Posteo help. Selecting your imported S/MIME certificate for use.
Posteo help Therefore, take special care with your password. Automatically sort emails into folders How do I install the Posteo web app on my Android smartphone or tablet? How do I set up Posteo on an iPhone, iPad or iPod? Why can't I send emails using my iPhone/iPad? How do I use Posteo email aliases in K-9 Mail on an Android device? How do I set up Posteo in the Gmail app for Android? Why can't I send emails using my iPhone/iPad? With the Posteo web app you can conveniently use Posteo on your Android device. In this help article you will learn how you can delete an email attachment. If you change your Posteo password in your account settings, your app passwords will continue working as usual. Creating Posteo calendars is only possible in Posteo webmail. . Take this into account when choosing your YubiKey. In this help article, we explain how you can look up a saved password in the browsers Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and Opera. Click on Add new If you activate the Posteo spam log, you will additionally be informed via email about each rejected email. Related help articles. You can filter the email list in Posteo webmail according to various criteria. Open the Settings; Tap Mail; Tap your Accounts; Select your Posteo account; Tap Account; Open Advanced This help article explains how to set up an email collector and what to look out for. net) as the username. Tap on Account Settings, then select Advanced. Contents How to activate the “forgotten password” feature In this help article, you will learn how to delete the entire contents of an email folder by emptying the folder in Posteo webmail. Click on Create alias now. . Keep a copy of the old key pair on your computer. Français. In this help article you will learn how to activate HTML mode in Posteo's webmail service in order to format emails. 25 EUR per month. Welcome to Posteo's help section! In these pages we explain the most important features of our email service and offer answers to frequently asked questions. How do I set up Posteo in an email client? (POP3, IMAP und SMTP) How do I synchronise my Posteo address book with other programs or devices? How do I set up synchronisation of calendar entries from other calendars in other programs or devices? Key pairs regularly expire. In Posteo webmail, you have the ability to display emails in a long list or to sort them by conversation. Tip: For a full backup select “All”. Enter your Posteo email address and password. What now? What is a sender filter and how do I set one up? Related help articles; 1. To activate additional account protection, first log in to your account at posteo. In this help article, we explain how to create a new folder in Posteo webmail. Email clients; How do I install end-to-end encryption for the Posteo webmail interface with How do I activate Posteo crypto mail storage? How do I deactivate Posteo crypto mail storage? How do I prevent local saved copies of emails in Thunderbird? In this help article, you will learn how to delete an email in Posteo webmail. To do so, you can use one of several browsers. Gmail accounts cannot be transferred to Posteo with the migration service. Posteo ist ein innvovativer E-Mail-Anbieter, der auf Nachhaltigkeit und Datenschutz setzt und komplett Werbefrei ist. The wizard opens automatically after installation of Enigmail. Hier können Sie Ihre Fragen und Anliegen direkt an einen Mitarbeiter weitergeben. I forgot my password. You'll find a section labeled S/MIME. Spammers and a few newsletter distributors account for the largest share (>90%) of unencrypted contact attempts. In this help article, we show you how to add a signature and specify its automatic or manual use. If desired, Posteo webmail can also adapt to the dark mode settings of your device. de . Each additional gigabyte costs 0. You encrypt your emails with Enigmail in Thunderbird. It is not possible to display saved passwords in Microsoft Internet Explorer or the Microsoft Edge Browser (Windows 10). e. After you've created a new calendar, you can synchronize it with your calendar app. Would you like to terminate or revoke your Posteo account? With Posteo, this is not a problem, as we do not use long-term contracts. YubiKey Plus, Fido U2F Security Key). de in your browser; In the "Email" field, enter your Posteo email address; Click the "Password" field and enter your Posteo password; Click How do I set up Posteo in Windows 10? How do I set up Posteo in Mac OS X? How do I set up Posteo on an iPhone, iPad or iPod? How do I remove the automatically configured profile (iOS profile) for Posteo from my iPhone or iPad? Davx5 (Davdroid): How do I use the Posteo address book and the Posteo calendar on Android devices? How do I set up my address book and synchronize my contacts on an iPhone, iPad or iPod? How do I add a contact to the address book? With the Posteo web app, you can easily use Posteo on your iPhone or iPad. You will need it to make emails that were encrypted with it readable. Email clients; Address book How can I use a YubiKey for two-factor authentication with Posteo? How do I send an end-to-end encrypted email in the Posteo webmail interface and how do I make encrypted emails readable? How do I publish the public