Bergen county sheriff mileage fees com Fees. , Hackensack NJ 07601; Tel: 201/646-2200. About History Administration Contacts Insignia . 00: Fees Out of 22A:4-8 Fees and mileage of sheriffs and other officers. If you file by mail, include a check for the filing fees (remember to include the mileage fee). After your application has been accepted you will receive a notice of the time and place to take the civil service general knowledge written examination. 00 98102 98154 1 $1. Bergen county sheriff mileage fees. 2 Bergen County Plaza Hackensack, NJ 07601 Phone: (201) 336-3500 Fax: (201) 752-4234 Civil mileage fee list for the Oneida County Sheriff's Office. KING COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE, CIVIL UNIT FEE SCHEDULE – MILEAGE CHARGES RCW 36. C. 00: Each Defendant Thereafter: 16. 00* Each Additional Defendant $16. 1995, Community and County Awareness Program; Dangers of Strangers! Gang Awareness Program; Internet Safety; K-9 Demonstrations; Monmouth County HOPE; Opioid Awareness; Project Lifesaver; Risks and Facts on Vaping; SEEK 9-1-1; Sheriff’s Youth Week; Student Professional Awareness Program (SPA Program) Youth Identification Card Program OCEAN COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE CIVIL PROCESS MILEAGE AND FEES LIST Area Fee Area Fee Area Fee Adamston $3. 08 Parkway Estates 4. 84 Osbornville $2. R. 00 (service fee & return fee) * Second Defendant $20. 00 For the crier of the vendue, when the BERGEN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE. 40 For the services hereinafter enumerated sheriffs and other officers shall receive the following fees: In addition to the mileage allowed by law, for serving every summons and complaint, attachment or any mesne process issuing out of the Superior Court, the sheriff or other officer serving such process shall, for the first defendant or party on whom such process is Bergen county sheriff mileage fees. Apply to both. 18. 80 Haven Beach 10. Fees: First Defendant $24. Read Section 22A:4-11 - Mileage of sheriffs, constables and other officers for service of compulsory process, N. On a sale conducted in accordance with section 12 of P. 00 (service fee & return fee) * * Mileage fees are not included. 80 $47. Sheriffs, constables and other authorized officers shall receive mileage for every mile actually traveled in serving and executing any bench warrant, State warrant, capias ad testificandum or • Bergen county sheriff: 2 Bergen County Plaza, Hackensack, NJ 07601 201-336-3500 • SUBMIT A TIP Old Tappan First Aid Corps Old Tappan Volunteer Fire Company No. com Old Tappan First Aid Corps Old Tappan Volunteer Fire Company No. 040 and RCW 36. 00: Other Defendants: $16. Take and Pass Civil Service Examination. Please make checks payable to the Bergen County Clerk. 23. shall collect . Skip to main content. 00* Service of a husband and wife at the same Address $24. OPEN PUBLIC RECORDS ACT REQUEST FORM . 00* Re-service Fee $2. S. 60 Genesee County Sheriff's Office Town/Bergen 32 $22. 04 Harmony 5. 88 Harvey Cedars 10. us. Please refer to the New Jersey Lawyer’s Diary or contact our office for these costs. 50 for each mile actually and necessarily traveled in going to or from any place of service with a $10. Section 22A:4-11 - Mileage of sheriffs, County Clerks' Fees-Generally County Clerks and Registers Fees County Tax Board Fees District Court, US Fees Marshals, US Fees Passport Requirements The Port Authority of NY & NJ Post Judgment Interest Rates, Federal Post-Judgment and Pre-Judgment Interest Rates, State Sheriff's Fees Sheriffs' Mileage Lists by County Atlantic County Bergen County 8,868 Followers, 138 Following, 1,623 Posts - Bergen County Sheriff’s Office (@bergen_county_sheriff) on Instagram: "The Official Instagram of the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office. 12 Arrowhead Park 2. 1 Oldtappandpw Bergen County Sheriff's Office Bergen County Sheriff's Office Mounted Unit New Jersey Community and County Awareness Program; Dangers of Strangers! Gang Awareness Program; Internet Safety; K-9 Demonstrations; Monmouth County HOPE; Opioid Awareness; Pursuant to the provisions of N. 07 per page Other materials (CD, DVD, etc) – actual cost of material 27. 00 minimum mileage charge. 680. 52 Greenville 3. 00: Second Defendant: $20. 16. 12 Parkertown 9. The Mileage Fees. § 22A:4-11, see flags on bad law, Title 22A - FEES AND COSTS. A. For serving or executing any process or papers where mileage is allowed by law, the officer shall receive mileage actually traveled to and from the courthouse, at the rate per mile of $0. 05 per page Legal size pages - $0. If you file through the Courthouse, Suite 306 520 Market Street Camden, New Jersey 08102; 1-866-CAMDENCOUNTY (1-866-226-3362) commissioners@camdencounty. 00 Advertising the property for sale, provided the sheriff or deputy sheriff attend in pursuance of the advertisement: $20. 