Tribal wars fastest village build. 10 villages, 10 farm runs to make 4 nobles.

Tribal wars fastest village build Feb 25, 2012 #2 There are several ways of doing it. Thread starter Fu Hao; Start date Jul 22, 2011; Prev. Compared to the offensive village, in a defensive first village build, you will actually need to build up the mines more, since you don't have the luxury of a lot of LCs farming for you. Since the church takes up massive amounts of farm space, I would like to know what kind of troops you guys are planning on building out of a second church village. Then make another tab, with the map of your village centered. Stage 7: Catapults Prelude – The village seems to be coming along very nicely now, we have troops being produced at a good level and our building queues are looking I would personally say you should build: 6000 spears 6000 swords 1000 scouts 1000 heavy cavalry 100 catapults The spears and swords make for great defense, the scouts make for a good "cloud around your village", so your opponent can't figure it out, the heavy cavalry are good for fast and strong support, and the catapults can help defend against other Some players will noble a village, make sure it has max wall, acad, and farm and they'll leave the village the way it is. It almost looked like it checked for the least useful upgrade each time in This is, although not exclusively, how i like my villages to be built like: Headquarters - level 20 (building up wall faster is a good point although i have never tried having a higher than 20 HQ) Barracks - level 25 Stable - level 20 Workshop - level 2 (300 rams builds faster than the rest of 1. I would use that for defence. Then you usually will want to get your HQ to 20 because all of your farming resources will require you to build faster so you can spend it all while still keeping your troops producing nonstop or as close to that as you can get with activity level. If you noble later your barracks and stable should be far far higher before building your smithy to 20, which means you will have far more troops at nobling, and far more troops for farming so overall that village should grow faster, and you will have more resources to send to your second village and therefore that will also grow faster than if Lev 25 Unit Requirements Time (hh:mm:ss) In the village/total Recruit Spear fighter 50 30 10 1 0:02:39 Swordsman 30 30 70 1 0:03:53 Axeman 60 30 40 1 0:03:26 Archer 100 30 60 1 0:04:40 Lev 24 Unit Requirements Time (hh:mm:ss) In the village/total Recruit Anyone could tell me the built for 10k point village? Thanks for info. Generally you get less efficient. Oct 29, 2008 #21 I think you should keep everything on lvl 4 . So there's no possibility to upgrade to level 3. Step 6: Build Wall to level 10. That's ok. For a player to be versatile, and efficient, he/she need not have versatile villages, but it does require that the player is efficient at the village level. Barbs do not need farm space or warehouse space to upgrade a building. 4th step - fill the commands Go from tab to tab (you can click CTRL+tab to make this faster) and click on the script that fills the commands (2nd step) or click on the keybind you’ve set for that script. Smithy LvL 5 This allows you to build the stable: As this is being done make sure to research Sp/SW/AXE/SC/LC Concentrate on Sp/Sw first and start farming other villages that have not grown to supplement resource production. Carrying on what Sacred said however, if anything, I would make the workshop ones my defensive villages or scout/cat villages. Go. You send these fakes through the map with the fast attacks tool in the map. Speed and In some situations I'm in favor of getting slightly slower to lc than the fastest and instead build up a higher spear/axe force, allowing an extremely efficient account to keep all queues operating 24/7 from the word go. lvl 15 workshop in total takes 72 troop space, now tell me 72 troop space is almost negligible , im never said build ur villages to uber 12k pts, i was answering to the question for how to build a 10k village which in that case , i'd rather have something that will benefit me in the buildings than something that will not. The Headquarters (HQ) building is the control hub of your village. During times of war, if you are on the front line, I suggest putting a few levels onto your HQ to around 23/24 as well as maxing your workshop. World 17. Apr Dont be in a rush to get hold of a second village, make sure you are well established with a strong first village before starting to take others. The numbers are builds have been good. This script can import and export construction commands from your account manager. Step 4: Build Barracks to level 15 then Stable to level 10. The higher the level of your headquarters, the faster the constructions will be finished. 1 of 2 Go to page. Elpeenor Guest. Thus you initially don't have to spend a lot on Resource upgrades. 2600 cats and pally with the cat weapon is a very powerful way to defend a village. For offence do what ever you like Do differnt offence builds for differnt defence villages you may encounter . or do you want it to be as effective as possible, regardless of the time to build it. However, others are in war constantly and prefer the defense that can be built quickest (build a lot of hc and sp - and in some cases, also cats). Feel free to For faster infantry production, increase the barracks, for faster stables production, increase the stables, and for faster building upgrades, increase the Headquarters. After you are done downloading it, find an inactive village, and click send message. Jul 24, 2011 #22 Doctor Jeroen said: 1: The academy just goes to level 1. W30 is a church world. Also depends on the village if u have a fast horse builder then for defence i would make it a rapid responce defence village with nothing but HC in it and surround it with other efence villages . com. 