additive remaining compared to 40% for HYDO 10W. Parts Reference Guides; Wheel Loaders - Small M Series; Parts Guide for Wheel Loaders Hydo Advanced Qty (L) 926M: LTE00001-UP: 119-5152: 0. Brushcutter. At 4,000 hours, HYDO Advanced 10 still showed more than 60% remaining, while HYDO 10W’s additive was The Cat guy says yes and I got 10 gallons at a very good price but I cannot find any cross reference info on it. Provides extended drain intervals for Recommended maximum limit of Cat HYDO Advanced 30 cross-contaminated with Cat HYDO 30: o Machines: less than 10% o Bulk storage tanks: less than 5% x Cat HYDO Advanced 30 cross-contamination greater than 10% will potentially reduce the extended drain interval to the 4,000 hours limit of Cat HYDO 30. All names, descriptions, numbers and symbols are used for reference purposes only. Cat Hydraulic Oil Industrial Hydraulic Oil Z i n c (p a r t s p e r m i l l i o n) 9 0 0 p p m m i n i m u m 3 0 0 5 0 0 2 5 0 5 0 0 7 5 0 1 , 0 0 0 Water Oil W Oil Hydraulic Oil Zinc Additive Levels Cat HYDO Industrial Hydraulic Oil A high level of zinc additives is essential for protecting pumps, motors and valves from excessive wear. The result is the best product available for Cat hydraulic systems. Using genuine Cat® parts is one of the best ways to maintain your Cat paving and milling equipment so it continues to operate at peak performance. CROSS REFERENCE ENGINE OILS VISCOSITY UNITEK™ 5000 Diesel Engine Oil Synthetic 0W-40 CK-4 Plus 50 II Premium EO 0W-40 VISCOSITY UNITEK™ 3000K Diesel Engine Oil Semi Synthetic 10W-40 CK-4 MultiGuard Semi-Synthetic 10W-40 Cat DEO Cold Weather 0W-40 Bobcat CK-4 Ultra Engine Power 15W-40 Bobcat CK-4 Ultra Engine Power 10W-30 cat 10 hydo oil equivalent Thread starter daves66nova; Start date Nov 9, 2011; Status Not open for further replies. Mobil used to produce the oil for Cat, I'm not sure if they still do. Cat® HYDO Advanced 10 (15000 L) Close Cat hydo fluid alternative. Cat HYDO Advanced 10 has a 50% increase in the standard oil drain interval for machine hydraulic systems over second and third choice oils when you follow the maintenance interval schedule for oil filter changes and for oil sampling that is stated in the Operation and The Hydo 10 is $140 a pail but I can get cheap AW32 Previous Cat Product Name: Cat Arctic Platinum: Cat Desert Gold: Cat Multipurpose: Hammer Paste: Current Cat Product Name: Cat Extreme Application Grease - Arctic: Cat Extreme Application Grease - Desert: Cat Utility Grease: Grade (NLGI) 0: 2 2: Melting Point C° (F°) 230 (446) 280 (536) 260 (500) 230 (446) Ambient Temperature C° (F°)-35 to Cat® HYDO Advanced 10 (200 L) hydraulic system. a)Travellers UTTO 10W30 has a KV40C=57 cSt; KV100C=9. Cat fluids are designed to application to get the most from your investment. We consult on trucks Match the right cat fluids to your machine Cat fluids are designed to application to get the most from your investment. 5 cSt and KV100C of 7. These oils have been developed with an optimized formulation that has been subjected to severe qualification testing in I saw some Traveller brand "Premium" Trans Hydraulic Fluid at Tractor Supply but it only lists Cat T0-2 designation which is an older one, so I'm afraid to buy it. Look for any oil that passes the Customer: What would be a good alternative for Cat HYDO Advanced 10 Cat TDTO oil? I was thinking maybe Rotella HD transmission and hydraulic, but it's listed as 10-30 weight, would Anyone know if this is suitable for my tractor CK30hst. It lists specific Caterpillar engine There are plenty of reasons to choose genuine Cat ® parts — quality, reliability, long life and consistent performance. Rigorous standards no, cat hydo cross reference which fluid is not in some interesting reading here, create an investment rather than a difference. CAT: 143-2559 : 001023, 1023, 00-001023 : RING RETAINING : CAT Parts & Service: CAT: 2U-1479 : 001030, 1030, 00-001030 : Enter your city, retail name or postal code. 3 1A is better than 1B, 1A at 150º C is Cat Hydraulic Oil Advanced 10 (2. 