Simple living hobbies reddit. Living a responsible, happy life in a sustainable manner.

  • I have an Accounting degree but I honestly don't know how much longer I can go working at an office in front of a computer monitor all day. Just make sure you aren’t using any hobbies to try to put money in and get fun out. If this is what you've found easiest and most comfortable for you and it lets you focus your energy on things you prefer to, that's awesome. My reality is living in a TINY house that barely has room for two people and 2 cats (no closets = constant clutter chaos). It’s been a real boost to my mental health. I’m sure my life would seem boring to others, but I over here quietly living my best life and crushing Not to sound rude, but if youre looking for simple living advice from modern media, you're looking in the wrong place. There's no real "magical formula", because life happens. I recently finished grad school and started my first full-time professional job. Like a gun, it’s dangerous, but can potentially be used for good. (Quick backstory: 22/F, married, no kids. I'm always surprised that I don't see more about I thought I would share a few things I've learned over the past 30 years of my simple living journey. The idea of simple living can also be promoted and spread this way. in the colder times of the year, you may want to spend more time inside anyway, so focus on the inside hobbies more. Would love to hear any other frugality/simple living blogs that you enjoy! 621 votes, 88 comments. Regardless, it's easier to keep up desirable habits when there is a shared future to connect to and stay motivated. Hi, wanted to read other people’s thoughts on living simple in the literal sense vs living with more fulfillment, which can complicate a simple thing and take more time. Walking, biking or taking the bus to work can be simple living. I want to be in tune with nature and appreciate the seasons. 3:15AM alarm goes off, wake up, feed the cats, sit down in the middle of the room and meditate (just focusing on breathing, still a beginner). We did a tremendous amount of reading including library trip being something exciting to do. But since starting simple living, my desire for those things has vanished. This way I'm rarely on my phone. people for a variety of reasons are looking for an escape or a way to feel love depending on how they were brought up some do it with drugs, food, hobbies, sex, relationships, or just live depressing lives if they cant find an outlet. The problem with "A Simple life is best in every case" argument is that it doesn't take into consideration human existence itself. For others it's minimizing the stuff around them and cutting back on their schedule and daily chores so they can put more of their energy to a favorite pastime or a cause they really believe in. The most helpful group on Reddit. This is my experience. While in the warmer times, you may want to be outside more often/longer. 5->10 = living eg dog walk, hobbies, thinking, swimming etc. We both love… Definitely stress reduced or minimum. , I already knit. In my case poi spinning (see wikipedia). Your lunches can be simple, you can eat leftovers or a simple hearty meal and spend some quiet time alone (hopefully your district covers lunches). Their books: Living the Good Life, Continuing the Good Life and Living and Leaving the Good Life continue to influence people interested in living closer to the land. YOUR simple life is whatever YOU consider "simple". Making candles or soap (or tie-dying tees) are ideal hobbies for introverts and when you need alone time. I make a quick dinner (I don't like cooking) then I spend time with my husband and pets or work on my hobbies (knitting, writing, reading). The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating by Elisabeth Tova Bailey. Depending on how serious the hobby is I would start off with basic stuff, I used to make the mistake of getting ahead of myself and buying all this equipment for me only to drop that hobby within a month. Outdoor and active minimalist hobbies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting a simple life. To me, simple living is about contentment and balance the majority of the time. Ham Radio r/amateurradio r/HamRadio Jul 23, 2023 · 30 Minimalist hobbies that don't require a bunch of stuff. Below are some of the gems I've read this year that I believe embody some of the simple living aspects we enjoy on this subreddit. I'm still aware and still subscribe to my extremely pessimist beliefs, but my simple living practices really do help my individual experience living the life regardless of bad things happening. I mean; do what you want. Living at home may work for you now, but I would talk with your parents about how long you can stay there and whether they expect any kind of compensation (like rent or help with the heavier chores). All I want now is a modest house, a simple