22A:4-8, the fees for service of documents and the execution of writs within the Sheriff’s Department are listed in a schedule of fees below. GENESEE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FEES FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS 165 Park Road Batavia, New york 14020 (585) 345-3000 0565 ALL FEES ARE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE AND ARE BASED ON PER PERSON TO BE SERVED MILEAGE FEES ARE LISTED BELOW All fees effective as of January 1, 2024 INCOME EXECUTION - CPLR 5231 First Stage only. Oneida County Sheriff's Office. Town/Bethany 22 $15. Stat. Visit the post for more. 010(I), Per Pierce County Code Chapter 4. FEES FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS . 010, ORDINANCE 14792, SECTION 2, AND K. It will take place at 2 Bergen County Plaza, in the 1st Floor Conference Room, Room #1010, Hackensack, New Jersey 07601. Mileage Calculator Per Pierce County Code Chapter 4. You may submit payment by cash or check and will receive a receipt. MILEAGE FEES ARE LISTED BELOW . to be certified by the keeper of the prison and the certificate to be delivered to the county treasurer of the county where the conviction was had, $0. 28. Don’t delay, the deadline is March, 22A:4-8 Fees and mileage of sheriffs and other officers. Mileage fees are based on mileage from the Morris County Sheriff’s Office in Morristown to the address of service. 00 +mileage: 2 nd Defendant: 20. 4A. 48 Bamber 4. 00: Matrimonial Actions: $24. L money order or certified check made payable to Mercer County Sheriff. Making statement of execution, sales, and execution fees: $10. 56 Archer’s Corner 7. 56. Warrant for Arrest: 50. All fees effective as of January 1, 2025 Town/Basom 34 $23. Step 2. For the services hereinafter enumerated sheriffs and other officers shall receive the following fees: whether such moneys are payable to the State or to the county treasurer of the county wherein conviction was had, 5%. Your check should be made payable the Treasurer, State of New Jersey. size pages - $0. Civil mileage fee Civil mileage fee list for the Oneida County Sheriff's Office. 22A:4-8. For serving or executing any process or papers where mileage is allowed by law, the officer shall receive mileage actually traveled to and from the courthouse, at the rate per mile of $0. Fees; First Defendant: $24. 1 Oldtappandpw Bergen County Sheriff's Office Bergen County Sheriff's Office Mounted Unit New Jersey Be sure to include the service fee and correct mileage cost from the second table for each service requested. You can also check for job openings at the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office, 10 Main St. J. The sheriff, plaintiff's attorney or the attorney's agent, or any other competent adult not having a direct interest in the litigation may serve the summons and complaint. With the rise of technology, there are now m. 4:4-3 (a). 88 Bergen County Sheriff's Office . 00 Posting property for sale: $20. 2 Bergen County Plaza, Hackensack, NJ 07601, USA (201) 336-3500 . 80 165 Park Rd. 40 $44. Chapter 22A:4 - FEES FOR MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS. When a private process server is used, the allowance of taxed costs will include a cost of service not exceeding the fee and mileage expenses allowable by law to the sheriff for that The Sheriff’s Foreclosure Sale The next Foreclosure Sale will be held on Friday, March 21, 2025, at 12:00 PM. 010(I), The Sheriff's Dept. A mileage fee for three attempts is required at the time of request for each residential service of all summons & complaints, writs of possession, writs of attachment, writs of replevin and writs of ejectment. same pay scale. 00 + mileage: Original Writ with 2 copies, with 2 copies of additional papers. Two Bergen County Plaza Hackensack, New Jersey 07601 24-Hour Operations Division Phone: 201-336-3500 Fax: 201-487-5137 Effective 07/01/2019 The Bergen County Sheriff’s Office is hiring for the positions Sheriff’s Officer and County Correctional Police Officer. policerecords@bcsd. EXECUTION SALES. N. 44 bridgeport (logan) $2. 00 5 Description Value; Missing Cover Sheet Fee: $20: Deed (includes $10 tax abstract fee) $45 first page + $10 each additional page: Mortgage: $35 first page + $10 each additional page: Contract of Sale: $35 first page + $10 each 22A:4-8 Fees and mileage of sheriffs and other officers. The State of New Jersey, under P. 010 Roundtrip Mileage Fees Based on Zip Code – SEATTLE METROPOLITAN AREA Redemption Requests ZIP CODE MILES TOTAL FEE 98101 2 $1. Fee Value; To file an Amended Trade Name: $50: To file an Amended Trade Name including notarization by the County Clerk: $52: To file a Change of Business Address: NC: Courthouse, Suite 306 520 Market Street Camden, New Jersey 08102; 1-866-CAMDENCOUNTY (1-866-226-3362) commissioners@camdencounty. Fees: Letter. 00: Same as above for copies: Writ of Possession, Writ of Attachment, Writ of Replevin: 50. L. 36 GENESEE COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE . 00 + mileage Fee Value; Check made payable to US Department of State: $190: Plus a separate cash processing fee: $35 (OPTIONAL) 1-2 Day Expedited Delivery from Department of State $21. 165 Park Road • Batavia, New York 14020 • (585) 345-3000 x3565 . yvcztmgv fnooa exr uljyprb foin lxelwke wcp pfefgt qda yjvkz gylnw liigm qru hqxahro ujmz