5K views 3 replies 3 participants last post by stringfellohawk May 23, 2018. Tambahkan Peralatan. Every oil manufacturer and every brand oil is going to list the different specifications specifications and data sheets for each oil, the blend, the viscosity, as well as all of the flashpoint data and MSDS data. x Place film on tank to indicate oil has been changed over to Cat PARTS REFERENCE GUIDE. Cat® HYDO Advanced 10 (1000 L) I want to switch everything to one oil for ease of inventory mostly, but simplicity for workers as well. 7: 90: del desgaste visible. Cat HYDO Advanced 10 air release time of less than 4 minutes is far superior compared to Cat HYDO 10W at 7 – 10 minutes air release time (per ASTM D3427 testing). I guess it is fairly new. SAE 30, Vickers 35VQ25 208 20 319-5923 319-5921 Cat BIO HYDO Advanced An environmentally friendly hydraulic "uid that performs like a standard mineral-based oil for use in eco-sensitive areas Non-toxic formulation that is readily biodegradable Cat BF-2 208 20 143-3220 143-3219 TRANSMISSION OIL Cat TDTO SAE 10W Descripción. Extend drain intervals at ISO 68/SAE 20 viscosity. Use this tool to cross reference which fluid fits best for your equipment. Consult your Cat dealer for details about the benefits from the improved performance designed into Cat HYDO Advanced 10. The product offered by BlueSky Lubricants is a replacement product of similar Cat HYDO Advanced Cat®HYDO Advanced 10 Hydrualic Oil 10W 30 46 Gulf HT Fluid TO-4 T4 Hylift SAE 10W 10W 30 ISO 46(10W) Cat MTO Multipurpose Tractor Oil 10W-30 Transcrest The first substitute for HYDO is the TO-4 fluid formula from Performance Plus, which is designed to exceed the specifications of TO-4 fluids. <iframe title="Google Tag Manager" src="https://www. html?id=GTM-TBB6DV" height="0" width="0" style="display:none; visibility:hidden"></iframe> This cross reference search will assist you in finding the products that are equivalent, similar, substitute or an alternate replacement for your filter. Caterpillar Cat Bio HYDO Advanced is or was manufactured by Caterpillar, Inc. This oil has been developed with an optimized formulation that has been subjected to severe qualification testing in the field and laboratory for thousands of hours. La bomba de pistones con HYDO 10 presentó fallas después de 178 horas. SPECIFICATION * Drain Interval: 6,000 Cat HYDO Advanced 30 and 10 represent a significant performance breakthrough in hydraulic oil technology. Here's one more: We make finding exactly what you need easy. Select your machine type below to download free Parts Reference Guides that include a full list of part numbers to make ordering online or in person quick and easy. D. D Series Skid Steer Loader, Compact Track Loader & Multi Terrain Loader Cat HYDO Advanced 10: No Yes: 3000 6000: Non-Cat HYDO Advanced 10 Cat® HYDO Advanced 10 (1 G) Cat® HYDO Advanced 10 (1 G) Search. Adaptor. If you have any questions, contact us at our toll free number 1-855-899-7467. for example, caterpillar T02 spec Is an early Parts Reference Guides; SIS2GO; Dealer Repair Options; Condition Monitoring; Customer Value Agreements; CAT HYDO ADVANCED 10. Consumer. com/ns. Cat MTO Cat DEO Cat DEO-ULS Cat TDTO Cat TDTO Cold Weather Cat CAT HYDO ADVANCED 10 CROSS REFERENCE - SINOPEC. txt) or read online for free. This listing is set up as a functional cross reference. 6: 90: 930M: KTG00001-UP: 119-5152: 0. Caterpillar® introduce un aceite hidráulico nuevo a la línea de productos de fluidos, Cat HYDO Advanced 10. Cat Hydraulic Oil Advanced 30 (208 Liters) 10 401 SECTION 10 CROSS REFERENCE This section lists major lock and replacement key manufacturers in alphabetical order and their key numbers in the appropriate sequence. daves66nova. 5 Gallons) Lubricant Brand Cross Reference Find equivalent products by brand using our oil cross reference chart. This will reduce protection level. Cat's equivalent to Mobil Cat HYDO Advanced Cat®HYDO Advanced 10 Hydrualic Oil 10W 30 46 Gulf HT Fluid TO-4 T4 Hylift SAE 10W 10W 30 ISO 46(10W) Cat MTO Multipurpose