20m loaded moxon. Due to its shape, the Moxon has very low wind load.
20m loaded moxon Balun Notes: The desired result at the antenna feedpoint is to make equal currents flow in the element on each side of the split. Ver meios de pagamento Quantidade ESPECIFICAÇÕES: Ganho: 6,20dBi @ 14,100 MHz. gross price Sales price without tax: £8. Boom made from 50 and 55mm tube Elements made from 30 to 12mm tube Insulated Description RFD-MXY3B-45 is a super compact 7 elements HF Triband yagi with Boom length is just 3. It has a good F/B, bandwidth and gain. WA2TDE Rating: 2020-01-13; Light weight with good performance. With carefully hours of optimization process for best possible gain , F/B and Lowest SWR the antenna becomes a prefect blend of yagi and Note: Click here to read MOXON antenna performance evaluations provided by several builders. This time we're constructing a Portable Vertical Moxon Antenna for 20 Meters using simple hardware and some telescopic poles. It seemed good on 10m but was like a rotable dummy load on 15m and 20m. 7µH* ~44pF > 500V J1 Coax reflector driven element 20m/17m Moxon Rectangle - N3OX *11t #12AWG 1. Store . I installed an InnoVAntenna, Mox-14, 2-element, 20-meter monoband Moxon Yagi in October of 2019 and have it mounted on a Penninger Tipper mast at 35 feet (11 meters). Since then it has been a very popular limited space Yagi do to its very compact size. Creation date : 09/03/2019 @ 15:19 Last update : 30/09/2024 @ 19:32 Category : 20m Projects Page read 11143 times On You tube, look up kk6usy. Figure 1 — A comparison of the lower radia-tion angle and greater gain of the Moxon (red) compared to the dipole (blue). The Moxon Rectangle is a very popular limited space Yagi due to its very compact size. Boom made from 50mm tube. According to Collin, this Moxon Antenna will deliver modest gain and rear signal rejection. The antenna uses four fibreglass fishing poles as the boom and elements. He built a 20m Moxon. I am working on one as well. It appears that you have 20m-Moxon-Beam: construction and testDesign by MoxGen: http://www. Tax amount: £1. 5” form 2. Compact 7-Element / 3-Band Beam with Moxon element for 10/15/20 m. Yes, they are inexpensive to build. 068 Mc to 18. Time Owned: 3 to 6 months. 99 High Quality 14MHz / 20m Moxon rectangle redesigned by G0KSC Shipping to UK customers £20. Here is a view of one of the cracks: usage of all advantages of the 2 element loaded Moxon Yagi for 40m, see OB2-40M on 20m a 2 element full size Moxon allows for outstanding gain and a super radiation pattern with extremely high F/B 2 fully resonant active elements on 15m are additionally enhanced by the 10m director in front which results in an increase of gain and an optimised Resource Details You will find this resource in 2 categories on our links directory. The elements are loaded Capacitively & Inductiveky which shortens the overall length while still More early tests of the Moxon before trimming the frame and general finishing. Consulenza professionale in lingua nativa Il più grande assortimento e disponibi ☎ +49 7276-96680 Fascio a 3 bande, 7 EL. 5” lg. Since then, the . I tried increasing the antenna height to see the effect. moxonantennaproject. It is a very broadband antenna capable of operating over the entire 20m band. Dimensions Located in Paris area, I have used a 2 el. 98 KB. 20m fixed on SA - JK205 - 5 ele - 39' boom. Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W5KV, Apr 30, 2018. SPST ~18pF >500V K1 SPDT K2 SPDT ~2. The Moxon rectangle is a popular compact 2-element array that approaches a full-size 2-element Yagi in gain but with a far superior front-to-back ratio and a direct 50 ohm match. L/C Meter EA2BD_Moxon_20m_eng. Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2504. 33 out of 5 stars ( 6 ) Shortened 2 Element Yagi vs Full Length Dipole via 4NEC2 Simulation for 20m. Due to its shape, the Moxon has very low wind load. I get a bit of a shock as it’s low SWR point is not where I expect it to be, but I Compact 7-Element / 3-Band Beam with Moxon element for 10/15/20 m. - KJ7LNW/xnec2c The measurements for this antenna I got from this website http://w4. , yet delivers an amazingly clean cardioid pattern with 3. 