PGP key for my Posteo email address in the Posteo key directory? How do I publish the public S/MIME key for my Posteo email address in the Posteo key directory? Resetting your password will not help: your data remains encrypted with your old password. How to create a signature to be added to individual emails You can activate dark mode for your account at Posteo. To credit your account first log in to your Posteo account. To synchronise your Posteo contacts with Thunderbird, first open Thunderbird. Using the code, the recipient can either open a new Posteo account or add credit to an existing account. Simply follow our step-by-step instructions: To set up your Posteo email address, open “Settings” → “Accounts and Synchronisation” and “Add Account”. However, this transfer of data can be done manually. You will find a confirmation email in the spam folder. In these circumstances, there is simply no way to access your data – unless you can remember your old password and enter it correctly in the “Encryption” section, that is. Enter your preferred email address for the alias. If you delete an email, this will usually be moved to the recycling bin (deleted items). You can choose to display the public key, the private key or the key pair. For example, you can display all unread or flagged emails or all emails with an attachment. You can sort your emails in Posteo based on your own preferences. Important : The contents of the folder will not be moved to the Deleted Items folder when deleting. 3 migrations per account; Data migration with just a few clicks - even for laypeople; Migration of emails, appointments and addresses from many providers If you purchase a voucher without connection to any account, you receive an email with a voucher code. Click the sandwich button at the top right of the menu. Replacing a key Using add-ons, you can extend the free email program Thunderbird with features like encryption. DANE eliminates various weaknesses in widely-used SSL / TLS transport route encryption – thus increasing the security of encrypted transport of emails and when accessing websites. In order to decrease your paid storage space, first log in to your Posteo account. Under “Filter rules”, select the radio button matching any of the following rules; From the first dropdown, select From; Leave the second dropdown as contains In case of problems with the installation, read our help article How do I install a Thunderbird add-on? Setting up Enigmail and generating an OpenPGP key pair. Start a new payment process; Tips & troubleshooting; Related help articles; How to start a new payment process. Die Hotline ist in der Regel von Montag bis Freitag von 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr für Sie da. Open Settings. When changing, make sure to choose a secure password. After you have installed all apps, first open Squeaky Mail. to the inbox). g. Emails that are classified as spam will now be automatically rejected . How to delete an email attachment in Posteo webmail How do I use Posteo email aliases in K-9 Mail on an Android device? How do I set up Posteo in the Gmail app for Android? Why can't I send emails using my iPhone/iPad? How do I purchase a Posteo gift voucher? How do I use a Posteo voucher code? How do I create and use an S/MIME key pair? How do I set up end-to-end encryption with S/MIME in Thunderbird? How do I export my S/MIME certificate from Firefox? In Thunderbird, go to the settings of your Posteo account: In the menu, click “Extras”, then “Account settings” and choose your Posteo address from the section on the left. After logging in, follow these steps: Open Settings. This help article explains how to change between list and conversation view. In this help article you will learn how to receive a delivery confirmation (DSN). You can find a step-by-step guide for your migration from Gmail to Posteo here in the Posteo help section. Click Add-ons. You have deactivated the Posteo spam folder. In addition, it must be at least eight characte Adjusting the sorting of your emails. First, log in to Posteo. Now you would like to share the public key from your Posteo email address with others via the Posteo key directory. In this help article, we explain how to change your Posteo password. By deleting attachments you save storage space and resources. eml (email and notes How do I set up Posteo on an iPhone, iPad or iPod? Can I use my Posteo alias in Outlook? How do I use Posteo email aliases in K-9 Mail on an Android device? A Posteo account; The YubiKey TOTP help program for Windows; The secret key; A YubiKey; Note: The current version of the YubiKey TOTP help program (as of 11/03/2015) does not support U2F enabled YubiKeys (i. In this help article you will learn how to start a new payment process and which payment methods are available. However, you can empty your trash on your own. A guide for setting up Outlook 2016 for Mac can be found here. Table of contents. In this help article you will learn how you can activate and use the ”forgotten password” feature at Posteo. There is also no way for us to retrieve the encrypted data for you. Enter a name for the account As a matter of principle, Posteo never deletes emails that are saved in your account. Below, select the certificate that corresponds to your Posteo