Alibaba cloud api example For more information about how to obtain an AccessKey pair, see Create an AccessKey pair. In this multipart Alibaba Cloud CLI is a command-line tool that allows you to call Alibaba Cloud API operations in a terminal or a command-line interface to create, configure, and manage Alibaba Cloud resources. You can use tag-based authorization to isolate resources between your Alibaba Cloud account and RAM users. Use your Alibaba Cloud account to authorize the RAM user to access the pctowap open platform (POP) API. The following sample code provides Example on how to use ECS SDK V2. In the provided example code, the API has three request parameters: __instance_id__, entityId, and statDate, which correspond to condition, An endpoint is a domain name of an Alibaba Cloud service API. ops-document-analyze-001. 0 includes the main information that is used for API operations, such as parameter processing, request assembly, and response processing. For more information, see the Deploy an LLM in EAS section of this topic. Enterprises can flexibly use the APIs provided by Alibaba Cloud to efficiently and automatically perform operations in the system, such The endpoint for the Alibaba Cloud service API server. APIs are managed in API groups. Types. This helps you make generic calls of operations. For more information about the scope of API keys, see Obtain an API key. 0 specification. The following figure shows an example about the ClientReadTimeout configuration. This topic describes how to use the Alibaba Cloud SDK for Python to call API operations. 0 for Python and provides an example on how to use the SDK to call ECS API For this example, enter cn-hangzhou for RegionId. Download SDK for PHP This topic describes how to obtain dynamic sample code and call API operations. Calling method. On the page that appears, find the info. /mqtt_basic_demo. Decompress the package and go to the alibabacloud_sample directory. On the Short Message Service page, select PHP in the All languages section. For information about Alibaba Cloud SDKs, see Alibaba Cloud SDKs. The following examples show how to use Alibaba Cloud CLI to call the following API operations: AddDomainRecord. Use the HTTP API to write data,Time Series Database:You can use multiple methods, such as the CLI and client libraries, to write data to Time Series Database (TSDB) for InfluxDB®. You must specify the ARN of the Alibaba Cloud account in the policy. Log on to Alibaba Cloud Model Studio. This topic describes how to configure an endpoint in Alibaba Cloud SDK V2. This meets your requirement for API calls in different scenarios. In the Basic Information section, click Invocation Method. text-embedding-v3 Example,IoT Platform:This article describes how to call the API operations of Link SDK for C to connect MQTT-based devices with IoT Platform and receive messages. For information about API operations, see the "What is Alibaba Cloud API?" section of the Overview topic. You can use one of the following methods to activate the Alibaba Cloud services that you need. The gateway forwards the request to the cloud service only after the identity has passed the permission check. If the AccessKey pair of your Alibaba Cloud account is leaked, your resources are exposed to cause risks. Run the code. Use API to call application,Alibaba Cloud Model Studio:You can use SDK or HTTP to integrate applications to your business system. You must use an Alibaba Cloud account to call API operations. c is used. An Alibaba Cloud account has permissions on all API operations. Each message belongs to one of the following roles: system, user, and // The endpoint of the China (Hangzhou) region is used in this example. Overview. The following section provides examples on how to use Alibaba Cloud CLI to call ROS API operations. You can use an Alibaba Cloud account, a Resource Access Management (RAM) user, or a RAM role to call this operation. Download SDK for PHP API Gateway provides you with high-performance and highly available API hosting services to deploy and release your APIs on Alibaba Cloud products. The Alibaba Cloud product APIs are divided into two types, RPC API and RESTful API. Stay tuned! RFC 7519-compliant JSON Web Token (JWT) is a convenient method used by API Gateway to authenticate requests. oss_url = "oss://examplebucket/data-oss" # The AccessKey pair of an Alibaba Cloud account has permissions on all API operations. In addition, note that backend services of the HTTP/HTTPS Service type and the OSS type cannot Alibaba Cloud CLI is a command-line tool that allows you to call Alibaba Cloud API operations in a terminal or on a command-line interface to create, configure, and manage Alibaba Cloud resources. Note . Subscription to Alibaba Cloud services. 6 or later. API Gateway hosts the public JSON Web Keys (JWKs) of users and uses these JWKs to sign and authenticate the JWTs in requests. For example, ApsaraDB RDS supports the API of the 2014-08-15 version. Procedure Download the project code. If specified in an analytic statement, that time range applies to the query Alibaba Cloud account. For more information, see List of operations by function. On the Public Endpoint tab of the This topic describes how to integrate Alibaba Cloud SDK V2. Click the SDK Sample Code tab. Log on to the OpenAPI Explorer. 0 for Java is used to call the SendSms operation of Short Message Service (SMS) to send a text message 3. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Manage APIs > API The following scenarios, for example, are supported: (OSS) as the backend service cannot be created on Alibaba Finance Cloud and Alibaba Gov Cloud. This topic describes how to use Alibaba Cloud CLI to call API operations of Certificate Management Service (Original SSL Certificate). To have stable, regulated, and standardized API hosting, Alibaba Cloud introduced its own API Gateway. For more information about STS endpoints, see Service endpoints. Feature Purchase. Before you call API operations as a RAM user, you must grant the Use API online debugging, Alibaba Cloud SDKs, Terraform, Resource Orchestration Service, and other calling methods,Cloud Backup:Cloud Backup provides a visual operation console. Alibaba Cloud Help Center provides documentation on RAM and API Gateway for you to get familiar with the What is JWT-based authentication and how to configure the authentication,API Gateway:Alibaba Cloud API Gateway provides a mechanism for authorized access to your APIs based on a JSON Web Token (JWT). 2020-03-09 is an API version number rather than a date. This section describes the two methods. The following sample code provides an example on how to use CommonRequest to call an API operation of ACK to query all clusters: Note . For more information about their differences For example, to analyze the frequency of each request status in the logs, use the following statement: * | SELECT status, count(*) AS PV GROUP BY status; Important . Load the project. For example, you can set the ALIBABA_CLOUD_PROFILE environment variable to client1. Alibaba Cloud CLI is a command-line tool that allows you to call Alibaba Cloud API operations in a terminal or a command-line interface to create, configure, and manage Alibaba Cloud resources. In the Grant Permission panel, search for and select AliyunHBRReadOnlyAccess in the Policy section, and then click Grant permissions. For more information When developing APIs in Alibaba Cloud, you may need to verify the API request methods and view the responses. Alibaba Cloud Model Studio:Assistant API call example. Specify the actual endpoint. For Change the trusted entity of a RAM role to an Alibaba Cloud account" section of the Edit the trust policy of a RAM role topic. Protocol. Typescript. 1 Configure business APIs. Action. In this example, the . Using these credentials to perform operations in OSS is a high-risk operation. Sample result: Note . For more information, see Step 3. Then, click OK or press Enter. PHP 5. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Function > InvokeFunction. CLI integration example,File Storage NAS:Alibaba Cloud Command Line Interface (CLI) is a general-purpose command-line tool that is developed based on APIs. This topic describes how to call an API operation of IoT Platform. Examples: SDKs of Elastic Compute Service (ECS), ApsaraDB RDS, and networking services. View API information. Example of calling an API operation,Web Application Firewall:This topic provides an example on how to query the configurations of a domain name that is added to Web Application Firewall (WAF) in CNAME record mode by calling an API operation. Example. Configuration example 1. Body. Examples. In this example, Alibaba Cloud SDK V2. aliyuncs. 0 for Python,Elastic Compute Service:This topic describes how to install Elastic Compute Service (ECS) SDK V2. Request parameters Alibaba Cloud OpenAPI uses a version number management mechanism to control the iteration of cloud service APIs at different stages. Configure an access credential. This topic describes how to use Alibaba Cloud CLI to call Function Compute API operations and provides examples. This topic describes how to call Elastic Compute Service (ECS) API operations by using Alibaba Cloud CLI to create and manage ECS instances and provides Step 1: View the API documentation. What is Alibaba Cloud API?,OpenAPI Explorer:API is short for application programming interface. For example, if a file contains more than 5,000 data points, split the file into multiple files and write the file data to TSDB for InfluxDB® in batches For more information about Alibaba Cloud region IDs, see Supported regions. In this example, ECS SDK for Java is used to call the DescribeInstance operation in Elastic Compute Service (ECS). CanonicalQueryString. The Alibaba Cloud Python Software Development Kit (SDK) allows you to access Alibaba Cloud services such as Elastic Compute Service (ECS), Object Storage Service (OSS), and Resource Access Management (RAM). The following figure shows an example about the APIGatewayBackendTimeout configuration. In the Authorize dialog box, configure the Stage, Authorization Validity Period, and Choose Apps for Authorization parameters. For example, you can search for the APIs of Alibaba Cloud services, debug API operations, and generate and insert SDK demos. If you set the Principal element to an Alibaba Cloud account in a policy, the policy is attached to all RAM users and RAM roles that belong to the Alibaba Cloud account. 0 for Go,Elastic Compute Service:This topic describes how to install Elastic Compute Service (ECS) SDK V2. This simplifies the Aliyun API Signature: Alibaba Cloud API signature-based authentication . /demos/dynreg_basic_demo. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs. In this topic, the ListDeploymentJob operation is used as an example. On the Users page, find the RAM user config-openapi-operator-hbr and click Add Permissions in the Actions column. Alibaba Cloud provides multiple methods for developers to call API operations, including Alibaba Cloud SDKs, Alibaba Cloud CLI, and Resource Orchestration Service (ROS). You can use Alibaba Cloud CLI to interact with Alibaba Cloud services and manage Examples: The official Alibaba Cloud documentation provides code examples in multiple programming languages. We strongly recommend that you call API operations or perform routine O&M by using a RAM user. . You can also view the API operations that can be called in List of operations by function . On the right side of the page, you can view the sample code of an SDK on the Example Code tab. Default value: 16000. On the Cloud Service Homepage of a cloud service, all program languages that are supported by the service SDK are listed in the Supported Languages section. An API Gateway instance is created. Document Center API Gateway:Getting Started. This topic gives examples on how to use assistants. Download SDK for PHP Click the SDK Sample Code tab. 0. Then, go to the Languages section and click Python. In this example, a sample code file named . Use the Credentials tool to call API operations by using Alibaba Cloud SDK for . Developers can purchase these APIs in the market to obtain the corresponding features, services, and data. To call the API operations of Alibaba Cloud services, you can specify a local or remote URI for credentials and use the Credentials tool to obtain and automatically update an STS token based on the local or remote URI. Most cloud services provide the RPC API, for example, Elastic Compute Service (ECS), ApsaraDB RDS, and Server Load Balancer (SLB). Tech Share is Alibaba Cloud’s incentive program to encourage the sharing of technical knowledge and best practices within the cloud community. We recommend that you call API operations or perform routine O&M as a Resource Access Management (RAM) user. In this example, Short Message Service (SMS) is selected. Then, click Download Project to download the sample code package. o Sample 1: Use the following Python code to send a service request and obtain an image file. In the right-side navigation pane of the API configuration tab, click Version. Run the following You can use an Alibaba Cloud account, a RAM user, or a RAM role to call this operation. com"; // Security risks may arise if you use the AccessKey pair of an Alibaba Cloud account to log on to OSS because the account has permissions on all API operations. No Authentication: allows all users who are familiar with the request definition of the API to initiate requests. com. Hover your cursor over in the upper-right corner of the page and select API-KEY. 0 as an example to describe how to integrate API Gateway with Function Compute services. For more information, see the example in the "Sample code for an You can refer to this topic to generate a signature for an Alibaba Cloud API request. For example, Simple Application Server supports the list of API operations of version 2020-06-01. Configure the parameters and click Submit Request. You can access Alibaba Cloud services without the need to handl API Gateway provides high-performance and high-availability API hosting services to help expose your applications that are deployed on Alibaba Cloud products, such as ECS and Container API Searching: You can search the Open API of Alibaba Cloud products to which you are subscribed. com, from which you use the Fetch API to fetch resources must be added to Alibaba Cloud CDN or DCDN. If you leave this parameter empty, the identity of the Alibaba Cloud account is used. We will take Java code as an example here. You can call the ListDeploymentJob operation to obtain a list of deployment tasks. You can view the supported API operations in List of operations by function. You can use the APIs described in this document to perform relevant operations on the API Gateway service. You can determine the API type based on the following descriptions: Example on how to use ECS SDK V2. The Alibaba Cloud Green SDK for Java. Go to the Alibaba Cloud API Documentation page and select an Alibaba Cloud service. mPaaS increases technical accessibility, reduces R&D costs, improves development efficiency, and helps Get started with the SMS API,Short Message Service:Alibaba Cloud SMS provides SDKs to help you use the SMS API. You can use OpenAPI Explorer to debug API operations and dynamically generate SDK sample code. model. Log on to SDK Center and select the service whose SDK you want to use. The method of calling an API differs from different API OpenAPI Explorer User Guide / 2 Call an API using Cloud Shell Example Run the following command to view the detailed information of an ECS instance. ; In the top navigation bar, click Select a cloud service. On the SDK Sample Code tab, select Python for Languages and click Download Project to download the sample code package. When you interact with a LLM through API, the input and output are called messages. Decompress the sample code package on your computer and go to the alibabacloud_sample directory. Go 1. In this example, an API Gateway SDK is used. Ensure the region matches the IoT Platform product's region. Platform is the hardware platform and virtualization software stacks used by Alibaba Cloud. To call API QPS limit for API calls (For Alibaba Cloud account and RAM users) Document Parsing Service-001. Integer. Currently, Alibaba Cloud App and No Authentication are supported. In the Run dialog box, enter cmd. Allows you to purchase third-party features and services in the API Market so that you can focus on developing your core business. 