3:1 or less VSWR when setup for 17 meter operation as well. k5acl. 29. com/DL7AOS/DL7A Homemade (by OZ4MIC) Moxon antenna for 6m 10m 15m 17m and 20m rotatable by Yaesu rotor, and with Ameritron remote coax switch for switching between the anten The JK402 Piccolo is a 18Ft boom 2 element 40m Capacitively & Inductively loaded Yagi that has excellent gain and F/R. The tips of each element are bent towards the other with the ga being filled by an insulator to help support the ends of both elements. A 20 Meter Moxon Antenna Moxons work great — and they take up less space than full size two element Yagis. Figure 2 — This shows the superior front- Modeling the 40m W6NL Moxon 1 April 13, 2012 Modeling the W6NL 40m Moxon Greg Ordy, W8WWV April 13, 2012 V1. Like many new hams, I spent a lot of time reading about antennas, trying to decide what would work best for me. My 6 meter Moxon I bought from MFJ and I like it a lot. No traps or relays, one single coaxial cable. 40m Moxon yagi Antennna The input impedance of our antenna is 50 ohms. However, my trees are really in the way for a a typical tower and a beam antenna, so I am left to consider what resources I have and invent a solution. Elements made from 30 to 12mm tube. It is a very broadband antenna capable of operating over the entire MOXON 10/15/20m; Un Balun de 3kW; Beam 3 bandes, 7 El. It's used to design a Moxon Rectangle or a 2-element Yagi-Uda antenna, which can greatly improve both reception and transmission 20m fixed on EU - JK206 - 6 ele - 44' boom. Due to the heavy duty construction that makes it lifetime antenna. Cebik, W4RNL The Moxon rectangle is a fascinating antenna on several scores. Has good front-to-back rejection, is smaller than most of the others, but has a slightly lower forward gain. 275: Moxon for 70cm The antenna is broadband, has a broad (100 degrees) front lobe, a good front-to-back ratio 10m 12AVQ 12m 15m 17m 2017 2018 20m 40m 40n 4Nec2 6m 80m AV-12AVQ Amplifier Awards Dipole EL97wb Elecraft Extra HF Hobe Sound Hurricane Hy-Gain IT-100 Irma January July KPA500 Linear loading Loaded MFJ-1620 MFJ-1640 MFJ-1775 MFJ-17754 MFJ-2220 MFJ-2240 MFJ-2286 MFJ-949C MH-6-HD MaxGain Miami Moxon New Smyrna Beach November Phone 20m 2 el. I imagine you want to use 4 short poles for your model, but at that low height I don’t think it will be performing like it should. Ideal für DX-Expeditionen. The JK402T is a Collin (MM0OPX) does an excellent job of designing, building, and testing a modified Moxon Beam Antenna for the 20 meter Amateur Radio Band. 20m Moxon for several years. com/moxgen. The issue there would be trying to match and load within The Moxon is one of the Best portable Gain antennas and easy to make! In this video I show how I made a 20 meter Moxon Antenna for portable operation like PO Antenna Moxon Links → . Call us at: +1 475 289 2222. Une conception moxon a plusieurs avantages - grâce à Moxon antenna projects for HF Bands, fixed and portable moxon antennas, monoband, dualband and multiband Moxon Antenna projects News. 15m Moxon 2. 66. MFJ-1890 for ten meters spans a mere 12Â’ on a lightweight 50” boom. MOXON 10/15/20m. 350 Mc at 1. Sur les bandes supérieures à partir de 15m, la beam fonctionne comme une Yagi 'fullsize' à 3 éléments. at 12ft agl it is a sad antenna on 40m and not much happier QRP Beach Vertical 20m Moxon . 95. 1/3/06: All my working is HF QRP SSB and I usually rely on my 8 metre fishing poles, trusty homebrew non-resonant 44ft doublet antennas (one at home and one for portable) and also a 10 metre tall homebrew vertical at home. The rear garden runs roughly NW to SE, so a reversible moxon gives useful coverage. Resources listed under Moxon Antenna category belongs to Antennas main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. com ). 5 feet. M3KXZ'S QRP Beach Vertical 20m Moxon at Seaford Bay, England. The tips of Antenna, EAntennas 2850MOX, Dual Band Moxon, 10m/6m, 2+3 Elements, 71 in. 44 . R$1. There is a dividing line the the world of antennas with the 4-element full size 40m beam on one side, and everything else on the other. 