email address. Create a new alias by clicking on Add new alias. Go to the section S/MIME. Not emptying the trash automatically. Activating an email collector. com (Which username do I have?) Important: only encrypted connections (TLS, STARTTLS) can be made with Posteo. Give the filter a name. Contents. How to empty the trash We can help you set up Posteo in Android. Adding a new email identity. In this next step, you will select the certificate for your Posteo account in Thunderbird. Open the Email aliases menu. For example, an account with 4 GB of space would cost 1. Once installed, you will find the Posteo icon directly in the Windows taskbar, on your desktop or in the Windows start menu. How to reduce your paid storage space. In this help article we explain how to activate the TLS-receiving guarantee, what happens when an insecure transmission is stopped, and what to do in this case. What now? Receiving a new password via SMS or email: The “forgotten password” feature; I don’t have a German mobile number - can I still use this function for password resets? All you need to do then is enter a username (your Posteo address) and password (your Posteo password). In this help article you'll learn how to install the Posteo web app on your Android smartphone or tablet. Open . In this help article you will learn how to activate dark mode. A password should not consist of real, existing words. Open the menu item Forwarding. Logging in to Posteo. Deutsch. In this help article, you will find everything you need to how to publish your public OpenPGP key in Posteo’s key directory directly from Thunderbird via Web Key Directory (WKD). To do so, follow these steps: Click on the quick filter menu. 50 EUR per month. Posteo does not automatically delete emails stored in the trash. However, I'd like to know if anyone can tell me if Posteo users can see the thumbnails of profile pictures used by Gmail users. Click “New” > “Calendar”. In case you have not yet done so, open Account Settings via the menu button and click on End-To-End Encryption in the menu beneath your Posteo account. If you reset your Posteo password using the "forgotten password" feature , your app passwords will be deleted and become invalid as a result. On the following page, select “ IMAP ”. An unpaid email account can not yet be used for sending and receiving emails - in order to protect you and other internet users from senders of spam and misuse. (please replace john. The spam log records email senders with the time as well as the subject of spam email, if available, in real-time. How to set up email forwarding. After installing, proceed as follows to set up Posteo in K-9 Mail: Open K-9 Mail on your Android device; Read the notices and click Next; Enter your Posteo email address and your Posteo password; Tap Next; Enter a name for the account, such as Posteo Tip: The account name is helpful if you set up multiple accounts Setting up the Posteo calendar in Evolution is achievable in just a few steps. Tap Next. Unsere E-Mail-Postfächer, Kalender und Adressbücher sind synchronisierbar - wir setzen auf umfassende Verschlüsselung. In this help article, you will learn how to install the Posteo web app on your iPhone or iPad. ; Select the key you would like to export. When started for the first time, a setup assistant helps you with configuration. This help article explains how to empty the trash and permanently delete the emails in it. Which domains are available for Posteo alias addresses? How do I add or remove an email alias? How do I add credit to my account? What restrictions are there on new, unpaid email accounts? Where can I find a receipt for my payment? How do I purchase a Posteo gift voucher? Have you forgotten your Posteo password? If you fetch your emails with Thunderbird via IMAP or POP3, you can retrieve your password on your PC or Mac. The rate of insecure servers is already below 5% (Posteo survey May 2021). Click on the plus symbol on the top left. Video introduction: Colors and dark mode; Activate dark mode; Auto dark mode; Notes and troubleshooting Posteo can then no longer reset your password for you or deactivate the encryption. You can set up a filter in your mailbox for emails that you would like to have automatically sorted into a specific folder. With the Posteo web app, you can easily use Posteo on your Windows PC with Windows 10 or Windows 11. How to set up your Posteo address book in Thunderbird. Installing an add-on. To finish, click “Finish”. In this help article, you will learn how to install the Posteo web app on your Windows PC. You can terminate (or respectively revoke) your account at any time within a period of 14 calendar days by using the termination form found in account settings. In the following window, choose “CalDAV” as the “Type” and give it a name, for example “Posteo Calendar”. Afterwards, follow these steps: Open Settings. For “Incoming mail settings How do I set up Posteo on an iPhone, iPad or iPod? How do I use Posteo notes on my smartphone or tablet? How do I synchronise Posteo notes with Mac OS X? In the new window, click Export. Tap on Sign and tap again so that the toggle is switched on and turns green. Posteo Help Help categories Article Deutsch. Request delivery confirmation for a single email; Request delivery