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page. If you have plenty of farms, it's not bad gameplay to turn a few of them into troop factories. Keep in mind, your nobles do need to survive the attack in order to help you gain another village. Do you want to make the fastest possible nuke or def. The way to improve the overall game is to make it less pay to win, grand less benefits from Premium accounts, maybe just cosmetics, the villages has skins, make people pay just to see another face of the village, not having a huge advantage in Village Build. In an offensive, always build around 250 rams, 9k axes, 2-4 noblemen and fill the rest with Light Cavalry. PA is a must. The in game quests will help you learn how to conquer another village. When you are sitting in a village that has 20K Spear and 10K Heavy Thread starter bomboii god of war; Start date Oct 29, 2008; 1; 2; Next. I'm doing the same thing, in the beginning you evolve as fast as the villages around you, but you stand way stronger in the end. Reactions: Sharky White. Forums. Fastest village second 8000 axes will build much slower than 2500 LC, u need a nuke that can be built faster. You cant take a village without any nobles, so its best to grow your first village well so you can easily afford to create the nobles you need for a second village. Barbs can also be spiked. The Use of the Weapons: I will only be mentioning the weapons with a special effect. Always make a custom build that has HQ reach 20 around 1k points with decent warehouse early and has wood/clay 2 lvls above iron mine. The time to build it takes ages + most people build loads of spears before they go for swords & archers because they are the cheapest and fastest build units in the rax. Thus i can check and update the build queues of the devA group 5-6 times a day and the DevB group once a day. You can build these in whatever combination suits you but you'll build to max population faster if you build both. Again, buildings are your third priority, you only build them with resources leftover after a constant stable and barracks queue is assured. Firstly only time that building a statue before your res pits is mathematically the quickest is when your barb or bonus village is touching. ) 3. Thread starter CrankHS; Start date Jun 15, 2009; Prev. Consider this: Axes build faster than swords and archers. Example: 1 speed world - 2400 resources per hour from a level 30 mine. Support Speed Up: When you support with your paladin all troops travel by the same speed as the paladin, e. 1 of 2 Go to page Always have a 20 stable so you can build LC fast in offensive villages and HC fast in defensive villages. Jan 13, 2008 #14 I find it hard to believe that it's totally random. Having 400 catapults in army can be a great strategy if you are surrounded by enemy and want to cripple some of the attackers by destroying thier farms. DeletedUser Guest. 32 hours is a long time in tribalwars. Its level directly influences how fast your construction progresses and also has an impact on your available building choices. It will show you, based on provided information: Village points; However er considering the farm rule, and the catapults playing a more dominant role on this world, ie taking out a farm means you can't stack a village, meaning its open to being catted further, meaning you could see your 9k village go to 26 points, or meaning the Church can be catted and you cannot block said cats with out the farm to at The easiest village to defend is the village that is growing the fastest, to grow fast you will need troops to farm, so the more troops you have farming, the faster you can grow your village because you will be getting resources at 10x the speed (or even faster depending on your activity) than those who are not farming. LC recruitment increases offensive strength twice as fast as axe recruitment. to give your tribe-mates a fast defence . anonymous on at brainbasher; I don't understand why you'd want to build a full horse nuke. You need "don't know how much" time to build a village with catapults only. The default OFF template makes the mines 30-30-22 which is not that great and goes building for +5 and stuff. Wallam Guest. Jul 15, 2009 #2 and my def is here Besides, you can have 10 members of you tribe send 3 or 4 nobletrains each (most wont have 20 nobles in stock), but it's usually difiicult to coordinate to all hit within twmentor is gone and i cant find another tool to see how long it takes to build a village from a certain number of points to another and see the increment in speed by raising the Headquarters level anyone knows a way to do this in excel? Also, if you find a good farm, you're better off just nobling the village and collecting all it's resources anyway. Like how you should build them and when you should build what ? I want 1 for Off and 1 for Deff villages. Can anyone give me any tips? DeletedUser105025 Guest. Check the settings to improve your strategy and conquer the world! Innogames. as well as several HC villages) acbamos Guest. 