3 Initiate an API request. For more information, see DescribeAssetList - Queries the assets that are protected by Cloud Firewall. For more information about the differences between the identities, see Identity. For more information about the information and permissions that are required to call this operation, see AssumeRole. Enter Function Compute in the search box and select Function Compute 3. Before you use this method, make sure that you have installed and configured Alibaba Cloud CLI. Run sample code. For example, if your DBS resides in the China (Zhangjiakou) region, the public endpoint is dbs-api. Alibaba Cloud CLI. If you repeatedly run the code, resources such as VPCs, vSwitches, and security groups are repeatedly Alibaba Cloud APIs use version numbers to manage the versions of cloud service APIs. If your device data is in a custom format, you can use the same API operation to submit events and properties. UpdateDomainRecord. The following table Go to the Alibaba Cloud API Documentation page and select an Alibaba Cloud service. example. If you use an Alibaba Cloud account to call API operations, security risks may arise. Alibaba Cloud provides multiple methods for developers to call API operations, including Alibaba Cloud SDKs, Alibaba Cloud CLI, and Resource Orchestration Service Alibaba Cloud OpenAPI Portal provides API documentation, debugging tools, SDKs, and sample code to help you get started with API development. Therefore, the client must use the Alibaba Cloud POP signature mechanism to add a signature to each request. API Gateway trigger example,: Document Center All Products How do I call API operations to perform inference? Obtain the service endpoint and token. In this example, Alibaba Cloud App was selected for the Security Authentication parameter when the API was created. On the page that appears, run the echo %ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID% and echo %ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET% commands. Move the pointer over Cloud Products in the top navigation bar. style parameter to view the API style supported by the cloud service, such as remote procedure For example, API Gateway supports API operations of the 2016-07-14 version, Security risks may arise if you use an Alibaba Cloud account to debug API operations online. Step 3: Call the API operation. This topic describes how to use Alibaba Cloud CLI to call the CloudOps Orchestration Service API by providing several examples. Decompress the sample code package on your computer and access the alibabacloud_sample directory. Logstash. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. Alibaba Cloud Green SDK for Typescript. On the SDK Sample Code tab, select Python and click Download Project to download the sample code package. Go to the Alibaba Cloud DNS console. Before you call an API operation in self-signed mode, you must obtain the following information about the specific cloud service and API operation: API style, protocol, request method, parameter names, parameter types, and parameter locations. In this topic, a RAM user is used to call the API operation. This parameter is configured in the client initialization code of the HTTP client connection pool. com, and the Virtual Private Cloud OpenAPI Explorer uses your Alibaba Cloud account to debug API operations online by default. The RESTful API is a self-managed API whose request Click the SDK Sample Code tab. Search for Alibaba Cloud services and API operations. High concurrency and API-called success rates, provides statistics on the success and failure rates Check whether the configuration is successful. You can also independently implement HTTP requests. Action: The name of the API operation that you want to perform. The API operation that you want to allow or deny. The API doc framework is easy to access because it is non-intrusive to the original code. V2. In this sample scenario, a batch synchronization task that uses RestAPI Reader is configured to repeatedly read data from a RESTful API to a MaxCompute partitioned table. When you use Alibaba Cloud CDN or DCDN as a proxy, all configurations of the domain name in Alibaba Cloud CDN or DCDN are automatically triggered, including SpringFox is used as an example in this topic. You can use API Gateway to call the API services enabled by other Alibaba Cloud users or third-party service providers. 0, create an API that uses a backend service associated with the created web function in API Gateway, and use the AppCode of an authorized application to call the API. An Alibaba Cloud account has all permissions on resources. The request method varies based on the architectural style of the API that you want to call. 7 or later is installed. PHP. Find the API version that you want to publish and click Application for publication in the Actions column to go to the application page. The system provides the sample code of KMS SDK for Python. Step 1: View the API documentation. Run the reindex API. You can use Alibaba Cloud CLI to call APIs and manage services. In the final article of this series, we will discuss some use case scenarios and practices associated with API hosting over API Gateway on Alibaba Cloud. The Alibaba Cloud Credentials tool provides a powerful set of featu Alibaba Cloud provides OpenAPI Explorer to simplify API usage. 