confirmations for every email; Frequently asked questions; How to receive a delivery confirmation for a single email How do I activate the Posteo spam folder? How do I activate the Posteo spam log? How do I deactivate the Posteo spam folder? How do I deactivate the Posteo spam log? How does the Posteo spam filter work? An email did not arrive. Setting up Posteo in an email client (whether on PC, smartphone or tablet) is different for each client, however, you will always need the following details: Username: yourusername@posteo. Important : Please make sure in advance that the folder actually only contains emails that you would like to delete. Setting up Squeaky Mail. Some prefer Proton. In this help article, we explain how to download your emails , address book and calendar data as well as notes in the open standard formats . How to retrieve your password in Mozilla Thunderbird Mar 1, 2025 ยท Posteo: Self-developed Migration Service Our free migration service transfers your existing mailbox over an encrypted connection directly to Posteo - without any third-parties involved. As of June 2023. Filter rules. Then proceed as follows: Click Settings; Click My account; Click Email collector; Click Add a new email collector How do I set up Posteo in Thunderbird? How do I manually set up Posteo in Thunderbird? How do I synchronise my Posteo and Thunderbird address book using SoGo Connector? You can increase your storage space up to 20 GB. How do I create an S/MIME certificate for my Posteo email address? How do I use end-to-end encryption with S/MIME on my iPhone or iPad? How do I use S/MIME end-to-end encryption in Thunderbird? If you have saved your password in a browser, you can find it there. Section. With the help of folders you not only bring order to a full inbox, you can also sort your emails by people or topics. To adjust the sorting of emails, follow these ste You can easily manage communication with various addresses in your Posteo email account. Here's how you activate HTML mode when composing an email This option is available on desktop operating systems like Windows, macOS, or Linux. Once installed, you will find the Posteo icon on your Home Screen. example with the part of your Posteo address up to the @ symbol – make sure to use lower case throughout). Setting up Posteo K-9 Mail. Activating conversation view. If your S/ MIME or PGP key has expired, you will need to replace it on the Posteo server. Open the site posteo. Have you activated Posteo two-factor authentication? Posteo Help Help categories Article Deutsch. As a Posteo webmail user you can display your password in the settings of your browser, if you have saved your username and password in the browser. Email clients How do I install end-to-end encryption for Posteo webmail with Mailvelope (PGP)? Would you like to delete an email attachment but keep the corresponding email? This is possible with the Posteo attachment browser. Is access to my Posteo account encrypted? With which email providers will my emails be sent/received over an encrypted connection? What is the TLS-sending guarantee and how do I activate it? *According to Microsoft, DANE support for receiving emails is planned. Please also be sure to enter your full Posteo email address (john. 0‚ n *†H†÷ ‚ _0‚ [ 1 0 `†H e 0‚ *†H†÷ ‚ ÿ ‚ û PayloadContent EmailAccountDescription Posteo email EmailAccountType EmailTypeIMAP Für schnelle und direkte Auskünfte können Sie den Kundenservice von Posteo unter der Telefonnummer erreichen. Open the Settings. de” for both the Incoming Mail Server and Outgoing Mail Server. How do I add or remove an email alias? How do I add a sender identity for an email alias in the webmail interface? Which domains are available for Posteo alias addresses? How do I set up an email alias in Apple Mail on my Mac? In our help pages you can find setup instructions for the following devices: iPhone/iPad/iPod Android (only possible with a paid app from a third-party provider) In this help article, you will learn how to decrease storage space and lower your account’s monthly fee. Scroll to the very bottom. Contents In this help article, you will learn how to synchronise your Posteo address book with Thunderbird. In the Display Name field, enter a name of your choice - for example My Posteo Calendar. Important note. In this help article, you will learn how to delete an email folder in Posteo’s webmail interface. Selecting your imported S/MIME certificate for use. Setting up Posteo email in Outlook; Setting up an additional account in Outlook; Setting up calendar synchronisation If you delete an email in Posteo webmail, you will find the emails in the Deleted Items folder afterwards. Activating additional account protection. Select a Posteo domain. If you have accidentally chosen the wrong domain, please contact our customer support at support@posteo. Just be sure to enter your username in lower case. Does Posteo webmail have a spell checker? I don’t have a German mobile number - can I still use this function for password resets? Can the web interface be set to display in other languages? Detailed instructions for creating alias addresses can be found in our help article How do I add or remove an email alias?. By clicking on the plus sign in the upper-right, the associated image name, file size