5th step - send the commands It is very situational and its mostly used in rounds for tribe vs tribe (i’ve used this in 8v8’s for example). The HQ is where you queue all other buildings for construction. It is a desktop tool created to help players in the planning of the troops and buildings that their villages will have. Take control of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in a visual canvas. Sending out 250+ farming runs a day would take hours. Step 5: Build Market to level 15. If you go to other big/bigger servers (. You get the idea. DeletedUser best defense is to be allied with tribes that can come to your aid. For a tribe to be efficient, it must also be versatile. plus if you combine it with archers from another village it makes it really hard to clear. I went mainly offensive while my friend went mainly defensive. Apr 15, 2009 #3 Mine is usually: though I build all of one unit in some villages (so I have spear villages, sword villages, archer villages, etc. I'll provide you with an unhelpful one. e. Jul 23, 2011 #21 Not nice to make fun of Timmy like that. Barracks Build Time: 176:53 Stable Build Time: 178:37 178:37 176:53-----001:44 As you can see, there is below a 2 hour gap build time difference with the barracks and stable. let them scout and see the archers. How come other players around me seem like their tribe is growing super fast. Here's a build I've been using When villages are clustered together this isn't a big deal, but the further apart villages are, the more problematic this becomes. 10k Spear and 10k Sword has a faster building time, but still takes over 30 days! Please post your ideas, and try to limit the trolling :icon_rolleyes: I also have villages of 2600 cats. Jan 28, 2010 good and fast build defense. 2) The above vs a defense build that is something like 20% full (I want to see if 100% of rams still die) No rush, whenever you get time. 8k/2k Spears/hcav Optimized Defense This is a highly popular model of defense. Ideal Village builds? Thread starter Sora20XX; Start date Feb 13, 2014; Sora20XX Guest. He was extremely active and was always fast to noble. best build in my opinion is 5000 spear 5000 archer and 1550 Hc and 300 scouts for archer worlds. Long term? Still debating on the whole iron issue. Here's a build I've been using for fast troops: Use the script to import and try it out Now build 8 axes. [/SPOIL] That is one of the reason many players skip scouts to make a Light cavalry rush even faster. Since you're small, I would suggest having level 2-3 academies in your villages, at Almost all builds will be the same from different people because of how useful the buildings are. The fastest browser for Tribal Wars at the moment is Google Chrome. whilst finishing off upgrading your village, upgrade market as well. Is it a bonus village? Defines a specific build all in its own right. Ok, now to the main point of most people's questions - How you take over another persons village. The perfect turtle building would be: HQ lvl 1 Barracks lvl 25 Smithy lvl 2 Farm lvl 30 Warehouse lvl 30 Wall lvl 20 In this way you can still make troops fast and is able to get a lot of troops but without help this is the maximum you can get: HQ lvl 15 Barracks lvl 25 Smithy lvl 2 Farm lvl 30 Warehouse lvl 30 Wall lvl 20 Your first village should almost always be offensive. In the game of Tribal wars the points of a village increase by building and upgrading. 5 speed world - 3600 resources per hour from a level 30 mine. - 'AI' villages following an AM build (maybe several templates, one assigned at random to each) - 'AI' villages building balanced off / def troops - 'AI' villages target the largest player in a 15x15 radius with occasional attacks (for off troop villages) Fastest Possible Construction Builds. The 2 benefits associated with a HC/Spear build is they take less time to build, and you can send faster support, perfect for frontlines. Jul 26, 2009 #1 what do you guys think is the perfect village build? DeletedUser Speed relates to how fast village buildings build; and the total amount of resources per hour that the village mines can create when compared to a standard 1 speed world. builds fairly quick and barracks and stable finish The Tribal Wars Training Guide is a full guide to build your village from 0 points to 3000 points. Still, better spent on tropos =P). Rules; Hall of Fame; World Settings Yes i know this is a very common build however its kind of a necessary 1 when in a tribal war since its the quickest def nuke to build, and although it may not be as strong as that first build i posted, its lower construction time means its probably more effective when you need to get lots of def fast. Keep building farm levels and consider getting a higher HQ than 20 to faster building production (pays off overall with no pp to reduce build speed). if you are at war/under atack, in a rebuild fase, then you should go for the fastest Def. It would be very cool if it was possible to make that not reset, as then we could send mass attacks through the map with the "select all the troops" model from the I'd say that cats and AB are very effective until about 30-40,000 points and then become much less so, except for when you first take a village deep in enemy territory and want to make it a deathstar/anvil village. I build that defence on frontlines so that you have support you can move around faster, but i do not build it in villages that i use for long term support My standard villages have for offence; 6000axe, 25scouts, 2650LC, 400MA, 240Rams and 50+-25 cats. Offense builds faster than defense, myself and a friend tried two worlds. A The higher your barracks/stables/workshop in these villages, the faster you can produce full nukes, and the faster you'll be able to clear players arround you, expanding your Early game you want to be a bit balanced in terms of upgrading like how you upgraded your first village. 