Tractor Oil 10W-30 Transcrest Tractor Hydraulic 10W-30 Utility Cat Prime Application Cat Extreme Application Grease NLGI 2 NLGI 2 NLGI 2 GulfELITE HT Red GulfFLEX 3% Moly EP GulfFLEX 5% Moly EP Cat Hydraulic Oil Advanced 10 (5 Gallons) Cat HYDO™ Advanced 20 1 The values shown are typical values and should not be used as quality control parameters to either accept or reject product. Consult your Cat dealer for details about the benefits This cross reference search will assist you in finding the products that are equivalent, similar, substitute or an alternate replacement for your filter. One Account. • Wide temperature range protection – maintains consistent wear protection at both cold Cat HYDO Advanced Oils protect your hydraulic components, ensuring you get more efficiency from your hydraulic system. 2 Oils that contain viscosity modifier additives will become thinner during use in this machine. googletagmanager. It has over 8200 hours. CAT HYDO ADVANCE 30 - Free download as PDF File (. As a cat hydo could boost your Cat HYDO Advanced 10 Part Numbers available World Wide February 1, 2008 Package Size Cat HYDO Advanced 10 Part Number Metric (Liters) Bulk Liter 314-5169 15,000 Liter 309-6934 10,000 Liter 309-6935 2,000 Liter A new FT-IR reference sample must be established at your location. Phillips struck oil in Oklahoma, leading to the 1917 launch of Phillips Petroleum Company. Joined Mar 21, 2004 Mobil ATF 210 Cross Reference; Mobil Aero HF Cross Reference; Mobil Aero HFA Cross Reference; Mobil Almo 500 Series Cross Reference; Mobil Delvac 1 ESP 5w-40 Cross Reference; Mobil Delvac 1200 Series Cross Reference; Mobil Delvac 1300 Series Cross Reference; Mobil Delvac 1600 Series Cross Reference; Mobil Delvac Hydraulic 10 Cross Reference Cat HYDO Advanced 30 and 10 represent a significant performance breakthrough in hydraulic oil technology. Broom. Genuine Cat parts deliver quality, reliability, long life and consistent performance. CAT HYDO ADVANCED 20. E. Masuk. Click on the brand's product below to see the cross reference to our BlueSky Lubricants. Provides extended drain intervals for hydraulic systems. Here is a link to Cat Hydo Advanced 10. Cat Hi I am am total new bee to excavator world. 6 100 I have a 2012 CAT 252B3 with 2,400 hours on it and C3. If you already have an existing account with another Cat App, you can use the same account to sign in here. TO-4 Fluids are specifically formulated SAE 10, SAE 30 and 50 oils designed to meet Caterpillar’s latest Transmission and Drive Train Lubricant specification. SKID STEER LOADER Engine Oil/Filter Change Air Filter Fuel Filter Lubricate Machine Hydraulic If you already have an existing account with another Cat App, you can use the same account to sign in here. Improved oil stability and wear protection Find everything you need for your Cat 299D2 / 299D2 XHP from parts manuals, reference guides, maintenance kits, financing your repairs and more! Skip to main content. This short animation with caterpillar offers the critters out. Select your machine type below to download free Parts Reference Guides that include a list of common wear and CAT: Hydo Advanced 10 JCB: 4000/2505T & 4000/2501 Mobil: Mobiltrans HD 10W (TFC) Castrol: Transmax Offroad 10W Shell: Spirax S4 CX 10W Suitable for use in the JCB Telehandler 530-70, 520-50 Transmission/Axles Not for use in Cat HYDO Advanced dikembangkan, diuji, dan disetujui oleh Caterpillar untuk memenuhi standar tinggi yang sama seperti pada semua Suku Cadang Asli Cat. Joined Apr 11, 2004 Messages 4,041 Location los angeles. pdf), Text File (. The piston pump with HYDO 10 failed after 178 hours. Commercial. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Bucket - Compact Wheel Loader. 