Nd court calendar public search Turtle Lake Municipal Court 107 Eggert Street, Turtle Lake, ND Darwin Saari is the City Auditor for Turtle Lake, North Dakota. , apostrophe or hyphenated names) or spelling of full names, using a wildcard asterisk will return more variations of the search criteria entered. Email: 30clerk@ndcourts. The Supreme Court's calendar is now accessible through the public portal. John Municipal Court Martin Street, St. 2 for Jury Line Fax: (701) 667-3474. District Court Case Search. E-mail address: 37clerk@ndcourts. , Monday through Friday Phone Number: (701)451-6900 Email Address: 09clerk The District Court in Cavalier, North Dakota, part of the Northeast Judicial District, handles divorce cases and is overseen by the Clerk of District Court, Anita Beauchamp, and the Deputy Clerk of District Court, Crystal Lowery. U. Rolla District Court 102 2nd Street Northeast, Rolla, ND The office maintains court records, issues marriage licenses, and provides assistance to the public in legal matters. Phone: (701) 667-3358 ext. 00 Admin Fee per Service Request. Devils Lake Municipal Court 423 6th Street Northeast, Devils Lake, ND District Court Case Search. Hebron Municipal Court 620 Washington Avenue, Hebron, ND. Closed on observed holidays. Schmitz is a Barnes County District Judge, elected in 2010, who presides over cases in Valley City, North Dakota, with jurisdiction over Barnes County. DUTIES OF CLERK Effective Date:10/1/2014 Category:North Dakota Rules of Appellate Procedure RULE 15. North Dakota Supreme Court. 600 E Boulevard Ave Regular Courthouse Hours: 8:30 a. I. Regular Courthouse Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm, closed for lunch. S. You do not need to register to search public appellate records. Fessenden District Court 700 Railway Street North, Fessenden, ND The Wells County Clerk-District Court, headed by Clerk of District Court Carla Johnson, serves as the official record keeper for all district court cases, including civil, criminal, and family law matters. Box 12608 Grand Forks, ND 58208-2608 701-780-8280 Search North Dakota Courts. 600 E Boulevard Ave Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 Mailing Address: P. 600 E Mailing Address: P. . Optional: If you want to use Soundex, select the Use Soundex checkbox as described in Searching Tips. Email: 18clerk@ndcourts. North Dakota Courts: Public Access - Information on how to access state court records online through the North Dakota Courts Public Access system. 20250012 - Amendments to North Dakota Supreme Court Administrative Rule 60 Regarding the Interdisciplinary Committee on Specialized Dockets and Repeal of North Dakota Supreme Court Administrative Rule 56 Regarding the Juvenile Drug Court Advisory Committee Search North Dakota District Court civil, criminal, family, probate, and traffic case records and civil judgments by case number, citation number, party name, attorney information, or date filed. & Ord. The Cavalier County Courthouse will be closed on Fridays at noon from May 1 st to September 30 th. Mandan Municipal Court 210 2nd Avenue Northwest, Mandan, ND. Docket Search Opinions Watch/Listen to Court View Calendar Filing With the Supreme Court Notices. Category:North Dakota Supreme Court Administrative Rules RULE 55. Phone: (701) 683-6120. All; Docket Search Opinions Watch/Listen to Court View Calendar Filing With the Supreme Court Notices. Mandan District Court 210 2nd Avenue Northwest, Mandan, ND The court handles civil, criminal, and family law cases in Morton County, North Dakota. Search North Dakota Courts. All North Dakota Supreme Court. 600 E Boulevard Ave Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 Supreme Court Calendar. Once your search results appear, you have options for sorting. Search North Dakota District Court calendars by location, party name, case number, attorney information, judicial officer, and date range. St. Judicial Officer Name. The Lamoure County District Court, built in 1907, is a Beaux-Arts style courthouse listed on the National Register of Historic Places for its architectural significance. N. 600 E Boulevard Ave Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 The Clerk of District Court, Kari M. to 5:00 p. 3 for Jury Line Fax: (701) 222-6758. 600 E Boulevard Ave Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 Mar 5, 2025 · Docket Search Opinions Watch/Listen to Court View Calendar Filing With the Fees Court Interpreters Access to Court Records. Search ODIN (Online Dakota Information Network), a shared library database of many North Dakota academic, public, state agency, and special libraries, for books and other resources that may be available in a North Dakota Library near you. P. Grenora Municipal Court 1 Main Street, Grenora, ND. $30 Service Fee for basic Civil and Criminal Process for each individual/business served. Drayton Municipal Court 122 South Main Street Regular Courthouse Hours: 8:00 a. In the Case Number field, type the complete case number. 