car, a job I can tolerate that pays the bills (preferably non-corporate), and the things I need for my hobbies. Simple living has freed me from the minset of consumerism and discontent. Each episode is based in a different country (US, Spain, Japan,India, Korea, Brazil) and so far they’re all quite rural and showcase very self sufficient and Like you I grew up in an environment that taught me that hobbies and things that make me happy (and doesn't make money) are a waste of time. Do it. So go with the flow of your life and of the year. I only focused on the single serving recipes. If it was an either or, I included both. Where they buy things thinking it will make them happy and keep wanting to buy more things to “keep up with the Joneses”(an American expression meaning keep buying things because you have to have as good or better than your friends and neighbors). I want to not feel like I need all these materialistic things or feel the need be rich. listening to music and playing with your dog are perfectly good hobbies. Honestly, it sounds like you have it made (at least judging by your description according to my standards). What are some good ‘simple living’ hobbies? : r/simpleliving. Try building a papercraft model, or a plastic kit model, or try painting or sculpting. Simple living is about living in alignment with your value I started to study some philosophy to build my own ideas about how to lead my life just 2 year ago. The big house, the fancy car, the big job title with the 6 figure salary, and all the gadgets and gizmos. Hobbies are supposed to be fun. In short, hobbies add interest to your life and help you become a more well-rounded man. . Living a responsible, happy life in a sustainable manner. This Subreddit focuses specially on the JumpChain CYOA, where the 'Jumpers' travel across the multiverse visiting both fictional and original worlds in a series of 'Choose your own adventure' templates, each carrying on to the next One thing you have to accept is, that it's usually hard to practice all hobbies all the time. I work an office job in IT and consider my life (most of the time) pretty simple. I am old school. It took me 10 minutes to tidy up my apartment. While this is shifting a bit as I get older (thinking I could be happy in the right kind of job that meets my needs), I still think it's at the forefront of my mind when I think about hobbies. Except this guy isn’t a boss and there’s repercussions to his lifestyle he just needs to firm his answers up a bit or to make himself more comfortable do a small project garden and claim that’s taken up all his time bc the ph in the soil and other things have to be right but then he has to Try a hobby which produces a tangible end result, perhaps you are missing the feeling of accomplishment to build something. Frugality certainly can be a component of simple living; some people like the anti consumerist aspect of it and needing less income for stuff and the services that make life run gives Free hobbies while living in a city Sharing Happiness While thinking about my teens, I recalled that many frugal hobbies still need an initial "investment": my mother couldn't knit because of the price for yarns and my brother had an interest in ink drawing but the ink was very expensive. The suburbs are heinously expensive, for starters. Hobbies: Hiking, climbing, general outdoor activities. ) I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do with all this free time! I embrace minimalism and simple living but I don't know how to translate that into hobbies. I've seen too many people walking with their dog while staring at their cell phone. Some other people rely on religious beliefs to guide their lives. I enjoy getting together with So for me, simple living is my definition of success. Some are probably very personal but they all help me live a simpler life everyday, and most importantly to be a decent human being. Good initiative! The more people that challenge the current norm (You are expected to work at least fulltime, especially if you're male and/or work in a male-dominated field) the bigger the chance that the norm changes. We are actually ok living our simple lives in the city but we have always had dreams of living somewhere remote with no city hustle and noise pollution. Well, my kids are now 31 and 37 so it's likely a bit challenging today than it was for me. My partner (34M) and I (33F) have also decided to be childfree recently. Welcome All Jumpers! This is a Sister subreddit to the makeyourchoice CYOA subreddit. Try to find hobbies that involve the outdoors since they are free, for the most part. Simple, but not easy. I hike, camp, and surf for recreation. I would rethink your approach. So my wife and I have been simplifying our lives for the past few months. I appreciate that renting is a viable route to simple living in some countries. there are incorrect assumptions and different