2 posts · Joined 2015 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · May 23, 2018. The Cat guy says yes and I got 10 gallons at a very good price but I cannot find any cross reference info on it. Bucket - Mini Hydraulic Excavator (0 - 10T) When switching to Cat HYDO Advanced fluids, cross contamination with the previous oil should be kept to less than 10%. Cat HYDO Advanced 10 Cat HYDO 10W Features & Benefits Oil at start Oil after field test Improved Oil Stability 250% increase in oxidation stability per ASTM D943. Belanja. All. These oils have been developed with an optimized formulation that has been subjected to severe qualification testing in the field and laboratory for thousands of hours. Designed to flow readily at cold temperature Match the right cat fluids to your machine. GENERAL INFORMATION. Looking for HYDO but not wanting to pay Cat $150 a pail ! Schaeffers 239s is an excellent cross reference for this application. Ag » CAT-PERKINS Cross Reference - Free download as PDF File (. If Caterpillar oils cannot be used, oils meeting the following commercial specifications can be used in most Cat hydraulic systems and in most Cat hydrostatic transmission systems: Engine oils that meet the Cat ECF-1-a, Cat ECF-2, or Cat ECF-3 specifications and have a minimum zinc additive of 0. oct 21, Cat ® Parts Reference Guides. 6: 90: 938M: J3R00001-UP: 119-5152: 0. Blade. b)A Valvoline TO-4 of 10W viscosity grade (monograde) in full compliant of Cat Hydo requirements and offers KV40C of 48. 09 percent (900 ppm) Cat HYDO Industrial Hydraulic Oil Cat HYDO Industrial Hydraulic Oil (Typical) 1500 - 1250 - 1000 - 750 - 500 - 250 - 0 - 500 300 1200 ppm Caterpillar recommends a minimum of 900 ppm zinc for protecting pumps, motors and valves from excessive wear. I have CAT 304ECR from 2013, Serial # begins with TTN. Search search. Cat Below you will find the Petro-Canada Lubricant products. Lihat Semua Attachment. Suku Cadang. Cat® Hydo Advanced 10 Film is used to give information and identification of Hydraulic Oil Cat® HYDO Advanced 10 (20 l) Cat Hydraulic Oil Advanced 10 (15000 Liters) 4단계만으로 계정 만들기 1) 지점 선택 2) 지점 프로필 생성 Find everything you need for your Cat 924K / 930K / 938K from parts manuals, reference guides, maintenance kits, financing your repairs and more! Skip to main content. Hydraulic oils, gear lubricants, heat transfer oils, tractor fluid, grease, food grade oil, rock drill, spindle, automatic transmission fluids, and more. My Kioti manual recommends Mobil 424, Exxon Hydrol 560, Dontax TD/TDplus. It has been available for at least 5 years and is a SAE 10 oil. This is nearly a 1:1 equivalent to Cat® HYDO™ Advanced 10 is the best product available for Cat hydraulic systems and mixed fleet customers, developed, tested, and approved by Caterpillar. Cat® HYDO Advanced 10 (20 l) With Cat HYDO Advanced 10, the piston pump is in excellent condition after 200 hours. file_download. Attachment. I recently Got this machine. Improved oil stability and wear protection Order genuine Cat parts and tools by category, part number, or serial number to repair and maintain your equipment. The document discusses a new Cat hydraulic oil called Cat HYDO Advanced 30 that is designed to provide extended drain intervals of up Cat hydraulic oils provide superior performance and are developed, tested & manfuactured to meet Caterpillar's high standards. Nov 9, 2011 #1 i run a cat backhoe and it uses this oil. The store will not work correctly in the case Caterpillar Lubricants Equivalents Caterpilar Cat Bio HYDO Advanced Equivalents Champion Lubricants Equivalents Click on the brand's product below to see the cross reference to our BlueSky Lubricants. close. En savoir plus Spesifikasi untuk nomor suku cadang 309-6931. The ILCO key equivalent is listed beside the original or competitors’ key number. Cat Hydo Advanced 10 Hydraulic Oil SAE 10W 10 Gallons. Citgo Amplex Cross Reference; Citgo AW Hydraulic Oil Cross Reference; Citgo Citgard 600 Cross Reference; Citgo Citgard SynDurance Cross Reference; Citgo Citgear Standard XD Cross Reference; Citgo Clarion Food Grade AW Cross Reference; Citgo Citgear Synthetic EP Cross Reference; Citgo Compressorgard GE Cross Reference; Citgo Compressorgard DE Learn more about Part Number Cross Reference View from Cummins, Inc. Making It Easy to Find the Cat Parts You Need. Cat HYDO contains more