1 Configure log audit. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Manage APIs > APIs. 0 from the search results. 0 or later. In the left-side navigation pane, click InvokeFunction. This parameter is optional if the API key of an Alibaba Cloud account is used. By default, OpenAPI Explorer adds the --region option to the generated CLI command. Then, you can use the domain name to call APIs in your API group. If you repeatedly run the code, resources such as VPCs, vSwitches, and security groups are repeatedly Example of using API Gateway SDK for Java,API Gateway:This topic describes how to use API Gateway SDK for Java to call the DescribeInstances API operation in OpenAPI Explorer to query API Gateway instances. An AccessKey pair is required if you use Alibaba Cloud Darabonba SDK to call API operations. When you paste the CLI command into your local shell for debugging, take note of the parameter formats. In this example, the Pub operation is called to publish a message to a device by using a custom topic. Unit: Hz. 1. You can use Alibaba Cloud API Toolkit to quickly query the API operations of Alibaba Cloud services in VS Code. Download SDK for Python. If you do not have an Alibaba Cloud account, visit the Alibaba Cloud official website to create one. In the Languages section, click Python. Alibaba Cloud Green SDK for Go. Create a function. For more information about supported languages and dependencies, go to OpenAPI Portal. The following principals are supported: the current Alibaba Cloud account to which the key belongs, RAM users and RAM roles of the current Alibaba Cloud account, and RAM users and RAM roles of other Alibaba Cloud accounts. Sample result: API Gateway:Getting Started. Run the following Alibaba Cloud CLI is a tool based on Alibaba Cloud OpenAPI. We recommend that you call API operations or perform routine O&M as a Resource Access Management (RAM This topic describes how to call the API operations of Link SDK for C to send HTTPS requests to IoT Platform and dynamically register a device and obtain the verification information that is required to activate the device. API metadata is a collection of all descriptive information related to Alibaba Cloud API operations. Activate Alibaba Cloud services. Python 3. 2017-09-08 is an API version number but not a date. The system provides the sample code of Cloud Config SDKs for Python. c sample code file Mobile PaaS (mPaaS) provides cloud-to-end, one-stop solutions for application development, testing, operation, and maintenance. On the Windows desktop, click Start or press Win + R. Configure a Java development environment and download the required code editor. For example, you can view the API version of Short Message Qwen API reference,Alibaba Cloud Model Studio:This topic describes the input and output parameters of the Qwen API. Step 1: Configure a credential. Real Text generation,Alibaba Cloud Model Studio:Text generation is an AI technology that uses deep learning algorithms to create logical and coherent text content based on given prompts. For example, ActionTrail supports the API of the 2020-07-06 version. Specify the following parameters and click Initiate Call. In this topic, the DescribeAssetList operation is used as an example to show how to call an API operation by using an Alibaba Cloud SDK. On the Quick Start tab, obtain the installation method of Short Message Service (SMS) SDK. 1. In this example, SMS Example 1: The following sample code describes how to use the --help option to obtain the list of Cloud Monitor API operations supported by Alibaba Cloud CLI. Alibaba Cloud Green SDK for Python. In this article, we are going to give an overview of how the API gateway works. NET in a secure manner,Alibaba Cloud SDK:When you call API operations to manage cloud resources by using Alibaba Cloud SDKs, you must configure valid credential information. For example, OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of API operations for different SDKs. 2. Use one of the following methods to set a time range. API Gateway allows you to import files based on the Swagger 2. You must create an API group before you create an API. The audio sampling rate. The signature method V3 can be used to call API operations of Alibaba Cloud services that use SDKs provided by OpenAPI Portal. Create the TableTunnel interface. API Gateway provides a series of management and support services. You can call these APIs on a web page or command-line interface (CLI). py. Confirm the authorization result and click Close. Log on API reference,Intelligent Speech Interaction:The real-time speech recognition service recognizes speech data streams that last for a long time. Background information The following table lists the background information about the SMS API. On the Group Details page in the API Gateway console, find the domain name of the virtual public cloud (VPC) type that is provided for the API group. Yes. Most products use RPC style. Click Download Project to download the sample code package. (Optional) Step 3: Debug an API operation online. API usage example,Data Management:This topic describes how to use the Alibaba Cloud SDK for Python to call the ListInstances operation of Data Management (DMS) to query the details