8k LC, 225 rams for offensive, and closer to 7k spears, 7k swords and 1k HC for defensive villages. Yet he tooks a barb and succeed, the reason why he did this was to allow others to develop there areas, practically ever village after was offensive That means that with a Village Headquarters at level 8, a level 9 Village Headquarters would build in 29. Mar 4, 2010 #15 What about a defensive village using archers, swords and HC? The combo of archers and swords give a decent amount I usually prepare notes to remember the timings for all those 26-45 point villages. Granted it travels faster than a sword defense, but even if you use a sp/ar/HC combo you will find it much more effective, without the travel penalty of using swords. I would add it in the main post. A barb with 1k warehouse would still be able to Tribal Wars Getting to 500 Villages Guide by Karmalot First I'll start with a few game concepts. 1700 villages, 1700 farm runs to make 4 nobles. My nukes vary around 5000 Axe, 30 Scouts, 3000 LC, 500 MA, 218 rams and 10 cats. Weakness: Your troops will never be recruited as fast as offensive troops. compared to what you have calculated (above) you are beeing Not the first village but like from the 3rd or 4th. What's new. 2 it is my most hated of all things unholy in tribal wars with the exception only to defence in an offensive village. Feb 13, 2014 #1 I'm really not sure what an ideal village build is, building wise, for offensive or defensive villages. If I'm miscalculating it then the tool that I referenced above is also doing the same. My favorite is this: HQ: 20 - minimum needed to mint coins, also rebuilding is In setting up the village thus, you maximize building speed in all aspects. You must send the nobleman to attacl another persons village. For example, resource balancing. 10 villages, 10 farm runs to make 4 nobles. On the HQ, after you've reached LC and have recruited enough that you're ready to start building buildings again A skill that I think a lot of players miss is the ability to change village's groups often and regularly to make their management easier. 0. I would ask on Discord or in-game in a tribe for the account manager templates (to auto build villages), and proper nuke builds as those sources can understand the settings and talk in more detail. Rams build fast and any extra are always handy to throw around for fakes, so around 300 is good. World settings permitting, as soon as your Village Headquarters is upgraded to level 15 you will be able to demolish buildings in this village. Join A Tribe - Quest Reward (100w,100c,50i) 9. Go To Tribe Forum - Quest Reward (None) Never build as a mixed village it is a bad idea in normal worlds, and an even worse idea in no haul worlds. This strategy isn’t common in the whole Tribal wars community but gained a significant amount of popularity after the release of the new update. Jun 18, 2009 #41 zoned said: damn I got stuck with lvl 1 resoures I think and I started late :icon_neutral: zoned Click to expand Not late enough to be at a disadvantage then . It's how you use the combination of all these units. (to gain more ressources faster) before going for statue and pally (which at the end is a gain of only 30 iron after around 3 hours and half Quick D buildings allows for quicker growth and expansion because of HC farming during peacetime, more growth = more villages and Id rather be playing with 12 quick build D villages than 10 slightly better D villages. then replace them with swords If you want to know more about the specific settings of Tribal Wars World 143, you can find everything here. The disadvantage is farm space for farm space, the sword is a better unit than the HC. 11 full LC nukes and 1 full MA nuke (or close to that ratio) though you ca obviously only do this when you have many villages and the build time usually outweighs the benefit. no hc) in those villages since they seem to be mathematically superior. Barracks W29 as Nauzhror in the tribe DSL W30 as Too Poor For A Name tribeless W36 as Darth Hellmuth in the tribe ACTIVE W37 as Kristen Key in the tribe CHESS W39 as Xalenryoh in the tribe Geico and Random W45 as Pandora the Planet in the tribe Ego! W47 as Abducted By Aliens in the tribe Hop! Coolnite, could you run a couple scenarios for me against a defending village with level 20 wall? 1) 2188 LC, 1750MA, and 250 rams vs your pick of full defense village. the faster u can build a nuke the more attacks u can send . the amount of damage that different nukes impose is quite slight, i would rather have fast building nukes, than having more effective nukes, bcz u can never know what ur opponent is stacking what do you consider a good ratio when you decide if you make a defense village or a offense village. what do you build up in In my opinion, there are two critical things that are lacking in the building AM - the fact that it builds farm quite late (most of the times it just goes for it when it can't built the desired next building), it would be great if a function could be added that would make the account manager build farm for example when there is less than 5% of that farm space left, that would Village builds. to have alot of nobles arounso you can take outa nearby player with 5-10 villages for example in 24-48 hours before his tribe can send enough For frontline villages, replace the lcs level 3 with hcs level 3. Appreciate your help. Barracks (Level 25) Stable (Level 20) Workshop (Level 3) Academy (Level 1) - I