interpretations on minimalist or maximalist living. Everything else, the ideal physical location, the almost spiritual aspects of it, the financial savings and blah blah, all that shit will eventually follow. It’s about family and being together and enjoying the little things. Pick up an instrument. Grows every year, produces more than you can eat each season. I would add hobbies. A living wage still may not give you enough money to live on your own (or with, say, a romantic partner) or engage in expensive hobbies or pets. For me, it means being content with the simple things in life. House is almost paid off and we enjoy the work we do at our pace on our terms. I also think a lot of people prioritize taking a walk, working out, cycling, etc, because physical exercise clears the mind and is good for your brain. That's good advice, and you gotta seize being simple where you can get it. I don't ever plan to make a career or a side job. To me, simple living is living in a way that allows you to prioritize what you personally value as much as possible. 18 votes, 13 comments. Minimalism for us has been focused on living in alignment with our value system and removing the things, people, activities etc. I tie this to simple living because I've always dreamed of having a way to earn income independently. * We provide the paths to all who request. I wasn't tempted to keep a library of videos and I couldn’t engage in hobbies that took up lots of room. I've been "slow living" for twenty years now; it requires a complete re-think of one's priorities, with the mettle to follow through. Keeping my home and life simple, and focusing on the important things, is a big part of how I keep the mental dogs at bay. Keeping active can absolutely help ward off some of the decrepitude that people associate with old age. The author is struck by an undiagnosed and debilitating chronic illness that keeps her bedridden. So, I played the violin for a bit several years ago (right violin). Many people keep running well into old age, they just slow down a bit. I’m new to the simple living community, and trying to get off my phone and back into the real world. I have lots of hobbies and the number grows every day, but I value simple living. Hobbies, recreation, church, volunteering are great ways. Living in the woods buys me so much relief. Does life get boring at times? Sure. A peaceful life of simple living that we've been doing for more than a decade now. You do not have to live a slow life to live a simple life. Best hobby I've ever had. That made my life simple. See full list on thetinylife. It has freed me from toxic relationships, overscheduling and financial stress. I know what to expect most days and I’m cruising. It's simple, inexpensive (we are already at 25% of our savings goal), and in a weird way forces us to create our own fun. We’ve always tried to live a simple life, have plenty of margin, and think in years and decades not just weeks and months. I am fortunate enough to be working in a field about which I am passionate, and for a boss that is quite understanding of the importance of work life balance. Simple living is being content with what you have and where you are at. g. Passions too I suppose, I was passionate during all of my hobbies but they all seeped away and something else always replaced them. Later I realized those were the same people that had no hobbies other than constantly complaining. I spend quality time with wife and kids every evening. With that info in mind, I also enjoy video games. I have some things I’ve tried that I enjoy and others that haven’t felt like the best fit for me. I love hobbies so much! They bring me so much joy and I honestly feel like exploring different hobbies is my life purpose (if you can call it that). A simple person can become super ambitious in a material sense and a super materialistic person can leave it all behind and lead a simple life. Arduino r/arduino. This doesn't mean never spending money or being super frugal, rather spending only on the things that are very important to your quality of life and largely eschewing unnecessary materialism and lifestyle creep. Fundamentally the best balance and keeping happily busy is the solution. I’ve at times been inspired to write, paint, read - you know classical type romantic hobbies but it doesn’t jive with me so I don’t do them. But no one should expect to be a master at an activity right off the bat. Go to simpleliving. For me, part of my simple living is making my own stuff rather than buying it, or researching more sustainable/ethical options than the mainstream standard. This topic is maybe not directly related to simple living, but I value this community's perspective. Rules of simple living For many years, I've been collecting short insightful sentences that I read here and there. Simple could mean living in an area dense enough to let you get by without a car most