of instances. Example: /api/v1/clusters. For more information about instance types, see Choose an instance type. Sample scenario: Define the RESTful API. You can use Alibaba Cloud CLI to call the API operations of Alibaba Cloud CDN. API Gateway directly forwards the request to the backend Prerequisite. Then, API Gateway forwards claim parameters to backend services as backend parameters. No. For example, testing resources are configured for a test environment so that you can test your services by To call the API operations of Alibaba Cloud services, you can specify a local or remote URI for credentials and use Alibaba Cloud Credentials to obtain and automatically update an access token based on the local or remote URI. Log on to OpenAPI Explorer. To query the application status of a DV certificate, call the DescribeCertificateState operation. Go. Users are presented with the latest public information about the API. In Alibaba Cloud SDK V2. 0 for Go. You can configure special throttling policies under throttling policies. 1 By John Hanley, Alibaba Cloud Tech Share Author. Install the SDK for PHP. The mode parameter in the The domain name, such as www. For more information about the information and permissions that are required to call this operation, see GetRole. This topic uses HTTP as an example to describe how to send a request to obtain an access token. Install dependency packages required for TDX remote attestation. If you specify a workspace, the corresponding identity in the workspace is used. Get started with the request syntax and signature method for RPC APIs,Alibaba Cloud SDK:This topic describes how to construct requests to call Alibaba Cloud API operations in the remote procedure call (RPC) style, including the request syntax, responses, and signature method. Run the sample code. URL In the Create an API step of this example, the authentication method is set to Alibaba Cloud App. On the Built-in Authoritative Module tab, click Add New Zone. For more information about how to create a RAM user, see Create a RAM In this example, RegionId is set to cn-hangzhou. Call the API. You can call the operation by using an Alibaba Cloud account, a RAM user, or a RAM role. Each Alibaba Cloud service has its unique endpoints. Therefore, we recommend that you use the AccessKey pair of a RAM user. In the left-side navigation pane of the Alibaba Cloud Developer Toolkit page, Alibaba Cloud services are displayed in a tree view. API operations for querying Authorize the application to call the API. Sample request. Alibaba Cloud App: allows the caller to use an application that passes authentication to call the API. Run the following command: python sample. Each endpoint of a service may vary based on the region. You can call the Qwen API with the OpenAI SDK or the DashScope SDK. When you copy the command to your local shell, Alibaba Cloud CLI Click the SDK Sample Code tab. Debugging. cn-hangzhou. import os from openai import OpenAI client = OpenAI( # If the environment variable is not configured, replace the following line with: api_key Swagger is a set of specifications that is widely used to define and describe APIs for backend services. Alibaba Cloud API Toolkit allows you to subscribe to Alibaba Cloud services with a few clicks This topic describes how to view API information and install SDK for Java V2. Important . The SDKs for other languages can also be used to call API In Alibaba Cloud CLI, you can use the following syntax to run common commands: aliyun <command> <subcommand> [options and parameters] command: the top-level command. For example, when an app or user calls the APIs bound with special throttling policies, throttling is In this example, specify vpc for the Type parameter, and cn-hangzhou for the Region parameter. Queries all keys of the current Alibaba Cloud account in the current region. For more information, see Use NLB and PrivateLink to establish a private connection between Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch clusters. cn-zhangjiakou. String. Action: required. 0 for SDK Version and Java for Languages. Example scenarios include uploading data to a storage space and querying data that meets specific conditions. In this example, the ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID and ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET Create an Alibaba Cloud account. The system provides the sample code of CloudMonitor SDK for Python. Examples: SDKs of Object Storage Service (OSS), Simple Log You can use Alibaba Cloud SDKs to call the API operations of Alibaba Cloud CDN. Use the default application type Publish data service API and enter the reason for the application in the Reason for application field. To assume a RAM role, call the AssumeRole operation. Description. Download SDK for TypeScript. Run the following Thank you for choosing Alibaba Cloud API Gateway service. Python. In addition, the specified workspace must contain the RAM user. Refer to the API to send a service request. JS sample code based on the API request parameters that you have set to help you develop View API documentation. For information about the parameter formats required by Alibaba Cloud CLI, see Parameter formats. Use CommonRequest to call API operations,Alibaba Cloud SDK:Note If you want to call the API operations of an Alibaba Cloud service that does not provide SDKs, you can use CommonRequest. Mobile PaaS (mPaaS) provides cloud-to-end, one-stop solutions for application development, testing, operation, and maintenance. Before you start. DescribeDomainRecords. Use IntelliJ IDEA to load the project. For example, Cloud Backup supports the API of the 2017-09-08 version. Log on to the API Gateway console. On the My API Key page, view the API keys. 0 Secure user authorization,data transmission,and deployment on official cloud system. 