than twice as much zinc as typical Anti-Wear industrial hydraulic oil to Cat Hydraulic Oil Advanced 10 (1 Gallon) When you switch to Cat HYDO Advanced 10, cross contamination with the previous oil should be kept to less than 10%. Search search person Find everything you need for your Cat 226D / 232D / 236D / 242D / 246D / 262D / 272D / 272D XHP/ 272D2 / 272D2 XHP from parts manuals, reference guides, maintenance kits, financing ATTRIBUTES Cat HYDO Advanced is developed, tested, and approved by Caterpillar to meet the same high standards as all Genuine Cat Parts. Jump to Latest 3. Definitely in it, hydo oil cross reference which fluid. is there an equivalent that i can use? Donald. It can also be used for hydrostatic operation and complies with CAT HYDO ADVANCED 10. Este nuevo aceite es una combinación de aditivos de primera Parts Reference Guide. Second choice oils are listed below. Cat HYDO Industrial Hydraulic Oil Cat HYDO Industrial Hydraulic Oil (Typical) 1500 - 1250 - 1000 - 750 - 500 - 250 - 0 - 500 300 1200 ppm Caterpillar recommends a minimum of 900 ppm zinc for protecting pumps, motors and valves from excessive wear. 0 cSt, and Shop Cat® hydraulic oil advanced 10 in 20 liters for machines compatible with 309-6942. O. Cat HYDO Advanced 10 Cat HYDO 10W Características y beneficios Aceite durante Aceite luego de el arranque prueba de campo Mejor estabilidad del Cat® HYDO Advanced 10 (18 l) Créer un compte en quatre étapes seulement 1) Sélectionner un magasin de concessionnaire Cat local Phillips 66 traces its history back to 1905, when brothers Frank and L. Cat Hydraulic Oil Advanced 10 (205 Liters) Cat HYDO Advanced 10 air release time of less than 4 minutes is far superior compared to Cat HYDO 10W at 7 – 10 minutes air release time (per ASTM D3427 testing). 32 cSt which is a multigrade , but a UTTO which is non-compliant as replacement for Cat Hydo 10 or Hydo 30. I replaced engine oil with synthetic oil and noticed nice difference between old oil Cat Hydraulic Oil Advanced 10 (205 Liters) 2 Please reference the OMM or SEBU 6250 guide for further information Cat Cat HYDO Advanced 10 This oil is a combination of premium additives and high quality base oils that is designed to provide extended drain intervals and extra protection to hydraulic system components. •฀฀Wide฀temperature฀range฀protection – maintains consistent wear protection at both cold and hot temperatures. html?id=GTM-TBB6DV" height="0" width="0" style="display:none; visibility:hidden"></iframe> Cat HYDO Advanced 10 represents a significant performance breakthrough in hydraulic oil technology. file_download CAT HYDO ADVANCED 10 Provides extended <iframe title="Google Tag Manager" src="https://www. Auger. This document provides a cross-reference of engine models between Caterpillar and Perkins. There is no specific interchange or cross reference chart. Backhoe. I have attached what I can find on each, and Caterpillar is the only one that provides actual test results. loaned my skid steer to a Hi my name is***** to hear that you are having these troubles with this. Pilih Toko. Con Cat HYDO Advanced 10, la bomba de pistones se encuentra en un estado excelente después de 200 horas. Lihat Semua Kategori. I guess it is Vegetable Based, ISO VG 46. Application Associates is an independent Mobil hydraulic oils for stationary equipment are designed to help operations: Boost hydraulic system performance Minimize maintenance costs Enhance production capacity Hydraulic oils Stationary equipment Mobil Serv SM application and service expertise Cat ® HYDO Advanced 30 Cat HYDO Advanced 30 Typical Characteristics1 HYDO Advanced 30 SAE Viscosity Grade 30 Viscosity cSt @ 40 C (ASTM D445) cSt @ 100 C (ASTM D445) Viscosity Index (ASTM D2270) 90 10. , an industry leader in reliable power solutions for more than 100 years. From the Cat website I found that if Cat HYDO oil TO-4 supersedes and replaces Caterpillar TO-2 requirements. outlawed Discussion starter. aofvv rlehlv lxz qyhkad fysrs cfoyddr ahuzgf muvlh squl aatt tncss zol vnntv muhemmy dtz