days. Wanderers and contributors alike are welcome. They can bring you joy, increase your eye for detail, keep your mind sharp, expand your creativity, help you meet friends, and teach you valuable skills. Besides being something you can both improve at your entire lifetime, while still achieving a comfortable proficiency, it is endlessly entertaining, it engages both hemispheres of your brain, improves hand-eye coordination and memory, staves off age-related cognitive decline, is a perfect foil for group or alone time, and after your initial I agree my hobbies are mostly about consuming content, hence I’m looking for possibilities where I could try and start creating at a simple level, rather than go straight into downloading a music production app and tinkering the different instrumental elements, for example. Interested to see what this sub comes up with. I've been practicing living a simple life for a while now, but I find myself getting bored easily and I am not enjoying my current hobbies at the moment (Gaming, coding, etc) - I'm spending too much time browsing Reddit in bed and watching YouTube videos on my PC. But if you are already invested in simple living and don't want to drastically change anything, I think having kids is the decision that has the largest impact on how simple your life can be Whilst the core message is about their relationships it’s actually very much a story of the simple living of each of the couples not just in older age but through their lives. I haven't been on social media for seven years. The goal of living simply is not 'to be homeless', it is more than that. Get your self a soft wood--pine, balsa (at any hobby shop), basswood, or just go outside and find sticks and small logs--and a sturdy, sharp knife. Start making candles or soap with YouTube tutorials and step-by-step blogs that explain everything you need and how you can make soaps and candles. If I get restless I can always find an adventure, or learn a new skill. I work from home and while some days are busy, some days I only really work maybe 5-6 of the 8 hours. I’d love to hear more about the hobbies you’ve found that add joy into your life without feeling cumbersome. No point in giving advice to people or defining it. Two people can both be "living simply" and have completely different lifestyles. OP, it might also be instructive to have some conversations with your SO to see how they manage to balance work and non-work and to see if there are principles you could take from that. Long time lurker, first time poster. Creative Minimalist Hobbies. SImple living has given me the freedom to have the physical, mental and emotional energy to really pursue the things that matter to me. MembersOnline. (I have chronic depression, treated with SNRIs). It's not about canceling cable television or your magazine subscriptions, living in the smallest house on the block or driving the shittiest car or wearing the oldest clothes. To give them my all. Online and digital minimalist hobbies. I think many people get caught in the materialistic trap. Not sure if this counts as a simple-ish routine. A question that will cause some debate among the people of this subreddit,no doubt. So, it’s technically a 4 bedroom house now. Yep! True simplicity is happiness even if it looks like poverty or bragging to those who are envious or don’t understand. I'm in my 40's and although I don't feel like my life has gotten any more complicated now (probably less so than when I was working my way through college and had way less free time in my 20's), it's hardly been effort-free. I'm still working on it and fine tuning but here it goes. Is that a product of living a "simple" life? I don't know. It is what it is. are expensive in the store. I’m hoping to find little hobbies that I can easily pick up and set down (so not anything like pairing, which requires, prep and clean up) It may sound cliche but I’ve found the most fulfilling hobbies require the least money/material. Things are so affordable too, which makes it possible for us to live a simple life doing light work with moderate salaries. Weird thing is, living in a van is not terribly popular among people with lots of money and people without lots of money seem to put a lot of effort into avoiding it, too. What I found for myself which suited perfectly for my simple living style was starting with flow arts. Not simple living part, I bought my own machine. First off, I just want to say that I'm in love with this subreddit! I'm a young soon-to-be law student and the idea behind living a simple lifestyle after school really appeals to me. Simple living means different things to different people. Any move needs to make sense financially AND be better quality of life overall. There was a small movement among my social circle to embrace a lifestyle choice that minimized super Simple living does not require frugality. New hobbies—instead of buying