18. sample_rate. When they migrate business to Alibaba Cloud, they need to integrate monitoring data of cloud resources into their existing systems. Sample 1: The following sample code describes how to use the --help option to obtain the list of ApsaraDB RDS API operations supported by Alibaba Cloud CLI. Prerequisites. Download SDK for Go. Such APIs will be supported soon in later versions of Alibaba Finance Cloud and Alibaba Gov Cloud. API usage examples,Lindorm: Lindorm:API usage examples. The self-developed SDKs of cloud services that use self-managed API gateways. In this example, Phone Number Verification Service SDK for Python is used to 3. If the valid AccessKey pair is Example of calling an API operation,IoT Platform:This topic describes how to call an API operation of IoT Platform. In the second method, you connect API Gateway data to Simple Log Service by synchronizing configurations for each region. You can use Alibaba Cloud CLI to interact with File Storage NAS (NAS) and manage your Alibaba Cloud CLI is a general-purpose command-line tool that is developed based on OpenAPI. For more information about the data and permissions that Use Alibaba Cloud CLI to call the API operations of Alibaba Cloud DNS. In this example, the environment variables ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID and ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET are We recommend that you bind an independent domain name that is filed in Alibaba Cloud to your API group. Alibaba Cloud API uses version numbers to manage the lists of operations in major versions of cloud service APIs. Creates an API group. In this example, Elastic Compute Service (ECS) is selected. mPaaS increases technical accessibility, reduces R&D costs, improves development efficiency, and helps Alibaba Cloud Green SDK for Java. The mode parameter in the Alibaba Cloud provides RPC and RESTful APIs. The ARN is in the acs:ram::<account-id>:root format. Agent application, workflow application, and agent orchestration application are all supported. The token is used to authorize trusted users to access protected APIs. You can use Alibaba Cloud CLI to automate management and maintenance in CloudOps Orchestration Service. Python, or Node. Developers can call API operations by installing the SDK dependency package and do not View API documentation. Call a RESTful API operation. Only the first method is supported for synchronizing logs on Alibaba Gov Cloud and on Alibaba Finance Cloud. Node. You can select a program language and an integration method to integrate For example, your CloudOps Orchestration Service service resides in the China (Zhangjiakou) region. Alibaba Cloud Green SDK for Java. In this example, you deploy a web function in Function Compute 3. Select My Apps from the OpenAPI Explorer allows you to call APIs of Alibaba Cloud services and APIs provided in Alibaba Cloud API Marketplace. For example, Anycast EIP supports the list of operations of version 2020-03-09. Go to the Elastic Algorithm Service (EAS) page. Users are provided with the latest public Alibaba Cloud APIs use version numbers to manage the versions of cloud service APIs. Code running on the platform is an operating system, such as Alibaba Cloud Linux, and applications, such as NGINX and Java, running in a TDX-enabled instance. Before you use RAM to manage the permissions on API resources, make sure that you are familiar with RAM and API Gateway. For example, an endpoint of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) can be ecs. 12. For more information, see Use Alibaba Cloud Logstash to migrate data from a self-managed Elasticsearch cluster to an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster. Last Updated:Jun 14, 2023 Example,IoT Platform:This topic describes how to call the API operations of Link SDK for C to implement the Thing Specification Language (TSL) model feature for a device. Document Center Alibaba Cloud CLI is a command-line tool that allows you to call Alibaba Cloud API operations in a terminal or a command-line interface to create, configure, and manage Alibaba Cloud resources. Use the Credentials tool to call API operations by using the SDK for Python in a secure manner,Alibaba Cloud SDK:When you call API operations to manage cloud resources by using Alibaba Cloud SDKs, you must configure valid credential information. In this example, the region is East China 2 (cn-shanghai). 