as well as information about the corresponding email are displayed. Many programs and mobile devices will find the new calendar automatically the next time they sync up with your Posteo account. In this help article we explain how to find and install an add-on. You can either encrypt local copies of your data yourself – or you can deactivate the creation of these local copies in Thunderbird. How do I use a Posteo In this help article, we explain how to add an identity in Posteo webmail, as well as its everyday use. If you have not saved your password and do not use an email program but have activated the forgotten password feature in the Settings , you can request a new password to be sent in a text message Posteo Help Help categories Article. example@posteo. In this help article you will learn how to deactivate the automatic deletion of trash contents on current iOS devices. de Why does Posteo display the DANE status but not the TLS status? How do I deactivate Posteo crypto mail storage? How do I publish the public PGP key for my Posteo email address in the Posteo key directory? I don't have an opinion on Posteo as I've never used the service. This help article explains how to activate additional email account protection. The view settings can be changed using two buttons in the menu between the list of emails and the message preview. Click on My account . Why does Posteo display the DANE status but not the TLS status? Would you like to export data from Posteo or save a copy to your computer? No problem: With Posteo, you retain control over your data and can export it and save it locally at any time. Click Settings; Click Identities; Click the symbol (at the bottom left) Would you like to have incoming emails be automatically forwarded to another email address? In this help article you will learn how to set up forwarding at Posteo. If you forget your password, we can provide help to make the Posteo email addresses that were set up usable again, and carry over your remaining credit. A signature can be automatically attached to every email or just some of your emails. Your account is now set up. Delete an email; Delete multiple emails 2. For example, by date, subject, the sender or by the size of messages. If you can not find the answer to a question, please send us your question by email to support@posteo. Open the menu option Adjust storage space. Access via IMAP is disabled for many Gmx accounts. See full list on posteo. Click on My account. The filter will then automatically deliver these emails to the folder of your choice. You can find this in the upper-right next to the search bar. Email clients How do I install end-to-end encryption for Posteo webmail with Mailvelope (PGP)? If you use features such as our crypto mail storage, all emails saved at Posteo are encrypted (emails, attachments and metadata). How to create a folder in Posteo webmail. Click Folders. In this help article, you will learn how you can set up a such a filter. If you use multiple calendars you can see the URL of each respective calendar via “Settings” > “Calendar”, in Posteo webmail. Open Evolution. In this help article we explain how to replace an old key with a new one. In this case set up a so-called signature in the settings of your Posteo account. Afterwards, follow these steps: Open the Thunderbird Address Book As of May 2014, Posteo has implemented innovative DANE / TLSA technology (DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities). With the help of quick filters you can easily search for specific images. de. Would you like to access your Posteo account in a browser? In this help article, we explain how to log in to your account in Firefox, Chrome, or another browser. You can send this to the recipient, for example, in a greeting card or a personal email. Place a tick by “Use Secure Connection (TLS)” and enter “posteo. Now open Accounts and select your Posteo account. Once installed, you'll find the Posteo icon on your home screen. As a final step, you need to again choose “Mail Accounts” from the Opera menu. In the Address field enter the URL below, substituting the youraddress part with the local-part of your Posteo email address. Enigmail offers a convenient wizard to help you setting up. Then, proceed as follows: Click Settings in the webmail interface; Click My account; Click Change password How do I use Posteo email aliases in K-9 Mail on an Android device? How do I set up Posteo in the Gmail app for Android? How do I set up synchronisation of contacts with an Android address book? How do I use the Posteo migration service? How do I use the email collector? Filters: How do I automatically sort emails into folders? Can I import my existing address book? In this help article, you will learn how to synchronise your emails, your Posteo contacts and your Posteo calendar with Outlook 2016 for Windows (Version 1809). Enter your Posteo email address and your Posteo password. You then have an option on the right to click on “Additional identities”. From there, you can permanently delete the email or simply move it back to a folder of your choice (e. Gmx: Enable access via IMAP. The following steps are necessary to set up Squeaky Mail: Tap Next. bvdqtjes obfwsmb ptniit cvo lgihd sdes ivyp xxpfa iren zedbd deol dam cmzs anbtkk fzrm