things for your hobbies, look for community resources to take up new hobbies at a fraction of the cost and with a bit of socialization sprinkled on. I also feel very privileged that I can enjoy hobbies, and I know not everyone has that luxury. I would not go out to the shed and just start throwing things away to 'live more simply'. Simple living in the sims I know it's a bit sad, but as an avid sims player, my absolute favourite way to play is to build a small bungalow in the middle of nowhere, and play as a couple who spends all their time painting, swimming, and loving each other. I’ve tried making deodorant and shampoo, crocheting the odd blanket/accessory, baking bread, I made wrapping paper and decorations at Christmas, and made sweets rather than buying them. It gets hectic sometimes, but really, so does anything. A community to find, share, and discover hobbies along with discussing best practices, tools, and resources. Helen's cookbook "Simple Food for the Good Life" shows a different approach to food from someone who professed to have no interest in cooking. I consider simple living to be a big part of my mental health care, actually. If someone jumps from being an over-achieving career guy to a stay-at-home dad, sure, he can expect having a kid to actually simplify his life quite a bit. com I second this. For me anyways, I don't spend a ton of money Hi ladies: I was wondering if anyone has any tips for simple feminine hobbies. For example writing, reading, cooking, bread-making, hiking, rock-climbing, outdoor activities in general, sports. For me, I give myself a break knowing there’s a season in my life for different hobbies. 1. I have and want to nurture. For sipping coffee on the porch in the morning and listening to the birds and pursuing hobbies in your spare time. Is it "simpler" for me to refill my kettle, set the temperature and hit "start", measure out the right amount of beans, grind the beans, put them in my French Press, add the water from my kettle, stir lightly, set a timer for 4 minutes, press the screen down on the Press, pour out my coffee, and clean up my Not just our stuff, but also our time, commitments, relationships, finances, hobbies, interests etc. I understand. But I like to revisit it from time to time) Jogging / walking / hiking to an extent. ” The concept of simple living is creating an intentional life on your own terms. Before bed, I switch the laundry in the dryer, start the dishwasher, pick up the house for 10 minutes, get in bed around 9 pm, read a book for an hour. Maybe you want a place that's a little off the beaten path and quieter. I would just suggest not doing both at the same time. grow prolifically. Simple living may in fact involve spending lots of money. r/simpleliving. Mindful minimalist hobbies. Breaking free of the work/spend/borrow cycle in order to live more fully, sustainably, and cooperatively. Lots and lots of outside time- parks hiking backyard beach etc 4-5 toys like building blocks, imaginative play, board games, crayons etc 5 pairs of mix and match clothes Piggybacking off that: mentoring! Big Brothers Big Sisters, mentoring first general college students (if you're a graduate), coaching a sports team with kids, reaching out to students interested in your field and offer some brain-picking sessions about your experiences, etc. e. Aside from the initial equipment investment, they are all free hobbies. So, I went through the Cook menu and counted up each individual instance of a called-for ingredient. I love it. He owns land there and a home here, so he’ll be selling the home here and we’ll build our home on his land in PR. But sometimes I just need to spend downtime with none of those available (when attending family dinners, traveling and such) Right now I’ve just gotten caught scrolling Reddit as that just requires a phone, but I’d rather do something else. I am not glued to my phone 24-7. The fact you have to mow your own lawn and I don’t, makes me think your life is not simple. But, at least for my simple life, I don't see how the hassles of not having a CC are compensated for by a little less email every month. E. The nice thing about simple living is that we get to define what's simple for us. Can a person be a minimalist or live a simple life and still be ambitious at work, still be a high achiever who works hard and sets difficult goals… So lots of things people have suggested are great ideas here's those plus a little more: Technology Related. We also have a screened in porch for additional living and playing space. For me, a lot of positive aspects come with it, the feeling behind it, movement, coordination training, being absolutely in the moment, it‘s pretty cheap (even self building poi is no problem), and Take, for example, how many DIY guides exist on Reddit, or how many conversations happen over a number of social media groups about facilitating off-grid living, or other forms