600 E Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Minot, ND? Quickly access information about 2 Courts near you! Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Dickinson, ND? Quickly access information about 2 Courts near you! To search by Case Number: Select Case. Pick City Municipal Court 18 1st Lane Northwest, Pick, ND. Click the button at the bottom of this page to search public appellate records available on the public portal. Admin. 600 E Boulevard Ave Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 All district court judges are required by the state constitution to be licensed North Dakota attorneys, citizens of the United States, and residents of North Dakota. All; May 14, 2024 · Ward County Court Records The Sup. Physical Address (and FedEx/UPS) Williams County Courthouse 1st Floor 205 E Broadway Williston, ND 58801 Mailing Address P. Website: http://pembinacountynd. 600 E Boulevard Ave Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 Apr 8, 2024 · Calendar Events; Calendar Date: sorted descending. Fax: (701) 774-4379 North Dakota Supreme Court. 0000987654) The Criminal Case Records Search Results page should appear. Fargo Municipal Court 402 Northern Pacific Avenue, Fargo, ND A court of law in Fargo, North Dakota, that handles criminal and non-criminal violations of city ordinances, including Class B misdemeanors, infractions, and traffic Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Walsh County, ND? Quickly access information about 3 Courts near you! North Dakota Supreme Court. Using the Home Screen Search Box titled “Search North Dakota Courts”, will provide a very high-level set of search results that will either take you to the exact page if it exists or an index of pages where additional results can be found. 600 E Boulevard Ave District Court Case Search and Payment Processing. 600 E Boulevard Ave Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 Search North Dakota District Court civil, criminal, family, probate, and traffic case records and civil judgments by case number, citation number, party name, attorney information, or date filed. The Supreme Court has long recognized and supported the public's general access … more. - 4:30 p. Wahpeton Municipal Court 413 3rd Avenue North, Wahpeton, ND Search North Dakota District Court civil, criminal, family, probate, and traffic case records and civil judgments by case number, citation number, party name, attorney information, or date filed. You may omit the dashes and leading zeros. 600 E Boulevard Ave Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 Your local public or academic library may have resources available. Looking for North Dakota court records, case searches, calendars & dockets? Quickly access information about 136 Courts in ND. Knudson, serves Cass County in the East Central Judicial District of North Dakota. Category:North Dakota Admission to Practice Rules Remote public access approved for ND court records in 'major sea change' Bismarck Tribune: "Remote, electronic access will soon be available for North Dakota court system records. Rule 41 defines Ward County court records as including administrative or case records. Jan 13, 2025 · The North Dakota Court System offers employment opportunities that provide a rewarding career in public service working together to deliver justice. Type in the Last Name and First Name or use the wild card search as described in Searching Tips. 1 for Clerk’s Office Phone: (701) 667-3358 ext. Hearing Type. Devils Lake Municipal Court 423 6th Street Northeast, Devils Lake, ND Forms for Prohibiting Public Access to Court Case Records & Audio Recordings: Motion and Answer to Motion to Prohibit Public Access to Court Records – Civil & Criminal Cases. To search by Party (Name): Select Party. Phone: (701) 265-4373 Fax: (701) 265-4876. Email Address: 46Clerk@ndcourts. Fax: (701) 857-6623 Search North Dakota District Court civil, criminal, family, probate, and traffic case records and civil judgments by case number, citation number, party name, attorney information, or date filed. Stanton District Court 1021 Arthur Street, Stanton, ND. Surrey Municipal Court 100 Pleasant Avenue South Kropp, Lawrence 510 3rd Ave SE: 701251-2143 Email : Leik, Carla, Clerk 510 3rd Ave. Remote public access approved for ND court records in 'major sea change' Bismarck Tribune: "Remote, electronic access will soon be available for North Dakota court system records. $50 Service Fee for a Special Execution for Eviction. Click Search at the bottom of the page. 600 E Boulevard Ave Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 The court house handles legal matters like civil disputes, criminal cases, and family law issues. Supreme Court calendar For the next 7 Days. Juvenile Court Search North Dakota District Court civil, criminal, family, probate, and traffic case records and civil judgments by case number, citation number, party name, attorney information, or date filed. Activate to sort ascending. 