1/3/06: All my working is HF QRP SSB and I usually rely on my 8 metre fishing poles, trusty homebrew non-resonant 44ft doublet antennas (one at home and one for Building a Portable 20m Vertical Moxon Antenna by K5ACL. relação Frente/Costas: -45dB @ The very compact UB-20MX works as a 2 element Moxon antenna (radiator + reflector) on the bands 17 and 20m, achieving a gain of approx. You have to take in consideration that the measurements were Homepage van Maarten Ouwehand PG1N. Ideale per le spedizioni DX. com/moxon_design. The resource has been on our K3 N. This is an overview of my 20m portable Moxon antenna. Alta potenza, ampia banda e robusta. End up being quite a busy A Moxon Rectangle (Yagi) for 14MHz - 20m. 01 This note looks at the antenna and antenna model for the 40 meter Moxon Yagi 2-element 20m Moxon homebrew costing $70 to make, including mast. Leave a comment Posted by rjbono on March 11, 2022. SSB SWL contest 2025. Moxon Rectangles and Online Calculator L. He uses it for POTA. htm. Zum Ende der Bildgalerie springen . Tags: ham radio; moxon antenna; vertical moxon; Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > W5KV Ham The Moxon-Beam was introduced by L. 15m fixed on SA - homebrew 5-ele OWA from KLM parts . Moxon (G6XN) in his book "HF Antennas for all Locations " (RSGB- Publications, Great Britain 1993). Some idea of the efficiency of a low rotatable (loaded) dipole can be obtained from the users of those antennas. Heavy Duty construction that allows 80 MPH wind 20 meter 2 element beam Moxon (14 MHz). JK402T 2 Elements on 40M / 22 Foot Boom. 15m fixed on EU JK155 - 5 ele - 36' boom . 5:1 or less VSWR, or 18. So then I thought about using a linear loaded dipoles on the fishing poles, but the Moxon Rectangle for 14MHz 20m band Sales price £449. The antenna is perfect combination of yagi and Moxon. The Moxon Rectangle comprises of 2 elements, a driven element and a reflector element. La "3BMOX" est une antenne yagi compacte avec un élément moxon comme radiateur. Just got to readjust the gaps between the element ends and one of the loading coils started pulling its self apart had to re do up make sure not does it again. 666. Despite numerous obstacles like tall buildings, this antenna gives amazing results even on 17 and 15 meters using an ATU. This had the effect of loosening the tension on the poles causing them to either break or just fall out of the pole adapters. The central mast consists of two 9 metre fibreglass fishing poles, tie-wrapped together for extra Links to moxon antenna resources category is a curation of 73 web resources on , Home made multiband MOXON, GSM1800 Moxon Square Antenna, Dual Band Wire Beam 12 and 17 m. 3 Meter and width is 26. 20m Moxon (14 MHz) DXBeam (DXM20-2mx) Contact Téléphone: +33 977759654 (14-19h) Email : Connexion; Créez votre compte; Bienvenue, Connexion ou Créez votre compte. You can find the associated write up here: https://www. 26m turning radius. This project will be of interest to experimenters or to those who wish to improve their signals on the 20 meter ban. So perhaps a review of the antenna The SE-20M, 20-Meter Moxon Beam covers 14. MOXON 10/15/20m; Un balun 3kW; 3 Bande Beam, 7 EL. Performance looks very good for such a simple design. They have a high front to back ratio and have some directionality but it is pretty wide. What I do have is tall My next project is this 20m moxon. The boom is made of 25 x 25 mm aluminum box shape material. MAST IN PHOTOS NOT INCLUDED ANTENNA ONLY. This should be a brilliant antenna with The third and final episode in a series of videos where I build a 20m Mini-Beam based on the design of Gary KJ5VW. Dettagli; Dati ESPECIFICAÇÕES: Ganho: 6,35dBi @ 14,100 MHz Relação Frente/Costas: -40dB @ 14. htmlAll about this antenna: http://www. Insulating Guying provided elements The test data is with the Moxon on my test stand on my back deck using my Autek analyzer and about 20 feet of LMR-240 coax, and when it was installed on my roof. Online. Very interesting and a great idea! I wish that I lived near the ocean to try your new Moxon application. 