of simple living. If you want to spend your money and time on it, and that doesn't prevent you from spending money on necessary stuff, then I wouldn't see an issue. It sounds like you have hobbies. I have hobbies that I can finally get some real progress in. Simple living and ambition are not only not mutually exclusive, they complement each other! If you streamline and simplify as much of your life as possible, it frees up your resources (finances, time, energy) to focus on whatever it is that really matters to you (which could certainly be something ambitious). There is a nice rhythm to slow living that allows for routine and down time. Sure, some of them may be challenging physically or mentally. Of course stress free is hard to achieve as we both have health issues but even then simple living comes to the rescue as I work from home. Just like happyness, simple living comes from within, first as an idea, and then a conviction, and eventually a lifestyle. Some outdoor hobbies like roller skating I feel inspired to take up in the spring and fall when it’s not too hot, some indoor sedentary hobbies like drawing I only do Posted by u/simple_yet_complex - 33 votes and 41 comments Jun 29, 2022 · 35 Best Hobbies to Do Alone. Actually that’s the sentiment of anti work, my down time is my down time and I am free to say no. We're happy here. Everyone has their preferences and reasons why they ‘do/pursue what they do’. Some of my favourites are journalling, walking, reading, gardening and DIY crafts when at home. build connections to share your experiences for personal living with colleagues. He edited and published his video while I scrolled reddit. Obviously some hobbies you need to do for a while before deciding if they are for you, but just waiting a few days before getting started often weeds out hobbies that don't fulfill any additional needs I have. My car is something that brings me joy, every single time I get in it. I love the simple living lot challenge, but I wanted to cut back on the plants I had growing for food while maximizing my variety as it is the spice of life. I would try and bring into focus the fact that you get to pursue your hobbies and leisure activities actively and frequently while still living comfortably as that’s something I would kill for, and I’m sure many others would as well. Feb 14, 2018 · Slow & Simple Living Forums on Reddit: There’s a robust simple living forum that’s 8 years old with 111K subscribers. I cherished that time listening to music and just centring myself. 185 votes, 155 comments. I do have a couple of hobbies that I spend some money on, but they are well within my budget and they are things I thoroughly enjoy. Neil Ansell's Deep Country, about the years he spent living alone in a cottage without electricity in the Welsh countryside The Salt Path by Raynor Winn - not quite the same thing, but a really beautiful book about how a couple in their fifties lost their home and all their savings when a "friend" defrauded them at the same time as he was diagnosed with a terminal disease so they walked the My favourite so far for simple living city life would be Montreal. Two major things for us (besides simple living) are travel and financial independence/retire early (FI/RE, r/leanfire) Jul 4, 2023 · Hobbies were deemed important for the way in which they can strengthen every part of a man’s life. Especially the ADD symptoms, constantly wanting a different hobby or career or hyper focusing on randomness- I've developed a method to avoid impulse purchases, and intentionality has helped me rein in my messes and piles of shit. Jun 7, 2024 · 10. The living room and eat-in kitchen are connected by a large opening, so the living space feels cozy and cohesive. Personally I hate routines and have no use for them as I already have plenty of time to carry out each task and I don't need to streamline them. RaspberryPi r/raspberry_pi. We now have too many inside jokes to keep up with and every little thing makes us laugh. I would say that having hobbies that makes you happy without having to constantly pour money into them is a wonderful thing, and actually is in line with simple living because it’s devoting time to simple pleasures. A couple of examples: bread… you can buy bread in the store (simple) or buy the ingredients and make homemade bread (more complicated but more fulfilling). Weaving. I have tons of power and hand tools. Simplifying the complex in life. In my early years I had an idealistic view of what a simple lifestyle should look like. If things were expensive, we would've been forced to get more demanding jobs. There’s access to all sorts of second-hand and bulk supplies, so many free activities, affordable cost of living, great food, cultural richness, and great communities. True simple living can only be found in a lack of convenience. It was the early 1990s and voluntary simplicity was a major buzz word. This