0° North Dakota Courts Case Lookup. g. Bankruptcy Court District of North Dakota Court Calendar (v2. 600 E Boulevard Ave Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 Q. Minot District Court 315 3rd Street Southeast, Minot, ND Manages divorce and marriage records for Ward County. 600 E Boulevard Ave Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 North Dakota Supreme Court. What type of information is searchable from the Home Screen Search Box? A. The state Supreme Court on Wednesday adopted a rule governing public access to court documents. Ray Municipal Court 101 Main Street, Ray, ND Serves as the municipal government office for the city of Ray, providing administrative and public services as part of the Northwest Judicial District Court. Official Website of Stark County, North Dakota. Box 5005, Minot, ND 58702-5005 Regular Courthouse Hours: 8:00am-4:30pm. Date and Time. O. Supreme Court calendar For the next 30 … more. 600 E Boulevard Ave Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 Docket Search Opinions Watch/Listen to Court View Calendar Filing With the Supreme Court Notices. Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Mountrail County, ND? Quickly access information about 3 Courts near you! North Dakota Supreme Court. Minot Municipal Court 515 2nd Avenue Southwest, Minot, ND. $5. gov District Court 511 2nd Ave SE Suite #202 Jamestown, ND 58401 (701) 253-6243 Juvenile Court 511 2nd Ave SE Suite #1 Jamestown, ND 58401 (701) 253-6253 Municipal Court 205 6th St SE Suite #104 Jamestown, ND 58401 (701) 251-2143 Docket Search Opinions Watch/Listen to Court View Calendar Filing With the Supreme Court Notices. About Us Contact Us Privacy Policy. John, ND North Dakota Supreme Court. May be used to request to prohibit access to all or part of the court case records. ND Courts Search; Filter by Category: 1 - 10 of 107 results. The calendar has been moved to a new location. gov Courthouse Instructions: The general public must use the main doors to the courthouse that face south. RECORDS Effective Date:3/1/2006 Category:North Dakota Rules of Criminal Procedure Rule 13. Type in Last Name and First Name fields or use the wild card search as described in Searching Tips. This website provides access to North Dakota District Court Case information for Criminal, Traffic, and Civil case types. Service Fees will be applied in accordance with the North Dakota Century Code (North Dakota Century Code 11-15). VINELink Mobile App. Middle Name is optional. Phone: 701-662-1309. Court Calendar Search Results: The Court Calendar information only appears if you have performed a Court Calendar search. " Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Mandan, ND? Quickly access information about 2 Courts near you! North Dakota Supreme Court. Wahpeton Municipal Court 413 3rd Avenue North, Wahpeton, ND Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in McIntosh County, ND? Quickly access information about 3 Courts near you! Regular Courthouse Hours: 8:00 a. Email: 08clerk@ndcourts. Plaintiff Name Sheriff. Washburn District Court 712 5th Avenue, Washburn, ND District Court Case Search. The Court System offers an excellent benefits package including employer-paid family health insurance premiums, retirement contributions and generous vacation and sick leave accruals. Fax: 701-256-3468. m. New Salem Municipal Court 400 Main Avenue Optionally: To search by citation number, select Citation in the Search By section and enter the Citation Number. 600 E Boulevard Ave Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 The NDCRI search engine looks for records that exactly match the information that you enter into the fields. " Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Stutsman County, ND? Quickly access information about 2 Courts near you! North Dakota Supreme Court. Grand Forks Municipal Court 1701 North Washington Street, Grand Forks, ND North Dakota Supreme Court. gov Courthouse Instructions: The main entrance to the Grand Forks County Courthouse is … Criminal Records Search; Judgment Records Search; Court Calendar Search; Web Payment Process; Frequently Asked Questions; Searching Tips; Navigational Tips; Interpreting Search Results; Selecting a Location and Type of Search; Policies and Notices; If you have a question relating to a case please contact the clerk of court for the North Dakota Supreme Court. Defendant Name. Phone: (701) 774-4374. Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Steele County, ND? Quickly access information about 2 Courts near you! Regular Courthouse Hours: 8am - 5pm. REQUESTING COURT RECORDS. To search by Attorney Information (by Name): Select Attorney. ) Click Search or press Enter. It includes access to public records and to e-filng. The search results do not include restricted case information. Kenmare Municipal Court 5 3rd Street Northeast, Kenmare, ND. ND Courts Search; Filter by Category: 1 - 14 of 14 results. LaMoure Municipal Court 33 Center Avenue East, LaMoure, ND. - 5:00 p. Ct. R. Box 626. Valley City District Court 230 4th Street Northwest, Valley, ND Jay A. Search North Dakota District Court civil, criminal, family, probate, and traffic case records and civil judgments by case number, citation number, party name, attorney information, or date filed. All; Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Williston, ND? Quickly access information about 2 Courts near you! Hazen Municipal Court 146 East Main Street, Hazen, ND. Calendar Name: not sorted. 09-2009-cv-00001 or 092009cv00001 or 92009cv1. more Mailing Address: Clerk of District Court Ward County Courthouse P. The search results also include … more. Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Traill County, ND? Quickly access information about 3 Courts near you! Feb 26, 2025 · Notice of comment and orders of adoption have been issued by the Supreme Court in the following matters: 1. North Dakota District Court case information for criminal, traffic, and civil case types can be accessed here. The VINELink Mobile App. 600 E Boulevard Ave The Richland County District Judge handles divorce cases in Richland County, North Dakota, and can be reached at 701-671-1524. Prohibit Remote Public Access to a defendant's electronic record in a criminal case The North Dakota Appellate Case System went live April 8, 2024. Search public court records by county or municipal code in North Dakota. The office of district court judge is an elected position which is filled every six years in a nonpartisan election held in the district in which the judge will serve. Phone: (701) 857-6600. gov. 600 E Boulevard Ave Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 Search North Dakota Courts. If you are unsure of punctuation (e. Additional search options include hearing type and case category. Regular Courthouse Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm. Search North Dakota judgements, court calendar, warrant, traffic, criminal, court, civil and family. May be used to answer a request to prohibit access to all or part of the court case Feb 20, 2024 · The Supreme Court is nearing completion of a new public access, e-filing, and docket system. Phone: (701) 222-6690 ext. North Dakota Courts Public Search. Regular Courthouse Hours: 8am - 5pm. To search by Case Number: Select Case. SEARCH AND SEIZURE Search North Dakota Courts. SE Jamestown 58401: 701-251-2143 Email Docket Search Opinions Watch/Listen to Court View Calendar Filing With the Fees Court Interpreters Access to Court Records. The search results also include municipal court cases from certain areas. Chambers: Fargo - ECJD #8 Elected in 2025 Cass County Courthouse PO Box 2806 Fargo, ND 58108 701-451-6950 North Dakota Supreme Court. (Also search maiden name if applicable. A case record is a document relating to a particular judicial proceeding, such as a calendar, decree, register of actions, judgment, docket, index, order, or minute order. If the book is available for District Court Judge. Underwood Municipal Court 88 Lincoln Avenue, Underwood, ND. Development of the system occurred over the past two years to replace the current docket system, which was created in the 1990s. Session Type: not sorted. Mailing: PO Box 130 Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Divide County, ND? Quickly access information about 2 Courts near you! The Richland County District Judge handles divorce cases in Richland County, North Dakota, and can be reached at 701-671-1524. 36-17 30th Avenue, Suite 200 New York, New York 11103 332-244-4146 © 2014-2024 County Office. Court Calendar: Searches all publicly-accessible civil and criminal court calendars by party or business name, attorney, case number, judicial officer, magistrate, party or defendant name as applicable. Burleigh County Public Records Birth Records Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Jamestown, ND? Quickly access information about 2 Courts near you! North Dakota Supreme Court. Tioga Municipal Court Search North Dakota District Court civil, criminal, family, probate, and traffic case records and civil judgments by case number, citation number, party name, attorney information, or date filed. 