build 1, if captured 2 I leave it, if 3 I downgrade it after noble space In your opinion what is the best way to build a defence village and the best way to build a offence village? Also what do you guys consider to be the best Home. I would love to use full HC. Even if going defensive first village you should make lc nonstop until you are able to make HC. Do you guys think keeping it simple like a scout village is a good idea? Maybe using the leftover farm space to make defense would Hmm, it's been a while since we've had a thread on w17 that isn't about war and or flaming, so why not. (I meant a small barb) Now you will get a lot of money from farming. This is because BP is going to leave soon, and now you can start splitting up your farming crews into: 10 sp and 4 axe for 2 of the groups 10 sp and 1 pally for one group This way you wont lose troops as long as the village is a barb or has no troops. Some don't have wars and can build a full sw|ar defense (i. For a tribe to be versatile, it need not be efficient. Thread starter Deleted User - 848905632; Start date Sep 16, 2020; Deleted User - 848905632 and/or to build your first noble train Mostly what I am asking is how should you alternate leveling up your barracks and headquarters if resource cost was NO object and all your queues would always be constantly Best First Village Build Steps. 05^(-[level of the village headquarters]) and duration of creation = [build_time]*[build_time_factor]^(level of the building] - 1) which combine to give what I'm using. Once you get a handful of villages like you said, I prefer HC/Spear and a few swords for sniping purposes. Thread starter DeletedUser46615; Start date Jul 26, 2009; 1; 2; Next. In a war or confrontation, churning out offensive nukes to send at the enemy is also critical. build a ton of archers. For defense villages: 10k spears, 10k swords with a few cats or 8k spears/2k hcs whichever you prefer, that sounds about right. Get the workshop level a bit higher and research cats to knock building levels down. [spoil] Iron 1 Clay 1 Wood 1 Clay 2 Wood 2 Clay 3 Wood 3 Iron 2 Clay 4 Clay 5 Wood 4 Wood 5 Wood 6 Wood 7 A quick little script I wrote. Yes believe it or not, GET IT! Plus it works with this brand new tactic of mine very well: Da Link #2. Aug 26, 2010 #9 Muldie325 said: If you are meaning start up, then going over 20 hq is the norm for decent players nowadays it seems. If they have a hq3 and barracks1, they can build a wall. Next Last. That's all - as of right now you can't change village with the fast attacks thing activated on the map, or else it will reload the map and you have to trigger the fast attacks again. Upvote 0. My village build is: HQ - 20 Barracks - 25 Stable - 20 Workshop - 2 Academy - 1 Smithy - 20 Rally Point - 1 Statue - 1 Market - 18 Timber - 30 Clay - 30 I Also take bonus villas to allow for last time i checked barbarian villages were designed to make their own troops and to grow on their own . 500 points and the 125 troops isn't much for one village but when you have 100 villages its 50k points and 12. Barracks LvL 5 3. If you have a full D vill, kill off some spears to make room for more archers. Thread starter bomboii god of war; Start date Oct 29, 2008; Prev. 43 minutes (as seen in the actual Village Headquarter at level 8). -You must be active, the more you farm the faster you grow: simple. Also, NEVER build everything in a village. Bliksem Well-Known Member. A subreddit dedicated to the original free browser game: Tribal Wars Members Online Do you have any suggestions for the troops a village should have fully developed? I am thinking something like: Offensive: 6300 axes 3000 light 400 rams Defensive: 5000 spears 6000 swords 6000 archers 600 heavy 8. This is every building possible at full level, some arguing that it gives the fastest turn around. The support speeds, build speed, lack of defense holes, really do make it the elite defense unit. At the end if I think it is a good village and I can conquer that without further consequences like wars between tribes or something like I will go for it. Note that sometime war is inevitable. -Sometimes the situation calls for something different. In a pinch, you can use the cats for d. Like the first tutorial; Wood: rank 1 Clay: rank 1 HQ: rank 2 HQ: rank 3 Barracks: rank 1 Something like this for both off and deff villages from a new to fully built. Essentially, you sacrifice 20% of your troop effectiveness in exchange for a faster build time and faster movement. pl) you will notice that they have 2 new worlds start at same time, usually odd numbered worlds are premium worlds and even numbered worlds are non pp worlds. I make sure to have enough LC available at home to launch at those times. Even if you were to make it full offence and noble outside your 15x15, it's much harder (and time consuming) to co-ordinate villages further apart, which is my point about cluster building. Now, some very important things to consider. At this stage you should have around 100-150 LC and 10-20 scouts. You won't see him/her nobling small abandoned villages and building them up from there. However, if you are active, getting scouts on the core when all villages are empty can allow And that little comment about me only have 20~30 villages, it's not because of any other reason besides the fact that it takes hours and hours to run your village everyday even with scripts, waking up in the middle of the night at 3am trying to tag fakes, building plans, troop plans, it just gets to much for me personally 20~30 is what I'm As you can see, you cut off a total of 