is a very difficult point for people new to simple living to understand. if you have limited time for certain tasks because other tasks take up the majority of your time (full-time work, long commute etc), or perhaps for people who struggle with anxiety, making choices etc. For starter tools I'd recommend a mixing bowl, a digital scale and a baking stone (a baking tray can work in a pinch, and a cast iron pot is ideal). r/Hobbies is a community to find, share, and discover hobbies along with discussing best practices, tools… Nov 14, 2023 · Simple Living Meaning. You can teach lessons that emphasize simple living to your students. But I'm talking with others nearby who own them too. That way you can begin to earn financial freedom and control your own destiny. There's a ton to do out there and if you don't have people to do it with there are groups for that too. You don't need much to get started. Photography. 70K subscribers in the Hobbies community. Not doing more than is needed and not using more than is needed. My favorite blogs on frugality & simple living are Nonconsumer Advocate (love her Five Frugal Things posts!) and Skinnyflints (though she hasn't posted in several years). Apparently Hellenistic and Eastern philosophy has a lot in common with simple living ideas. When outside, I like exploring places with a history or cultural significance or nature, trying out new foods, travelling and playing sports !! I have to say I love trying out new things as well. We basically kept toys simple and few, shunned away from battery operated things. Because I'm unmarried (and dating) I do work full time to support myself and it takes up most of my time. They allow me to live a simple life here. Lots of kids and young adults need encouragement and an example of success. On the flip side, there’s a virtually nonexistent slow living forum that - Simple Things (Long Version)|2 - "Simple Things" - Hey Arnold All together now|2 - All Together Now AFFLUENZA - Soundtrack to VOLUNTARY SIMPLICITY|1 - I think the most on target song would be this one by Samuel Alexander who is an amazing author and philosopher on the subject of simple living. That's when I started actively pursuing my hobby of singing. Sometimes, going to bed, I still ask myself, "How can I enjoy myself, with just another typical, unassuming, non-exciting, day at home? I know this isn't the answer you might want but I have been on a phone diet for simple living and these types of apps bugged me. I’d love to try out more hobbies that align with a simple living lifestyle and ideally are fairly sustainable for the planet. This seems boring to a lot of people but we really enjoy our lifestyle. Simple living does not require frugality. So even my terrible days, I can work from bed or the recliner. All of the things you listed allow you to enjoy the simple things in life. That's not simple living. Candles and Soap. Slow living is a radical choice in these times. Maybe we can rent a place, pool our machines and start building a community here. Inspired by a similar post on r/consulting the difference in responses is… Hobbies are liquid in a way. The suburbs would probably be the worst way to start slow living. Movies and music. I like the simple life being present in the relationship. (i. I recently quit my job and am going back to school in the Fall. Cost of living there is crazy affordable compared to here so we won’t need to work full time. My husband is currently out of state for work for a few months. *For those who have a hobby, passion, or passing whim that they want to make a living out of, but don't know how they can get there. Hoping to add some new blogs to my reading list. Having a routine is essential for busy living, i. Less is more in many aspects of life and in order to achieve or be a portion further in the pursuit of happiness you can not neglect the fact that we as humans have formed societes, dictated by money and there is nothing wrong with that. Simple living means different things for different people. Living on the financial margins is not simple (or particularly cheap) and student debt , hobbies, and SOs cost money. The simple joys are the best hobbies. When you don't have space to store the essentials and enjoy a few hobbies at home, the Buy Nothing mantra sounds like it could be just additional inconvenience and hardship, but I will now try to explore it with an open mind I go to the gym, i hang out with friends, i try new hobbies like bachata lessons, maybe i go to the park, i read a book, i plan trips, i go for a hike, etc. As part of my feminine glow-up project I'm trying to include more traditional activities into my life and budget time for them. . Simple living is rarely about the simplicity of the act. Would love to hear ideas about simple living type jobs that are not in your typical office setting and ideally jobs that allow you to just let your leave work at work come the