09-2009-cr-00001 or 092009cr00001 or 92009cr1. Phone: (701) 524-2152. Search Tips. ND Courts Search; Filter by Category: 1 - 10 of 1537 results. From the Sort By drop-down menu, select an option: Case Number. Supreme Court Arguments. 1 for Clerk’s Office. RULE 45. 2) [Public Access] [ Select a Category ] Meeting of Creditors (§ 341) Date : Trustee Calendar; 30. All Rights Reserved. The citation number may need to be padded with extra zeros to reach the required length of 10 digits (e. 600 E Boulevard Ave Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 Epping Municipal Court 42 Lawrence Avenue, Epping, ND. gov Dunseith Municipal Court 101 Peace Garden Avenue, Dunseith, ND. Riverdale Municipal Court 300 2nd Street, Riverdale, ND. e. Stanton Municipal Court 109 Harmon Avenue, Stanton, ND The Clerk of District Court, Kari M. 600 E Boulevard Ave Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 Burlington Municipal Court 9 Willow Street, Burlington, ND. Calendar -11. All; North Dakota Courts: Public Access Help - Guidance on accessing court records and documents in North Dakota, including Ward County-related inquiries. The court handles civil, criminal, and traffic cases, as well as small claims matters, and serves the residents of Grand Forks County, North Dakota. Phone: Clerk's Office - (701) 787-2700. The Lincoln Municipal Court handles traffic, zoning, and animal code violations, with court sessions held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 9 am. Regular Courthouse Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm. Additional search options include case status and case type. 600 E Boulevard Ave Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 Judgments Search: Searches all civil judgments by individual or business name. 600 E Boulevard Ave Griggs County Clerk of Court Temporary Office Closure Foster County clerk of court will temporarily be handling assistance for Griggs County clerk of court. Mailing Address: 700 Railway St. Rolla Municipal Court 14 1st Street Northeast, Rolla, ND. Court records can be obtained by contacting the Clerk of Courts office at (701) 667-3358 or 30clerk@ndcourts. Email: 34Clerk@ndcourts. Mileage Fee based on the National IRS Standard Rate. Clerk of District Court. Searches can be accomplished based on the criteria below. 600 E Boulevard Ave Bismarck, ND 58505-0530 Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Stanley, ND? Quickly access information about 2 Courts near you! Nov 5, 2021 · Category:North Dakota Supreme Court Administrative Rules North Dakota court filings steady in 2018, Burleigh-Morton's judicial district still busiest Bismarck Tribune: "Court filings in 2018 in North Dakota stayed fairly steady while Burleigh and Morton counties' judicial district remained the busiest in the state. gov Max Municipal Court 215 Main Street, Max, ND. Fargo Municipal Court 402 Northern Pacific Avenue, Fargo, ND A court of law in Fargo, North Dakota, that handles criminal and non-criminal violations of city ordinances, including Class B misdemeanors, infractions, and traffic The court house handles legal matters like civil disputes, criminal cases, and family law issues. Cavalier Municipal Court 301 Division Avenue North, Cavalier, ND. Box 2047, Williston, ND 58802-2047. Box 2806, Fargo, ND 58108 Courthouse Hours: 8:00 a. Select the Name radio button (default). Box 2047 Williston, ND 58802-2047 Mar 15, 2009 · Effective March 1, 2015, Section 5(b)(6) was amended to clarify that the restriction on public access to documents in domestic violence protection order and disorderly conduct restraining order cases under this paragraph is limited to cases that were dismissed summarily. #155, Fessenden, ND 58438 Courthouse Hours: Winter hours: 8:00 am -12:00 pm and 12:30 pm-4:00 pm; Summer Hours: 7:30 am-12 pm and 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm Monday-Thursday 106 North Main Street, Flasher, ND. Administrative Rule 47 - RECORD SEARCHES Effective Date:8/11/2021 Category:North Dakota Supreme Court Administrative Rules RULE 41. ND Courts Search; Filter by Category: 1 - 10 of 1280 results. If patrons need immediate assistance, please call 701-652-1001 or email dkoepplin@nd. Public Records Effective Date:4/1/2013 Category:North Dakota Admission to Practice Rules Amendments to court records rule effective July 1 State of North Dakota Courts. ND Courts Search; Filter by Category: 1 - 10 of 4959 results. Phone: 701-256-2124. Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Stark County, ND? Quickly access information about 2 Courts near you! Mailing Address: Clerk of District Court Williams County Courthouse P. Access to court records is governed by rules and policies adopted by the North Dakota Supreme Court. chjcsbqxu rtgov scgr vmqvemg nslc ypietdw kgkw uhygo kfmm erejzbm aqmrue xwtnr idxo ted nqscar