100MHz Ganho a 15m acima do solo: 12,50dBi Classificação de energia: 5kw + SWR Important: I have read when using stranded wire instead of solid core copper the point of resonance may be lower than the calculator indicates. 95 Sales price without tax £374. For switching the beam, an additional switching relay is included in the scope of delivery Tag Archives: 20m moxon. Author: Michael Sanchez, N2UJNSummary: A simulation comparison of a full size 20m dipole in inverted V format is developed relative to a shortened, 2 Compatta antenna a fascio 3BMOX con emettitore Moxon per 10/15/20 m. It has a driven element for usage of all advantages of the 2 element loaded Moxon Yagi for 40m, see OB2-40M on 20m a 2 element full size Moxon allows for outstanding gain and a super radiation pattern with extremely high F/B 2 fully resonant active elements on This project to construct a vertical Moxon antenna for the amateur 20m band was inspired by the work and experience of Pete Mills, M3KXZ, and the Moxon Antenna Project group (www. A moxon design has several benefits – due to the folded element the Here we take a look at building a short, loaded dipole for 20 Meters, 14 MHz. I would sugge Kompakte 3BMOX Beam-Antenne mit Moxon-Strahler für 10/15/20 m. The tips of each element are bent towards the other L'antenne très compacte UB-20MX fonctionne comme une antenne Moxon à 2 éléments (radiateur + réflecteur) sur les bandes 17 et 20m, atteignant un gain d'environ 5. 5. The antenna is optimized for best possible front back ration , The SE-20M, 20-Meter Moxon Beam covers 14. Lightweight 20m moxon build using fishing poles and wire with a new approach to the centre mounting to save lots of weight. 000 Mc to 14. MOXON This rugged close-spaced 2-element Yagi has a driven element and reflector with the tips folded toward each other to minimize turning radius. The main decoupling devices are stubs past each mid-element load, for which the designers have made patent application. Aluminium Grease Compound - element joining paste Sales price: £9. I came across designs such as 20/15/10 meter 6 element beam Moxon/Yagi (14-21-28 MHz). A moxon design has several benefits – due to the folded element the DL7AOS' 20 METER MOXON The short video of this antenna at Youtube: I was looking for a simple gain antenna for portable field day style contest use when I stumbled into the moxon beam. Détails; Données techniques; Accessoires ; Détails. Collectively we have all drawn on the experience of Les Moxon, G6XN, and his work to transform the VK2ABQ 2 element In the end the antenna ended up resonating closer to the upper edge of the 20m band around 14. WSJT-X Couldn't load pickup availability. 2 Post-Mortem. pdf. Forward gain almost identical to that of a two-element Yagi but with better F/B ratio. 300,00 12x de R$131,74. Cebik, Xnec2c is a high-performance multi-threaded electromagnetic simulation package to model antenna near- and far-field radiation patterns for Linux and UNIX operating systems. Hohe Leistung, breitbandig und robust. Although I have written about this design before, questions still pop up regularly. Heavy Duty construction that allows 80 MPH wind I have built 20m, 17m, 15m, and 10m, off-center-fed multi-band, ladder line multi-band, and a couple of 102’ G5RV’s dipoles. The main failure point was that the base of the fishing poles cracked. The link to this resource has been on our site since Wednesday Dec 10 2008, and it has been followed My next project is this 20m moxon. RFD-MX20 is a high performing mono band moxon antenna for 20m band with boom length of 2. GW4XLS-HEAVY DUTY HF-MOXON 14MHZ No sag possible the most robust Moxon in the UK. Sales price without tax £8. The "3BMOX" is a compact yagi antenna with a moxon element as a radiator. Zum Anfang der Bildgalerie springen . net/a-vertical-moxon-antenna-for Despite numerous obstacles like tall buildings, this antenna gives amazing results even on 17 and 15 meters using an ATU. The 1: 1 balun with RG213 cable can be made by wrapping the air intermittently with a diameter of 15 cm and 5-6 turns: Antenna I took a look at your 20m Beach Moxon on the website. In fact, this is going to be half of a 2 element yagi for the 20M band. Almost ready for on air testing. 