end of the day. All my hobbies require large workshops, a gym, large areas or similar. The basic ingredients are cheap and easy to find - flour, water, salt and yeast. I’m joining our Maker Space for pottery and lapidary (polishing rocks), I have basic skills in both. I enjoy the same thing. I feel like basically any crafting from scratch hobbies work well with cottagecore values. Or heck, even living below your means. I think many careers can accommodate simple living, depending how you approach things and what your idea of a simple life is. Build a baseline of financial security with the difference first, then use it to invest for your future. true. Edited because I forgot to say - living in a high population area really makes me hate people. Then we played cards and talked about We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Whether you’re weaving macrame, tapestries, or baskets, this is a great way to focus on your hands and create. After all life isn't ment to be easy, just simple! In my opinion the only simple living is life where you provide your needs yourself (or with a loving community). Simple living can include a variety of hobbies, especially if you are mindful of why you are doing them and what enjoyment it gives you. Be kind and supportive - no hate or judgement allowed here. Please define "simple" objectively where it make sense to all of us. One of the first things you must do when you decide to live a simpler life is to determine what that means to you. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I’ve seen kids in India who are actually in poverty, as compared to calling a studio apartment in the West “poverty”, lol - and even these kid are happy, because they are truly doing simple living, and are contented with less. I felt my biological clock ticking and it was exactly how you described - like I was racing to achieve all of my personal goals before I had kids. Then maybe I'll listen. If your games make you content, then go for it :-). Not overscheduling your down time. IMO, simple living means keeping everything simple in your life. Reddit is different. Some examples: Any fruit tree. Currently living in New Jersey, moving to PR at the end of the year with my partner of 7 years. Do you see what you've done? You're trying to impose your ideas, ideals and beliefs of simple living to people and winning them over to your point of view. According to Wikipedia, “Simple living encompasses a number of voluntary practices to simplify one’s lifestyle. Making things that will last longer and with more care and personalisation than if you just buy them. It's not easy, but it is simple: earn more, spend less, and use the difference wisely. With that in mind; whittling/carving, small metalwork or leatherwork, sewing, weaving, creating various accessories and wearable items (hats, wire Breaking free of the work/spend/borrow cycle in order to live more fully, sustainably, and cooperatively. At the beginning of the year I made an excel spreadsheet with my goals and I check them off on my laptop weekly on Sunday mornings with a cup of coffee. Plant things that: you only need to plant once. Minimalist hobbies for small spaces. Although I curious to know how that pertains to simple living. You get the benefits without the disadvantages. If you were a priest living on a mountain and you'd hand-carved your abode to live in, with a little chapel and cross attached to it for daily prayer, you'd ascribe the above "self" as you also but on a "lower level" than all the effort to forge a Simple Living on that mountain side where you have attended successfully to the basics in "Maslow Most of my anxiety comes from knowing the earth is dying because of our endless consumption and drive for bigger, faster, shinier, more. I don't think we ever talked about simple living but it is simply who we are. That's how the place I used to go got started. The laundry room is the mud room and is off the kitchen. You have a simple process to everything from washing the dishes to how you approach your work / job / hobbies. I definitely am embracing simple living to deal with it. I learned how to weave baskets during an incredibly stressful part of my life, and they were so therapeutic for me that it eventually turned into a business. Minimalism, simple living, sustainable living (that is something that comes and goes I find consistent occupation with minimalism can become frustrating, since there is only so much you can do. that get in the way of that. To me, simple living isn't about "minimalism" or living with less. Quite frankly, it's only true for yourself. Skill enhancing minimalist hobbies. DIY & home projects minimalist hobbies. After all my simple lifestyle was to make way and save time for me to enjoy my leisure time/hobbies. ezau vcoy lgsl opneksu prszd ymfi tdx tggh omnzh jukx

Simple living hobbies reddit. Interested to see what this sub comes up with.