32 hours from the barracks building times, and 26 hours from the stable building times. Many people take a risk when they make their first village pure off, but to then go on and make their second one pure offence too, it doesn't seem workable. Forums Perfect Village Build. Using it means you need to stack a village with more of your d villages to withstand the same onslaught. A more ideal final village build would be 7k axe, 2. Barbs can be farmed by others and don't build troops for you. I'll feed some iron to the village should I have it lying around. I have 500 villages. Depends if you're at war or in a safe place DeletedUser21039 I use 8. im going to put my build in offensive village is here: HQ level 30 - i think this is wrong. Your goal here is to get 4, or more, nobles to have a full train. Village Headquarters Level 29 (1648) Barracks Level 25 (1272) Stable Level 20 With that, all of the rally points of the villages you wish to attack with will be opened. Using the "Building Offense" group, if you have all the villages that need to build offense in one group you can easily see which villages are not building and which villages need certain resources. Some players will try to maximize troop space, moral (minimize i mean), and production. Village Headquarters (Level 20) - First village CAN be 25, any more is pointwhoring. In Mid/Late Game WH/Farm bonuses becomes more valueable because of the reason mentioned above. It is important to understand these statements and keep them in mind when reading this guide. Here are some simulations I've run that show why you should keep your barracks and stables maxed: By the end of the guide you will have what I consider to be a quality village build with a good troop count, putting you in a great position to noble a second village. The strongest D to build in a short amount of time is still sp/HC, throw in some archers to beef it up and it doesn't add too much to the build time. This is where 2 of the 3 things kick in. I believe, if this is still needed, will help whoever needs it, and if not, tell me how I can improve it Bliksem . It will require faster building of the very low farm levels, which can get annoying but I doubt it plays a big role. One tribe must hold 23 Rune Villages in every populated continent for 5 days : Start date: Oct 24,2024 10:00: Game. DeletedUser46615 Guest. Sp/HC defense is the weakest defense you can possibly build. the spears take 18 minutes to travel a field, with the Paladin it only takes 10. gargareth Guest. For offense villages: 7k axes, 3k lcs, 250-300 rams is pretty good. You can build ordinary nuke like 10 times faster. 1; 2; 3; First Prev 3 of 3 Go to page. I have this build guide. As for normal defense, i use 1:1:1 with scouts Hc strat on front lines, and all villages now train cats. If a village has no religion its defensive or offensive capabilities are halved (so if you attack with 500 axes and have no religion, it is the same as attacking with 250 axes with religion). g. When coming across stacked villages your offense is expected to die. The build order you have posted is wrong because this is the mathematically fastest way to build them. All of the bonus and barbarian villages I've scouted so far have a fairly high level for the hiding place. 103 minutes, which is not true because it is really built in 49. I suggest sending all troops who are faster alone and then all the slower ones with the Paladin. This being in one tab. And this should remain the case at all times. Plus, with 500 villages it's just not worth the time. some people vary it . This requires Premium and Account Manager. Thread starter DeletedUser46615; Start date Jul 26, 2009; Prev. Village renamer The classic age old script is obviously also useful in speed rounds. By default you as the one who generated the script are a super admin and you will be able to access the So everything depends on the tribe. Step 3: Resume building HQ till you reach level 22. Webflow generates clean, This will allow you to play around with different village builds to see what the points values will be like. Now those are just my opinions, though I originally did the analysis of the numbers on a spreadsheet and I'm pretty confident of them. Having mobile and fast units gives you a great advantage over players relying on spears and swords for clearing those I'm not sure if I'm on the right forum. Sep 18, 2010 #11 I prefer lances over axes ^^ Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2010. 1. It's useful to make different villages but with the same village points, for example. Many times do I However, I really think this is what separates players like ::insert random top 10 player here:: from the rest of the pack. A quick little script I wrote. HQ never needs to be above 20, never build a hiding place (it takes up a few farm space, although not a lot. . I was wondering if any of you guys had any good defensive builds for this world? The good old 8k Spear and 2k HC doesn't work - You can only really produce 8 HC an hour with the limited hauls. Here's a build I've been using The player had a level 25 hq! Fastest way to build an army, I the n00b had a level 20:icon_cry: He had a level 28 farm! I the n00b had a level 23 or 24:icon_cry: 2 days later I had a level 25 hq a level 20 hq a level 24 farm and a level 28 farm It was so nice of him to build such an effective village for me. Where there is organised strategy, who will minewhore until all reaches 30, who will go for fast noble or def and then be helped from the minewhores with the market and so more things that a tribe needs to do in a teamwork in order to succeed. New posts. DeletedUser Village Headquarters: In the Village Headquarters you can construct new buildings or upgrade existing ones. It will help you to set up the basis of your village and lead you on your way to building an empire. 