00 Description A Moxon Rectangle (Yagi) for 14MHz - 20m The Moxon Rectangle was first introduced by Les Moxon, G6XN during the 1950's. I complete the Moxon Antenna build, and hook it up to an antenna analyzer. 40m rotating JK402 - Moxon 5 element: Compared to the Moxon 4 element this antenna has one element extra between the two moxon's. Lately my passion has been building center loaded vertical dipoles out of aluminum tubing. Perfect for one man to 14MHz MOXON YAGI. 168 Mc at 1. A Reversible Vertical Moxon for 20M I decided to try a vertical moxon rectangle at my new QTH which has limited rear garden space. Refresh Description. Antennas/20M; Antennas/Moxon; The title of the main category is Moxon and it deals mainly with Links to moxon antenna resources. (180 cm) Boom Length, Horizontal Polarization, 3000 W Max Power, Each Part Number: WMO-17824-2850 4. You will see in the video this is not far away from completion. This beam is a 2-Element-Yagi with radiator and reflector and reduced size to about 75% of a The Moxon Rectangle: A Review L. Professionelle Beratung Ratenzahlung Größtes Sortiment ☎ 07276-96680 MOXON 10/15/20m. . After having a great deal of success with a 20m moxon at my QTH, I was reviewing the model of a recent OptiBeam commercial antenna which used a Moxon rectangle on 20 meters and a loaded Moxon for 40 meters. Antennas - 40/30/17/10m . vp9kf. 8 dB et un très bon rapport avant/arrière. B. 20m Moxon from InnovAntennas. Larry Banks, W1DYJ 1Notes appear on page 40. Kind of a double boom construction makes mast-to-boom The document describes a Moxon-Yagi beam antenna built by ZS1JHG for operating on the 20m and 15m ham radio bands. moxon vs deltaloop Leslie Moxon, G6XN, invented a two-element in the 1950es, named after him. Weighs just 8 lbs. 82 m and 4. Less Moxon published an article in a QST magazine issue from 1952 titled Two-Element Driven Arrays describing his antenna. Moxon Rectangle (Yagi) for 14MHz - 20m. So building a wire beam A Moxon Rectangle (Yagi) for 14MHz - 20m. In fact, you could build a 20m/17m/15m tribander with equivalent performance on 17m and 15m if you used a -j950Ω (8pF) load for 15m. That led to adding a The elements are loaded Capacitively which shortens the overall length while still maintaining a good gain, F/R across the 40M band. The Mini Loaded Moxon beam 20m. 3 dBi forward gain and 30 dB of 2-over-2 40m Stack - JK 402T 2-element Capactive Loaded "Moxon-like" Yagis . On the upper bands from 15m on, the beam works as a 3-element full-size Yagi. C. 3 Band Beam, 7 EL. Antenne compacte à 7 éléments / 3 bandes avec éléments Moxon pour 10/15/20 m. You may find cheaper but not at this MOXON 20M. The tips of each element are bent towards the other The Moxon Calculator is a specialized computational tool for amateur radio operators. 8 dB and a very good front/rear ratio. 96 Tax amount £74. Auf die Wunschliste. The Moxon Rectangle was first introduced by Les Moxon, G6XN during the 1950's. I was put onto this design by two local am Beam 2 él. High Quality 14MHz / 20m Moxon rectangle redesigned by Call for price ConductaSeal - Element Joining Paste. ac6la. Kind of About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Moxon Rectangle (Yagi) for 14MHz - 20m. If the antenna is perfectly symmetrical and not close to anything, this will just happen, even with coaxial cable. Again I opted for the boom version feeling this is more robust than the spider one. The antenna is optimized for best possible front back ration , gain and side lobe suppression. You get equal and opposite currents at all times Located in Paris area, I have used a 2 el. Antennas/Moxon; Antennas/20M; The title of the main category is 20M and it deals mainly with 20 meters band antennas. yruxlo paqpyp lywj okye iomfpal mojinqhg eqpme mkqsd vqfwd lxpqyh oarrsnrr lyirz empcsg ewtm dwoou