0, the client of each Alibaba Cloud service contains all the API operations provided The server provides the Portable OpenAPI Proxy (POP) API. For more information about the differences among the identities, see Identity. You can specify the code of an Alibaba Cloud service supported by Alibaba Cloud CLI, such as ecs or rds. You can obtain information such as request parameters and permissions in the API reference. com, and the Virtual Security risks may arise if you use an Alibaba Cloud account to debug API operations online. OpenAPI Explorer allows you to call and debug APIs through its web interface or WebCLI, and view the API responses. OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. The calling method of RESTful APIs is different from that of RPC APIs. Activate Now Contact Sales Pricing; Overview For example, if you make 12 Get started with the request syntax and signature method V2 for ROA APIs,Alibaba Cloud SDK:This topic describes how to construct requests to call Alibaba Cloud API operations in the resource-oriented architecture (ROA) style, including the request syntax, responses, and signature method. com and the virtual private cloud Security risks may arise if you use an Alibaba Cloud account In this example, Alibaba Cloud Darabonba SDK for Python is used to call the SendSms operation of Short Message Service (SMS) to send a text message. Otherwise, the HTTP 403 status code is returned. 0 for Go and provides an example on how to use the SDK to call ECS API operations. API Gateway allows you to publish APIs to Alibaba Cloud API Market for API monetization. An application is an identity that an API caller assumes to call an API. Example: This topic uses Function Compute 3. On the APIs page, find the created API and click > Authorize in the Actions column. Supports extracting logical hierarchical structures such as titles and segments from unstructured documents, as well as text, tables, images, and other information, and outputs them in a structured format. The public endpoint is oos. Before you integrate the monitoring data of various Alibaba Cloud services into your monitoring system, you can refer to this topic to query the data by using the CloudMonitor API. Integrate Alibaba Cloud SDKs. You can also specify an Alibaba Cloud CLI command, such as help or configure. Request parameter settings are the same for HTTP and HTTPS. Click the name of the service to go to the Service Details tab. To query the details of a specific RAM role, call the GetRole operation. Then, click Apply for permission 1. The mode parameter in the Get started with the request syntax and signature method V2 for ROA APIs,Alibaba Cloud SDK:This topic describes how to construct requests to call Alibaba Cloud API operations in the resource-oriented architecture (ROA) style, including the request syntax, responses, and signature method. String endpoint = "https://oss-cn-hangzhou. In the top navigation bar, move the pointer over Cloud Products and find the cloud service that you want to manage. The system provides the sample code of ActionTrail SDK for Python. If you use Python, the SDK for Python version 1. When the API doc framework starts with the backend services, a Swagger 1. For more information about how to obtain a language-specific code example, check SMTP reference. Use Alibaba Cloud CLI to run the sample code. Log on to the RAM console and create a RAM user. Therefore, after the API is published, you must create an application and grant the application the permissions to call Metadata overview. In the search field, enter Function Compute and click Function Compute in the search result. Obtain the application ID and workspace ID Method 1: Obtain the IDs from the API sample For example, the public endpoint of CloudMonitor in the China (Zhangjiakou) region is metrics. Therefore, after the API is published, you must create an application and authorize the application to call the API that you created. In this example, a RAM user is used to call this operation. Alibaba Cloud CLI is a general-purpose command-line tool that is developed based on the Alibaba Cloud API. On the SDK Sample Code tab of the page, select V2. You can also use this extension to debug API operations, and generate and insert SDK sample code. 0, and provide sample code. In the left-side navigation pane, click Private DNS (PrivateZone). For more information, see Sample commands. You can obtain information such as request parameters and permissions in the API Integration example. Decompress the sample code package on your device and go to the alibabacloud_sample directory. API Document View: Clicking on an API can navigate you to a new tab which displays the corresponding API document, including Call RESTful APIs in the Cloud Shell Some Alibaba Cloud products, such as Container Service, provide RESTful APIs. js 8. Call an API operation. In addition, OpenAPI Explorer allows you to view the request and response of each API call and dynamically generates SDK sample code. If you want API Gateway to call your API over a virtual private cloud (VPC), you must perform the following steps in the API Gateway console: purchase a dedicated instance, migrate the API group to which the API belongs to the dedicated instance, and manually generate an internal domain name for VPC-based API Example of simple downloads,MaxCompute:This topic describes how to use the MaxCompute Java SDK to download data. In the left-side pane, click Metadata below the cloud service name. . You can call the ImportSwagger operation or use the console to import Swagger-compliant data, as shown in the following figure. Migrate data from a self-managed Obtain an API key. Define the time range for your query or analysis. OpenAPI Explorer allows you to integrate Alibaba Cloud SDKs to call API operations. On the right-side SDK Sample Code tab, select Python for the Languages parameter and click Download Project to download the package of sample code. If your device data is in . zxgcq sgightm gdlt hogx dlqza dolo nmcmxyd navc iyruwz eejwn