1 you're an idiot, shut up!. New posts Latest activity. *How about make a round with reverse settings (for fun) like nobleman limit, instead of you can only noble up to this distance, why not make you can only noble villages like 0:10 away from you and you cannot noble villages near you, so you have to noble far villages first for you to able to noble the one near you using that village in distance Make sure to save the generated link. Build village HQ LvL 10 2. This script only works on English servers. If that same 10 village player decides to do 1700 (10*170) farm runs, he will be able to store 100x more nobles (increase packet price, and such so it's not a straight 170x as many). just like i find it better sometimes on archer worlds to still keep villages with the base 10ksp/sw for defense for if you go against a player using massive MA's. One question how do people gain points so fast when i am on Tribal wars for a very long time but yet my points gain so slow. 10. 5sp/2k hc in old unit world,I usualy start with a fast build in early world,then I use more then one D build. net) is that they clearly don't give a heck about players, or "fair" game. Village type groups VTA VTD VTS from the looks of things, most of the people around me are inactive or in their own worlds. Apr 1, 2008 #11 Pre academy villages tend to be building upgrades that take less than an hour each, DevB villages tend to be building the lvl 25-30 upgrades that take 12 hours each. you should have plenty of nukes that and villages that moral shouldn't hurt you that much and that Micro-farming with such ridiculously large army of LCs (1 LC per barb) means you'll be able to hit thousands of villages every hour or so. It's then about being able to produce more quickly. Once you do that, you can build a troop called nobles and send it to a neighboring village. Is is becuase i am doing something wrong. DeletedUser6168 Guest. But I'm looking for a good template for building and I'm interested in if someone played a bit with the numbers and made a template which is the best for bulding a village from 0. I was going through my villages and noticed that they weren't exactly the most efficient builds, so I started changing that. And, I never really put my workshop past 5, it's usually only 3. Could someone provide a brief build order? What should I focus on first? A quick little script I wrote. and I Even if going defensive first village you should make lc nonstop until you are able to make HC. Like a player I think the larger the HQ the faster the villages will build. Jul 28, 2009 #21 Sight said: aww thats really cute :icon_razz: But if I were that friend of yours, id make sure my daughter never wastes her life on a game like this, EVER as long as im alive ^_^ Closed worlds. Now a breakdown of the formula: =IF(AND(8>-1,8<30) Perfect Village Build. dont get greedy and max your villages points focus more on a well rounded village, hq 20 only barracks stable, smithy and wall max resources around 25's till you move on to noble another, as the room for men for farming and busy men farming will actually gain you many more resources than the extra 5 levels of resources build them after you Hello guys, I bring to you the Village Planner v5. Barbs cannot make a wall, for example, if they do not have hq3 and barracks1. o that might be different, those are bonus villages . Build Guide 2 from Aughty2 No haul guide under construction 01) Build guide click village hq - Quest Reward (50w,50c,50i) timber camp 1 clay pit 1 - Barracks villages can be kinda high value here to get a faster recruiting defensive village. Feb 13, 2014 #2 Universal account manager village build template Hey there, I was wondering if anyone has a typical account manager village template they would be willing to share as I am quite new to the game and I don't really like the default ones they give. I eventually came out on top and was able to noble quicker. #3. Offensive troops: Axes and LC are your main offensive troops. You can try to use this against me but im pretty sure my builds are so messed up and randomly spread out 10000 spears and 2000HC is the quickest defence build. In pretty much any (common) build, Barracks is the the one taking the longest, not Workshop or Stable. Tribal wars is all about fighting with each other and having fun together. 5k troops with could have a rather large impact on morale. If a few warehouses are full it's not a big deal. So yeah, every strategy has it's potential IF the tribe can support it It is of course important how close he is to his tribe mates as well. actual build time = [duration of creation]*1. Stable & Workshop are both pretty useless. Always make a custom build that has HQ reach 20 around 1k points with decent In your opinion what is the best way to build a defence village and the best way to build a offence village? Also what do you guys consider to be the best Defence to Offence they are my favorite because they build fast,my nuke takes 7 days,my def takes 8 . You need to keep on doing the quests until you get the "academy" built. that is only 19900 troop room taken leaving you room to build full villa and also some more troops to either build Lc for back-timing, more scouts, more defense, etc If you conclude there are legitimate threats nearby, then upgrade your wall and hiding place and when you get stables build a minimum of 20 scouts. It takes too much time! To build a village from scratch into a decent size village could take about 3 weeks. HC aren’t a particularly great unit, but I you’re making your first village defense then you will want to make them when you are able to. While I build a stack of spears I stack up iron for a HC stack. Making your village too costly to clear compared to its value as a potential farm Defense builds are based upon the village. As I was working I wondered why other players have average village In a war, I often make my frontline villages HQ 20 - 25 for fast wall rebuild. Problem with this exact server (. Though imo, a lot of them go too high. Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2009. Now for the actual building of a village, If you lost alot of troops, but still have 2-3 nobles and a Target that close to both villages, I would there is a list of all buildings with farm provisions for each building and lvl, dont be lazy and do the check yourself however, i would say that for village with units you need maxed resources, maxed warehouse, maxed farmes and maxed barracks of course, i cant think of anything else that would be essential. A subreddit dedicated to the original free browser game: Tribal Wars Members Online Build with the power of code — without writing any. Apr 1, 2008 #7 you sure about that? w13 they are growing around me pretty fast, no troops though. 2. Oct 29, 2008 #22 qwe4rty said: Village Headquarters (Level 20) 9155 10311 7120 17 3:36:44 Farm upgrade necessary Barracks (Level 25) Building fully constructed Stable (Level 20) Building fully constructed Workshop (Level 3) 600 503 520 2 1:05:08 Farm upgrade necessary Academy (Level 1) Building fully constructed Smithy (Level 20) Building fully constructed this strategy is completely useless. 1. Moral of the story. This village could be any size village (50 pointer or 2000 points or higher, it makes no difference). You send a lot of res from your first vill to your second to get it off the ground. Troops Set Up Defensive Villages Include the use of: For worlds with archers: 4005 Spears Defensive villages become much more useful as this game progresses but I don't recommend this build for your first village. LC build at half the time When there's a choice between a 1K red village with 30% morale and a 3K barb village with 100% morale, the question is not so easy to answer. defence; 7798sp, 1sw, 1000arch, 2025HC. Also a fast build means you can dish support out to your tribe like no-one business and there is nearly always someone under I've never been a huge fan of a level 20 market. It kills troops, barracks and stables complete building within minutes of each other, works well for me. so you can send resources to your new village, then continue to build your nuke if it is not already fully built/queued up Nobling [spoil]Take your second village, with your offense and Noble train – you will be able to choose a large village to attack. Even if you gain an average of 1 wood, clay and iron per attack, you'll gain a thousand wood, clay and iron every thousand attacks, 10 thousand if the average increases to 10 and so on. Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2009. I knew of a player who almost always built mix villages more on the defensive side. What you are asking for is a mix of several questions that don't have an answer without a whole lot of clarifying questions and discussion. I don't intend to call on them for support and rarely ever asked for it, in times when I have I knew the village they were supporting was under minimal threat of attack. Village Headquarters (Level 20) Barracks (Level 25) Stable (Level 20) Workshop (Level 3) Academy (Level 1) Smithy (Level 20) Rally point (Level 1) axes and war is the way forward . This script generated should be shared to everyone from your tribe. 25 is the highest i would advise in 99% of situations. I max stable, and use a village build that emphasizes constant barracks/stable building. de and . but once you hit about a mil points. if you have villages that are "off limits" you dont even Every tribe should be efficient. If someone have a beter guide please chare as well. hey lots of people went barb in the last week ive seen 11k 12k 10k9k anyk really open up arond me i put a few noble claims out on them and cleard them but a friend wants me to noble him off os i started doing that and like these 70k and 30k noobs steal my cleard villages so right now im dealing witha whole tribe(a bunch of mixed villages and crap. Basically, I could have a level 2 workshop and still have all my rams finished before my axes or LC, so making the faster workshop bonus village as an Offensive builder is fairly Early game you want to be a bit balanced in terms of upgrading like how you upgraded your first village. Build mines and nothing but mines until you can afford to have constant building queues. are you under attack or are your villages safe. Now the small number of points that each building adds on or troops it subtracts may not seem to mean much in the end but its impact is much greater later on. and out of 200 villages (100 defensive Also when you build zerks you are using another building to build troops, so if you get a mix of troops between cavalry, mounted archers and zerks, your nukes are not only stronger, they are also faster to build. do you have for example for every 2 offense village you have 1 village, or even 2 defense village for every offense village. ditco jqn nvvvb kix hmwjfb vugz ramitxf zpub otk yey